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08-16 投稿


foggy 发音

英:['f?g?]  美:['f?ɡi]

英:  美:

foggy 中文意思翻译



foggy 词性/词形变化,foggy变形

形容词比较级: foggier |名词: fogginess |形容词最高级: foggiest |副词: foggily |

foggy 短语词组

1、foggy weather is always ─── 雾天总是

2、foggy vsmoon ─── 雾vsmoon

3、foggy days ─── 雾天(歌名,FoggyDay)

4、foggy vs infi ─── 雾与infi

5、foggy dispersion ─── 雾散

6、foggy morning sticker me ─── 雾蒙蒙的早晨贴纸我

7、foggy weather is aways ─── 经常有雾

8、Foggy Bottom ─── 雾谷(指美国国务院)

9、foggy dog ─── 雾狗

10、foggy figure ─── 雾影

11、foggy garden ─── 雾天花园

12、foggy blue ─── 雾蓝色

13、foggy morning in spring ─── 春天多雾的早晨

14、foggy morning fishing ─── 雾天早上钓鱼

15、foggy moon ─── 雾月

16、foggy morning ─── 雾蒙蒙的早晨

17、foggy climate ─── 多雾气候

18、heavy foggy ─── 浓雾

19、have a foggy noodle ─── 头脑糊里糊涂

foggy 习惯用语

1、not have the foggiest ─── [口]一点也不知道; 根本没想到

foggy 相似词语短语

1、loggy ─── adj.呆呆的,迟缓的

2、figgy ─── 无花果

3、fuggy ─── adj.闷热的;闷气的

4、boggy ─── adj.似沼泽的;沼泽多的

5、fogy ─── n.顽固守旧者;赶不上时代的人(等于fogey)

6、froggy ─── n.法国人(轻蔑语);adj.蛙的;不好的;讨厌的

7、doggy ─── n.(儿语)小狗,幼犬;adj.像狗的,与狗有关的;爱狗的;时髦的;低人一等的;装阔气的

8、fogey ─── n.守旧者,老保守;抱残守缺的人

9、faggy ─── adj.同性恋的(等于faggoty)

foggy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It was foggy this morning, and we couldn't see clearly five meters ahead. ─── 今天早上雾很大,五米外我们都看不清了。

2、Sound asleep in the hazy quietness of that foggy morning. ─── 他还在那个清晨雾气朦胧的静谧中酣睡。

3、Get away from the foggy morning. ─── 远离多雾的清晨。

4、The foggy weather militated against the operation. ─── 大雾天气不利于这次行动。

5、solar energy warning system in foggy areas ─── 太阳能雾区警示系统

6、To me, truth is not some vague, foggy notion. Truth is real. And, at the same time, unreal. ─── 对我来说,事实不是空虚的,是真实的,同时也不是真实的.

7、"I wish I hadn't to turn out in this cold, foggy weather." ─── 在这寒冷而多雾的天气里,我要是不必外出该有多好。

8、The night was foggy, and the moonlight glimmered mysteriously through the mist. ─── 夜间大雾弥天,月牙儿神秘莫测地穿过雾霭闪闪发光。

9、In a misty, foggy winter Sunday afternoon you should be able to enjoying all kinds of discussions and conversations (or even silly games). ─── 在有薄雾,有雾的冬天星期天下午您应该能对享受各种各样的讨论和交谈(甚至傻的比赛)。

10、Fifty years ago this month, on a foggy Saturday morning in Cambridge, England, a 24-year-old beanpole of an American scientist (Watson) sat down with a few white cardboard cutouts and set off a revolution in biology. ─── 五十年前的二月,在英国剑桥大学星期六一个雾蒙蒙的早晨,一位24岁清瘦高挑的美国科学家坐在一堆裁剪出的纸板块旁,他由此引发了一场生物学领域的革命。

11、During the carnival, the narrow and foggy streets of Venice are filled with magic. ─── 在狂欢节期间,威尼斯雾蒙蒙的狭窄街道充满了魔力。

12、I challenge you to take it a step further: stop hiding behind foggy ideas and get our and take a stand. ─── 我向你挑战去做更深入的行动:停止在朦胧的观点然后起来坚持自己的立场。

13、The weather is becoming foggy. ─── 天气渐渐起雾了。

14、Balloon flights are weather dependent, and for safety reasons, you will not fly when it is wet, foggy or too windy. ─── 乘坐热气球取决于天气状况,如果下雨,有雾或风太大,为了安全,都不适合起飞。

15、In my imagination, on foggy mornings or afternoons with the sun bouncing off northwest water, I try to think of where you might be in your life and what you might be doing as I'm thinking of you. ─── 在雾蒙蒙的早晨,或是午后太阳在西北方水面上跳动时,我常试图想象你在哪里,在做什么。

