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08-16 投稿


groin 发音

英:[gr??n]  美:[ɡr??n]

英:  美:

groin 中文意思翻译



groin 网络释义

n. [解剖] 腹股沟;交叉拱vt. 使成穹棱

groin 短语词组

1、groin ceiling ─── 格罗因·塞林

2、groin pain ─── [医]腹股沟痛

3、groin injury ─── 腹股沟损伤

4、impermeable groin ─── 不透水的腹股沟

5、intermediate groin ─── 中间丁坝

6、submerged groin ─── 潜水丁坝

7、groin vault ─── 穹棱拱顶

8、artery in groin ─── 腹股沟动脉

9、groin rib ─── 穹棱肋

10、timber groin ─── 木丁坝

11、groin arch ─── 交叉拱

12、hooked groin ─── 钩状腹股沟

13、carbuncles in groin area ─── 腹股沟痈区

14、crura groin ─── 腹股沟

15、groin field ─── 腹股沟田

16、coastal groin ─── 海岸丁坝, ─── 海岸防波堤

17、exfoliated groin ─── 去角质腹股沟

18、groin ulcer ─── [医] 腹股沟溃疡

19、permeable groin ─── 透水丁坝

groin 词性/词形变化,groin变形

动词过去分词: groined |动词第三人称单数: groins |动词过去式: groined |动词现在分词: groining |

groin 相似词语短语

1、groins ─── n.[解剖]腹股沟;交叉拱;vt.使成穹棱

2、groping ─── v.摸索(grope的现在分词)

3、grein ─── n.(Grein)人名;(德)格赖因;(英)格伦

4、grain ─── 粮食

5、groan ─── vi.呻吟;抱怨;发吱嘎声;vt.呻吟;抱怨;n.呻吟;叹息;吱嘎声

6、grin ─── v.露齿而笑,咧着嘴笑;龇牙咧嘴;n.露齿笑,咧着嘴笑;n.(Grin)(俄、美)格林(人名)

7、groined ─── n.[解剖]腹股沟;交叉拱;vt.使成穹棱

8、grown ─── adj.长大的;成年的;长满某物的;v.生长;变成;栽培(grow的过去分词)

9、proin ─── 脯氨酸

groin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Also there are little problems with Sol Campbell's groin, Patrick Vieira's knee and Robert Pires with his Achilles tendon. ─── “还有些小问题发生在坎贝尔(腹沟),维耶拉(膝部),和皮雷(脚裸)身上。

2、Then, after inserting tubes into vessels in the boy's neck and groin, they began cycling his blood through the pig's organ. ─── 在这个男孩颈部和腹股沟血管内插入管子,他们开始通过猪器官循环他的血液。

3、I have a pain in my groin when I walk. ─── 当我走路时腹股沟会痛。

4、The Picture of Groin Guard , the Groin Guard made of cowhide and inside steel molded . ─── 图片腹股沟卫队,腹股沟卫队制成的牛皮和内部钢成型。

5、Billy Sharp is out for several weeks due to a groin injury while Derek Geary (knee), Gary Speed (back) and Ugo Ehiogu (hamstring) all remain long-term absentees. ─── 另一边厢,锡菲联没有特别的新的伤停情况,不过主力前锋比利夏普会继续养伤几周,中场哈尔福特与丹尼韦柏将会复出。

6、Eboue sustained a groin injury against Aston Villa on Saturday, whereas Fabregas suffered a foot problem. ─── 埃布埃在周六对阵阿斯顿维拉时拉伤腹股沟,而法布雷加斯则是脚出了问题。

7、He may be asked to do even more, such as facilitate the offense now that Derek Fisher has a minor groin injury he suffered during the fourth quarter against San Antonio. ─── 他可能被要求做出更多的贡献,比如减轻湖人的进攻压力既然小鱼在对阵马刺的第四节比赛中的腹沟有轻伤。

8、Roger Clemens had to be pushed back because of a groin problem; he is expected to start on Saturday against Pittsburgh. ─── 克莱门斯因鼠蹊部受伤未能出赛,预期将于周六对匹兹堡海盗队的比赛中担任先发。

9、Matt Murray and Chris Weale suffered injuries and now contracted goalkeeper Craig Samson needs surgery to repair a groin problem. ─── Matt Murray和Chris Weale都饱受伤病困扰,而现在合约门将Craig Samson又需要做个腹股沟手术。

10、"Yes, " he said, adding that he began answering her questions after she implied she was going to touch his groin. ─── “是的。”并补充说,在她将要摸到他的腹股沟时,他开始回答她的问题。

