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08-16 投稿


stereotype 发音

英:[?steri?ta?p]  美:[?steri?ta?p]

英:  美:

stereotype 中文意思翻译




stereotype 词性/词形变化,stereotype变形


stereotype 短语词组

1、s stereotype s ─── 刻板印象

2、stereotype mv ─── 原型mv

3、go against the stereotype ─── 反对陈规定型观念

4、ethnic stereotype ─── 种族成见

5、prejudice and stereotype ─── 偏见和刻板印象

6、stereotype images ─── 原型图像

7、national stereotype ─── 国民刻板印象

8、stereotype threat occurs when ─── 刻板印象威胁发生在

9、stereotype in spanish ─── 西班牙语刻板印象

10、contravened stereotype definition ─── 违背了刻板印象的定义

11、stereotype threats ─── 刻板印象威胁,成见威胁

12、stereotype of ─── 老套的模式对……的刻板印象

13、gender stereotype ─── 性别刻板印象

14、stereotype and prejudice ─── 成见与偏见

15、stereotype threat sacle ─── 刻板印象威胁

16、stereotype s v. ─── 对……形成刻板的看法,(尤指) ─── 对……有成见;使用铅版(stereotype的第三人称单数)n.模式化的思想,老一套;公式化人物;铅版,铅版浇铸,铅版印刷(stereotype的复数)

17、stereotype threat occurs ─── 发生刻板印象威胁

18、stereotype threat arison ─── 刻板印象威胁

19、stereotype threaten ─── 刻板印象威胁

stereotype 相似词语短语

1、serotype ─── n.血清型;v.按(微生物)血清型分类

2、stereotypic ─── 刻板的;定型的

3、stenotype ─── n.按音速记的字母;使用普通文字的速记法;vt.按音速记(过去式stenotyped,过去分词stenotyped,现在分词stenotyping,第三人称单数stenotypes,名词stenotypist)

4、stereotape ─── 立体声磁带

5、stereotyped ─── adj.用铅版印刷的;老一套的;v.把…浇铸成铅版;使成为陈规(stereotype的过去分词)

6、stereotypes ─── n.陈腔滥调,老套;成见;模式化形象;铅版,铅版(浇铸或印刷);v.对……形成模式化的看法,对……存有成见;套用老套,使一成不变;使用铅版

7、to stereotype ─── 刻板印象

8、stereotypy ─── n.(医学上)机械重复;铅版印刷术

9、stereotyper ─── n.铸版工人;浇铸铅版者

stereotype 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It would be easy to attach this to a stereotype of women leaders as not in control of their emotions. ─── 很容易会把这联系到一种关于女性领导者的陈词滥调,即她们不擅于控制自己的情感。

2、What is worse, he is producing a Party stereotype as raucous as a crow, and yet he insists on cawing at the masses. ─── 何况这是党八股,简直是老鸦声调,却偏要向人民群众哇哇叫。

3、He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the businessman with a dark suit and briefcase. ─── 他不同于人们一般印象中穿黑色西装、提公文包的商人形象。

4、As one important branch of stereotype, the gender stereotype embodies the fixed cognitive pattern of past experience toward men and women. ─── 作为其中一个十分重要的分支,性别刻板印象体现着过去经验在两性认知上的固定模式作用。

5、The company must end its over-reliance on stereotype, which has caused so many issues, and shift to a level of offering the better service long enough to fourish these projects to bear fruit. ─── "公司需摆脱墨守成规的旧模式,对其的过于依赖已产生了许多问题,同时应将提供良好、长期服务的理念提升到一个层次,使得这些项目能够取得成果。"

6、The art of characterization went through a process from stereotype to individualization. ─── 人物塑造艺术的发展经历了从类型化到个性化的过程。

