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presidency 发音

英:['prez?d(?)ns?]  美:['pr?z?d?nsi]

英:  美:

presidency 中文意思翻译



presidency 网络释义

n. 总统(或董事长、会长、大学校长等)的职位(任期);管辖;支配

presidency 词性/词形变化,presidency变形

名词复数: presidencies |

presidency 短语词组

1、run for presidency ─── 竞选总统

2、presidency election ─── 总统选举

3、presidents of the presidency ─── 总统府主席

4、Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovin ─── 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那主席团

5、presidency polls ─── 总统选举

6、Presidency of the Council of the Eu ─── 欧盟理事会主席

7、Presidency of the Council of the European Union ─── 欧洲联盟理事会主席

8、resisting a biden presidency ─── 抵制拜登总统任期

9、shortest presidency ─── 最短任期

10、presidency odds ─── 当选总统的几率

11、vice presidency ─── 副总统( ─── 副总裁, ─── 副董)的职位

12、nativist presidency ─── 本土主义总统

13、presidency def ─── 总统职位定义

14、dishonesty has defined the trump presidency ─── 不诚实定义了特朗普的总统任期

15、presidency results ─── 总统选举结果

16、indictments by presidency ─── 总统的起诉

17、vice-presidency ─── 副董事长职位

18、qualification for presidency ─── 总统任职资格

19、in the presidency of ─── 在…总统任期内, ─── 在…当总统期间

presidency 相似词语短语

1、residence ─── n.住宅,住处;居住

2、co-presidency ─── 共同主席

3、presidents ─── n.理事长,总统

4、nonresidency ─── 迟钝

5、president ─── n.总统;董事长;校长;主席;总裁

6、residency ─── n.住处;住院医生实习期

7、presidencies ─── n.总统(或董事长、会长、大学校长等)的职位(任期);管辖;支配

8、precedency ─── n.领先;上席

9、pendency ─── n.悬垂;悬而未决

presidency 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He thought if he were to run for the presidency he would have to raise ample funds. ─── 他想,如果他要竞选总统的话,就得去募集大笔的竞选经费。

2、It may be helpful that Slovenia, another bit of former Yugoslavia, currently holds the six-monthly rotating EU presidency. ─── 同样是前南斯拉夫一部分的斯洛文尼亚现在是欧盟任期6个月的轮值主席国,这或许对协议的签订会有帮助。

3、It took several years before he achieved the presidency. ─── 他用好几年才攀上了总裁职位。

4、His election to the presidency is the climax of his career. ─── 他当选为总统是他职业生涯的顶峰。

5、But the issues had been defined, and we would have the rest of the Presidency to shape the answers. ─── 但是问题已经摆出来,我们将利用总统任期的其余时间来寻求答案。

6、He was already preparing his run for the presidency. ─── 他已经在为总统竞选做准备。

7、The initiation had been harsh; but then no one had expected the presidency to be easy. ─── 刚上任就困难重重,但是本来就没有人指望这届总统的担子会是轻松的。

8、But if Garment was right, political and moral authority inexorably would start draining from the Presidency. ─── 但是,如果加门特的看法是对的话,总统的政治和道义权威就要不可挽回地受到削弱。

9、Con: Nearing the end of his Presidency and remains a figure of menace to many of his own citizens. ─── 临近总统任期,仍然被许多自己的公民视为威胁。

10、She had been nominated as candidate for the presidency. ─── 她已被提名为总统候选人。

11、He was candidate for the Presidency, but he threw in his hand when he realized he had no chance of success. ─── 他本来是总统候选人,但当他发现自己没有希望获得成功时,便退出了竞选。

12、The Republican Party nominated Lincoln, a dark horse and state senator of Illinois, for the presidency. ─── 共和党提名林肯为总统,伊利诺斯州的参议员,一匹黑马。

13、Her ambition is the presidency. ─── 她的抱负是成为一名总统

14、Although he had his eye on the presidency of Ford, he never expected to reach it. ─── 他有意当福特公司的总裁,但从未想过能够如愿以偿。

15、He has opted out of the election for the Presidency. ─── 他决定退出总统竞选。

16、Bush,in his first year as Texas governor,had neither foreign policy nor the presidency on his mind. ─── 其时布什当选得克萨斯州州长刚刚一年,尚未考虑过外交政策,更没考虑过当总统。

17、You have heard all the candidates running for the presidency and their proposals for their term in office. ─── 你们已经听到了所有竞选的候选人的演说以及他们上任后的建议。

18、By 2005 Mr Khatami's reforming presidency had after all run out of steam. ─── 到了2005年,哈塔米不断改革的任期最终失去势头。

19、That George W. Bush won the presidency once again was what many people hadn't expected. ─── 乔治?布什再次赢得总统大选,这是很多人没有预料到的。

