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08-16 投稿


associator 发音


英:  美:

associator 中文意思翻译



associator 相似词语短语

1、associatory ─── 结社的

2、associates ─── n.同伴;合作人;联合公司(associate的复数形式);v.联合(associate的第三人称单数形式);把…联系起来

3、associative ─── adj.联想的;联合的;组合的

4、assimilator ─── n.吸收者,同化者

5、association ─── n.协会,联盟,社团;联合;联想

6、associate ─── v.联想,联系;(使)关联;与(不被认同的人)交往;将……和……联系起来;表示同意;n.(生意或工作上的)伙伴;准会员;联想;准零售工;adj.(与某组织或企业)联合的;副的

7、associations ─── n.协会,[遗]关联(association复数);关联分析,协会组织

8、associating ─── n.姘居;v.结合;使联合;把……联系在一起;联想;参与;交往,混在一起;表示支持(或同意)(associate的现在分词)

9、associated ─── adj.关联的;联合的;v.联系(associate的过去式和过去分词)

associator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sincere letter club together: Continual establish play a long with develop associator appertain. ─── 诚信合作:不断建立和发展合作伙伴关系。

2、Note: Studing two months at least,otherwise one could not enjoy the right of appling to be an associator ,Student:Only studying persons; ─── 注:在本会学习至少两个月以上的学员方可申请成为会员,否则将不具有申请权限。学员:仅为学习生;

3、The associator must have the double cultivation of body and spirits during the study program, Organization supervise associator's behavoir. ─── 会员在学习过程中必须要做到身体和心灵的双重修养,本会对会员的表现进行审查。

4、The associator should show concern for or take care of other members. ─── 会员之间应相互关心、照顾,要有集体荣誉感,要以团结为力量促进共同发展.

5、It is a distribution centre of alloy steel pipes/tubes appointed by Sinopec, associator unit of No.1 Energy Sources Net of Petrol China Company Limited and first-degree supplier for the Group. ─── 是中国石化股份有限公司指定的合金钢管配送中心,中国石油“能源一号网”会员单位和集团公司一级供应网络企业。

6、On Apr. 1st, on the field before Yifu Science Building, the team training initiated by Associator Managing Department together with Communication Department comes to a successful conclusion. ─── 4月1日,邵逸夫科技馆前广场,由会员管理部与信息联络部主办的团队培训圆满结束。

7、It is an associator of CHPSA.Sales JS series productions of sealing gaskets,sealing filling and mechanical sealing have passed to detect by the GMPC. ─── 在我们强调产品质量的同时,还积极与客户进行沟通,了解客户的需求,认识到我们的不足,并为客户提供专业和及时的售后服务。

8、The meeting of the associator is the most powerful organ of the cooperative; ─── 社员大会是合作社的最高权力机构;

9、The associator should show concern for or take care of other members. ─── 会员之间应相互关心、照顾,要有集体荣誉感,要以团结为力量促进共同发展。

10、This association consists the secretariat,Synthesis department,associator department,technique department, finance department, committee of experts and thegroup buys center. ─── 协会下设秘书处、综合部、会员部、工程技术部、财务部、专家委员会、物资团购中心。

11、Associator has the application right of taking part in intercommunion, tournament, compitetion with others outside of Organization, and hold various activities in the Associator identity or in the name of Organization. ─── 会员有以会员或组织名义进行与外界交流、比赛、切磋的申请权和举办活动的申办权。

12、pattern associator ─── 模式联想神经网络

13、If you want to amend the Associator Information, Click here and AMEND ─── 如果你想修改社员资料,请点击这里

14、If you want to amend the Associator Information, Click here and AMEND ─── 如果你想修改社员资料,请点击这里

15、Sincere letter club together: Continual establish play a long with develop associator appertain. ─── 诚信合作:不断建立和发展合作伙伴关系。

16、Shijia is a associator of Chinese elevator association which keeps every clients' word. ─── 重合同守信用企业,中国电梯协会会员单位。

17、Consequently, the study of the function of the trade association mostly focuses on the economic effect on individual trade and associator. ─── 本文以公共治理理论为研究工具,综合运用规范分析法、定量分析法、个案分析法等多种方法对我国行业协会的社会功能进行实证分析和理论研究。

18、As one of the citizens, the associator should abide by the laws, be diligent and devoted to the art and serve the homeland. ─── 会员身为国民应遵纪守法,勤奋敬业,报效祖国。

19、He is also an associator of China Sculpture Academy ─── 中国雕塑学会

20、The second associator meeting of Guangdong Daly Chemical Chamber of Commerce was held in Guangzhou ─── 广东省日化商会第二届委员大会隆重召开

21、The associator must train the modest characteristic, learn others with an open mind and respect other martial arts. ─── 会员要培养谦虚的品质,虚心向他人学习,尊重其它武道。

22、Also the associator should table his or her own thinking or ideas for the organization and devote himself or herself to the organization's development with practical actions. ─── 在本会活动中,所发生涉及会员的一切不良后果将由会员本人独自承担。

23、Associator Login Window Associator Number ─── 社员编号

24、provide acrylamide, morpholine, vinyl acetate, ethyl acetate, and etc.We will be your reliable associator with our honestserve. ─── 酯等化工产品,相信通过我们真诚的服务,一定能成为值得您信赖的合作伙伴。

25、The second associator meeting of Guangdong Daly Chemical Chamber of Commerce was held in Guangzhou ─── 广东省日化商会第二届委员大会隆重召开

26、changing associator system ─── 转会制度

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