16、In the foggy and cool season in 2000 photoinhibition of photosynthesis and the strategies of photoprotection were explored for seedlings of four tropical rainforest tree species as given below. ─── 于雾凉季研究了西双版纳热带雨林4种植物幼苗对光抑制及光破坏的防御。

17、In this weather the cliff face was a foggy drop into infinity. ─── 在这种天气条件下,雾蒙蒙的悬崖隐入广漠无限之中。

18、An ill - defined concept; an ill - defined view across the foggy moor. ─── 一个定义不明的概念;沼泽对面大雾弥漫的模糊景观。

19、The road became a bubbling and splashing stream.Flung capriciously by a rising gust, the storm cloaked the town tightly like an enormous and foggy garment. ─── 在汇成水流的大路上激起了泡沫和水花,狂风又把水花吹成了尘雾,巨大的雨气象个大罩子一样把城镇彻底盖严。

20、What if it is frosty and foggy tomorrow ? ─── 如果明天有雾和霜怎办?

21、The present situation and developing tendency in preventing and eliminating "foggy yarn" in the cotton mill ─── "煤灰纱"防治技术的现状与发展趋势

22、How foggy it is this morning! ─── 今早晨雾迷漫

23、In affairs of the heart, this fall foggy Neptune has made it hard for you to see people for who they truly are. ─── 这个秋天,朦胧的海王星使你很难看清别人的真实一面。

24、He has only a foggy idea of it. ─── 他对那事只有模糊的观念。

25、For someone who used to grey cold and foggy London, it was a shock to the system, and it was to give him a new momentum in his painting. ─── 对于一个习惯了灰蒙蒙的伦敦大雾的人来说,这些景色从骨子里动摇了他的审美观,赐予了他绘画的新动力。

26、Documental Summary of Cooperative Project--"Inductive System for Driving on Highway in Foggy Day" ─── “高速公路雾天行车诱导系统”项目合作招商资料概要

27、The State Department is delighted to see the arrival of an administration that does not regard Foggy Bottom as enemy-occupied territory. ─── 国务院乐于迎来一位不把它当做敌人领地的管理者。

28、Thus, the gathering dusk often finds me hastening home in the crowd, in the hurrying crowd, no matter it rains or snows, windy or foggy, it is longing to be home that quickens my steps. ─── 于是,暮色中匆匆的人群里总有我感悟的身影,云里,雨里,雾里,风里,只盼着早些回家。

29、A bright red foggy fireball is constantly changing its shape. Suddenly, the fogginess disappears, and the fireball becomes the burning light-wick. ─── 一团朦胧的,鲜红的火球在不断地变化着形状。突然,朦胧感消失,火球变成了正在燃烧的灯芯。

30、While the winter months in Switzerland's main cities can be foggy, cold, and rainy, the mountains often boast the idyllic snow-covered image seen on many postcards. ─── 尽管瑞士的冬天许多城市是浓雾弥漫,寒冷,和多雨的,山脉地区经常是明信片上的田园诗般的白雪皑皑的景象。

31、One foggy April night in Berlin Hans Leip a young officer cadet and budding poet was standing guard outside a fusiliers barracks. ─── 4月的柏林,一个雾蒙蒙的夜晚,汉斯莱普正站在一个燧发枪团的营房外站岗。他既是一个年轻的军校学员,又是一个崭露头角的诗人。

32、No area was spared or unaffected, from the foggy northern coast to the Sierra Nevada Mountains. ─── 从雾蒙蒙的北部海岸到内华达山脉,没有一个地区幸免或不受影响。

33、It says it's foggy and sometimes it will be overcast with drizzle today. ─── 它说今天有雾,时有阴雨。

34、It was a very foggy day in London. ─── 伦敦的一个大雾天。

35、It's a foggy morning. ─── 今天早晨有雾。

36、An ill-defined concept; an ill-defined view across the foggy moor. ─── 一个定义不明的概念; 沼泽对面大雾弥漫的模糊景观

37、On foggy nights, you can still hear the ring of the bell, the sound of the engine and the curses of the ghost captain trying to complete his run! ─── 在大雾的晚上,你还能清晰地听见铃声的响起,引擎的轰鸣和船长的诅咒,他想完成这次旅行!

38、American businesses reportedly lose $1 billion a year due to "foggy" writing that wastes time, kills contracts, and alienates customers. ─── 多家美国企业指出,“像雾般”的写作方式不但浪费时间,得失客人,并损害生意额。

39、He could not see out of the foggy window. ─── 他不能从这雾蒙蒙的窗户看出去。

40、She looked out of the window. Dark clouds were moving; it was becoming foggy. ─── 她向窗外看去,乌云漂浮着,天正变得雾蒙蒙的。

41、How foggy it is (what a foggy day it is) now! ─── 今天雾可真大啊!

