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08-16 投稿


agile 发音

英:['?d?a?l]  美:['?d?l]

英:  美:

agile 中文意思翻译



agile 网络释义

adj. 敏捷的;机敏的;活泼的

agile 词性/词形变化,agile变形

副词: agilely |名词: agileness |

agile 同义词

dexterous | active | quick | supple | graceful | gifted | responsive | alert |nimble | sprightly | flying | bright | fast | swift | athletic | clear-headed | lithe | spry

agile 短语词组

1、Agile Beam Director ─── 敏捷梁主任

2、Agile Frog ─── 敏捷青蛙

3、Achromobacter agile ─── [医] 运动无色 ─── [杆]菌

4、Agile Tit-Tyrant ─── 敏捷的Tit-Tyrant

5、frequency-agile modem ─── [计] 频率灵敏调制解调器

6、Agile Continuous Wave Acquisition R ─── 敏捷连续波获取R

7、Agile Combat Aircraft ─── 敏捷战斗飞机

8、Oracle Agile PLM ─── 产品生命周期管理;Agile ─── 产品生命周期管理;甲骨文发布 ─── 产品生命周期管理;工程设计人员

9、Agile Property Holdings Limited ─── 敏捷物业控股有限公司

10、Agile Responsive Effective Support ─── 敏捷响应有效支持

11、Agile Beam Radar ─── 敏捷波束雷达

12、AGILE (satellite) AGILE( ─── 卫星)

13、Agile- ─── 敏捷-

14、Agile Control Experiment ─── 敏捷控制实验

15、Agile Response Effective Support ─── 敏捷响应有效支持

16、Remote Controlled Agile Target ─── 远程控制敏捷目标

17、Agile software development ─── 敏捷软件开发

18、Agile Continuous Wave Acquisition Radar ─── 敏捷连续波采集雷达

19、Agile Target System ─── 敏捷目标系统

agile 反义词

slow | dull |torpid

agile 相似词语短语

1、agitable ─── 易动的

2、axile ─── adj.轴的,轴上的

3、fragile ─── adj.脆的;易碎的

4、agila ─── 敏捷的

5、agilely ─── adv.灵活地;头脑敏捷地

6、unagile ─── 鳗鱼

7、vagile ─── adj.自由活动的;n.(Vagile)(英、荷)法吉丽(人名)

8、anile ─── adj.衰老的;似老妪的

9、nargile ─── n.水烟筒;纳尔吉尔(阿拉伯水烟)

agile 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If you ve used the Spring lightweight container for two years with an agile process, you might not gain much. ─── 如果您已使用了两年的Spring轻量级容器和敏捷过程,您可能会收获更多。

2、They set up a common agency and found an agile agent who would be its leader. ─── 他们建立了-个共同的代理处并找到一个敏捷的代理人做领导。

3、The MSF for Agile Software Development is optimally designed for small projects on a rapid delivery schedule. ─── MSF for Agile Software Development是专门针对遵循快速交付计划的小型项目而优化设计的。

4、She is an agile swimmer, full of grace and speed. ─── 她是一名游泳健将,泳姿优雅而动作矫

5、An agile and brave cavalry rushed at the enemy. ─── 一队剽悍的骑兵向敌军冲去。

6、Information security is one of the key problems in application of agile supply chain. ─── 信息安全是敏捷供应链成功实施的关键因素之一。

7、This is a deep-chested and squarely built dog, very agile and fast. ─── 他会特别地守卫自己的领地和所有,是很好的护卫犬。

8、Belfast-born Jonathan Evans is a tall and agile centre-back. ─── 出生在贝尔法斯特的埃文斯是一个高大而灵敏的中后卫。

9、"It's difficult when you're used to being really fit and agile,having an enormous amount of energy and strength and a really flat stomach. ─── “你平时苗条灵活,精力充沛,这下子可难了。

10、For example, MSF for Agile Software Development bugs cannot move from the Active state directly to the Closed state. ─── 例如,MSF for Agile Software Development Bug无法直接从“活动的”状态切换为“已关闭”状态。

11、Courage is another Agile principle, but it is often misinterpreted. ─── 勇气就是另一项Agile原则,但是通常它都被误解了。

12、She is such an agile dancer! ─── 她跳起舞来是那么灵巧!

