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08-16 投稿


boggling 发音

英:[?b?ɡl??]  美:[?bɑ?ɡl??]

英:  美:

boggling 中文意思翻译



boggling 短语词组

1、boggling mind ─── 难以置信

2、boggling root ─── 难以置信的根

3、boggling dance ─── 令人难以置信的舞蹈

4、boggling meaning ─── 难以置信的意思

5、boggling queen ─── 令人难以置信的女王

6、boggling means ─── 难以置信的手段

7、boggling rat ─── 难以置信的老鼠

8、boggling define ─── 令人难以置信的定义

9、mind-boggling a. ─── 令人难以置信的

boggling 词性/词形变化,boggling变形

名词: boggler |动词过去分词: boggled |动词过去式: boggled |动词第三人称单数: boggles |动词现在分词: boggling |

boggling 相似词语短语

1、bogging ─── n.沼泽土化;陷入;沉入;v.陷入泥沼;陷入困境(bog的ing形式)

2、shoggling ─── 扭动

3、toggling ─── n.绷扳,绷板;v.拴牢,系紧(toggle的ing形式)

4、bogieing ─── n.[铁路]转向架;小车;妖怪;可怕的人;n.(Bogie)人名;(英)博吉

5、goggling ─── v.瞪大眼睛看;(眼睛)突出,睁大(goggle的现在分词)

6、joggling ─── n.摇动加工;榫接;抖动;v.轻轻摇动;颤动(joggle的现在分词)

7、coggling ─── 巧思

8、beagling ─── n.携小猎犬行猎;猎兔;v.(追猎似的)按规定路线行进(beagle的ing形式)

9、bogeying ─── n.妖怪;可怕的人;(高尔夫)比标准杆多一杆;n.(Bogey)(法)博热(人名)

boggling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、English translation is brain boggling, and the weather in Beijing is said to be intolerably hot. ─── 英语翻译很费脑,并且北京的天气据说热的难以忍受。

2、a mind - boggling bazaar of competing manufacturers and overlapping technologies(bWilliam D.Marbach) ─── 一个拥有众多互相竞争的厂商和交错的技术的巨大市场(b威廉D.马巴赫)

3、Yea, what the rockets have done is really mind boggling. ─── 是的,火箭近来的表现,真让人不理解。

4、I've taken to fairy tales these days.Literary reads are too mind boggling. ─── 这一阵子我很喜欢童话故事,文学读物实在很让人惊奇。

5、One of the things that is mind-boggling right now is how much we have to change all the time. ─── 目前令人疑惑的事情之一就是,我们究竟要一直改变多少。

6、Blob's Organism features 20 challenging levels, 10 powerups, 5 boggling blob abilities, 3 difficulty settings, 21 original music tracks, Squishy sound effects, Bonus levels and a Jukebox! ─── 游戏上手简单,节奏紧凑,加上冷冻枪、光电枪、双管枪、三管枪等十种宝物,以及力场、再生、狂怒等五种特殊技能,爽快感十足。

7、complexity of subway systems around the world is mind-boggling. ─── 全世界地铁系统错综复杂,令人眼花缭乱。

8、This number of stars and the vastness of the universe is mind boggling. ─── 当我们想到宇宙的伟大,我们就不可思议!

9、The interplay between the two characters is mind boggling. ─── 之间的相互作用牢记两个字符是令人难以置信。

10、Given the steady stream of mind-boggling fake food news coming out of China lately â ' glow-in-the-dark pork, anyone? ─── 考虑到最近中国大陆不断传出难以想象的伪劣食品消息(荧光猪肉,听说过吗?)

11、"The mind now boggling at all the numbers on the table, both sides agreed to a recess of an hour" (Henry A. Kissinger) ─── “由于不愿面对桌子上那些让人困惑的数字,双方同意休息一小时”(亨利A.基辛格)

12、But as boggling as the ogling can be, what can you do? ─── 勇敢对视是一种办法。

13、Especially since work life is so hectic and mind boggling, is having some relaxing time not good? ─── 尤其是现在工作时那么快节奏又伤脑筋,难道过下清静悠闲的生活很不好吗?

