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08-16 投稿


discharges 发音

英:[d?s?t?ɑ?d??z]  美:[d?s?t?ɑ?rd??z]

英:  美:

discharges 中文意思翻译




discharges 反义词

charge | enlist

discharges 词性/词形变化,discharges变形

动词过去分词: discharged |形容词: dischargeable |动词现在分词: discharging |动词过去式: discharged |名词: dischargee |动词第三人称单数: discharges |

discharges 同义词

dismission | blast | expel | send out | shot | unpack | expelling | unload | lade | arc | seepage | drop off | liberation | clear | muster out | assoil | performance | exonerate | freedom | dump | jet | set down | complete | outpouring | emancipation | drop |release | dismissal | effect | absolve | electric arc | free | fulfill | run | firing | prosecute | acquit | venting | shoot | gun | pay off | sack | expulsion | secrete | destruction | annul | charge | waiver | spark | eruption | sacking | execution | operation | exculpate | go | exhaust | emission | put down | dismiss | fire | electric discharge | cashier | go off | spout | transact | excretion | eject | ejection | flow | erupt | compass | dispatch | let go | secretion | liberate | perform | depose | justify | set free | fulfil | thunder | play | outburst | retire | let | empty | emit

discharges 常用词组

discharge of ─── v. 卸下

discharge standard ─── 排放标准

partial discharge ─── 局部放电;部分放电;部份履行

discharges 短语词组

1、conditional discharges ─── 附条件的释放令

2、electrostatic discharges ─── 静电放电

3、port of discharges ─── 卸货港

4、electric discharges ─── [电]放电

discharges 相似词语短语

1、discharger ─── n.卸货人;履行者;[电]放电器;开释人

2、discharge ─── v.准许(某人)离开;释放;排出;放电;履行(职责);开火;卸货;(法官)撤销(法院命令);n.出院,免职;释放;(液体、气体等的)排出;排出物;放电;开枪;下客;履行责任;(债务的)清偿

3、mischarge ─── 记错账目;错定罪名

4、mischarges ─── 混合物

5、dischargees ─── n.戒毒会康复者;出院者

6、discages ─── 磁盘

7、dischargee ─── n.戒毒会康复者;出院者

8、mischarged ─── 充电错误

9、discharged ─── adj.放电的;泻出的;v.排出(discharge的过去分词);卸货

discharges 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The effect that oil absorption discharges fat radical how, side-effect? ─── 吸油排脂基的效果怎样,副作用?

2、China set a goal to slash its energy consumption per unit of domestic gross product by20 percent and discharges of sulfur dioxide( SO2) by10 percent between2006 and2010. ─── 中国已制定了2006至2010年期间,单位国内生产总值能耗降低20%二氧化硫排放量下降10%目标。

3、Wear gloves when handling things or places contaminated with discharges or droppings. ─── 處理被分泌物或排泄物污染的物品或地方時應戴上手套。

4、Waste heat and treated sewage efflunents are two such discharges that are now being investigated. ─── 废热和处理过的污水,就是目前正进行研究的两种排放物。

5、But electrical discharges made by fish are easier to study than the electricity in the brain. ─── 但鱼的放电现象比人类大脑中的电更容易研究。

6、Growing and harvesting cranberries in the Cape Cod cranberry marshes, locating plume discharges. ─── 在鳕鱼角蔓越莓池塘种植和采摘蔓越莓,确定喷流位置。

7、After LC lesion, spontaneous discharges of 45% (5/11) NGC neurons facilitated and nociceptive responses of 67% ( 4/6 ) NGC neurons increased too. ─── 3)损毁LC后,有45%(5/11个)伤害性神经元自发放电增加,67%(4/6个)伤害性神经元伤害性反应强度增加,且电刺激原LC位点的抑制作用减弱或消失。

8、Chevron involved a challenge to the EPA's "bubble" policy, a new method of measuring discharges of industrial pollution. ─── “切弗伦”案涉及对环境保护署的“气泡”政策的质疑。 该政策是一种新的测量工业污染排放的方法。

9、It should be noted that under a pure effluent charge system there would be no requirement that a polluter limit his discharges at all. ─── 应该注意到,一个纯粹的污水排放收费制度可能不会规定污染者限制自己的污水排放。