20、Chen participated in the US presidency electioneering of Republican George Bush. ─── 她参与共和党人乔治·布什况选美国总统活动。

21、Three candidates are contesting the presidency. ─── 三个候选人在争夺总统的位子。

22、He will run for the Presidency. ─── 他将参加总统竞选。

23、He won the nomination as Democratic candidate for the presidency. ─── 他赢得了民主党总统候选人的提名。

24、Mr Zelaya's presidency has been marked by a rise in crime, corruption scandals and economic populism. ─── 塞拉亚执政期间,犯罪率持续升高,腐败丑闻层出不穷,经济上推行民粹主义。

25、Books have been written about the so-called imperial presidency, the imperial Congress and the imperial judiciary. ─── 关于所谓总统、国会和法院拥有至高无上权力的内容,许多人早已著过书。

26、He broke the New Deal majority, and then broke his presidency on a scandal that still haunts America. ─── 他打破了新政席,然后在其总统丑闻爆发,美国仍然挥之不去。

27、The Republican Party nominated Lincoln,a dark horse and state senator of Illinois ,for the presidency. ─── 共和党提名林肯为总统,伊利诺斯州的参议员,一匹黑马。

28、In the United States, many of his nonpaying appearances are connected to promoting the initiatives of his presidency. ─── 他在美国从事的许多不收费活动都与提高其总统形象的计划有关。

29、Yet if it looks as if it might lose the presidency, things could turn nastier. ─── 但是,如果总统宝座有丧失之虞的话,事态将会变得更加难堪。

30、His presidency began after an election dispute. ─── 他的任期开始在一次选举争论之后。

31、He achieved the presidency of this university. ─── 他获得了这个大学的校长职位。

32、Men with that capacity for self-abnegation do not reach a Presidency. ─── 具有那样自我克制能力的人根本当不了总统。

33、If you have what it takes, you can work up to the presidency of the company. ─── 如果你有两下子,你就可以爬到公司经理的位职。

34、The attempt to elevate Anderson to the presidency. ─── 企图把安德逊抬上总统宝座。

35、The office of the French presidency says President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife, Cecilia, have divorced by mutual consent. ─── 法国总统办公室说,总统萨尔科奇与夫人塞西莉亚经双方同意已经离婚。

36、He was elected to a second presidency. ─── 他获选连任总统。

37、He looked on the governorship as a stepping-stone to the presidency. ─── 他把州长职位看成是谋求总统职位的进身之阶。

38、The short-listed candidates will run off for presidency on Monday. ─── 入围的总统候选人将在周一进行最后的决选。

39、George Wash-ington turned down the offer of a kingship and chose the presidency instead. ─── 乔治·华盛顿拒绝王冠而选择了总统。

40、He was nominated for the presidency. ─── 他被提名为总统候选人。

41、At the age of 4 0 he assumed the presidency of the college . ─── 四十岁时他开始担任学院院长职位。

42、At the age of 40 he assumed the presidency of the college. ─── 40岁时他开始担任学院院长职位。

43、At home, Mrs Clinton will need to narrow the divisions that the bitter partisanship of the Bush presidency has widened. ─── 在国内,希拉里将会需要缩小布什任期两党之间扩大的差距。

44、It made him lame duck six months into a presidency won by the second largest plurality in American history. ─── 以美国有史以来第二位的最大多数票赢得的总统职务,他干了六个月就落得名存实亡了。

45、His dogged pursuit of the presidency was turning into a national joke. ─── 他执拗地谋求总统职位的行为变成了全国的笑柄。

46、But the turnabout is because the period after his presidency is the period when AIDS has become very visible. ─── 但情况发生了转变,是因为他离任的一段时期,是爱滋病十分猖獗的时期。

47、Therefore, I shall resign the Presidency effective at noon tomorrow. ─── 因此,明天中午,我将辞去总统的有效任期。

48、For him to concede that his ability to govern had been impaired would accelerate the assault on his Presidency. ─── 如果他承认他治理国家的能力已受到损害,必将招致对他作为总统的更多攻击。

49、She has been nominated for the Presidency. ─── 她已被提名为总统.

50、Jack Murtha (75) has proclaimed that the presidency is “no old man's job”. ─── 75岁的JackMurtha已经宣称总统这差事可不是老年人能干得了的。

51、He was a White House official during the Bush presidency. ─── 他是布什任总统时的白宫官员。

52、was the nadir of Truman's presidency. ─── 是杜鲁门总统生涯的最低点。

53、The first ten years of his presidency saw a period of innovation. ─── 他任总统的最初十年是一段革新期。

54、Thus governing the state does not provide much experience relevant to the complex tasks of the American presidency. ─── 与美国总统所要承担的复杂任务相比管理这样的州并不能得到太多经验.