7、physical attractiveness stereotype ─── 外貌的刻板印象

8、Reactions that betray disapproal,embarrassment,impatience,or boredom block communication,as do any behaiors that condescend,stereotype,criticize,or belittle the patient. ─── 和其他谦逊、老套、责怪或轻视病人的行为一样,从反应中透露出来的反对、窘迫、急躁或者厌倦会妨碍交流。

9、If you identify as gay, how you look is up to you, just the same as if you are heterosexual.How you dress and how you behave is about your personal identity, not a stereotype. ─── 如果你确认自己是同性恋,想要什么样的外观则象异性恋一样完全由你自己决定。

10、He fits the stereotype of a scholar. ─── 他是典型的学者。

11、From this, we can explore their life experience and feeling and their spiritual stereotype deep in their unconsciousness. ─── 借此也可以让我们一探古代文人士子们整体上对生命的体验和感悟方式及他们无意识中深藏着的精神原型。

12、He's the stereotype of an army officer. ─── 他属于把种老派的军官。

13、"Don't trust your impressions," Ekman says of trying to detect concealed emotions."They'll probably be wrong based on stereotype. ─── 在谈到要如何发现背后隐藏的感情时Ekman说:”别去信任你的印象,它们也许是出自传统印象习惯。

14、curved stereotype casting machine ─── 圆铅板浇铸机

15、Refuting the popular stereotype that females talk more than men, researchers at The University of Texas have found women and men both use an average of 16,000 words each day. ─── 人们通常认为女性比男性话多,德克萨斯大学研究人员的发现颠覆了这一传统观念,研究结果显示女性和男性每天的话语量均为1万6千字左右。

16、Would you want Pau Gasol in a foxhole with you?Though his skills are advanced, he's still fits that classic European stereotype as a fundamental/finesse player (see Darko Milicic). ─── 因为加索尔是打不了内线的,即使他技术出众,但是他这样的技术和打法只适合欧洲篮球。

17、There's always been a stereotype about successful businessmen. ─── 对成功的商人们总有一种成见。

18、New progress on the stereotype explorations ─── 国外刻板印象研究新进展

19、A sheet of metal,plastic,rubber,paperboard,or other material prepared for use as a printing surface,such as an electrotype or a stereotype. ─── 印刷版面准备用作印刷表面的一片金属,塑料,橡胶,纸板或其它材料,例如电版或铅版。

20、But it is not natural to stereotype. ─── 但刻板印象也有非常不好的一面。

21、It sseems that he has no characteristic remarks and his speech is full of stereotype. ─── 他似乎没有什么独到的见解,他的讲话充满了陈词滥调。

22、That this is a positive stereotype makes it no less a stereotype, and therefore unacceptable. ─── 这种成见即使是积极的也依然是成见,因而是不可取的。

23、She rejects the stereotype that women can only find their true satisfaction in being mothers. ─── 她拒绝接受这种陈词滥调,即女人只有在做母亲时才能感到真正的满足。

24、The name should be evocative of the type of person the persona is, without tending toward caricature or stereotype. ─── 人物角色的名字应该是对其类型的体现,而不是倾向于漫画或者固定型。

25、The Behavioral Effect of Stereotype Activation ─── 刻板印象激活的行为效应

26、"Don't stereotype a Party member, who can also be modern, fashionable and open-minded, "she said. ─── 她说:“不要总是以传统的眼光看待党员,党员也可以是现代、时尚和开放的。”

27、They unfortunately become the target of the stereotype and discrimination. ─── 他们不幸的成为歧视和成见的目标。

28、But, up till now, three stereotype's representational models have been still in the disputing level among the researchers and unable to reach common view on a certain model all the time. ─── 但到目前为止,关于刻板印象的三种表征模型仍然处于研究者们争论的水平,始终无法就某一模型达成共识。

29、The Party stereotype is not only confined to articles and speeches, but is also found in the conduct of meetings. ─── 不但文章里演说里有党八股,开会也有的。