10、Like these penalties, existing effluent charge systems in other countries involve fees on discharges in excess of fixed effluent standards. ─── 像这些惩罚一样,其他国家现行的污水排放收费制度也涉及到超过特定污水标准收费问题。

11、As the platform is located in an environmentally sensitive area , discharges to the sea must be carefully monitored . ─── 由于钻井平台位于环境敏感区,必须严密监控向海洋中的排放物。

12、Bedpan: A metal, glass, or plastic receptacle for the urinary and fecal discharges of persons confined to bed. ─── 床上便盆:用于盛放不能自理、卧病在床之人的大小便的金属、玻璃或塑料制容器。

13、The satisfactory surface modification on Blood-filtering material of PBT melt-blown nonwoven has been performed by the discharges. ─── 并应用它对PBT熔喷非织造布表面改性,讨论了处理时间、极板间距、放电气体等因素对改性效果的影响及改性效果的时效。

14、One is electrical discharges, or lightning, taking place in the atmosphere. ─── 一个是放电,一个是闪电发生在大气。

15、The surface and the atmosphere form a giant battery, as the lightning discharges of thunderstorms demonstrate. ─── 就像在暴风雨中闪电释放大量电能所证明的那样,地表和大气层间形成了一个巨大的电池。

16、In order to meet the proposed numeric turbidity limit, many sites would need to treat and filter their stormwater discharges. ─── 为此,美国环保署提案要求建筑工程设置雨水过滤器与相关措施,使雨水排放的混浊度符合标准。

17、Ion species and their energy in the cathode sheath of N 2 abnormal glow discharges with short electrode interval were determined by molecular beam mass spectrometry (MBMS). ─── 利用国内首台三级差分抽空的分子束质谱装置,对短间隙氮异常辉光放电阴极鞘层区正离子组分及能量分布进行了诊断研究.

18、Says from this truth, fills of enjoyment may promote the nasal mucus or the sputamentum discharges, thus help cold healing. ─── 从这个道理上来讲,吃香喝辣可以促进鼻涕或痰液排出,从而帮助感冒痊愈。

19、Many citizens in Treasure Hill is discharges, they spend most of their life for government, what government give to them? ─── 宝藏岩中的原居民有不少是退伍老兵,他们为国家付出了青春,国家给他们的呢?

20、Among 24 excitatory neurons of NRM,the spontaneous discharges of most ofthem were obviously enhanced by nociceptive stimulation. ─── 在24例兴奋型神经元中,刺激尾核头部能够激活大多数 NRM 神经元的自发放电和抑制其伤害感受性反应。

21、If TRIG has returned to a high level, the output of the threshold comparator resets the flip-flop (Q goes high), drives the output low, and discharges C through Q1. ─── 如果TRIG回复高电平,那么阈值比较器的输出端复位触发器(Q变高电平),使输出端输出低电平,并使C向Q1放电。

22、The Nile discharges (ie flows) into the Mediterranean. ─── 尼罗河流入地中海。

23、The analysis to pollution criterion of NPK fertilizer plant shows that the current standards cannot cover all the limitation of pollutant discharges. ─── 对NPK复合肥工厂污染物排放标准的分析表明:现行的有关标准不能涵盖其污染物排放的限制。

24、CBPP is manifested by anorexia, fever and respiratory symptoms, such as dyspnoea, cough and nasal discharges. ─── CBPP的症状表现为厌食、发热和呼吸道症状,如呼吸困难、咳嗽和流鼻液。

25、Heavy metal discharges: 900 tonnes. ─── 重金属废料:900吨。

26、The loss of various kinds of gas due to gas discharges and stocktaking is excluded. ─── 不包括各种气体能源放空、放散量。

27、Surface discharges occur along the layers after penetrating the first few paper layers, and trees or carbonized tracks are formed. ─── 在绝缘纸存在薄弱点时,碳化轨迹容易穿透绝缘纸.

28、A new linear analysis for magnetic helical instabilities of arc discharges in a cylindrical plasma is developed based on a set of electrostatic magnetohydrodynamic equations. ─── 在静电磁流体方程基础上,提出了柱状放电电弧等离子体磁螺旋不稳定性的一种新的线性分析方法.

29、The results obtained from the spontaneous discharges of dorsal hippocampal pyramidal cells reveal some nonlinear and linear aspects in anesthetized and awake states. ─── 实验表明麻醉和清醒状态下豚鼠海马锥体细胞自发放电呈不同线性和非线性特征。

30、Continuous or emergent EEG: can bedside caregivers recognize epileptiform discharges? ─── 床旁医护人员能识别连续或急诊脑电图癫痫波形?

