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brutish 发音

英:['bru?t??]  美:['brut??]

英:  美:

brutish 中文意思翻译



brutish 词性/词形变化,brutish变形

副词: brutishly |名词: brutishness |

brutish 短语词组

1、brutish define ─── 野蛮的定义

2、brutish and short quote ─── 粗俗简短的引用

3、brutish definition ─── 粗野的定义

4、brutish workers in the time machine ─── 时间机器里的野蛮工人

5、brutish dinosaurs ─── 野蛮的恐龙

6、brutish dinosaurs rs3 ─── 野蛮恐龙rs3

brutish 相似词语短语

1、brattish ─── adj.被惯坏的;讨厌的;无礼的,幼稚的

2、Jutish ─── adj.朱特人(Jute)的

3、British ─── adj.英国的,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的;英国人的;英联邦的;大英帝国的;n.英国人

4、brutishly ─── adv.残酷地;粗野地

5、brutism ─── n.兽行;野蛮行为

6、bruise ─── n.擦伤;挫伤;青肿;vt.使受瘀伤;使受挫伤;vi.擦伤;受伤

7、bluntish ─── 迟钝的

8、brush ─── n.刷子;画笔;毛笔;争吵;冲突;灌木丛地带;矮树丛;狐狸尾巴;vt.刷;画;;vi.刷;擦过;掠过;(经过时)轻触

9、Irtish ─── 额尔齐斯

brutish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The man was brutish and coarse. ─── 这个人野蛮而粗俗。

2、a brutish man with anthropoid features ─── 一个具有似猿相貌的野人

3、the Mesabi Iron Range, a brutish stretch of maroon hillocks(bJohn McCormick)See Synonyms at bbrute ─── 梅萨比艾恩山是褐紫红色山脉中艰险的一段(b约翰 麦考密克)参见

4、Nicholas Kerensky chose this seemingly brutish animal as the namesake for one of his Clans for more than its physical prowess. ─── 尼古拉斯·克伦斯基把这种看似粗野的动物选为他的一个氏族的象征,这并不只是因为它的力量。

5、Though Screed was not initially impressed with such brutish methods, he kept an open mind. ─── 斯克里德虽然一开始对这种野蛮的做法不以为然,但也并不介意。

6、wild or brutish person ─── 粗野残暴的人;兽性的人;衣冠禽兽.

7、1. beastly desires; a bestial nature; brute force; a dull and brutish man; bestial treatment of prisoners. ─── 兽欲;兽性;野蛮的力量;阴沉、残忍的人;对囚犯的兽行。收藏指正

8、Those consigned to the fields were the ones least willing or able to learn, the least energetic, the least honest and trustworthy, the most vicious and brutish. ─── 派到地里干活的那些黑人是最没有能力学习、智力最低下,最不老实,最不可靠,最坏和最粗野的。

9、The uncouth and brutish Koong was the governor of Tawntoom province on the Outer Rim world of Roon. ─── 粗暴无礼的孔是外环领土鲁恩星球唐吞省的总督。

10、His brutish family, usually happy to enjoy the fruits of his thievery—marmalade and a birthday cake filched from someone's shopping bag. ─── 他那粗野的家人通常很乐意享用他偷来的成果——果酱和从别人购物袋里偷来的生日蛋糕。

11、A peasant regarded as vile and brutish. ─── 乡巴佬,粗汉被认为低鄙和粗野的农民

12、"the Mesabi Iron Range, a brutish stretch of maroon hillocks" (John McCormick) ─── “梅萨比艾恩山是褐紫红色山脉中艰险的一段”(约翰·麦考密克)。

13、I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts ─── 我也看到大批头脑愚钝,受过训练,唯命是从而凶暴残忍的德国士兵,象一群爬行的蝗虫在蹒跚行进。

14、null ” And the life of man, solitary, poore, brutish, and short.” (Leviathan, ch. 13, ─── [而人的生命則是孤寂、貧困、齷齪、野蠻而短壽。

15、Both Mr Yang and Ms Deng are seen as having been driven over the edge by brutish, arrogant officialdom. ─── 杨佳和邓玉娇,都被认为是被野蛮傲慢的官僚作风推向了边缘。

16、the Mesabi Iron Range,a brutish stretch of maroon hillocks(bJohn McCormick)See Synonyms at bbrute ─── 梅萨比艾恩山是褐紫红色山脉中艰险的一段(b约翰·麦考密克)参见

17、A person regarded as crude or brutish. ─── 粗汉被认为是粗鲁或野蛮的人

18、10:8 But they are altogether brutish and foolish: the stock is a doctrine of vanities. ─── 他们尽都是畜类、是愚昧的.偶像的训诲算甚麽呢.偶像不过是木头。

