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essayed 发音

英:[e?se?d]  美:[e?se?d]

英:  美:

essayed 中文意思翻译



essayed 短语词组

1、essayed definition ─── 散播的定义

2、essayed define ─── 已定义

3、essayed aponte bikini ─── 比基尼泳装

4、essayed def ─── 消息定义

essayed 词性/词形变化,essayed变形

动词现在分词: essaying |动词第三人称单数: essays |名词: essayer |动词过去式: essayed |动词过去分词: essayed |

essayed 相似词语短语

1、assayer ─── n.试金者,尝试者;分析专家

2、essay ─── n.散文;试图;随笔;vt.尝试;对…做试验

3、embayed ─── adj.形成海湾的;被冲刷成海湾的;v.使入湾;形成海湾;围绕,围住(embay的过去式和过去分词)

4、assayed ─── n.化验;试验;vt.分析;化验;尝试;vi.鉴定;经检验证明内含成分

5、unessayed ─── 未保存

6、essayers ─── n.散文;试图;随笔(essay的变形)

7、essayer ─── n.散文;试图;随笔(essay的变形)

8、essays ─── n.随笔(essay的复数形式);短文;试图;v.作…尝试;企图(essay的第三人称单数)

9、-sayed ─── n.(Sayed)(美)赛义德(人名)

essayed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At the period when the Gun Club essayed their great experiment, such instruments had reached a high degree of perfection. ─── 但是,在大炮俱乐部进行它那伟大实验的时代,这些仪器已经非常精密。

2、It would BE the same with each one, only Vance essayed to order for all, inviting counsel and suggestions. ─── 每位客人都能享受同样的服务,只是这次万斯主动地为大家点菜,征求着大家的意见和建议。

3、Homer can be analyzed, as we have essayed to do here, but he cannot be interpreted. ─── 后来那些以寓意流派也曾试图将他们的诠释本领运用到荷马作品上来,但是没有成功。

4、"Mr.Wilson, not a little astonished at this outbreak- for he was a grandfatherly sort of personage, and usually a vast favourite with children- essayed, however, to proceed with the examination." ─── 威尔逊先生对这一反抗举动颇为吃惊--因为他是老爷爷般的人物,通常极受孩子们的喜爱--但他仍继续他的测验。

5、I essayed to speak. ─── : 我试著开口说话.

6、He essayed a faint smile. ─── 他努力露出了一丝笑容。

7、Also, there was an awkward hesitancy, at times, as he essayed the new words he had learned. ─── 而在他试用刚学会的新同语时还会出现尴尬的犹豫。

8、His name, or rather a plaintive voice which essayed to pronounce his name, reached him. He sat up in bed and a cold sweat broke out upon his brow ─── 他听到有人在喊他的名字,或者确切地说,是一种费力地呼喊他名字的呻吟声。

9、Over the years, many lead actors have essayed cool school teachers in films. ─── 多年来,许多领导者在电影中有杂文化凉爽学校教师。

10、At the period when the Gun Club essayed their great experiment, such instruments had reached a high degree of perfection. ─── 但是,在大炮俱乐部进行它那伟大实验的时代,这些仪器已经非常精密。

11、He essayed escape. ─── 他企图逃走。

12、Condorcet,M.J.A.N.C.Marquis de(1785),Essai sur 1'application de 1'analyse a 1a probabilite des decisions rendues a la pluralite des voix,In M.J.A.N.C.Marquis de Condorcet,Oeuvres Completes,Paris,1804. ─── 在现实中,这一"决策成本"高得难以达到"一致性",在实际中,只要有简单的多数也行.如30%比其他的多即可.

13、And it essayed to drown the other music by the violence of its voice, but it seemed that its most triumphant notes were taken by the other and woven into its own solemn pattern. ─── 它试图用它的狂暴喧嚣淹没另一首乐曲,可即使它最得意张狂的音符,也只能跟随另一首乐曲的调子,被它编入乐音织就的庄严图画。

14、"A feast of reason and a flow of soul" were not the charms by which Clementina Golightly essayed to keep her admirers spell-bound at her feet. (A. Trollop, The Three Clerks Ch XVII) ─── 妙语连珠可不是格里门蒂娜 戈莱里用来使爱慕她的人迷倒在她石榴裙下的手段。

15、She thought of Painting and essayed several canvases which she took to dealers. ─── 她想到绘画,就作了好几幅油画,拿到画商那儿去卖。

