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08-16 投稿


ventral 发音

英:[?ventr?l]  美:[?ventr?l]

英:  美:

ventral 中文意思翻译




ventral 网络释义

adj. 腹侧的;[解剖] 腹部的n. 腹鳍

ventral 词性/词形变化,ventral变形

副词: ventrally |

ventral 短语词组

1、ventral mesocardium ─── [医] 腹心系膜

2、ventral mesogastrium ─── [医] 胃腹侧系膜

3、ventral area ─── [医] 腹侧区(脊神经前根带)

4、ventral commissure ─── [医] 腹侧连合

5、ventral fixation ─── [医] 腹壁固定术

6、ventral aspect ─── [医] 腹面

7、ventral cutting plates ─── [医] 腹切板

8、ventral hernia ─── [医] 腹 ─── [壁]疝

9、ventral column ─── [医] 前灰柱(脊髓)

10、latero-ventral rays ─── [医] 侧腹辅肋

11、ventral aorta ─── [医] 腹侧主动脉(胚胎)

12、ventral mesentery ─── [医] 腹肠系膜

13、ventral decubitus ─── [医] 腹卧位, 伏卧位

14、ventral lip ─── [医] 腹唇

15、ventral cavity ─── [医] 腹侧腔

16、ventral celiotomy ─── [医] 腹式剖腹术

17、ventral fin n. ─── 腹鳍

18、ventral cornua ─── [医] 前角

19、ventral horn ─── [医] ─── [灰质]前角

ventral 同义词


ventral 反义词


ventral 相似词语短语

1、ventrally ─── 前侧地

2、Central ─── n.苏格兰中心的一个地区;adj.(central)中心的;主要的;中枢的;n.(central)电话总机

3、dextral ─── adj.右旋的;右侧的;用右手的

4、centra ─── n.中心;中枢(centrum的复数);n.(Centra)人名;(意)琴特拉

5、ventrad ─── adv.[解剖]向腹部;向前侧

6、entrail ─── 内部的

7、entrap ─── vt.使陷入;使陷罗网;欺骗

8、vestral ─── 西部

9、antral ─── adj.窦的

ventral 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We found activity in a tiny little factory near the base of the brain called the ventral tegmental area. ─── 我们发现在大脑底部附近有一块活跃的微小的区域 --腹侧背盖区。

2、The immunohistochemical positive products on bFGF,GDNF,PDGF and IGF-I were observed in the neurons of gray matter,especially in both ventral horns and the deep of dorsal horns. ─── bFGF ,GDNF ,PDGF ,IGF -I的免疫阳性反应物主要见于脊髓灰质内各板层神经元 ,腹角和背角深部明显 ,背角浅层较少见。

3、All the three yin meridians of the hand come out of the axillae without exception, all the three yin meridians of foot run along the ventral aspect. ─── 所有的手三阴经无一例外的起于腋窝部,所有的足三阳经沿腹部循行。

4、But if the cute person gazed to one side, the ventral striatum remained dormant, apparently disappointed that the stranger was clearly not interested. ─── 但是,如果这个漂亮的人眼睛望着别处,那么你的前部纹状体就会处于休眠状态,你会认为照片上的人对你不感兴趣,而感到很失望。

5、One pathway is known as the ventral route, and it's direct and efficient, accounting for the vast majority of our reading. ─── 其中一条叫做腹侧传导通路,它的作用直接而有效,负责了我们大部分的阅读。

6、The change of spinal cords, ventral roots and siatic nerves were observed by LM &EM microscopy. ─── 前根及坐骨神经的变化,表现为轴索变性及继发的髓鞘改变。

7、In the posterior segment, its dorsoventral axis was the longest, and could be divided into two parts: the dorsal and the ventral parts. ─── 后段的背腹径最长,可分为背侧部和腹侧部,两部分的细胞分界清晰。