42、PicSeer can also tell the weather condition around Golden Gate Bridge. The following is the search result of "golden gate bridge foggy". ─── 也能够辨别在金门大桥周围的天气情况,下面是搜索“金门大桥雾”的结果。

43、He jumped out of bed, dressed, tore down the lane through a foggy dawn, and ascended the hill. ─── 他一咕噜跳下床来,披上衣服,穿过晨雾,顺着小路飞奔而去,登上了小山。

44、Just a few days ago I had arrived.Nightfall.People scurrying Home like rats under the foggy lights.The trees glittering with diamond pointed malice.I thought it all out, a thousand times or more. ─── 几天前我才到了这儿,当时夜幕刚降下,人们在朦胧的灯光下像老鼠一样匆匆赶回家去,树木带着宝石尖般的恶意闪闪发光,我不止一千次地想起了这一切。

45、Point Reyes could be so so windy that, when it is too foggy or windy (more than 40 m.p.h.) no visitors will be allowed to walked on the steps to the lighthouse. ─── 因为接近太平洋的关系这里劲大风和大雾,当太大风(风速超过每小时40哩)和太大雾的时候闸口将关闭,禁止游客进入。

46、The flight is late because it's foggy. ─── 因有雾该航班误点.

47、His ideas on this subject are a bit foggy. ─── 他对这个问题的看法有些模糊。

48、A foggy, directionless light glinted on the sea-blue and jade-green walls, and touched the frames of high-vaulting windows that flickered now with an ominous crimson glare. ─── 一道模糊不清、不知从哪里发出来的光线,在海蓝色、翠绿色的墙壁上闪烁,这光线,轻拂着高高拱起的窗框,现出猩红色的耀眼光芒。

49、It is cold and foggy in London at this time of the year. ─── 在每年的这个时候,伦敦寒冷而多雾。

50、Chemobrain is a common complaint among women undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer. They find it difficult to perform cognitive tasks and say they feel foggy or dopey. ─── 化疗脑是因乳腺癌接受辅助化疗的女性普遍主诉的一个症状。她们发现很难进行认知活动,并感觉模糊或反应迟钝。

51、He described the insulin shock as" torture," and blamed Stelazine for making him" foggy" (both true). ─── 他把胰岛素引起的休克形容成是"酷刑",而把他的头脑不清醒归咎为三氟拉嗪(事实的确如此)。

52、He went over to the window and looked out. It was still very foggy and cold outside. ─── 他走到窗边往外看。外面雾气仍然很浓,感觉也很冷。

53、One recent study shows that the sleep-deprived brain toggles between normal activity and complete lapses, or failures, a dangerous state of slowed responses and foggy inattention. ─── 一项最近的研究表明,睡眠缺乏的大脑,要么会正常活动,要么完全失效,这是一个危险阶段:反应慢并且注意力涣散。

54、As its changeable, cloudy, foggy, rainy, haily climate on Changbai Mountain, its image changes irregularly, shadowy, mysteriously,confused. ─── 山上气候多变,多云多雾多雨多冰雹,使长白山区的形像变幻无穷,虚幻神秘,迷迷茫茫。

55、At the turn of winter, it is mostly foggy weather with the peaks often shrouded in swirling mist and cloud. ─── 冬春之交,则多云雾,千山万壑间云涌雾漫,茫茫一片。

56、It's too ambiguous, and is used to express whatever foggy definition the term's user might think applies. ─── 它是如此的模棱两可,被用于表达术语的使用者所想表示的任何模糊的定义。

57、Even when the cold winds blow and the world seems to be cov ered in foggy shadows, the goodness of life lives on. ─── 即使当寒风袭来,整个世界似乎被雾气掩盖之时,生命的美好仍会存在。

58、It was foggy when we arrived over from the window only to see Villa vague Kunsan, the Great Wall can not see wind. ─── 但我们到达时正是大雾笼罩,从别墅的窗口只能看到模糊的群山,看不到蜿蜒的长城。

59、It makes no difference to me whether it's foggy or clear. ─── 对我来说,天气有雾或晴朗没什么关系。

60、But the Angelus Bells o'er the Liffey swells rang out in the foggy dew ─── 但利菲河上的祈祷钟在迷雾露珠中响起

61、Therefore in the dusk, you can always see me in the hurried crowds , who are only to looking forward to returning home earier, whatever it is rainy, foggy, windy or snowy. ─── 判断我们各方面工作的是非得失,归根到底,要以是否有利于发展社会主义社会的生产力,是否有利于增强我国的综合国力,是否有利于提高人民的生活水平为标准。

