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08-16 投稿


entrap 发音

英:[?n'tr?p; en-]  美:[?n'tr?p]

英:  美:

entrap 中文意思翻译



entrap 网络释义

vt. 使陷入;使陷罗网;欺骗

entrap 短语词组

1、adidas neo entrap mid ─── 阿迪达斯neo entrap mid

2、entrap sb into doing sth ─── 诱使(某人)做(某事)

3、entrap into ─── 使落入圈套

entrap 词性/词形变化,entrap变形

动词过去式: entrapped |动词现在分词: entrapping |名词: entrapment |动词过去分词: entrapped |动词第三人称单数: entraps |

entrap 相似词语短语

1、suntrap ─── 阳光特别充足的地方;避风向阳处

2、entropy ─── n.[热]熵(热力学函数)

3、mantrap ─── n.捕人陷阱

4、entrant ─── n.进入者;新会员;参加竞赛者;新工作者

5、entreat ─── vt.恳求;请求;vi.恳求;乞求

6、entrail ─── 内部的

7、entrain ─── v.上火车;让……上火车;(水流或流体)卷走;导致;(使)成同步;用蒸馏带走(液滴、气泡等);n.热情,兴奋

8、entraps ─── vt.使陷入;使陷罗网;欺骗

9、Central ─── n.苏格兰中心的一个地区;adj.(central)中心的;主要的;中枢的;n.(central)电话总机

entrap 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The lower part of the net is tightened, enclosing the fish in a hemisphere large enough to entrap a mass of tuna. ─── 网具的较下面部分紧拉,将鱼群围在一个大的半球行区域内能够捕获大量的金枪鱼。

2、The settling precipitates can also entrap colloids which it passes bringing them down ─── 正在沉降的沉淀物也能夹带胶体使其沉淀。

3、The disk around a rapidly spinning black hole has magnetic fieldlines that entrap ionized gas falling toward the black hole. ─── 围绕飞速旋转黑洞的吸积盘,因高速旋转而产生的磁力线,俘获等离子体并使它们落向黑洞。

4、I do not personate the stage-play emperor to entrap applause. ─── 我不扮演戏台上的国王骗取掌声。

5、When pulling Xiao En 17 days to accept Reuter reporter to interview, say: "Agent of loan of a few mortgage is quite immoral, leasehold person entrap leasehold lair. ─── 拉肖恩17日接受路透社记者采访时说:“一些抵押贷款经纪人相当不道德,把借贷人骗入借贷泥潭。”

6、However, the pedlar of a few be blinded by gain is cogged on electronic balance entrap consumer. ─── 然而,一些利欲熏心的商贩在电子秤上作弊坑害消费者。

7、7.This good-and-evil thing is something that can entrap you if you do not get beyond it. ─── 如果你们不超越它,这好的-和-邪恶的东西能使你们陷入某事。

8、Dwarf Runesmiths make many magical devices, including the finest weapons and armor.They are masters of rune lore, the art of using runes to entrap magic and imbue artifacts with arcane power. ─── 失信对矮人而言是最槽糕最丢人的事,毁约的行为会被死死牢记,甚至带来持续几百上千年的报复和仇杀。

9、a spider spins a web to entrap her prey, but somehow evades entrapment herself. ─── 蜘蛛通过织网既可以捕捉猎物也可以帮助逃脱捕捉。

10、Besides, what's better way to entrap a man than to wear an alluring dress? ─── 此外,有什么办法比穿上迷人的服装更能勾引男人呢?”

11、lure or entrap with or as if with a decoy. ─── 引诱或者诱陷或者好像用一个圈套。

12、entrap and defraud sb. of his money and belongings ─── 坑绷拐骗

13、Do you think to entrap the lives of my people, yet keep yourselves alive? ─── 你们猎取了我百姓的性命,难道能挽救你们自己的性命?

14、s: Sodium alginate and polyvinyl alcohol were separately used as carriers to entrap and immobilize the high efficiency degradating bacterium of succinonitrile. ─── 分别用海藻酸钠与聚乙烯醇为载体,对前期研究中获得的丁二腈高效降解菌进行包埋固定。

15、It was indeed a clever plan to entrap his opponent, but in the end he was hoist by his own petard. ─── 设圈套陷害他的对手固然是个妙计,可是到头来却是作法自毙。

16、To surround(an enemy, for example); enclose or entrap. ─── 围住(例如敌人);包围或诱陷

17、Some women's magazines perpetuate these stereotypes by offering advice on how to entrap men or keep them guessing. ─── 这一句译为:“一些女性杂志建议用保持神秘感来诱惑男人,使这种成见根深蒂固。”似乎更合适。

18、She was quite prepared to entrap the bishop himself. ─── 她做好充分准备去勾引主教本人。

19、Vishing An ingenious new type of phishing scam that uses VoIP telephony to entrap its victims is emergered. ─── 网上话音欺骗一种刚刚出现的颇有创意的网上钓鱼式欺骗新类型,它利用IP电话诱骗受害者。

20、Ling: All these should be parts of a huge conspiracy. I had plotted to entrap Elder brother and frame up Shin as a rapist since long time ago! ─── 灵:这一切应该是一个巨大阴谋的一部分,他们早就设计好了要害大哥,要诬陷童心为淫贼!