30、Stereotype can be described as a complex model of thinking categorization among certain group of people and a cause for meaning fossilization. ─── 如果用认知的观点审慎地看待范畴,就会发现原型是人的思想表现的认知参照点。

31、Besides,the flexibility factor and stereotype factor have no differences in all the projects either. ─── 另外两个因子灵活性和刻板性在各个项目上均没有差异;

32、In order to cultivate the cross-culture learning ability, one should continuously make reflection on the stereotype, deconstructing the inaccurate stereotype while creating new one after the obse... ─── 培养跨文化学习能力,就应该不断地对定势进行反思,解构欠准确的定势,从多维角度观察文化并建构新的定势。

33、Aggressive indeed.Forget the soft European stereotype -- this Slovenian is one of the league's toughest players. ─── 好斗是真的,忘掉了那些欧洲的陈词滥调-这个斯洛文尼亚人是整个联盟最顽强的一个人之一。

34、Moreover, some differences of sex stereotype were found between male and female subjects as well as among those with various sex related role expectations. ─── 不同性别角色被试之间的性别刻板印象也有差异。

35、She does not fit the stereotype of a woman who spends all her time with her children. ─── 她不适应女人为孩子花费自己所有时间的老方式。

36、Another new development is eroding the age-old stereotype of the male warrior. ─── 另一个新现象是,久已形成的男人皆武士的形象正逐渐消失。

37、Her 2008 campaign strategy is a reverse image of the liberal stereotype, one that has its eye on the November election. ─── 她的2008年的竞选策略是一个自由党老套的"反转",一个把目光瞄准在十一月份的大选上的形象。

38、If this rigid procedure is followed at every meeting, large or small, everywhere and every time, is not that another Party stereotype? ─── 假使每处每回无大无小都要按照这个死板的程序,不也就是党八股吗?

39、Because of this, the unyielding grip of totalism appears more and more like its stereotype and it will continue to fail. ─── 基于全能主义的强硬管制,随着权利意识的普遍复苏和公民力量的成长,越来越显得老套,越来越失效。

40、For all practical purposes, a stereotype is a form of inheritance in the metamodel. ─── 从实践的角度看,构造型是元模型中的一种继承形式。

41、The stereotype of the reporter as a hard-boiled, toughened observer of the passing scene lies buried with the1930 s movies that created the image. ─── 兰

42、Why should he strum away without considering his audience? What is worse, he is producing a Party stereotype as raucous as a crow, and yet he insists on cawing at the masses. ─── 为什么不看对象乱弹一顿呢?何况这是党八股,简直是老鸦声调,却偏要向人民群众哇哇地叫。

43、THE image of the Briton abroad, speaking English slowly and loudly in the expectation that eventually the natives will get the idea, is a stereotype with a good deal of truth behind it. ─── 可否改为:讲英语时放慢语速,提高音量,不辞辛苦指望当地人最终明白,这是英国人在国外的形象,里面隐藏了不少事实。

44、a play full of stereotype characters ─── 充斥着公式化人物的话剧.

45、He doesn' t fit the national stereotype of a Frenchman. ─── 他不是个符合法国模式的法国人。

46、People are breaking the stereotype and it's good that Indian cinema is being recognized. ─── 人们正在打破传统的模式,印度电影也开始被人们所认识。

47、There's a reason the stereotype of the computer geek is almost always depicted as male. ─── 其中一个原因是因为在传统的观念里,电脑怪杰都被描写成男性。

48、However, he said: "Heavy metal or punk fans ended up being much more friendly than the stereotype would have us believe; agreeable, warm. ─── 他说:“与传统观念相反,重金属或朋克音乐乐迷有时更友善、热情和平易近人。

49、If there had been no fight against the old stereotype and the old dogmatism during the May 4th period, the minds of the Chinese people would not have been freed from bondage to them, and China would have no hope of freedom and independence. ─── 如果“五四”时期不反对老八股和老教条主义,中国人民的思想就不能从老八股和老教条主义的束缚下面获得解放,中国就不会有自由独立的希望。

50、Was Obama consciously trying to play up to a stereotype of the young black man? ─── 是Obama刻意要渲染出一个典型黑人男孩的形象么?