8、Another area that lit up: the ventral tegmental, which produces dopamine, a powerful neurotransmitter that affects pleasure and motivation. ─── 另一个区域--腹侧被盖区被激活,开始产生多巴胺,这种强大的强大神经传递素能影响(人们的)快感和冲动。

9、Near misses activated the brains’ ventral striatum and anterior insula areas, which were also activated during random wins. ─── “差点儿能赢”会激活大脑的腹侧纹状体和前脑岛区域,也些区域在侥幸赌赢时也会被激活。

10、Located on or near the front of an organ or on the ventral surface of the body in human beings. ─── 人体器官的,人体器官附近的,人体前侧面的位于人体某器官或附近的,或在人体前侧面的

11、At the light microscopic level CHAT-I neurons stained bluish-green and SP- I fibers Stained brown were found in the ventral horn. ─── 在光镜下,染成蓝绿色的ChAT样神经元和染成棕色的SP样纤维在前角出现。

12、Eight powerful laser turrets protected the sides of the ship, while quad cannon turrets covered the ventral and dorsal hulls. ─── 八门强劲的激光炮保护着该舰的两舷,同时四联装加农炮塔掩护着腹部与顶部的船体。

13、But regardless of the type of joke, the subjects' medial ventral prefrontal cortex always lit up. ─── 但无论哪一类型的幽默,那个叫做脑前叶下腹中轴皮层的区域都始终处于激活状态。

14、CCO, LDH, SDH, AChE and NOS had the extensive distribution in cercariae. The enzyme activity was high in the head organ, ventral sucker and tail stem of cercariae. ─── CCO、LDH、SDH、AChE和NOS在尾蚴的头器、腹吸盘和尾干部位的酶活性较高。

15、Honeybees can deposit numerous iron granules in the trophocytes of ventral abdomen.These iron granules contain superparamagnetic magnetites, which seem to be magnetoreceptors. ─── 已知蜜蜂能够在腹节的营养细胞内沉积许多铁颗粒,这些铁颗粒内含有许多超顺磁磁铁奈米颗粒,有可能当作磁场之感应器。

16、Flattened along the dorsal and ventral surfaces. ─── 匍匐的沿着背部和。

17、MRI showed cerebellar hemisphere,ventral pons,middle cerebelllar peduncles and olive atrophies in OPCA patients. ─── OPCA的MR表现主要为小脑半球、桥脑腹侧、小脑中脚和延髓橄榄的萎缩。

18、Anterior (Ventral, Front) Nearer to the front of the body is anterior. ─── 前(腹侧,前面)靠近身体正面为前。

19、Most chordates have a high-pressure, closed circulation with a ventral heart. ─── 大多数脊索动物循环具有高压的、封闭的循环系统,心脏位于腹面。

20、Nucleus accumbens (NAc), the other name is ventral striatum, makes up the ventral basal ganglia with ventral pallidum, as well as an important part of mesolimbic dopaminergic system. ─── 伏核(nucleus accumbens,NAc),亦称腹侧纹状体,与腹侧苍白球一起被称之腹侧基底节,同时也是中脑边缘DA系统的重要组成部分。

21、Characters of stigma in the genus of Aquilegia are unusual.The stigma is not confined to the tip of the style but extensive down the style base along ventral slit. ─── 主要结果如下:1.耧斗菜属植物柱头式样特殊,其柱头位置并不局限于花柱顶端,而是沿花柱腹缝线向基部延伸。

22、The notochord is straight and caudal fin structures are beginning to form on the ventral side of the notochord . ─── 此时脊索是直的,而且尾鳍的结构开始在脊索的腹侧边上形成。

23、Wang J J, Zhou T G, Qiu M Q, et al.Relationship between ventral stream for object vision and dorsal stream for spatial vision:An fMRI+ERP study. ─── 刘昌翁旭初.人脑功能磁共振成像及其在认知神经科学研究中的应用[J].生理科学进展,:.