31、The Nile discharges itself into the Mediterranean. ─── 尼罗河水注入地中海。

32、Experimental ectopic pacemakers, which generate spontaneous discharges in various rhythms, arc formed at the injured site of the rat's sciatic nerve subjected to chronic injury. ─── 值得注意的是,损伤神经自发放电的节律极为丰富,动作电位序列的时间模式多种多样。

33、The characteristics of the magnet enhancement corona discharges and their functions for charging particles are introduced. ─── 介绍磁增强电晕放电的特性及其对颗粒荷电的性能。

34、Waste heat and treated sewage effluents are two such discharges that are now being investigated. ─── 废热和处理过的污水,就是目前正进行研究的两种排放物。

35、Altogether 5.7% men and 9.2% women had abn ormal urinary or vaginal discharges,and 21.1% men and 8.4% women thought they would possibly get get infected with STD/AIDS. ─── 5 .7%的男性和 9.2%的女性在过去一年中有过尿道或生殖道异常分泌物 ,并且 2 1 .1%的男性和 8.4%的女性认为自己以后有感染性病 /艾滋病的危险 ;

36、This is not true with a system involving charges only for discharges in excess of publicly established effluent limitations. ─── 但是在一个仅对超过公布的排放限制收费的体系中,情况并不是这样。

37、To make and give receipts, releases and other discharges for moneys payable to the Company, and for claims and demands of the Company. ─── 对公司收到的应收款项及索偿与要求款项出具收据,并予以免除及进行其他解除。

38、Bedpan: A metal, glass, or plastic receptacle for the urinary and fecal discharges of persons confined to bed. ─── 床上便盆:用于盛放不能自理、卧病在床之人的大小便的金属、玻璃或塑料制容器。

39、Tuz Kuz breaks a Larva's body and discharges a countless number of hungry tiny creatures to bite all the enemy next to Larva. ─── 塔兹克兹破开一只幼虫的身体,释放不计其数的饥饿小虫,囓咬幼虫附近所有的敌人。

40、Craft: After RO (75% returns-ratio) the thick synaeresis must achieve a level discharges the standard, polymerization phosphate removing. ─── 工艺:经RO(75%回收率)浓缩水需达到一级排放标准,聚合磷酸盐的去除。

41、Today, river discharges are increasingly controlled by human intervention, creating a need for international river-basin agreements. ─── 如今河流排放越来越受到人为干预管束,需要出台国际河流流域的协定。

42、Those who handle nose or throat discharges, faeces and soiled articles should wash hands promptly afterwards. ─── 处理鼻喉排出的分泌物、粪便及弄污的物品后,须立即洗手。

43、The place where a sewer, drain, or stream discharges. ─── 出水口阴沟、下水道或河流排水的地方

44、The colporrhagia is because of the endometrium peeling, or the oviduct hemorrhage discharges the result outward after the palace cavity. ─── 因妊娠着床部位狭窄、壁薄,不能充分扩张,无法适应孕卵生长发育,使胚胎易穿过壁管,破坏血管造成大出血。

45、Experimental study on singlet delta oxygen production in slab RF discharges[J]. ─── 引用该论文 汪洪源,李国富,多丽萍,桑凤亭,王新兵,金玉奇.

46、In lasher river village, rubbish everywhere, sewage random discharges the river to the side of the village. ─── 在堰河村,垃圾遍地,生活污水任意排放到村边的河流。

47、If C1 is too small, it discharges during the D1and D2 nonconducting in terval, and more output ripples result. ─── 它在D1和D2不导通期间C1放电很大,会增大输电压的纹波。

48、In the paper, we have done theoretical studies of sound radiated from the submerged exhaust exit when a diesel engine discharges pulsive exhaust gas into water. ─── 从流体力学的基本方程出发,根据水下排气管口流动状态的观察,推导了柴油机水下排气管口辐射噪声与管口处气体流动参数之间的理论关系。

49、One or more sudden electrical discharges manifested by a flash of light lightning and a sharp or rumbling sound thunder. ─── 以闪电和雷声为其外部表现的突发放电。