13、So, you've adopted agile and are trying to follow its guidance to keep your team and its members focused and effective. ─── 所以,你已经决定采纳敏捷,而且试图遵循它的指导,来让团伙以及全体成员保持注意力集中,并高效工作。

14、To be a paramedic you have to be agile strong and be willing to work under pressure. ─── 一个合格的护理人员,需要动作灵敏,刚强,并且愿意在压力下工作。

15、"The 'lean, mean phone-making machine' that used to dominate the sub-$50 space has come under huge pressure from agile rivals, " he said. ─── 他说道,“这种变化意味着曾经主宰着50美元以内的手机制造机器,已经遭受了灵活竞争者所带来的巨大冲击。”

16、He was quick and agile and he didn't mind losing. ─── 他敏捷,灵活,输了不在乎。

17、Techniques of agile design method and integration scheme of AMIS are also explored. ─── 同时研究了基于XML和Web Services的敏捷制造信息系统敏捷性设计方法和集成方案。

18、The agile mom climbs tall trees and stands perilously astride a small earthen raft on the river. ─── 动作敏捷的母亲可以瞬间爬上大树、也可以脚踏青草、随波漂流。

19、When the mother is around, she is nervous and seems tobe all thumbs. Another times she is quite agile. ─── 妈妈在旁边时,她紧张得很,显得手足无措在别的场分,她还是很活泼的。

20、But American university is more agile. ─── 但美国的大学比较灵活。

21、we mentioned above is the core of the agile manufacturing. ─── 上面我们提到的是敏捷制造的核心。

22、Enable students to use agile and flexible modes of learning. ─── 使学生嫩构运用敏捷、灵活的方式进行学习。

23、J2EE also provides a good mechanism with building a retractile, agile, easy to maintain commerce system. ─── J2EE为搭建具有可伸缩性、灵活性、易维护性的商务系统提供了良好的机制。

24、He is agile in his movements. ─── 他动作敏捷。

25、If Hall isn't agile enough,this is when we'll see it most clearly. ─── 假如霍尔不够敏捷,我们就可以在此时看出来了。

26、APM is an innovative approach to the management of Agile projects. ─── APM是一種管理敏捷專案的革新方法。

27、Well , he is getting on now , and is not as agile as he was . ─── 他年事渐高,而且不象过去那样灵活了。

28、The LAMV is a vertical take-off and landing aircraft that can fly in a quick, quiet, and agile manner. ─── LAMV是一种垂直起降航空器,能以快速、噪音、捷的方式飞行。

29、No animal was quick enough or agile enough to escape his arrows. ─── 再怎么敏捷轻快的动物也躲不开他的箭。

30、It was perhaps on this account that in defending them she was majestic rather than agile. ─── 也许正是由于这个原因,她在进行自卫时总是从容大方而不流于油滑。

31、Timer equipment requirement is time and accurate, rotate agile, did not block block or grind face plate phenomenon. ─── 定时装置要求定时正确,旋转灵活,没有卡阻或磨擦面板现象。

32、"Sam, you're the most agile of us all. ─── “山姆,你是我们所有人当中最灵敏的。

33、He is as agile as a leopard. ─── 他动作敏捷得像只豹子。

34、Because of its small bulk and agile motion, it can be used into many military and civil purpose. ─── 它具有体积小、灵活性好等特点,能应用于各类军事或民用方面。

35、Or call its are optional, have speaking ill will, the lid is agile and superabundant, and earnest inadequacy. ─── “杂谈”之说,常见于文学作品类,不大为我党史专业者用。或谓其随意,有调侃之嫌,盖灵活有余,而严肃不足。

36、Beehive bottom board,thimbles move support board,agile orientate PCB,easy to print dual sides PCB. ─── 万能蜂窝底板,活动顶针活动支撑块,灵活定位PCB,方便印刷双面PCB。

