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08-16 投稿


archivist 发音

英:['ɑ?k?v?st]  美:['ɑrk?v?st]

英:  美:

archivist 中文意思翻译



archivist 词性/词形变化,archivist变形


archivist 短语词组

1、archivist galford ─── 加尔福德档案管理员

2、archivist bandcamp ─── 档案管理员班德坎普

3、archivist dnd ─── 档案管理员

4、archivist career ─── 档案工作者

5、archivist define ─── 档案员定义

6、archivist studio ─── 档案室

7、archivist elysiana ─── 档案管理员elysiana

8、archivist zeenoth ─── 未知存档

9、archivist xenoth ─── 存档氙气

archivist 相似词语短语

1、activist ─── n.积极分子;激进主义分子

2、archives ─── n.档案,档案室;案卷(archive的复数);v.把…收集归档;把…存档(archive的三单形式)

3、archaist ─── n.拟古主义者;爱写古体文者

4、archiblast ─── n.卵浆;卵质;原胚细胞

5、archivists ─── 档案保管员(archivist的名词复数)

6、orchidist ─── n.兰花栽培者

7、archivolt ─── n.[建]拱门饰

8、archaicism ─── 古语

9、archiving ─── n.归档;v.把……收集归档(archive的现在分词)

archivist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Headstrong Ben begins this sequel on the verge of a breakup with archivist Abigail (Diane Kruger). ─── 包括伦敦,白金汉宫附近的那场高速追战戏并没能给观众多大惊喜。

2、The stock exchange shall, within 2 working days after making the above-mentioned decision, report to the China Securities Regulatory Committee (hereinafter referred to as "CSRC") archivist purposes. ─── 证券交易所应在作出上述决定后二个工作日内,报中国证券监督管理委员会(以下简称“中国证监会”)备案。

3、The fourth class has now been revealed by Blizzard, the Archivist. ─── 暴雪今天公布了暗黑3的第4个职业书痴。

4、I happen to be an admirer of the archiving impulse and an inveterate archivist at the household level. ─── 我一度突发收藏的兴致,成了一个不折不扣的家庭档案保管员。

5、We're really excited to finally announce the Archivist! ─── 我们对游吟学者这个职业的放出非常兴奋!

6、Archivist's Note: This is version 2.0.10 of the RSS 2.0 specification, published by the RSS Advisory Board on Oct. 15, 2007. ─── 档管人员注释:这是RSS 2.0规范的2.0.10版本,在2007年10月15日由RSS顾问委员会出版。

7、nonaction of archivist ─── 档案工作者不作为

8、Archivist and Library Science and Documentary Information ─── 档案学家和图书馆科学与文件信息

9、Archivist Constance Potter isn't surprised that Summer isn't ready to give up entirely. ─── 档案学康斯坦斯波特是不奇怪的夏天是不准备完全放弃。

10、An archivist who specializes in documents of interest to genealogists, Potter says the first genealogy fair attracted about 500 people. ─── 谁在一个档案工作者的专业感兴趣的文件,以系谱,波特说,第一家谱公平吸引了约500人。

11、Brewster Kahle, an archivist overseeing another scanning project, says that the universal library is now within reach. ─── 一个负责另一个图书电子化项目的档案管理员,说全球图书馆咫尺可见。

12、Acting as an archivist for conventional journals ─── 为传统期刊扮演档案员角色

13、Your novels also have an autobiographical side. Do you get the impression of being the archivist of your own history, of your own experience of life? ─── 记者:你的小说同样也带有一定的自传性质。你把这种感受写成作品是为了记录你自己的生活经历吗?

14、archivist contingent ─── 档案队伍

15、Brewster Kahle, an archivist overseeing another scanning project, says that the universal library is now within reach. ─── 一个负责另一个图书电子化项目的档案管理员,说全球图书馆咫尺可见。

16、In the middle 1980s, two archivist of the United States advocated significances of Provenance Principle. ─── 二十世纪八十年代中期美国档案学者对来源原则的反思逐步达到高潮。

17、The resolutions of the council shall be submitted to the CSRC for archivist purposes within two working days after the completion of the meeting. ─── 理事会决议应当在会议结束后两个工作日内报证监会备案。

18、Archivist (users, workers). ─── archivist(用户和工作人员)。

19、This should be Auriaya, Ulduars archivist, ─── 这应该就是奥瑞亚,奥杜尔的档案管理员,

20、Failing to create archivist files or failing to make appraisals or monitors or failing to make emergence plans for important sources of danger; ─── 对重大危险源未登记建档,或者未进行评估、监控,或者未制定应急预案的;

21、Its spine broken, the book lay unmoving in the archivist's now gentle grip. ─── 他们的脊柱被扭断,而书本则是好好的装在游吟学者品味高雅的手提袋中(此句求助)。