51、In testing, for instance, other influences may swamp stereotype threat. ─── 例如在实验中,其他的影响因素可能会盖过刻板印象威胁论。

52、Stereotype code can be used to identify such items as executable and physical files, create or destroy instances of classes, or trigger code when a certain event occurs. ─── 再生码可用来区分诸如可执行程序和物理文件等,生成或销毁种类的实例,或者当某个事件发生时触发程序代码。

53、He was deeply wounded by the article and regarded it as an extremely unkind stereotype. ─── 他被关于他的文章深深地伤害了,对认为那篇文施展充满恶意。

54、But even at schools like MUC, stereotype s can also be misleading. ─── 但即便是在民大,成见依然可能会导致误解。

55、The related researches developed the indirect methods that effectively capture and study the implicit stereotype such as judgment latency measures and projective measures and so on. ─── 在相关研究的基础上,逐渐形成了判断潜伏期测量、投射测量等有效捕捉和研究内隐刻板印象的间接测量方法。

56、They hardly fit the stereotype of young radicals. ─── 他们几乎还称不上是典型的年轻激进分子。

57、Based on the system and the expansion of overseas training of staff education, the introduction of a positive stereotype Drying equipment and CAD systems, automatic typesetting of-the-art equipment. ─── 依据海外研修制度而扩大工作人员的教育,积极引进定型烘干专用设备和CAD自动排版系统等最先进的设备等。

58、The classic MIT stereotype, right out of his parents' dreams. ─── 一副典型的麻省理工学生形象,和他父母期望他的样子相去甚远。

59、He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella. ─── 他不像典型的城市商人那样,穿一身深色的套服、 带一把收好的雨伞。

60、A sheet of metal, plastic, rubber, paperboard, or other material prepared for use as a printing surface, such as an electrotype or a stereotype. ─── 印刷版面准备用作印刷表面的一片金属,塑料,橡胶,纸板或其它材料,例如电版或铅版

61、The traditional stereotype of a woman at work in her home is gone. ─── 妇女在家工作这种传统的刻板印象已不复见。

62、She believes that she is not a good mother because she does not fit the stereotype of a woman who spends all her time with her children. ─── 她觉得本人不是一个好母亲,由于她不像传统妇女那样花很多时间来陪伴本人的孩子们。

63、However, with the breakdown of that stereotype, the crisis concerning the ideas of value caused by the change in knowledge structure has become the starting-point of China's cultural reconstruction. ? ─── 以传统天下观解体为契机,知识结构转换引发的价值危机构成了中国文化重建的历史起点。

64、An Experimental Study on Stereotype's Automatic Activation ─── 刻板印象的自动激活实验研究

65、The cognition of thus relates to both prototype and stereotype. ─── 因此人类对意义的认知与原型、定势都有关。

66、He's my stereotype of a schoolteacher. ─── 他是我心目中的典型教师。

67、Asian artists are still accused of being big on technique but low on emotion, but Lang Lang's abilities fly in the face of this stereotype. ─── 亚洲的艺术家至今仍会被说成是技术高超但缺乏情感,但是郎朗的能力公然抵抗了这一成见。

68、The result of social psychology research indicates that the mass media is one of the sources from which stereotype came into people's mind. ─── 社会心理学研究结果表明,大众传媒是形成人们刻板印象的来源之一。

69、The remaining 96% believe that the stereotype is rather preposterous and inconsistent with reality. ─── 剩下的96%的人认为,“老婆像妈”这种要求在现实中显得很荒谬,也不太可能实现。

70、As a result, the stereotype of a silken-voiced jockey like Mr.Stryker, slumped and disheveled in the studio chair, may never be the same. ─── 因此,像史崔克这样不修边幅窝在播音室椅子里的典型金嗓子播音员,老日子可能一去不返。