24、The central nervous systeM consisted of brain, suboesophageal ganglion and ventral nerve-cord, and the differentiations aMong protocerebruM, deutocerebruM and tritocerebruM were obvious. ─── 其中枢神经系统由脑、食管下神经节、腹神经索组成,前、中、后脑分化明显。

25、The real contactarea between the ventral scales and the ground is reduced due to the microfibrils, which causes the decreasing of the adherence force in the sliding motion. ─── 微凸体减少了腹鳞和地面间的实际接触面积,从而减小了滑动时的粘着力;

26、Figure 4. Ventral hernia with omental fat protruding through the defect in the rectus sheath. Arrows point to the defect in the rectus sheath. ─── 图4。腹疝,大网膜经缺损的腹直肌鞘突出。箭头指示腹直肌鞘缺损。

27、Objective To determine whether vasectomy, in rabbits, via a ventral midline incision could reduce early post-operational complications. ─── 摘要目的探讨下腹正中切口兔输精管结扎术可否减少术后早期并发症。

28、Fig 3. Lipid concentration in liver, ventral muscle and dorsal muscle of the cobia. ─── 圖三、海鱺成長期間肝臟、腹肉與背肉脂肪含量。

29、Seeds oblong, base rostrate, apex retuse, ventral holes furrowed from middle to apex. ─── 从中间到先端的种子长圆形,基部具喙,先端微凹,腹面的洞棱槽。

30、That part is the ventral visual pathway. ─── 我们称这一部分为腹侧视觉途径。

31、"Our findings suggest that elevated opiate receptors in the ventral striatum could be a biologic link between personality traits and dependence risk," they write. ─── 参与者接著接受心理测验,以确认人格特性,包括寻求新颖事务、避免伤害、报酬依赖与持续情形。

32、A modified, usually elongated, scale (or group of scales) present at the upper or anterior base of the pectoral or ventral fins in some bony fishes. ─── 变异,通常延长了,鳞片(或者群体的鳞片)在一些硬骨鱼类出现在胸或腹鳍的上面或前面基底。

33、A dorsiventrally flattened structure has flat dorsal and ventral surfaces and very narrow lateral surfaces. ─── 异面平滑结构指有平滑的背、腹面,以及非常狭窄的侧表面。

34、The results indicate that transverse section of stem is mutirhomboidal, the cuticulas of cuticle and ventral are thicker in Barbula asperifolia Mitt. ─── 叶背、腹面角质层厚,粗疣不分叉,但顶端朝细胞凹陷处倾斜;

35、Dorsiventral Describing a structure that has distinct upper and lower surfaces. A dorsiventrally flattened structure has flat dorsal and ventral surfaces and very narrow lateral surfaces. ─── 异面(背腹型):指上下表面结构具有明显差异。异面平滑结构指有平滑的背、腹面,以及非常狭窄的侧表面。

36、Also I found that vulval cells and ventral uterine cells failed to divide in both evl-14 and scc-3 mutants. ─── 在evl-14和scc-3突变型线虫中,产卵器细胞和腹部子宫细胞也不能进行正常的有丝分裂。

37、Description: A median cyprinid with a long, spindle-shaped and laterally compressed body.It has a small head with a ventral mouth bearing 2 pairs of barbels.The caudal fin is deeply forked. ─── 形容:中型鲤科鱼类,身体呈长轴形,两侧扁平,头部偏小,口部位于下端,长有两对触须,尾鳍深叉型。

38、When we're craving things like food, water, or drugs, or anticipating getting them, two areas deep within the brain, the ventral tegmental area and caudate nucleus, are active. ─── 当我们渴望一些东西,比如说食物,水,或者药品,其他可以得到的东西,大脑深处的两个地方,腹侧表皮和尾核状体就会活动。

39、Abstract Objective To study the isolation, proliferation and differentiation of the neural stem cells from the ventral mesencephalon of human fetal. ─── 摘要 目的 探讨人胚中脑腹侧神经干细胞的分离、增殖条件及分化方向。