55、A spell in opposition seemed apt punishment for the incompetence, cronyism and extremism of the Bush presidency. ─── 反对派意欲借此惩戒布什任内,共和党所推行的简单粗暴任人唯亲且极端主义的政策。

56、He spent the remainder of his life complaining to everyone he met how he was cheated out of a presidency. ─── 他有生之年,逢人便说他对手诈了他。

57、The Speaker of the House stands third in the lineofsuccession to the Presidency. ─── 众议院议长在总统的继任次序中,列第三位。

58、The concern more frequently pressed today is not whether the Presidency is imperial but whether it is impotent. ─── 今天人们所迫切关注的问题,并不是怕总统的权力大得象个帝王,而是怕他太软弱无能了。

59、Arthur retired from the presidency in 1885 and died suddenly a year later. ─── 1885年,阿瑟总统从总统任上退休,一年后突然去世。

60、Only native-born citizens are eligible for the U.S. Presidency. ─── 只有本国出生的公民才有资格担任美国总统的职务。

61、He masterminded his four successful elections, two for the governorship of Texas and two for the presidency. ─── 他成功地策划了布什的四次选举,两次是竞选德克萨斯州州长,另外两次是总统大选。

62、In the last months of his presidency, Mr Chirac mused publicly that it might not be so dangerous after all if Iran acquired a nuclear bomb. ─── 在卸任前几个月,希拉克就曾对公众意味深长地说,如果伊朗拥有了原子弹,也许并没有那么危险。

63、In 1796, they run for the presidency and Adams won the contest. ─── 1796年的总统大选是二人的第一次较量,结果亚当斯、杰斐逊分别当选为正。 副总统。

64、No foreign policy decision can be made because of the lame duck presidency. ─── 因为重新当选无望的总统管辖,无法决定对外政策。

65、During his presidency many changes took place. ─── 在他任职期间发生了许多变化。

66、Made a bid for the presidency. ─── 企图当选总统

67、"Bush's presidency is revisionism-proof, " he argues. "We're going to be recovering from it for the rest of our lives. " ─── “布什政府顽固而不思进取,”他说:“而我们要花费余生的时间来消除它的影响。”

68、Compare that to the hours and hours of debate spent on shaping the Congress and the presidency. ─── 与在建立国会和总统上花费的辩论时间相比

69、Two candidates are emerging as contestants for the presidency. ─── 两位候选人最终成为总统职位竞争者。

70、Yeltsin faced up to the fact that he was no longer fit for the Russian presidency and resigned on New Year's Eve. ─── 叶利钦勇敢地接受了他不再适合做俄罗斯总统的这一现实并于新年前夜辞职了。

71、During the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt from 1901 to 1909, conservation was an important domestic policy. ─── 1901年至1909年西奥多?罗斯福任总统期间,资源保护是国内的一项重要政策。

72、They advertise everything, form ice cream to candidate for the Presidency. ─── 从冰淇淋到总统候选人,什么都做广告。

73、Did you scan the headline Green Slated for the Presidency? ─── 你有没有看格林被提名为总统候选人的大标题?

74、A foreign - borne citizen is ineligible for the presidency. ─── 外籍公民没有资格任总统。

75、He was nominated to the presidency . ─── 他被任命为社长。

76、He is now talking about ending his presidency "in a sprint". ─── 他现在正在谈论“在快步前进中”结束他的任期。

77、Shortly after he assumed presidency, Mr. Bush ordered the Pentagon to conduct a strategic review. ─── 在就任总统后不久布什就命令五角大楼进行一项战略评估。

78、He wants to run for the presidency. ─── 他想竞选总统。

79、She look on the governorship as a steppingstone to the presidency. ─── 她把州长之职当作进身总统职位的踏脚石。

80、He was a White House official during the Bush presidency. ─── 他是布什任总统时的白宫官员。

81、He wants to run for the presidency of Paraguay and changes the corruptive phenomenon of the society. ─── 他要竞选巴拉圭总统,改变社会的腐败现象。

82、He has made his way to presidency step by step. ─── 他通过努力一步一步走到总统的位置。

83、The America Civil War was broken out during the presidency of Lincoln. ─── 在林肯就职其间,美国爆发了内战。

84、The Speaker of the House stands third in the line of succession to the Presidency. ─── 在总统继任的次序中,众议院议长位列第三。

85、She hopes to win the presidency. ─── 她希望争取到总统职位。

86、His election to the presidency climaxed his political career. ─── 他的当选为总统使他的政治生涯达到最高峰。

87、She has been nominated (as candidate) for the Presidency. ─── 她已被提名为总统(候选人).

88、Clinton pardoned Mr. Rich at the eleventh hour of his presidency. ─── 克林顿先生在总统任内最后时刻赦免了里奇先生。

89、Five candidates want to run for the presidency this year. ─── 今年有五名候选人想竞选总统。

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