11、Superioity of the deep circumflex iliae vessels a s the supply for free groin flaps . ─── 带旋髂深血管蒂的髂骨植骨治疗股骨头无菌坏死。

12、If I'd carried on I might have done another sprint and pulled my groin and been out for a month. ─── 如果我硬撑的话估计我的腹股沟又得拉伤然后休息一个月了。

13、He kneed his attacker in the groin. ─── 他用膝盖猛撞攻击者的下身。

14、She gave the thief a quick kick to the groin and then ran away. ─── 她向贼的胯部猛踢一脚然后就跑开了。

15、Don't apply direct heat. Don't use hot water, a heating pad or a heating lamp to warm the victim. Instead, apply warm compresses to the neck, chest wall and groin. ─── 不要直接加热。不要给患者使用热水、电热褥或加热灯等设备。应该使用热的敷布敷在患者的胸部与腹股沟部。

16、He's not worried about the groin woes that kept him off the mound from Aug.20- Sept.4, and stonewalled his momentum after a brilliant start to the season. ─── 他的鼠蹊部旧伤让他在8/0~/时远离了投手丘,并且在他本季初精采的开始之后小心翼翼地完成他的重量训练,但他并不担心这些。

17、It combines the Renaissance conception of a centrally planned church with older forms deriving from Gothic groin vaults. ─── 它把文艺复兴时期的中央教堂风格与源于哥特式建筑的穹形天花板特色和谐地结合在了一起。

18、Objective: To investigate the incidence of groin hernia in part of the Shanghai area. ─── 了解上海部分地区的腹股沟疝的患病及相关情况。

19、Ian kneed him in the groin. ─── 伊恩用膝盖撞击他的腹股沟。

20、The Reds skipper did not travel with the England squad for tonight's international friendly against Holland in Amsterdam due to a tight groin. ─── 因为腹股沟肌肉的紧缩,红军队长并没有随英格兰国家队前往阿姆斯特丹参加今晚对阵荷兰的国际友谊赛。

21、The lower limb was markedly swollen with extensive ecchymosis extending from the left groin inferiorly to the mid thigh. ─── 患侧下肢明显肿胀,并呈现大面积瘀斑,从左侧腹股沟下直到大腿中部。

22、His cock proudly jutted from his groin as he resumed his pacing. ─── 他重新开始踱步,那话儿骄傲地从他的两腿之间伸出来。

23、Andriy Shevchenko has a groin injury which will require surgery at the end of the season. ─── 安德烈.舍甫琴科因鼠蹊受伤,令他需要在球季结束后进行手术。

24、Andriy Shevchenko will have a groin hernia operation tomorrow (Tuesday). ─── 安德烈.舍甫琴科将会在明天(星期二)进行一次鼠蹊疝气手术。

25、Meanwhile, Roeder is expecting to have Turkish international Emre fit after the midfielder missed the last four games with a groin injury. ─── 与此同时,罗德希望因伤缺席了四场比赛的土耳其中场埃母雷能够在这场比赛中复出。

26、I've had a problem in my groin that has taken a while to get over but I'm just relieved the second injection seems to have done the trick. ─── 我腹股沟有问题,但是这需要时间疗伤,但是我宽慰的是第二次注射看起来好多了。

27、Ferdinand aggravated a groin injury that he picked up against AS Roma last week, but the defender hopes he will not be out for long. ─── 上周迎战罗马的比赛中他就有点拉伤,但是这位后卫希望他不会缺席太久。

28、Karl also said he's hoping 6-11 Nene, who missed the opener with a strained right groin, will return to action, adding more depth, size and defensive ability inside. ─── 卡尔还表示他希望6尺11寸的内内能够复出,为球队在板凳深度、个投和内线防守方面做出贡献。内内因右侧腹部肌肉拉伤缺席首场比赛。

29、He's been off all season with a groin injury. ─── 他因腹股沟伤痛休息了整个赛季。

30、Steven Gerrard has been ruled out of England's clash with Belarus on Wednesday and has returned to Liverpool for treatment on his groin injury. ─── 史蒂芬-杰拉德已经排除了星期三面对白俄罗斯的比赛大名单,他已经回到利物浦治疗他的腹股沟伤病。

31、Other symptoms may also include enlargement and tenderness of lymph nodes in the groin area. ─── 其他症状还可能包括扩及腹股沟淋巴结压痛区。

32、The captain scored a goal in both of the Reds' Anfield clashes with Everton in January, but his season was disrupted with a groin injury sustained against the Blues. ─── 一月安菲尔德面对埃弗顿,队长分别在两场比赛中打进一球,但是足总杯次回合腹股沟的伤势发作,导致他不得不休战后面的比赛。