40、They found that feelings of intensive romantic love were linked to activity in the right caudate nucleus and right ventral tegmental area dopamine. ─── 他们发现强烈而又浪漫的爱情感觉跟右尾状核和右腹侧被盖区多巴胺有关。

41、A complicating factor is uncertainty surrounding the choice of axisymmetric exhaust nozzle geometry and ventral strakes in the long term. ─── 轴对称排气喷口的几何形状以及腹鳍边条周围环境的不确定性是一个复杂的因素。

42、NAc occupies an important place in the ventral striatum and basal forbrain structure. ─── 伏核在腹侧纹状体和基底前脑中占有重要位置。

43、The tail of the cercariae had three ciliated papillae on its ventral surface,and over forty long spines on its tip. ─── 尾部腹面可见纤毛型乳突三个,尾端具长棘40条以上。

44、Its sucking mouth was in a terminal rather than a ventral position. ─── 它的吸嘴位于末端,而不在腹部。

45、In this study, Howe looked at brain rhythms in a region at the very bottom of the basal ganglia, known as the ventral striatum. ─── 在这篇文章里,豪尔观察脑节奏,在基地神经节的很底部的区域,就是熟知的腹侧纹状体。

46、That part is the ventral visual pathway. ─── 而这些部分就是腹视觉神经通路。

47、SPR positive products were located predominately in the cell membrane. The density of positive endings in the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) was higher than that in the ventral cochlear nucleus. ─── 在耳蜗核,SPR阳性神经元数量较多,主要分布在耳蜗腹侧核(NCN),SPR阳性产物主要位于胞膜上,而耳蜗背侧核(DCN)阳性终末密度明显大于腹侧核.

48、A neurochemical called dopamine is released from the ventral tegmental area into the caudate nucleus. ─── 影响神经系统的多巴胺就会从腹侧被盖区释放到尾状核。

49、Anterior( Ventral, Front) Nearer to the front of the body is anterior. ─── 前(侧,前面)靠近身体正面为前。

50、Objective To investigate the effects of bovine spinal cord ventral horn homogenate on the anterior horn motoneurons of spinal cord, ventral roots and siatic nerves of guinea pigs. ─── 摘要目的探讨牛脊髓前角匀浆对豚鼠脊髓、前根及坐骨神经的影响。

51、The ventral cavity includes the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities and their subdivisions. ─── 腹侧腔包括胸腔和盆腹腔及其细分。

52、The main trend of medial part of NAcp was to the stria terminalis,thalamus,the place around cerebral aqueduct,and ventral midbrain. ─── 伏核强大的联系纤维就存在于后端围绕着前连合。

53、Multiple intracellular recordings showed that the cerebellum-evoked EPSP originated in the distal end of the ventral dendrite. ─── 多点胞内连续穿刺实验显示小脑诱发性EPSP起源于腹侧树突远端。

54、We found that, in the ventral tegmental area of anesthetized rats, the population of presumed dopamine neurons that are excited by aversive stimuli is actually not dopaminergic. ─── 作者发现在麻醉大鼠的腹侧被盖区中被推测对令人厌恶刺激产生反应的多巴胺能神经元群体实际上不是多巴胺能的。

55、The right anterosuperior lobe was divided into the ventral and dorsal segments by the vertical intersegmental fissure. ─── 右前上叶依垂直段间裂分为腹侧和背侧段。

56、Objective: To explore a surgical approach for removing ventral or ventral-lateral tumours around craniocervical junction region by far-lateral transcondylar management. ─── 摘要目的:探讨远外侧经髁入路显微切除延颈髓交界区腹侧肿瘤的手术方法。

57、The weak housing market is largely responsible for an economic price crisis that is leading to new government steps in the ventral financial system. ─── 房屋市场差大部分责任归于经济系统里影响新政府手段的经济危机。

