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08-16 投稿


coffining 发音


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coffining 中文意思翻译



coffining 词性/词形变化,coffining变形

动词第三人称单数: coffins |动词过去分词: coffined |动词过去式: coffined |动词现在分词: coffining |

coffining 相似词语短语

1、confining ─── v.把……局限于;限制;监禁;(使)离不开(confine的现在分词)

2、cofiring ─── n.共燃;混燃

3、coffinite ─── n.[矿物]铀石;水硅铀矿

4、uncoffining ─── 开卷

5、cojoining ─── 跛行

6、coining ─── n.压模印;压印加工;vt.冲制;压模(coin的ing形式)

7、coffinning ─── 融资

8、coffling ─── n.绑在一起一队奴隶或一群兽类;vt.把…绑在一起

9、coffing ─── 棺材

coffining 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His coffin was placed in a special white marble cemetery. ─── 他的棺木摆在特制的白色大理石陵寝里。

2、They ploughed up a lead coffin. ─── 他们用犁翻起一口铅制棺材。

3、Tut had been affixed to his coffin by resins used in the embalming process. ─── 图坦被防腐处理时使用的树脂粘在棺材上。

4、Why is it considered necessary to nail down the lid of a coffin? ─── 为什么非要用钉子把棺材的盖子钉住?

5、You this pig head coffin,everyday not do something,only know find small girl play. ─── 内个扎猪头棺材,每天不做生活,只晓得寻小姑娘别相。

6、In ancient times, a coffin was called "fangzi". ─── 在古代,棺材又叫枋子。

7、The grave minute ago, the second wife, middle the second wife have the coffin platform with the brickwork. ─── 墓葬分前、后室,后室中部用砖砌有棺床。

8、He warned me of the danger of coffin nail to my health. ─── 他警告我香烟会危害我的健康。

9、As well as fragments of coffin wood and nails, there were four press studs. ─── 另外,除了棺木碎片和钉子以外,还有四个揿扣。

10、They draped the flag over/round the coffin. ─── 他们把旗子铺在灵柩上。

11、In 1987, the unearthed of posy on coffin of Han Dynasty shows that the founded time of Luzhou can be backdated to. ─── 7年合江县出土的汉棺铭文对泸州的建置时间 ,可再往前追溯两三百年。

12、In the silent coffin of disembodiment, few subjects could think of anything in particular after the second day. ─── 在这个完全隔绝的寂静的棺材里呆了两天后,几乎所有的受测者都没有了正常的思维。

13、A Muslim woman wawls on a coffin, July 11, 2007, at a funeral held for 465 Bosnian Muslims. ─── 7月11日,在465名波斯尼亚穆斯林的葬礼上,一名妇女趴在棺材上痛哭。

14、File photo dated 07/12/2007 of the coffin of Darren Yates-Badley arrives at St. ─── 分说明:2007年12月7日,英国阿瑟斯托,在救火行动中殉职的三名消防员的葬礼举行。

15、Her hand rested lightly on her husband's coffin as it was taken to a waiting hearse. ─── 她将手轻轻搁在她丈夫的棺材上,走向等候着的灵车。

16、Every glass of spirit you take is a nail in your coffin. ─── 你喝的每一杯烈酒都在缩短你的寿命。

17、The vampire rose out of the coffin. ─── 吸血鬼从棺材里起来。

18、In 1984, this vehicle was used as a caisson to bear the coffin of a Bundeswehr General, who was a World War II veteran. ─── 在1984年这辆黑豹被用作灵车运送一名德国联邦国防军的灵柩,他是第二次世界大战的一名老兵。

19、When there remained only the stones which are always used to cover the coffin,he threw them out one by one. ─── 后来,墓穴里只剩下盖在棺材上面的石块,他就一块一块地往外扔。

20、Ignatius: No way! Seeing dead people makes me sick to my stomach. I probably would have lost my lunch on the coffin. ─── 伊格内休斯:才没咧!我看死人的尸体会反胃,可能还会把午餐吐在棺材上。

21、His coffin was laid to rest in a deep grave. ─── 他的灵柩安放在深深的墓穴中。

22、LESTAT: It's your coffin, my love, enjoy it! Most of us never get to know what it feels like. ─── 列斯达:这是你的棺材,宝贝,好好享用吧。我们大多数人从来都不知道躺在里面的感觉。

23、He looked as solemn as a coffin. ─── 他的面孔板得跟死人那样严肃。

24、She went to the coffin, very soft, and kneeled down and looked in. ─── 她轻轻地来到棺材前面,跪下去往里看了一看。

25、A fresh richer is purchasing coffin in the store for the death. ─── 一个新贵在墓葬品商店选购他死时要用的棺材,有人问他:“最好买哪一种?”