22、American Archivist ─── 《美国档案工作者》

23、The trademark licensing contract shall be submitted to the Trademark Office for the archivist purpose. ─── 商标使用许可合同应当报商标局备案。

24、Proving once and for all that the pen is indeed mightier than the sword, the archivist fights not only to save Sanctuary’s future, but its past as well. ─── 档案管理员们的出现,再次证明了知识的强大力量。他们不仅为拯救庇护所世界而战,还背负着守护历史知识的重任。

25、The archivist should raise the awareness of the importance of filing away the electronic archives according to the characteristic of electronic file. ─── 档案管理者要根据电子档案的特点,提高对电子档案归档重要性的认识,确认电子档案归档的合法性和保证电子档案归档的稳定性。

26、archivist ranks construction ─── 人才队伍建设

27、Archivist: Manages all documents collected and created by the team. ─── 档案管理员:管理所有小组收集和原创的文件。

28、And neither Kew nor Wisley have fountain displays choreographed by Colvin Randall, who initially trained as a horticulturalist at Longwood and is now their archivist. ─── Kew和Wisley都没有的是ColvinRandall设计的喷泉展示,他起初在长木接受园艺培训,而现在却成了档案保管员。

29、video archivist ─── 视频挡案保管员

30、archivist work ─── 档案工作

31、But in Montgomery, Louisiana, the archivist called him a "Harvard nigger" to his face. ─── 但在路易斯安那的蒙哥马利,一名档案保管员曾当面呼他为“来自哈佛的黑鬼”。

32、Provenance Principle is the core principle of modern archive settlement recognized by archivist circle and has shown unusual vitality under the traditional archive management mode. ─── 摘要来源原则是档案界公认的现代档案整理的核心原则,在传统的档案管理模式下显示了其非凡的生命力。

33、basic level archivist ─── 基层档案员

34、Talk about Requirement of Project Putting on File to Archivist of Construction Unit ─── 谈工程备案对建设单位档案人员的要求

35、The archivist takes a bit more finesse in the way it's played than other classes, to be sure. ─── 游吟学者在技巧上的要求比其他的职业要稍微高一些。

36、Since 1980's, The archivist are convinced that a uniform archival description standard can avoid the repetition work among file sections and provide the consubstantial finding aids. ─── 20世纪80年代以来,档案工作者认识到统一的档案著录标准可以避免各个档案部门著录中的重复劳动,为档案利用者提供同质的档案检索工具。

37、The trademark licensing contract shall be submitted to the Trademark Office for the archivist purpose . ─── 商标使用许可合同未在商标局备案的,不得对抗善意第三人。

38、As long as an archivist records and keeps faithfully Metadata in the whole-process management of electronic records, he/she can easily grasp all the original information of records. ─── 只要在电子文件生成、管理和利用的全过程中始终忠实记录和保留元数据,就能客观展现和保持文件形成的历史原貌。

39、N-S DIV: archivist ─── 典书令

40、"There is a symbiotic relationship" between the movie and the exhibits, said San Francisco city archivist and library official Susan Goldstein. ─── “电影与展览之间有共生关系,”旧金山城市档案和图书馆官员苏珊格的斯汀说。

41、The archivist misplaced his shopping list inside one of the books. ─── 管理档案者误置了他的购物单在书的当中一个里面。

42、On the Construction of Archivist Contingent in Higher Vocational Colleges ─── 浅谈高职院校档案队伍的建设

43、Through citizen archivist projects, we can increase public knowledge of our work as well as inspire future generations of archivists. ─── 通过公民档案管理员项目,我们能够获得更多工作的公共知识并激励下一代的档案工作者。

44、The article illustrates the importance of archivist post training, its type, content and form. ─── 文章阐述档案人员岗位培训的重要性以及岗位培训类型、培训内容、培训形式。

45、The verified hardcopy declaration documents shall be marked in a conspicuous way for archivist purposes. ─── 对已经进行过核对的纸质申报单做明显标识后另行归档保管。

46、The archivist's eyes searched for an opening, a weakness. ─── 游吟学者的双眼找寻着一个机会,一个破绽。

47、Strengthen the Training for Archivist and Improving Their Ability ─── 加强档案工作者素质的培训与提高

48、archivist; secretary-archivist ─── 档案秘书

49、The photo and ID of USAF Captain Gilbert Tenney that I bring with me were discovered by Archivist Liu Yiquan and his colleagues through strenuous work. ─── 我这次为贵军带来的基尔巴特?滕涅空军上尉的照片和证件,就是刘义权和他的同事们费尽千辛万苦找到的。

50、But for several years, archivist Thomas Plante had been troubled by the document. ─── 但是档案馆员托马斯·普兰特被这份文件困扰了好几年。

51、The path of an archivist player is going to be much different than other classes though, and the simple truth is you will in fact probably die a lot more. ─── 一个选择游吟学者的玩家将会走一条和其他职业的玩家相当不同的路,然而,一个简单的事实就是你会多死很多次。

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