71、SEB can also prove the stability and inter-group effect of regional stereotype. ─── 同时也证明了地域刻板印象的稳定性及具有内群体偏爱的结果。

72、She believes that she is not a good mother because she does not fit the stereotype of a woman who spends all her time with her children. ─── 她认为自己不是一位好母亲,因为她不像一般妇女把所有的时间都花在孩子身上。

73、His stepmother had been stern, but the stereotype didn't go beyond that.She had been a better steward of him in his upbringing than his wife's stepfather who had stifled many aspects of her childhood. ─── 他的继母很严厉,但只此而已,与他妻子的继父相比,他的继母在他成长期间还算是好的看管人,而妻子的继父则扼杀了她许多孩子时的天性。

74、As a form, the Party stereotype is not only unsuitable for expressing the revolutionary spirit but is apt to stifle it. ─── 党八股这个形式,不但不便于表现革命精神,而且非常容易使革命精神窒息。

75、The internal reason is that superwomen would break the stereotype of the relation between man and woman built under the Pandora Myth. ─── 但究其深层原因,就在于女强人破坏了潘多拉神话构建之下的男女关系原型,包括女性美原型、望原型和性别角色原型。

76、Personal coaches do not fit the athletic coach stereotype, but are more a combination of best friend, effective mentor, enthusiastic cheerleader, and empathetic listener. ─── 你的私人教练不会照搬体育教练的套路,但更像是好朋友、有影响力的导师、热情的拉拉队长以及投入感情的聆听者。

77、"Coffee serice packaging has become much more aried than the stereotype depicted by some specialty coffee people. ─── “咖啡服务的包装已经变的比那些专业咖啡人的老套模式花样翻新的多。”

78、In response, she fled to New York to study under Lee Strasburg at the Actors' Studio in an attempt to forever rid herself of the dumb blonde stereotype. ─── 八月四日一个周末的星期六,是梦露悲剧一生的高潮。这一天早晨,人们还看见她脸庞鲜艳。谁也没有料到,这是临终前的最后光彩。

79、That's a ridiculous stereotype. ─── 这是一个荒谬的刻板印象。

80、curved stereotype shaving machine ─── 圆铅版刨版机

81、The authors theorize, persuasively, that people who have just entered their seventh decade are more sensitive to stereotype threat than those who have already been considered old for a decade. ─── 作者很有说服力地推测说,与那些早已自认为衰老的人相比,这些刚刚步入70的人们对“偏见威胁”更敏感。

82、He doesn't conform tothe usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella. ─── 他不像典型的城市商人那样,穿一身深色的套服、带一把收好的雨伞。

83、They were quite right in opposing the old stereotype and the old dogma and in advocating science and democracy. ─── 他们反对旧八股、旧教条,主张科学和民主,是很对的。

84、With remains found in Utah, this dinosaur was more in line with the Jurassic Park stereotype, and of the same family as well. ─── 人们在犹他州发现了它的遗迹,并由此发现,这种恐龙更加符合侏罗纪公园中的恐龙形象,并且,它也是驰龙大家庭中的一员。

85、I used to be constantly trying to keep up with stereotype, the social influences on how to be myself. ─── 我曾经试图跟上不断增长的刻板印象,对社会的影响如何成为我自己。

86、Stereotyped Party writing is, moreover, one brand of the "foreign stereotype", which was attacked by Lu Hsun a long time ago. ─── 党八股也就是一种洋八股。这洋八股,鲁迅早就反对过的。

87、He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of city businessman with a dark suit. ─── 他不像典型的城市商人那样穿一身深色的西装。

88、to stereotype a painting with dark colour ─── 以陈旧方式用深色颜料作画

89、the public prejudice and social psychology of stereotype. ─── 三、公众的成见与从众的社会心理。

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