16、Between a grand piano and a centre-table piled high with books was space for a half a dozen to walk abreast, yet he essayed it with trepidation ─── 在屋子正中堆满书籍的桌子和钢琴之间分明有可容六个人并行的空间,可他走过时却仍提心吊胆。

17、Four times the missionary societies had essayed the peaceful conquest of the island, and four times, between sickness and massacre, they had been driven away. ─── 传教团做过四次和平征服该岛的尝试,但均被疾病和大刀驱赶出来。

18、On the Essayed Phenomenon in Lu Xun's Novels ─── 论鲁迅小说中的杂文化倾向

19、The human mind, deliberately as it were, exhausted the logic of the changeless, the final and the transcendent, before it essayed adventure on the pathless wastes of generation and transformation. ─── 我们人类心灵很,复杂如此,探索无变对象的逻辑,才开始踏入到生生不息变化的无路野泽之中。

20、I essayed to speak, but he cut me off with a gesture. ─── 我想要说,但他以手势阻止我。

21、Sometimes Madame Magloire essayed a remonstrance in advance, but never at the time, nor afterwards. ─── 马格洛大娘有时试着在事先劝劝,但从不在事情进行时或事后多话。

22、Then their antioxidant activities were essayed by DPPH method and antioxidant activity to lard method. ─── 分别采用DPPH法和抑制猪油氧化能力法测定了4个组分的抗氧化能力;

23、Mrs. Corney twice essayed to speak, and twice failed. ─── 考尔尼太太两次试图启齿,两次都没有成功。

24、10. The student essayed his first solo flight . ─── 该学员尝试作首次单独飞行。

25、20. Sometimes Madame Magloire essayed a remonstrance in advance, but never at the time, nor afterwards. ─── 马格洛大娘有时试着在事先劝劝,但从不在事情进行时或事后多话。

26、The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps. ─── 这个婴儿尝试着摇摇晃晃走了几步。

27、"It would be the same with each one, only Vance essayed to order for all, inviting counsel and suggestions." ─── 每位客人都能享受同样的服务,只是这次万斯主动地为大家点菜,征求着大家的意见和建议。

28、The essayed phenomenon in Lu Xun's novels refers to the fiction creating from beyond novel narration, usually a satire on current affairs and short in length. ─── 摘要鲁迅小说杂文化现象是指,在鲁迅小说中出现的基本游离于小说叙述之外,篇幅短小,针对当下时事予以讽刺的小说创作现象。

29、Sometimes Madame Magloire essayed a remonstrance in advance, ─── 马格洛大娘有时试着在事先劝劝,

30、Also, there was an awkward hesitancy , at times, as he essayed the new words he had learned. ─── 而在他试用刚学会的新同语时还会出现尴尬的犹豫。

31、It would be the same with each one, only Vance essayed to order for all, inviting counsel and suggestions. ─── 每位客人都能享受同样的服务,只是这次万斯主动地为大家点菜,征求着大家的意见和建议。

32、At first, indeed, he seemed rather silent than dissatisfied; and it was not till Judith had essayed the subject more than once that it led to the following dialogue. ─── 起初他似乎只是沉默而并非不满;直到朱迪思一再提到这个话题才引出了这样的对话。

33、The bishop essayed to make him a bow. ─── 主教试图朝他行个礼。

34、He tried to shake off his fears; The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps; The police attempted to stop the thief; He sought to improve himself; She always seeks to do good in the world. ─── 他尝试着消除恐惧心理;他尝试着提高自己。

35、The thief essayed to escape but failed. ─── 那贼试图跑掉但失败了。

36、Martin was not used to sickness, and when Maria and her little girl left him, he essayed to get up and dress. ─── 马丁不习惯生病,等玛丽亚和她的小女一离开,他就试图起身,想穿上衣裳。

37、"Honey? " she essayed tenderly, from the floor. ─── “亲爱的?”她躺在地上试图温柔地呼喊一声。

38、"A feast of reason and a flow of soul" were not the charms by which Clementina Golightly essayed to keep her admirers spell-bound at her feet. ─── 妙语连珠可不是格里门蒂娜·戈莱里用来使爱慕她的人迷倒在她石榴裙下的手段。

39、The thief essayed to escape but failed . ─── 那贼试图跑掉但失败了。

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