19、brutish acts; bestial acts ─── 禽兽行为

20、For he seeth that wise men die, likewise the fool and the brutish person perish, and leave their wealth to others. ─── 他必见智慧人死。又见愚顽人和畜类人,一同灭亡,将他们的财货留给别人。

21、the Mesabi Iron Range, a brutish stretch of maroon hillocks(John McCormick)See Synonyms at brute ─── 梅萨比艾恩山是褐紫红色山脉中艰险的一段(约翰 麦考密克)参见

22、A brutish man knoweth not; neither doth a fool understand this. ─── 畜类人不晓得,愚顽人也不明白。

23、He had the look of a dull and brutish man. ─── 他看起来是个迟钝粗野的人。

24、Pro 30:2 Surely I am more brutish than any man, and have not the understanding of a man. ─── 箴30:2这人对以铁和乌甲说,我比众人更蠢笨,也没有人的聪明。

25、And I will pour out mine indignation upon thee, I will blow against thee in the fire of my wrath, and deliver thee into the hand of brutish men, and skilful to destroy. ─── 31我必将我的恼恨倒在你身上,将我烈怒的火喷在你身上。又将你交在善于杀灭的畜类人手中。

26、Surely the princes of Zoan are fools, the counsel of the wise counsellors of Pharaoh is become brutish: how say ye unto Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings? ─── 琐安的首领、极其愚昧、法老大有智慧的谋士、所筹划的、成为愚谋.你们怎敢对法老说、我是智慧人的子孙、我是古王的后裔。

27、A brutish man knoweth not; neither doth a fool understand this. ─── 畜类人不晓得,愚顽人也不明白。

28、The reality for the vast majority of the slaves in the Roman world was that life was nasty and short and brutish. ─── 罗马世界大多数奴隶的生活肮脏、贫瘠而野蛮。”

29、He found the people both savage and brutish, fighting among themselves and killing and eating one another. ─── 他发现人们都野蛮和残酷的,它们之间的战斗和杀戮和吃一个。

30、Perhaps the current release Merdeka, which paints Japanese World War II soldiers as heroes who save Indonesia from brutish white settlers. ─── 也许目前正在发行的《Merdeko》算得上一部。 其中二战期间的日本士兵被描述成了印度尼西亚摆脱白种人野蛮的殖民统治的英雄。

31、Perhaps the current release Merdeka,which paints Japanese World War II soldiers as heroes who save Indonesia from brutish white settlers. ─── 也许目前正在发行的《Merdeko》算得上一部。其中二战期间的日本士兵被描述成了印度尼西亚摆脱白种人野蛮的殖民统治的英雄。

32、The enjoyment of others is brutish. ─── 其他人的胃口都是粗俗的。

33、A person considered to be reclusive, reactionary, out of date, or brutish. ─── 稳居者,遁世者被认为是离群索居、反动的,过时的或野蛮的人

34、There's no sense at all of aesthetic, or the aesthetic they have is often brutish. ─── 完全没有审美感,或者他们的审美感是粗野的。

35、For the pastors are become brutish, and have not sought the LORD: therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered. ─── 因为牧人都成为畜类,没有求问耶和华,所以不得顺利。他们的羊群也都分散。

36、indignation at the brutish offense of Japan, the people're shamed. ─── 怒东瀛之猖獗兮,辱我人民。

37、I see also the dull,drilled, docile,brutish masses of the Hun soldiery,plod-ding on like a swarm of crawling locusts. ─── 我看见大批愚笨迟钝,受过训练,唯命是从,凶残暴戾的德国士兵,像一大群爬行的蝗虫正在沉重缓慢地前进。

38、The one is commonly transitory, a sound, a tongue, a dialect merely, almost brutish, and we learn it unconsciously, like the brutes, of our mothers. ─── 一般是瞬息变化的一种声音,一种口语,一种土话几乎是原始的,我们如野蛮人般下意识地从母亲那里学来。

39、The idea of men beating each other senseless for pay seemed brutish to her. ─── 人们为了赚钱而毫无意义地互相斗殴,在她看来是野蛮的。

40、1 Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish. ─── 喜爱管教的、就是喜爱知识.恨恶责备的、却是畜类。

41、9.beastly desires; a bestial nature; brute force; a dull and brutish man; bestial treatment of prisoners. ─── 兽欲;兽性;野蛮的力量;阴沉、残忍的人;对囚犯的兽行。

42、Pro 12:1 Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish. ─── 箴12:1喜爱管教的,就是喜爱知识。恨恶责备的,却是畜类。