33、The Reds' squad will head for Debrecen without their Spanish striker, who will remain on Merseyside for continued treatment on his groin injury. ─── 利物浦做客德布雷岑没有他们的西班牙射手,他目前在莫西塞德继续治疗他的腹股沟拉伤。

34、Rio Ferdinand is more confident of facing Ecuador after a slight groin strain forced him off in the second half of Tuesday's 2-2 draw with Sweden. ─── 尽管在周二与瑞典2-2战平的比赛中因腹股沟拉伤而被迫下场,费迪南德出现在对厄瓜多尔的比赛中的可能性更大。

35、She tried a. sudden lunge but her pregnant heavy body made her slow and he eluded the thrust she aimed at his groin in such deadly earnest. ─── 她拼命用刀乱砍,但是她那怀孕的身子冲杀起来不方便,他闪开了。 她对准他的腹股沟猛刺过来,真想要他的命。

36、The external genitalia and groin did not reveal any abnormality. Serum and urinary levels of calcium and phosphate were normal. ─── 外部生殖器与鼠蹊并未发现任何异常。血清与钙/磷尿液值都正常。

37、Finally the big man with the lightning tattoo bent down to pry his arms apart. Jack kicked him in the groin with all his strength. ─── 终于,有闪电纹身的大块头俯身想把杰克的双臂拉开,他用尽全身力量一脚踢向大块头胯下。

38、B-ultrasound examination or visual clinical examination indicated abnormal external genitalia ,mass can be touch on one side or both side of groin. ─── 临床表现为外生殖器异常 ,B超探及或摸到单侧或双侧腹股沟区肿块。

39、"Gary's had a groin injury," Sir Alex told media at his pre-match press conference on Friday. ─── “内维尔腹股沟有伤,”弗格森爵士在周五的赛前记者会上告诉媒体。

40、The Dane missed the Reds' last three outings against Stoke, Tottenham and Wolves with a groin injury. ─── 丹麦人错失由于腹股沟伤病缺阵了斯托克城、热刺和狼队的三场比赛。

41、Liverpool striker Fernando Torres withdrew from a Spain training session last night with a suspected groin strain. ─── 利物浦前锋费尔南多.托雷斯昨晚提前撤出了西班牙的训练,据称腹股沟伤了。

42、Bullous pemphigoid is most commonly seen in Dobermanns and Collies and appears as a scald-like lesion of the groin. ─── 大疱性类天疱疮最常见于杜宾犬和柯利犬,表现为腹股沟处的烫伤样病变。

43、A botched kidnapping ended with one of the assailants shooting himself in the groin, Wichita police said. ─── 威奇塔警方说,一场拙劣的绑架犯罪活动最后以一名匪徒射伤自己腹股沟收场。

44、Try to absorb as much of the radiation as possible with your groin region. The current world record is 5 minutes, 12 seconds. ─── 尝试用腹股沟吸收尽量多的辐射,世界纪录保持者能够坚持5分12秒。。。

45、Site happened was particularly prevalent in the head and neck, armpits, groin, neck, preauricular, retroauricular, stock lymph nodes, submandibular lymph nodes and so on. ─── 发生的部位多见于头颈部、腋窝、腹股沟、颈后、耳前、耳后、股淋巴结、颌下淋巴结等。

46、A, Lower extremity from groin to toes encased in sterile towels and sterile pillowcase; these in turn surrounded by sterile roller bandage. ─── 下肢自腹股沟到足趾包入无菌巾和无菌枕套内,并依次环绕无菌绷带。

47、Does red dot appear over there ham inside groin and how is the difficulties feels to return a responsibility? How to solve? ─── 大腿内侧腹股沟那里出现红点并且有痛痒感是怎么回事?怎么解决?

48、The right groin area deep tenderness Obviously, no significant bone fricative and abnormal activities. ─── 右侧腹股沟区深压痛明显,无明显骨擦音及异常活动。

49、During the procedure, the child is sedated and a small, thin, flexible tube (catheter) is inserted into a blood vessel in the groin and guided to the inside of the heart. ─── 使患儿镇静,一条小的、细的、柔软的导管在腹股沟处插入血管并且引导进入心脏。

50、Though Clemens completed a sharp six-inning effort against the Toledo Mud Hens, a Detroit Tigers affiliate, the fatigued groin nagged all week. ─── 他对上隶属于老虎队的托利多水鸟队,从那时就被鼠蹊部伤势困扰了一整个星期。

51、Instead, apply warm compresses to the neck, chest wall and groin. ─── 应该使用热的敷布敷在患者的胸部与腹股沟部。

52、Exactly.Weekend At Bernie's! Dead guy getting hit in the groin twenty, thirty times! No? ─── 咳。本来想前面偷下懒不介绍?