58、The ultrastructure of the ventral scales of Trimeresurus stejnegeri was observed by means of atomic force microscopy. ─── 摘要用原子力显微镜观察了竹叶青蛇腹鳞表面的超微结构;

59、HRP was injected into: (1) areas 4,6 of unilateral cortex of 2 rats, and (2) unilateral ventral nuclei of 12 rats in order to study the connections of the thalamic VL and the distribution of the cells of origin. ─── 将HRP注入:(1)2只大白鼠一侧皮质的4、6区和(2)12只大白鼠一侧丘脑VL核,利用神经纤维轴浆运输的原理,研究丘脑腹外侧核的纤维连系和标记神经元的分布。

60、Most fishes have unstriated rays along the anterior part of the dorsal and ventral edges (leading edges) of the caudal fin. ─── 在大多数鱼类的尾鳍,沿著背侧与腹侧缘的前部具有无条痕的鳍条。在一些鱼中,例如鰕虎鱼其有条痕的与无条纹的软条数量比在鑑定上是有帮助的。

61、Abstract : Objective:To investigate the security and the operative experiences of laparoscopic ventral incisional herniorrhaphy. ─── 摘要 : 目的:探讨腹腔镜下腹壁切口疝修补术的手术方法、安全性等问题。

62、In terms of the zone under tensile stress, the existence of ventral moment is beneficial, but negative to the zone under compressive stress. ─── 对于承受压应力的那个区而言,腹杆弯矩的存在是不利的。

63、Abstract Objective To explore a surgical approach to ventral and lateral foramen magnum tumors by far lateral suboccipital approach. ─── 摘要 目的 探讨枕下远外侧入路显微外科切除枕骨大孔区前方及外侧肿瘤的手术方法。

64、Depth of caudal peduncle The least depth of this structure from the mid-line of the ventral surface. ─── 尾柄深度从尾柄背面到腹面中线的最少深度。

65、The ventral and dorsal roots later join to form paired spinal nerves, one on each side of the spinal cord. ─── 及后,腹根及背根结合且形成成对的脊神经。每边一条脊神经。

66、The central nervous system of Teleogyllus emma (Ohmachi and Matsuura) consists of brain, suboesophageal ganglion and ventral nerve-cord. ─── 应用解剖镜和光镜观察了黄脸油葫芦(Teleog理lluse脚ma(Ohmachi &Matsuura))中枢神经系统的组织解剖学结构,并对脑和各体神经节的组织学结构进行了比较。

67、Spondylosis, known as spondylosis deformans in dogs, is growth of osteophytes on the ventral and lateral surfaces of the vertebral bodies. ─── 变形性脊椎病是脊椎的横向和纵向骨质增生。


69、At the mid-thoracic and lower thoracic levels, significantly more vertebral rotation occurred under dorsal shear loads than under ventral shear loads. ─── 在胸正中和下胸位置,背侧剪切载荷比胸侧剪切载荷会产生更明显的椎体旋转。

70、Other sites that ventral hernias can develop are the belly button (umbilicus) or any other area of the abdominal wall. ─── 腹疝也可以发生在肚脐的周围或腹壁的任何地方。

71、However, there was a bigger-than-usual increase if the person giving the eye was found to be attractive. Activity in the ventral striatum surged, in an apparent .... ─── 不论与你进行目光交流的人是男还是女,只要进行直接的目光交流,大脑都会产生这种反应。

72、Dr.Brown said scientists believe that when you fall in love, the ventral tegmental floods the caudate with dopamine. ─── 布朗博士说,科学家们相信,当人们坠入爱河的时候,腹侧被盖区就会使活性尾区域充满多巴胺。

73、Bet you didn't think about the caudate and the ventral tegmental areas, did you? ─── 我打赌你没有想象尾状核和腹侧被盖区,不是吗?