43、Every man is brutish by his knowledge; every founder is confounded by the graven image: for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath in them. ─── 各人都成了畜类,毫无知识。各银匠都因他的偶像羞愧。他所铸的偶像本是虚假的,其中并无气息

44、But they are altogether brutish and foolish: the stock is a doctrine of vanities. ─── 他们尽都是畜类,是愚昧的。偶像的训诲算什么呢。偶像不过是木头。

45、I saw the dull , drilled , docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiers plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts, . . . ─── 我曾看到大批头脑愚蠢,训练有素,唯命是从而又凶暴残忍的德国士兵,像一群螺虫在蠕蠕行进。

46、Even in France, where the existence of so many varieties of delicious wine had hitherto imposed a judicious connoisseurship and has led to the branding of mere drinking as a brutish solecism. ─── 即使在法国,由于有那么多不同种类的葡萄酒,形成了品酒的鉴赏力,把单纯的喝酒看作粗鲁行为。

47、Understand, ye brutish among the people: and ye fools, when will ye be wise? ─── 你们民间的畜类人当思想。你们愚顽人,到几时才有智慧呢。

48、In uncivilized conditions,life of man is "nasty,brutish and short". ─── 人未开化时过的是“卑贱、短暂、禽兽一般”的生活。

49、Moreover, China is not the only country to prop up brutish regimes. ─── 再者,中国并不是支持那些野蛮政权的唯一国家。

50、In the next place it occurr'd to me, that albeit the usage they thus gave one another, was thus brutish and inhuman; yet it was really nothing to me: these people had done me injury. ─── 其次,我又想到:尽管他们用如此残暴不仁的手段互相残杀,于我却毫无干系。他们并没有伤害我。

51、Both Mr Yang and Ms Deng are seen as having been driven over the edge by brutish, arrogant officialdom.Mr Yang was executed last November. ─── 人们认为邓玉娇是受横行野蛮的官员被迫而做出的逾矩行为。

52、LIFE at the bottom is nasty, brutish and short. ─── 底层社会的人们生活污秽肮脏、粗野鄙陋、一无所有。

53、A person who is felt to be particularly cruel, brutish, or hideous. ─── 可怕的人,残酷的人让人感到特别残忍、野蛮或可怕的人

54、In uncivilized conditions, life of man is" nasty, brutish and short. ─── 人未开化时过的是“卑贱、野蛮、短暂”的生活。

55、The compiler, Fred Buller, an 81-year-old former fishing-tackle salesman, reminds readers of the salmon's romantic, if brutish, life story. ─── 小册子的编辑者,福瑞得.布勒是一位八十高龄的前渔具销售员,在书中他使读者想起了关于那条巨大鲑鱼的传奇,恍若的野性,以及作者的人生故事。

56、Guinea's opposition has condemned China for canoodling with a brutish regime and denies that the deal, if it comes off, would benefit ordinary Guineans. ─── 几内亚的反对者责备中国和一个残暴的国家同流合污,并认为就算这桩交易成功的话,对几内亚的民众也不会有好处。

57、Indeed, some point out that Britain has a long history of brusque and occasional brutish behavior. ─── 的确,有些人指出英国有长久的粗鲁和偶尔粗鲁的行为。

58、Every man is brutish in his knowledge: every founder is confounded by the graven image: for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath in them. ─── 各人都成了畜类,毫无知识。各银匠都因他雕刻的偶像羞愧。他所铸的偶像本是虚假的,其中并无气息

59、Suddenly, certain brutish behaviors that used to be overlooked were exiled as abnormal. ─── 突然之间,那些过去常常被忽视的野蛮的行为都被视为不正常。

60、brutish appetite ─── 兽欲

61、14 Every man is brutish in his knowledge: every founder is confounded by the graven image: for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath in them. ─── 14各人都成了畜类,毫无知识。各银匠都因他雕刻的偶像羞愧。他所铸的偶像本是虚假的,其中并无气息,

62、A brawny or brutish man ─── 强壮的人,粗鲁的人

63、A woman who is felt to be particularly cruel, brutish, or hideous. ─── 残忍的女人让人感到特别凶残、野蛮或可怕的女人

64、Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish. ─── 1喜爱管教的,就是喜爱知识。恨恶责备的,却是畜类。

65、Besides, strength to her was a gross and brutish thing. Her ideal of masculine beauty had always been slender gracefulness. ─── 何况在她心里育力原是粗鲁野蛮的东西,而她理想的男性美一向是修长而潇洒。

66、Besides,strength to her was a gross and brutish thing. Her ideal of masculine beauty had always been slender gracefulness. ─── 何况在她心里力原是粗鲁野蛮的东西,而她理想的男性美一向是修长而潇洒。