62、It was foggy, a silhouette of the remote mountains could be barely seen. ─── 他从头等舱皮椅左边的窗口斜着头朝外望去,外面雾蒙蒙的,连远山的轮廓都几乎看不见。

63、Motorists should slow down and take extra care in foggy conditions. ─── 司机在雾天应该谨慎行驶并特别小心。

64、Yes. And it does not snow in winter there. But it is sometimes foggy. ─── 对。而且那儿冬天不下雪。但是有时有雾。

65、And having this bit of digital footage of him makes up for all the rotten landlords and housing codes in this foggy ole city. ─── 在这雾气弥漫的城市里,忍受着房东与房规的折磨,这一点点数码影像是对我最好的慰藉。

66、'O hateful, vaporous and foggy Night! ─── “烟雾迷濛的夜呵,你多么惹人憎恨!

67、In the unequal distribution of energy flow, veils are created that cause the energy to become foggy or hazy in nature rather than clear and pristine. ─── 在能量流的不平等分配之中,面纱被制造,导致能量流性质变得朦胧而模糊,而不是清晰而干净。

68、Even when the old winds blow and the world seems to be covered in foggy shadows the goodness of life lives on. open your eyes,open your heart ,and you will see that goodness is everywhere. ─── 即使寒风袭来,整个世界似乎被雾气掩盖之时,生命的美好仍会存在.睁开双眼,打开心扉,你就会发现这美好无处不在!

69、And if he's that foggy on dates, maybe his Deathday shindig was wrong too. ─── 但是,如果他对时间概念模糊的话,那么他的忌辰舞会同样可能是不准的。

70、It's foggy today, isn't it? ─── 今天雾好浓呀!

71、It's one thing to see into the foggy future with acuity and chart the course corrections that the company must make. ─── 敏锐地洞察迷雾重重的未来并勾勒出企业所需的航向调整是一码事。

72、It's too foggy in winter and hot in summer. ─── 冬天雾大,夏天太热。

73、It' s unpleasant to be out on a foggy day. ─── 大雾天出去是令人不愉快的。

74、A good guy guided me through the foggy golf course. ─── 一位好心人士带我走过浓雾弥漫的高球

75、The foggy skies of Kashyyyk are pierced by the high-pitched cries and colorful swirls of plumage of the avian kroyies. ─── 在卡西克多雾的天空,经常可以听到克罗伊鸟响亮的鸣声,看到它们斑斓的身影。

76、He took off his foggy glasses and dried his face. ─── 他把模糊的眼镜摘下来后把脸擦干。

77、They anchored their ship in the river in a foggy morning. ─── 在一个迷雾的早晨他们把船停泊在河上。

78、The foggy massive mistiness at Falls, 09005 Took in 2005 edited in recently, hope you enjoy it! ─── 三组原创辑,广袤的水雾,包容着你真个的身心,感受着生命的微粒.

79、The dirty, still air covers Los Angeles like a blanket, gradually building up into a thick, smelly , foggy, smokelike layer. ─── 尘污和静止的空气象一个罩子一样覆盖着洛杉矶,逐渐形成了一个浓密的带有臭味的,雾蒙的烟层。

80、Using punny humor and wry examples, he explained the arcane world of finance, with its foggy phrases such as "selling short" and "buying on margin," to the newly empowered personal investor. ─── 他用幽默的语言,好笑的例子和诸如“卖空”和“边际购买”之类模糊的术语向刚刚崛起的投资人讲解神秘的金融世界。

81、It's foggy this morning. ─── 今天早上有雾。

82、But today, this magic hasn't been strong enough to stride over the straits, in the tractive-lost &foggy street, gadding &gadding. ─── 可是今日,这魔力还没有跨越海峡的坚强,在失去了牵引的有雾的街头,游荡游荡。

83、As more tech companies glom onto the cloud label for marketing purposes, the true potential of the phenomenon is likely to become even more foggy. ─── 尽管越来越多的公司出于营销的目的都给自己贴上了云的标签,这一现象的潜能却有可能变得更加模糊。

84、Mum: Well, it has been very foggy today. ─── 妈咪:是啊,今天一直有大雾。

85、It is foggy outside. ─── 外面有雾。

86、"Day before Christmas was terrible foggy dat year, an' dat fog gits into your bones and makes you all damp like. ─── “日圣诞节前是可怕的雾逸年,一个'到你的骨头逸雾控释片,使你都喜欢。

87、They can change their minds 200 times, but having only a foggy view of the future is of little good. ─── 他们可以200次改变主意,但对未来只有模糊的想法是不好的。

88、He left Beijing on a foggy morning. ─── 他在一个有雾的早上离开北京。

89、He looked out of the window. Dark clouds were moving; it was becoming foggy. ─── 他向窗外望去,乌云飘动着,天正变得雾蒙蒙的。

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