21、An Investigation into Entrap Volume in Seawater Hydraulic Pump with Piston Valving ─── 柱塞配流海水液压泵配流副闭死体积的研究

22、The monks lay snares in the temple where full of entrap, hoodwink, abductlike swindling and the stink of money . ─── 信士在网上感叹到佛前礼拜烧不起一炷香,和尚“设下圈套”,寺内处处是“坑蒙拐骗般的欺诈和铜臭”.

23、The possibility density technology was used to entrap a little change of acoustical signal, which can discern the gas incursion and give the alarm efficaciously. ─── 利用概率密度技术捕捉声信号的微小变化 ,能够有效地识别气侵并报警。

24、If you are to make any progress in excavating yourself from the cycles that entrap you, you must first identify the patterns that keep you stuck. Then you can begin to release the old behaviors. ─── 要想从无休无止的重复中解脱出来,须首先识别那些困住你的行为模式,然后才能摆脱旧的习惯。

25、12 Slanderers will not survive on earth; evil will quickly entrap the violent. ─── 搬弄是非的人,不得在世久存,灾祸会突然使强暴的人被擒。

26、To lure or entrap by or as if by a decoy. ─── 诱捕用诱饵吸引或设陷阱

27、The hunters used nets to entrap the lion. ─── 猎人们以罗网诱捕狮子。

28、10.It was indeed a clever plan to entrap his opponent, but in the end he was hoist by his own petard. ─── 设圈套陷害他的对手固然是个妙计,可是到头来却是作法自毙。

29、They always entrap the women into bed and then steal their money and pass, until they meet a tactful pauper - Lara... ─── 不久萍上吊而死,但她的鬼魂一直在四处游荡,寻找着松,难道她的死和松有关吗?她和泰的爱情又将是怎样一个结局呢?

30、It is said that the Dakinis have the power to instantly entrap mere mortals with their gaze. ─── 据说空行母能够用它们的凝视来立即诱陷凡人的能力。

31、And thinking that he was binding her, he bound himself, And the culmination of this clever goofiness might be to entrap himself. ─── 他以为在把她捆住,实际上他已捆住了自己。干这种聪明笨伯的事,其最后的结果,也许是作茧自缚。

32、To hinder, entrap, or entangle as if in mire. ─── 好像在泥潭中一样被陷入或者受到阻碍。

33、What is even more strange is that all the victims of the infant, her rural areas are almost without exception, why do these specialized drug formula entrap China's rural poor suffering child? ─── 更令人奇怪的是,所有受害婴儿,几乎无一例外都是农村娃,为什么这些毒奶粉专门坑害中国贫穷农村的苦孩子呢?

34、The disk around a rapidly spinning black hole has magnetic field lines that entrap ionized gas falling toward the black hole. ─── 一个快速成长的黑洞周围圆形区域所具有的磁力线会诱骗离子化的气体朝向黑洞掉落并最终被俘获。

35、All About West entrap us how much money ? ─── 大话西游坑害了我们多少钱?

36、entrap into ─── v. 使落入圈套

37、The police have been given extra powers to entrap drug traffickers. ─── 警方已得到额外授权诱捕毒贩。

38、Entrap them first in fascination. ─── 我们应该做的是让孩子着迷,允许他们玩耍和嬉戏并让他们怀有希望和期盼。”

39、The operation, he said, had been a "controlled delivery" , meaning agents had posed as traffickers to entrap the real criminals. ─── 他说那次行动是“控制下的运毒”,即特工人员假扮成毒贩以诱捕真正的犯罪分子。

40、To hinder, entrap, or entangle as if in mire. ─── 使受困扰使阻碍、牵绊或纠缠如陷入泥沼一般

41、entrap sb into doing sth ─── 诱使(某人)做(某事)

42、The sensitive tentacles are able to detect caught prey and produce more dew to entrap their victim.Neighbouring tentacles then mobilize and slowly lean over to engulf the hapless victim. ─── 灵敏的触手可以侦测是否抓到猎物,并分泌更多黏液让猎物无法逃脱,而附近的触手则靠过来,缓缓倾斜,将牺牲者捲入。

43、entrap:To catch in or as if in a trap. ─── 使入或似乎使入陷阱.