50、The effects of agmatine ( Agm) on the discharges of neurons in CA1 area of hippocampal slices were examined by using extracellular recording technique. ─── 应用细胞外记录单位放电技术,在大鼠海马脑片上观察了胍丁胺(agmatine,Agm)对CA1区神经元放电的影响。

51、The spontaneous discharges of 225 neurons in NRM were recorded in 32 rats and the majority(58%) of them were pain-relative neurons. ─── 在32只大鼠的中缝大核内共记录到225个神经元自发放电。 其中,痛相关神经元占58%。

52、Large static charges may build up in the bed causing spark discharges. ─── 大量静电荷可能在床内积聚而引起火花放电。

53、Protests have erupted throughout the country over complaints by farmers that uncontrolled discharges by factories are ruining crops and poisoning water supplies. ─── 在各地,工厂毫无约束的排污行为带来的对农作物的损毁和对供水的毒害已经使得农民们由抱怨转而为抗议。

54、The Master said, "A minister, in serving his prince, reverently discharges his duties, and makes his emolument a secondary consideration. ─── 孔子说:“君子不凭一个人说的话来举荐他,也不因为一个人不好而不采纳他的好话。”

55、Redundancies are one element in discharges. ─── 冗余是解雇的一个因素。

56、In the salt system process, the pickled cabbage fluid sewage, discharges at will, then can create the soil acidification, affects the production. ─── 在腌制过程中,酸菜液污水,随意排放,则会造成土壤酸化,影响后作生产。

57、Nonpoint source pollution from urban areas is being addressed by regulations gov-erning municipal and industrial storm water discharges. ─── 城市弥散型污染受到规范市政与工艺废水排放的条例的调整。

58、With transistor N1 on, the capacitor CX rapidly discharges toward VSS until VREF1 is reached. ─── 当N1开始工作的时候,CX迅速放电接近VSS一直到VREF1信号出现。

59、In 2007 a refinery in Indiana received a permit to increase discharges into Lake Michigan. ─── 2007年,印第安纳州的一座炼油厂得到了向密歇根湖的排放许可。

60、But in proestrus rats, most CE and CI neurons exhibited periodic instead of continuous discharges as in diestrus rats. ─── 但情前期大鼠的CE和CI神经元多呈现周期性放电,而间情期大鼠的CE和CI神经元则多呈现连续性放电。

61、"Construction of building of ground platoon type " with " the wall discharges a product " appeared the contradiction of give tit for tat. ─── “地排式房屋结构”与“墙排产品”出现了针锋相对的矛盾。

62、It discharges three times as much water as the St. Lawrnce. ─── 它流出的水量有圣罗伦斯河的三倍那么多。

63、Absorbs excess fats and discharges them out of the body. ─── 与食物多馀脂肪结合,减少被人体吸收,并将其排出体外。

64、Discovering the inputs and outputs of rivers is a matter of measuring the discharges of every inflowing and outflowing stream and river. ─── 发现河流的输入和输出,就是测量每一条流入和流出的河流的流量。

65、Industrial waste and sewage, agricultural pollution and shipping discharges were to blame for the river's declining health, experts said. ─── 专家说,工业废水和垃圾,农业污染和船只排放物被指责为破坏长江水源的祸首。

66、Lieberman, M. A., Lichtenberg, A. J. and Wiley, J.,“Principles of plasma Discharges and Materials Processing,”Wiley-Interscience, 1st edition, 1994. ─── 庄允中,电浆技术应用市场专题研究,经济部产业技术资讯服务推广计画,高雄:金属中心,2000。

67、Vent discharges C02 gas to atmosphere in the event of fouling or malfunction of check No. 2 thereby safeguarding the potable water system from CO2 gas contamination. ─── 万一第二止回阀被污染或出现故障,排气口将C02气体排放到大气中,从而保护饮用水不会受到C02气体的污染。

68、The research on the detection and location of partial discharges in power transformers using acoustic methods is presented. ─── 介绍了国外应用超声波测量法判断变压器内部局部放电和确定局部放电源位置的研究工作。

69、According to discharges water system all, the cent of strong water means of closestool falls to rush type, siphon type. ─── 依照排水系统,马桶的冲水方式分为冲落式、虹吸式。

70、Tuz Kuz breaks a Larva's body and discharges a countless number of hungry tiny creatures to bite all the enemy next to Larva. ─── 塔兹克兹破开一只幼虫的身体,释放不计其数的饥饿小虫,囓咬幼虫附近所有的敌人。