26、Her grandpa was in his coffin. ─── 她的祖父已经死了。

27、He must be somebody,for a flag was draped over the coffin. ─── 他肯定是什么人物,因他棺材上有国旗。

28、They prayed to God for the dead before lowering the coffin into the grave. ─── 他们在把棺材下放到坟墓里之前向上帝祈祷。

29、They draped the flag over the soldier's coffin. ─── 他们把国旗盖在那个战士的棺木上。

30、At the end of the road, the coffin is carried to the village. ─── 在最后的路程,棺材是抬进村子的。

31、And he flung a shovelful of earth on the coffin. ─── 同时他铲起一锹土,摔在棺材上。

33、At the sight of the coffin her tears fell like pearls from a broken string. ─── "一见了棺材,那眼泪恰似断线之珠,滚将下来"

34、They won't stop until the dead is rested in the coffin. ─── 他们直至死者入殓才停止。

35、Four soldiers stood guard over the coffin . ─── 四个士兵守卫灵柩。

36、From inside the coffin they hear a faint moan. ─── 从棺材中他们听到了一声微弱的呻吟。

37、Your face would be sharp enough to split the boards for your own coffin. ─── 你的脸就会尖到可以劈木板给你自己做棺材。

38、A coffin burger sounds like it might not be good for your health. ─── “棺材板”听起来或许有害健康,

39、Drive a nail into sb. 's coffin v. ─── 促使某人早死。

40、They have a head shaped like a coffin. ─── 他们像一个棺材成形一个头。

41、She had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. ─── 她从未见过军人在军事棺木前。

42、He said if I didn't get squared away I'd get into combat some day and come back in a wooden coffin. ─── 他说如果我不重新开始,总有一天与人格斗,会被人用木头棺材抬着回来。

43、He remembered the hard palms of his mother as she lay in her coffin. ─── 他记得母亲躺在棺材里时那粗糙的手心;

44、Doctors took the strand from the body currently lying in Les Invalides just before the coffin arrived in Paris. ─── 在棺木到达巴黎荣军院之前,医生们从如今被放置在那里的尸体上取下了一缕头发。

45、The keening had begun. A group of people knelt down in front of the coffin and began to cry one after another. ─── 哭丧开始,一群人跪在死者的灵柩前,此起彼伏地哭起来。

46、A cynic is a man who, when he smell flower, looks around for a coffin. ─── 好冷嘲人生者,是个当他闻到花香之时就会四处找寻棺材的人。

47、She stood next to his coffin and put the white rose on it. ─── 她站在棺材旁将白色的鲜花放在上面。

48、He tossed a single crimson rose on to her oak coffin. ─── 他向她的木棺上投了一朵深红色的玫瑰。

49、But they will not bring tea coffin of the old mayor Chen. ─── 不过他们也不会把红袖带给陈市长那个老棺材了。

50、A fresh richer is purchasing coffin in a store death. ─── 一名新贵在墓葬品商店选购他死时要用的棺材。

51、But coffin burgers will not kill you. ─── 但是它并不会要你的命。

52、Meanwhile, for the dollar, tighter Chinese monetary policy is another nail in the coffin. ─── 同时,对美元来说,中国紧缩的货币政策是又一不详的预兆。

53、At the crematorium, they made a fire to burn the coffin, and everything was burnt in a short time. ─── 到了城外化人场,举火烧化棺材。不一会儿,烧得干干净净。

54、Inside, the body of Khufu rested in a great stone coffin. ─── 塔内,胡夫的尸体被安放在一个大石棺里

55、 双语使用场景

56、The tombs have one guo(inner coffin)and two guans(outer coffin),the tomb coded M2has been buried with four persons. ─── 两座大墓的葬具均为一椁二棺,其中M2还有殉人4具。