74、The part of the brain that lies below the thalamus, forming the major portion of the ventral region of the diencephalon and functioning to regulate bodily temperature, certain metabolic processes, and other autonomic activities. ─── 下丘脑脑中位于丘脑下边的部分,其构成中脑腹部的主要部分,作用是控制体温,某些新陈代谢过程以及其一些下意识活动

75、Both anesthetics caused greater depression in the ventral horn. ─── 二者在腹角能够产生更强的抑制。

76、We shall now examine the ventral plates of this serpent, not the dorsal side. ─── 我们现在来仔细观察这条蛇的腹鳞,不是背面。

77、It was found that attacked male family members showed a reduced ventral gland pad size (Mann-Whitney U-Test: U = 48.0, P = 0.04). ─── 家庭内被攻击的雄性个体的腹下腺显著减小(Mann-WhitneyU-TestU=48.0,P=0.04)。

78、In the Pth, its caudal region is larger than its rostral region, and the posterior segment in the caudal region is divided into the dorsal and the ventral cell populations. ─── 加厚区的尾侧端比吻侧端大,且尾端的后段分离成背侧和腹侧两个细胞群。

79、Objective: The discussion rises positive to benefit the stomachsoup to gather the ventral massage treatment stomach sagging theclinical curative effect. ─── 摘要目的:探讨升阳益胃汤合腹部按摩治疗胃下垂的临床疗效。

80、The floor-plate extended anteriorly to the hindbrain.The heart was a thin-walled tube containing erythrocytes.It was ventral to the head paralleled with diencephalon. ─── 心脏是含有红血球的一个薄壁管,位于胚体头部腹面,且与中脑平行。

81、Microornamentation was examined on the exposed oberhautchen surface, including other part of head, dorsal, and ventral scales. ─── 同时观察了头部其他鳞片和身体中部背鳞和腹鳞的显微皮纹结构。

82、Because of the loss of anterior horn cells, the anterior (ventral) spinal motor nerve roots demonstrate atrophy, as seen here in comparison with a normal spinal cord. ─── 如图示,与正常脊索相比,由于前角细胞丧失,前(腹侧)脊髓运动神经根萎缩。

83、As a result we find cystic destruction ventrally and residual fibrosis mostly in the ventral lung areas. ─── 所以,我们发现空腔结构和不能吸收的纤维化多位于肺组织的腹侧。

84、There are 2 embryologic hypotheses for annular pancreas.One indicates a process of fixation of the tip of the ventral pancreatic bud to the duodenum before the axis rotation. ─── 关于环状胰腺的胚胎学说有2个,一种学说认为在胚胎发育过程中,在轴旋转前腹侧胰始基尖端已固定于十二指肠。

85、Even with its intoxicating supply of dopamine, the ventral tegmental couldn't do the love job on its own. ─── 他们发现强烈而又浪漫的爱情感觉跟右尾状核和右腹侧被盖区多巴胺有关。多巴胺是大脑中产生满足和快乐的一种化学物质。

86、The ventral segment of right anternsuperior lobe was divided into the upper and lower subsegment. ─── 右前上叶的腹侧段被水平亚段间裂分为上、下两个亚段。

87、Ventral (or pelvic) fins correspond to the hind limbs of a quadruped. ─── 与四足动物后肢相对的是腹鳍。

88、The inhibitory effect of DPN inputs could be abolished at the P5 levelled section of the brain stem or by electrolytic lesion of the ventral periaqueductal grey (vPAG). ─── 损毁中脑中央灰质腹侧部(vPAG)或按Sawyer图谱,在P5平面横断脑干,可消除DPN的这种抑制效应.

89、Uniform Inhibition of Dopamine Neurons in the Ventral Tegmental Area by Aversive Stimuli Dopamine neurons play a key role in reward-related behaviors. ─── 令人厌恶的刺激产生的在腹侧被盖区产生的多巴胺神能经元一致性抑制 多巴胺神经元在奖赏相关行为中气主要作用。

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