44、To surround(an enemy,for example;enclose or entrap. ─── 围住(例如敌人);包围或诱陷

45、to entrap, ensnare or harm sb. ─── 坑人

46、You will not entrap me in thins,Miss Krose. ─── 你别把我牵扯进去,克罗丝小姐。

47、When the land in front makes advancing easy, while that to the rear is treacherous, this is terrain that will entrap the chariots. ─── 前面平坦,后面险阻,这就是战车的困地。

48、What the better way to entrap a man than to wear an alluring dress ─── 勾引男人有什么办法比穿上迷人的服装更能勾引男人

49、A new type of non-asbestos rubber gasket sheet was developed using highly fibrillated PAN pulp as a reinforcement and high effciency entrap component replaced of aramid pulp. ─── 以上海兰邦公司生产的高度原纤化聚丙烯腈浆粕为增强及高效微粒捕获组分,取代石棉及芳纶浆粕,开发研制了一种新型无石棉橡胶密封板,并对其进行了系统的性能测试分析。

50、to lure or entrap by or as if by a decoy ─── 诱捕;用诱饵吸引或设陷阱

51、1. is shoddy make in planting, go miscellaneous, go halfhearted of bad, castration discards as useless seed, after reclaiming, sell, entrap masses. ─── 1.以次充好 制种中去杂、去劣、去雄不认真的报废种子,回收后出售,坑害群众。

52、They can serve as an internal reservoir to entrap matter from the outer diluted continuous phase into the inner confined space. ─── 他们可以提供一个内部储藏处使物质由外在稀薄的连续相进入被限制的内相。

53、Keywords Kazakhstan;carbonatite;condensate reservoir;ultra-low water saturation;aqueous phase entrap; ─── 哈萨克斯坦;碳酸盐岩;凝析油气藏;超低含水饱和度;水相圈闭;

54、entrap a person to destruction ─── 诱使人走向毁灭

55、The hunters used nets to entrap the lion. ─── 猎人们以罗网诱捕狮子。

56、liquid entrap ─── 水相圈闭

57、Accordingly, joy strictly is the bait that nature uses to entrap human, like the meat in rat cage. ─── 所以,严格地说快乐是鼠笼里的那块肉,是大自然诱捕人类的诱饵。

58、3.lure, entice, or entrap with bait. ─── 用饵引诱,诱惑或者诱陷。

59、lure or entrap with or as if with a decoy. ─── 引诱或者诱陷或者好像用一个圈套。

60、Analysis on Reasons of Pitch Road Surface with Entrap in High Grade Highway ─── 高等级公路沥青路面坑槽病害成因分析

61、lure or entrap with or as if with a decoy ─── 引诱或者诱陷或者好像用一个圈套

62、I do not personate the stage-play emperor to entrap applause. ─── 我不扮演戏台上的国王骗取掌声。

63、, anchored, with fish guided into the net by leads of rope, operated by two canoes, and the weighted lead line raised quickly to the surface to entrap the fish. ─── 固定式的,藉由围索引导鱼进入网内,由两艘独木舟操作,并且利用重铅绳快速举起至表面而使鱼自投罗网。

64、Another variation is to entrap short segments of a novelty-effect material into regularly plied base yarns ─── 另一种方法是在有规律合胶的底纱中加入一小段,即一小段能产生花式效应的材料。

65、entrap phenomenon ─── 困油现象

66、And thinking that he was binding her, he bound himself, And the culmination of this clever goofiness might be to entrap himself. ─── 他以为在把她捆住,实际上他已捆住了自己。干这种聪明笨伯的事,其最后的结果,也许是作茧自缚。

67、entrap sb. into doing sth. ─── 诱使某人做某事

68、Still some businessmen use the calculator that has made motion and gage to entrap consumer. ─── 还有的商家使用做过手脚的计算器和量尺坑害消费者。

69、lead into a trap; entrap ─── 坑害

70、Website of orgnaization of medicine of false traditional Chinese medical science is in entrap patient while, also let research organization of standard medical treatment deeply its faze. ─── 虚假中医药机构网站在坑害患者的同时,也让正规医疗研究机构不胜其扰。

71、the quality of being designed to entrap. ─── 有计划的设置陷阱的行为。

72、They are masters of rune lore, the art of using runes to entrap magic and imbue artifacts with arcane power. ─── 毁约的行为会被死死牢记,甚至带来持续几百上千年的报复和仇杀。

73、Current, breed of the chemical fertilizer on the market is more, fertilizer of deterioration of a few bogus is different also level land interfuse among them, entrap farmer. ─── 目前,市场上化肥品种较多,一些伪劣化肥也不同程度地混入其中,坑害农民。

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