14、"It's mind- boggling to think this was all done in 72 hours, " he said. ─── 他还表示,“在72小时内完成这么多工作真是难以置信。”

15、None of that alters the fact that the total amount paid is in many cases quite mind-boggling to people outside. ─── 所有这些都不能改变以下事实:在许多情况下,支付总额会让外部人士感到难以置信。

16、Unique Super Drift tyres with special drift rings produce mind boggling drift action that is a sight to behold. ─── 独特的超级漂移轮胎具有特殊的漂移戒指产生铭记惊人漂移行动,这是一个视线看哪。

17、a mind - boggling bazaar of competing manufacturers and overlapping technologies&b{William D.Marbach) ─── 一个拥有众多互相竞争的厂商和交错的技术的巨大市场(威廉D.马巴赫)

18、Your loss against Nadal at the French Open was pretty much mind?boggling. ─── 虽然输了球,但那已经是我在法网最好的成绩了。

19、of paperwork involved is mind-boggling. ─── 的书面工作量大得令人难以想象。

20、"The fact that in 2009 we're still unable to separate facts from fiction is mind-boggling, " she said. ─── 在2009年的今天,我们仍然不能区分事实和谎言,这令人难以置信。

21、Distancesin space are quite mind boggling. ─── 宇宙之大令人吃惊.

22、It is simply mind boggling. ─── 我被震住了。

23、It's quite mind boggling that this is their policy, especially when so many hotels nowadays are making it a free perk for guests. ─── 真是让人不理解,酒店为什么要提供这种政策。现在很多酒店都在免费提供这种服务了。

24、amount of biological data being created today is mind-boggling. ─── 当今时代正在创建的生物学数据的数量是惊人的。

25、s Organism features 20 challenging levels, 10 powerups, 5 boggling blob abilities, 3 difficulty settings, 21 original music tracks, Squishy sound effects, Bonus levels and a Jukebox! ─── 游戏曾获得独立游戏节音乐/音效创意奖和视觉艺术创意奖,光背景音乐就有21首,各有特色,非常不易。

26、Literary reads are too mind boggling. ─── 读那些文学作品太费脑子了。



1. I beg your pardon. / I didn't quite catch you on that.


2. Do you understand this sentence? / Are you following me? / Are you with me?


3. I feel the same. / I think exactly the same way.


4. Me too.


5. Anyway, believe me. I am serious.



1. Sorry. I’m busy at the moment. I’ll talk to you later.


2. Sorry. I’m speaking with a friend at the moment. I will talk to you later.


3. Forgive me. I sent you a wrong message. Hope you don’t mind.


4. I’m sorry for being so slow. You know my English is not good.


5. Excuse me for about 5 minutes?









7. Time is money. 时间就是金钱

8. That's life.这就是人生

9. Now you're talking. 这才对嘛

10. have butterflies in one's stomach 紧张

11. You asked for it. 你自找的

12. read between the lines 字里行间的言外之意

13. The rest is history. 众所皆知

14. A little bird told me. 我听说的

15. It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行

16. Mind your own business. 不关你的事儿

17. Hang in there. 坚持下去

18. could be worse 可能更糟

19. Money talks. 金钱万能

20. count me out 不要算我

21. Over my dead body! 想都别想(除非我死了)

22. go fifty-fifty on sth. 平分

23. You can say that again! You said it! 你说的没错;你说对了

24. Look who's talking! 看看你自己吧!

25. It's Greekto me. 这我完全不懂

26. take my word for it 相信我的话

27. not one's cup of tea 不感兴趣;不合胃口

28. Get real ! 别闹了;别开玩笑了

29. head over heels 深陷;完全地

30. Suit yourself. 随你高兴

31. What's the catch? 有什么意图?

32. let the cat out of bag 泄漏秘密

33. sth. is touch and go 危险的情况;惊险的;一触即发的

34. beat a dead horse 白费劲

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