71、Take precautionary measures against static discharges. ─── 对静电采取预防措施;

72、Furthermore, the incipient velocity of sediment in conceptual river bends with different radii, water depths, discharges and bank slopes is investigated. ─── 在概化的河湾岸坡水力学模型上,系统研究了不同弯道半径、水深、流量及岸坡坡度情况下泥沙的起动流速。

73、Desander and Desilter to be run at all times with discharges over 230 mesh Hi ‘G’ dryer screens. ─── 为配合使用230目以上的收液振动筛,除砂器和除泥器任何时候都要运转。

74、Improvement works to a river which discharges into a coastal protection area. ─── 在一条排放入海滨保护区的河流进行改善工程。

75、When he judges it is safe to do so, he inserts the end of a pedipalp into the female's reproductive opening and discharges the sperm it carries. ─── 当它确定安全时,便将须肢末端插进母蜘蛛的生殖孔中并放出它所携带的精液。

76、The streamer discharges in water originate from the appearance of micro bubbles formed by the intensified electric field and the partial discharges in the dielectric coating. ─── 介质涂覆中局部电场的增强和微小缺陷的局部放电在水中形成气泡是水中流注放电起始的根本原因。

77、It was given by God to teach them, giving specific details as to how a person could become ceremonially unclean because of certain discharges. ─── 上帝很详细、明确的教导他们,一个人如何会因某些漏症而成为不洁净。

78、The noxious stimulation increased the frequency of evoked discharges of PEN. ─── 伤害性刺激可使PF内PEN痛诱发放电频率增加;

79、There were 1209751 discharges, 8508642 specialist out-patient attendances and 833355 general out-patient attendances. ─── 年内,出院病人有1209751人次,专科门诊就诊者有8508642人次,普通科门诊有833355人次。

80、No spitting. Always wrap nasal and mouth discharges with tissue paper, and dispose of the tissue paper properly in a lidded rubbish bin. ─── 不要随地吐痰,应将口鼻分泌物用纸巾包好,弃置于有盖垃圾箱内;

81、The GOS scores obtained half year after discharg:73 cases recovered,5 cases had mild morbidity,1 case had severe deficit and 5 cases died. ─── 半年后随访 ,GOS评分 :痊愈 73例 (86 9% ) ,轻残 5例 (5 95% ) ,重残 1例(1 2% ) ,死亡 5例 (5 95% )。

82、"Between this January and September, the energy consumption per unit of GDP fell 1.8 percent year-on-year, and pollutant discharges were cut by 0.28 percent. ─── “在今年的1月至9月间,每个GDP单位的能源消耗与去年相比已经降低了1.8个百分点,污染物排放降低了0.28个百分点。

83、A health authority may take all practicable measures to control the discharges from any ship of sewage and refuse which might contaminate the waters of a port, river or canal. ─── 卫生当局应采取一切可行的措施控制可能污染港口,河流或运河水域的船舶污水和垃圾的排放。

84、Pulsed electrodeless discharges used as laser pumping provide high peak power,high UV content,high optical coupling effieienoy,long life-time and good reproducibility. ─── 以脉冲无极放电作激光泵浦源,可提供高峰值功率、高紫外分量、高光学耦合效率、长使用寿命,并有良好的再现性。

85、A metal, glass, or plastic receptacle for the urinary and fecal discharges of persons confined to bed. ─── 床上便盆用于盛放不能自理、卧病在床之人的大小便的金属、玻璃或塑料制容器

86、Vent discharges CO2 gas to atmosphere in the event of fouling or malfunction of check No. 2 thereby safeguarding the potable water system from CO2 gas contamination. ─── 万一止回阀2号出现污染或故障,排气口将二氧化碳气体排放到大气中,从而保护饮用水系统不会受到二氧化碳气体的污染。

87、Results: During stage of light-sleep,epileptiform discharges(ED) were more frequent than during/after HV-EEG(P0.05)。

88、He said discharges of industrial pollutants were concentrated in very few industries and regions. There were "no major surprises" . ─── 他表示,工业污染物的排放集中在少数几个工业领域与地区。调查结果“没有什么特别令人吃惊的地方”。

89、The district court had ordered an immediate halt to discharges. ─── 地区法院已经命令,立即停止排放。

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