53、Gary Neville is also named in the squad, although he is likely to pull out due to a groin injury. ─── 加里内维尔也在名单当中,尽管他可能会因为腹股沟伤而离开。

54、If a knee thrust to the testicles or groin is used in connection with a chin jab, the body will automatically bend forward, leaving a perfect set-up for this particular blow. ─── 如果膝盖撞裆与掌跟打击下颌结合使用,对手的身体会自动向前弯曲,成为施展这种打击的极佳姿势。

55、But United are hoping to get Kieron Dyer back sometime next month as the little midfielder battles to save his career which is threatened by his long-standing groin problems. ─── 但是联队希望中场戴尔能够回归,这名中场球员在很长的时间都受腹股沟的伤病困扰。

56、If they come at you with a knife, drop to the ground, ball up to protect your torso (the kill zone) and kick at the attacker's knees or groin. ─── 如果他们用刀逼迫你,蹲到地下,蜷起身体保护你的主身(致命区),然后踢袭击者的膝盖或下档。

57、Robbin AW,Rutkou IM.Mesh plug repair and groin hernia surgery[J].Surg Clin North Am,1998;78(6):1007. ─── 二十世纪西方国家疝外科的发展史[A].上海.中华医学会第十四届全国外科学术会议论文汇编[C],2001:74.

58、He kneed his attacker in the groin. ─── 他用膝盖猛撞攻击者的下身。

59、Crespo, who strained a groin muscle on Saturday, pulls out of Argentina's game in Paraguay at the weekend. ─── 周六拉伤腹沟肌肉的克雷斯波将缺阵本周末阿根廷在巴拉圭的比赛。

60、A hernia is caused by the protrusion of a viscus (in the case of groin hernias, an intraabdominal organ) through a weakness in the containing wall. ─── 什麽是'股疝中的男性-内容凸出腹部肌肉无力低于腹股沟韧带在腹股沟男性'?

61、The Liverpool skipper is back training with his teammates after recovering from a groin injury and is expected to return in time to face Alan Shearer's relegation-threatened side. ─── 在从腹股沟的伤病恢复过来利物浦队长杰拉德已经参与队内的训练,杰拉德希望能够赶上濒临降级的纽卡的比赛。

62、Hello, HIV is the systemic lymphadenopathy the superficial lymphadenopathy, a more in groin, armpit, ears, cervical. ─── 你好,HIV的淋巴肿大是全身性的浅表淋巴肿大,多发于腹股沟,腋下,耳后,颈前。

63、Ferguson also revealed Owen Hargreaves is likely to miss out on the trip to Goodison Park as he struggles to shake off a groin problem. ─── 弗格森也披露欧文哈格里夫斯极有可能错过古德逊花园球场之战,因为他需要全力恢复腹股沟的伤势。

64、He noticed a nontender swelling a earing on and off in his right groin one week ago. ─── 一星期以前,他发觉在右鼠蹊部,发生无压痛的肿胀,时起时消。

65、Denver Nuggets will play Friday night against the Minnesota Timberwolves. Chucky - Atkins and Sony - Wei Musi will be because of groin and knee injuries and missed games. ─── 丹佛掘金队将在当地时间周五晚上对阵明尼苏达森林狼队。查基-阿特金斯和索尼-维姆斯将分别因为膝伤和腹股沟伤势而缺阵比赛。

66、The histopathological study showed the malignant transformation of melanocytic nevi with the lymph node metastasis on the right groin. ─── 出生后即发现腰骶部有巨大黑素细胞痣,14个月时皮损组织病理检查示,黑素细胞痣恶变并有右侧腹股沟淋巴结转移。

67、It is preferable to use the PerFix plug in the treatment of all types of groin hernia including the giant,then pantaloon type and the combined types of hernias. ─── 充填式疝修补术可以治疗各型腹股沟疝,利用单个网塞和网片治疗巨大腹股沟疝、骑跨疝和复合疝是有效、可行的。

68、Kieran Gibbs has been carrying a groin injury for a few games and faces a late fitness test ahead of the first leg at Manchester United. ─── 官网消息:吉布斯的情况与西尔维斯特一样,因腹股沟拉伤也可能缺席比赛。

69、A botched kidnapping ended with one of the assailants shooting himself in the groin, Wichita police said. ─── 威奇塔警方说,一场拙劣的绑架犯罪活动最后以一名匪徒射伤自己腹股沟收场。

70、The Liverpool skipper missed Saturday's defeat to Sunderland with a groin injury, but trained in front of the media at Melwood earlier today. ─── 利物浦队长由于腹股沟缺席星期六桑德兰的比赛,但是今天他在媒体前参加了在梅尔伍德的集训。