57、Every time he drinks wine, he drives a nail in his coffin. ─── 他每喝一次酒,就等于加速死亡一步。

58、He lays awake in his coffin and smiles to me. ─── 他已经醒了,躺在棺材里对我微微笑。

59、Charles, pitiful in his grief, could Barely endure the sounds of the hammer as her coffin was nailed shut. ─── 可怜的查尔斯非常悲痛。当她的棺材钉上盖子时,他简直无法忍受那铁锤敲打的声音。

60、Truth will out, even if buried in a golden coffin. ─── 即使把真理装在金棺材里埋起来,它也终究会显露出来。

61、I missed the deadline again last week; I suppose that is another nail in my coffin . ─── 上星期我又误了最后期限,我想那是另一个促使我完蛋的错误。

62、Silence the pianos,and with muffled drum ...bring out the coffin. ─── 别敲钢琴,在低沉的鼓声中,把棺木抬出来,

63、And after they embalmed him, he was placed in a coffin in Egypt. ─── 他们把他的遗体用香料包殓好,他的灵柩就停放在埃及。

64、She spoke from her coffin, and made ghoulish demands. ─── 她在棺材里对他说话,像个食尸鬼一样请求他。

65、"I tell you," said Jerry, "that you buried paving-stones and earth in that there coffin. ─── “我告诉你,”杰瑞说,“你们在那棺材里放的是铺路石和泥土。

66、But if you offered an American a coffin burger, he or she would probably say @No thanks. ─── 但如果你给他们一个“棺材板”,他们或许会说“不,谢谢。”

67、Many things go into a coffin burger. ─── “棺材板”里放了很多东西。

68、He is also said to be buried in a jade coffin, which purportedly can prevent the corpse from decaying. ─── 他也说是一个玉棺葬,据称可以防止尸体腐烂从。

69、They draped the coffin with the flag. ─── 他们把旗帜覆盖在灵柩上。

70、He looked, in the act of opening the door, like a corpse adjusting his coffin lid. ─── 他开门的动作就象一具死尸在移动棺材盖。

71、Urn burial is to put the dead into a large urn as coffin. ─── 甕棺葬是将死者的身体放在大甕中,再加以埋葬。

72、They bore the coffin into the church. ─── 他们把棺材抬进教堂。

73、A man, thirty years older than I, lies in coffin near the church altar. ─── 一个男人,一个大我三十岁的男人,躺在教堂祭坛旁的灵柩里。

74、Every word of it in a nail in the coffin of his credibility. ─── 他的每一个字都是一颗钉子,牢牢订在他信用的棺材上。

75、A coffin donated by Kaiser Wilhelm was never used and sits next to the original. ─── 凯撒威廉(普鲁士国王)捐献的一副棺木一直都没用,并放在原棺木的旁边。

76、Man may make a coffin of faith, faith being Christ, who sheathes and protects you in days of trouble. ─── 人们可以制造一个信仰的棺材,信仰基督,在你遭受磨难的日子里他护佑你。

77、Her coffin lay in the center of the very small, dusty living room of her poor parents, farmers in Pampanga. ─── 她的父母是邦板牙省的穷苦农民,她的棺材就被安置在她家狭小起居室的中央,周围落满了灰尘。

78、Do you see what that coffin varnish you serve here has done to some of those guys? ─── 你把劣质酒卖给那些人,你知道他们喝了后发生了什么事吗?

79、Then another cousin, Arno Lustiger, bent over the coffin to recite Kaddish. ─── 另一个堂兄ArnoLustiger俯身在棺材前背诵了犹太教颂祷词。

80、Every contrary example is a nail in the coffin of a theory. ─── 一个反例就会驳倒一个理论。

81、They have to look for hidden Qom in the river basin as a "coffin 1000" to the tomb. ─── 他们要寻找隐藏在库姆河流域的一个“有一千口棺材”的古墓地。

82、I started to attract a is the type of coffin box, and then turned, wow, a lot of cute little visual excitement while. ─── 一开始吸引我的是这个棺材型的大盒子,然后再一看时,哇,好多可爱的小人偶。

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