67、2.I see also the dull,drilled,docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts. ─── 我看见大批迟钝蠢笨,受过训练,惟命是从,粗野凶残的德国士兵,像一大群爬行的蝗虫在沉重缓慢地前进。

68、the Mesabi Iron Range,a brutish stretch of maroon hillocks(John McCormick)See Synonyms at brute ─── 梅萨比艾恩山是褐紫红色山脉中艰险的一段(约翰·麦考密克)参见

69、Understand, ye brutish among the people: and ye fools, when will ye be wise? ─── 8你们民间的畜类人当思想。你们愚顽人,到几时才有智慧呢。

70、When he drew upon the Force to do battle, however, he overcame his otherwise brutish, clumsy nature to become a formidable opponent. ─── 不过,在战斗中运用原力时,他会克服愚笨迟钝的天性,成为一个可怕的对手。

71、But its brutish behaviour will probably backfire. ─── 但是这种鲁莽行为可能让俄国自食其果。

72、3. I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like swarm of crawling locusts. ─── 我看见大批迟钝蠢笨,受过训练,惟命是从,粗野凶残的德国士兵,像一大群爬行的蝗虫在沉重缓慢地前进。收藏指正

73、A person who behaves in a bestial or brutish manner. ─── 畜生般的人,残暴的人行为象畜生或行为残暴的人

74、They saw that life was ugly, brutish, and short. ─── 他们看到的生活,只是丑恶,野蛮,和鼠目寸光。

75、Contrary to his earlier work, Rousseau claimed that the state of nature is brutish condition without law or morality, and that there are good men only a result of society's presence. ─── 与其早期作品观点相反,卢梭主张没有法律或道德的粗野的自然状态,而好人是这种社会的产物。

76、Which character the audience decides to believe depends on whether it views Caliban as inherently brutish, or as made brutish by oppression. ─── 听众决定相信哪一个性仰赖无论它看丑陋如固有畜生般或依照藉着压抑制造畜生般。

77、A brutish man. ─── 残暴的人

78、Human civilizations have sedulously sought to break the bounds of a simple and brutish existence.But haven't the efforts of recent millennia ultimately been in vain? ─── 人类的文明努力要想跳出单纯的兽性生活的圈子,几千年来的努力竟是枉费精神么?

79、Surely the p***nces of Zoan are fools, the counsel of the wise counsellors of Pharaoh is become brutish: how say ye unto Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings? ─── 11琐安的首领,极其愚昧,法老大有智慧的谋士,所筹画的,成为愚昧。你们怎敢对法老说,我是智慧人的子孙,我是古王的后裔。

80、The government was also the chief contributor to the air of hasty, brutish, self-preservation which hung over the road in a miasma as choking as the dust. ─── 政府并且是造成主路之上那同尘土一般呛人的急躁、暴戾、自私自利的主要推手。

81、In other words, his answer to Thomas Hobbes's famously gloomy statement that man's existence tends to be “nasty, brutish and short” is, in effect, that it is unfair to brutes. ─── 换句话说,托马斯霍布斯的观点----人类的生存倾向于“龌龊,野性和暴躁”,而他对此的回应是:实际上,对野兽来说,这种观点是有失公允的。

82、KJV] And I will pour out mine indignation upon thee, I will blow against thee in the fire of my wrath, and deliver thee into the hand of brutish men, and skilful to destroy. ─── [新译]我必把我的忿怒倒在你身上,把我的怒火喷在你身上,又把你交在那些惯于毁灭的野蛮人手中。

83、10.I see also the dull,drilled,docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts. ─── 我还看到那些呆头呆脑、训练有素、既驯服听话又凶残野蛮的德国士兵像一群蝗虫般地向前蠕动着。

84、4. The poor people lived in brutish conditions. ─── 穷苦的人生活在牛马不如的环境中。

85、A brutish person; a boor. ─── 粗野的人; 乡下佬

86、Newcombe might be seen as a serious case, terminally depressed, and her husband, with his brutish ways, might be looked on with concern and compassion as someone who needed help. ─── 时下,纽科姆太太可是被看成是极度沮丧的严重病号,而她那如此残忍的丈夫,却被关切而同情地认为需要帮助。

87、I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery blodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts. ─── (丘吉尔在此使用了一个恰当的比喻,把德国士兵比作蝗虫,因为二者有着共同之处-传播毁灭。

88、To neglect the instruction of our offspring is worse than brutish. ─── 忽略对后代的教导比凶暴对待他们更糟。

89、Thou shalt have the power to degenerate into the lower forms of life, which are brutish. ─── 你将会有力量,能够堕落成野蛮的低等生物;





















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