71、She kicked her attacker in the groin. ─── 她踢着了袭击者的胯部。

72、She gave him a swift kick in the groin. ─── 她飞起一脚踢中了他胯部。

73、It bears the image of a front and dorsal view of a naked man with his hands folded across his groin. ─── 它带来了一个前面的肖像,背面观看是一个裸体的男人,双手交叉折叠,横过腹股沟。

74、Jamal Crawford returned to the Warriors' lineup after missing two games with a groin strain and scored 22 points. ─── 克劳福德在因为腹股沟拉伤缺席了两场比赛后,今天也回到了勇士的首发阵容,拿下22分。

75、Meanwhile, the relationships between bore pressure and bore height, groin response and bore height are researched. ─── 同时通过研究丁坝的位移和内力响应结果随涌潮高度的变化情况,得出了不同涌潮高度下丁坝响应的规律。

76、Site occurred more common in the head and neck, armpits, groin, neck, ears ago, the ears, stocks lymph nodes, submandibular lymph nodes and so on. ─── 发生部位多见于头颈部、腋窝、腹股沟、颈后、耳前、耳后、股淋巴结、颌下淋巴结等。

77、Cohen SP,Foster A.Pulsed radiofrequency as a treatment for groin pain and orchialgia.Urology,2003,61(3):645. ─── 卢振和,高崇荣.射频治疗顽固性头疼.中国疼痛医学杂志,2001(3s):28.

78、Techniques like knee stamps, elbow breaks, throat punches, eye pokes, elbow strikes, groin attacks, knees to sternums, head butts, and wrist breaks. ─── 常见技巧包括:膝压,折肘,锁喉,戳眼,肘击,袭击腹部,膝盖,头部撞击,折腕。

79、She kicked her attacker in the groin. ─── 她朝袭击者的下身踢了一脚。

80、They will be boosted by the return from suspension of Newcastle's Steven Taylor, while the West Ham defender Anton Ferdinand is expected to have recovered from a groin injury. ─── 他们应该会因为被禁赛的纽卡后卫斯蒂文.泰勒的回归而受到鼓舞。西汉姆后卫安顿.费迪南德应该也可以从腹股沟的伤病中恢复。

81、When I pulled up the day before we went to Chelsea we were hoping it was only a pull in my groin, but it turned out that there is a slight tear. ─── “当我在与切尔西比赛前一天感觉不适而停止训练时,我们都希望那只是靠近我腹股沟的一点小小的疼痛,但是很快就变成了剧烈的疼痛。”

82、Aaron Lennon is struggling to shake off a groin injury in time for his side's trip to Anfield - but Insua is preparing himself just in case. ─── 列侬及时摆脱腹股沟的伤病随着球队做客安菲尔德,然而因苏阿正在备战以防万一上场的列侬。

83、Emmanuel Adebayor has not shaken off the groin problem which ruled him out of last week's draw at Manchester United. ─── 官网消息:自从缺席了上周对曼联的比赛后,阿德的腹股沟拉伤仍未见好。

84、Torres was substituted during the early stages of the second-half in Saturday's clash with Armenia after reporting groin pain. ─── 在上周六西班牙对阵亚美尼亚的比赛中,托雷斯在下半场被替换下场,据传是腹股沟拉伤。

85、Rooney's last World Cup ended with one of those red cards after his boot made firm contact with the groin of a Portuguese player. ─── 鲁尼的上次世界杯之旅是以一张红牌结束的,那次在与葡萄牙的比赛中他因蹬踏对方球员的腹股沟而吃到红牌。

86、He was hurt in the groin quick. ─── 他伤在腹股沟的肉上。

87、Athletic pubalgia and groin pain, in Garrett WE, Speer KP, Kirkendall DT (eds): Principles and Practice of Orthopedic Sports Medicine[M]. ─── Edelman和Selesnick报导了使用生物补片(Sugisis)经腹腔镜(TEP)修补运动员的腹股沟缺损,效果较好,提示生物补片在这一领域有广阔的应用前景。

88、El Nino played the final 25 minutes of the 2-1 defeat to Fiorentina after a month on the sidelines with a groin injury. ─── 在1比2输给佛罗伦萨的比赛中,由于腹股沟受伤一个月的托雷斯最后上场了25分钟。

89、Meanwhile, Tottenham will assess Jonathan Woodgate's recovery from groin surgery before setting a target for his return to action this season. ─── 同时,热刺也会在考察伍德盖德的腹股沟手术康复情况后为他制定复出后的这赛季的新目标。

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