37、While on the subject of Agile Testing, we would be remiss not to mention the Agile Testing Days Conference that just took place in Berlin. ─── 说到敏捷测试,我们不能不提到刚刚在柏林举办的AgileTestingDays会议。

38、On land the turtle is ungainly, but in the water it is very agil. ─── 乌龟在陆地上很笨拙,但是在水里却很灵活。

39、Finally,it became footloose、dramatic and agile menu. ─── 却能构建出无限自由、生动活泼的自然画面。

40、She felt more alert and agile in her mind. ─── 她感到更加警觉和机敏。

41、You might sometimes need an agile negotiator. ─── 你有时会需要一个灵活的谈判代表。

42、This role commands the leadership of a Certified Scrum Master (recognized Body) with at least two Years of Agile Development experience. ─── 这个角色至少有两个命令的敏捷开发经验的一个ScrumMaster认证(认可机构)的领导。

43、But I am also helping small organizations that started out agile to use the CMMI model for process improvement. ─── 但我也在帮助一些小型组织开始在敏捷之外使用CMMI过程改进模型。

44、As we have the service model, we are ready to extend agile software development to the SOA level! ─── 因为我们采用了服务模型,我们准备将敏捷软件开发扩展到SOA级别!

45、Has the affinity, operates the computer skilled, the thought is agile, treats people with sincerity, adaptiveness. ─── 具有亲和力,熟练操作计算机,思维敏捷,待人诚恳,适应能力强。

46、Agile enterprises in the implementation of SOA will be very good relations between the virtual enterprise flexibl... ─── 在敏捷企业实施SOA能够很好的将虚拟企业关系灵活化,增强敏捷能力。

47、Inspect stream wetter's water level and ensure the controlled floater of water level is agile. ─── 2检查水蒸气加湿器水位及水位控制浮动是否灵活。

48、He is very agile hopping onto a bicycle by swinging one of his legs sideways. ─── 他骗腿骑车的动作很麻利。

49、If you're not agile enough, this is when we'll see it most clearly. ─── 如果你不够敏捷,我们这时候可以看得很清楚。

50、He looks clean and agile in this cotton-Dacron shirt. ─── 他穿上这件涤棉衬衫显得干净利落。

51、The experimental result shows that the “Silver Scarab I” is very agile and reliable. ─── 实验证明“银甲虫1号”运动灵活可靠,有很好的机动性。

52、The agile of the manufacture depends largely on the mobility of the product provided. ─── 制造型企业的敏捷性归根到底在于其所提供产品的应变力。

53、He always procrastinates in doing things, he isn't agile at all. ─── 他办事拖三落四,一点都不利索。

54、The sleek swordtail is an agile swimmer and needs plenty of room. ─── 圆滑的剑尾鱼是一个敏捷的泳者并且需要充足的活动空间。

55、The people who perform this agile feat of acrobatics are rare. ─── 表演这种灵活的杂技技艺的人是罕见的。

56、The person arrives senile, tongue nature hair is good, conversation is not agile, this fastens the cause of amyotrophy. ─── 人到老年,舌头自然发硬,说话不灵活,此系肌萎缩之缘故。

57、When Agile first hit mainstream awareness, I was a skeptic, along with many other folks I know. ─── 在敏捷开发方法刚开始进入主流视线的时候,我持怀疑态度,和其他我认识的很多家伙一样。

58、Advantage: Effective and integrated receive with adornment function, agile and changeful, adaptability is strong. ─── 优点:有效综合了收纳与装饰功能,灵活多变、适应性强。

59、He must be sound, agile and sturdy. ─── 他必须是健康、敏捷、而坚定。

60、How to construct agile,scalable, collarobrative systems. ─── 如何建构迅捷、可扩充性、合作式系统。

61、Strong in track and field events, Yingying is a quick-witted and agile boy who represents the yellow Olympic ring. ─── 坚强在田径比赛, 迎迎是代表黄色奥林匹克圆环的一个机智和敏捷男孩。

62、He had too incisive and agile a mind. ─── 他的思路过于犀利敏捷。

63、In fact, many see larger project size as a boundary condition for most agile software processes. ─── 实际上,对于大多数灵活的软件过程,许多人将较大的项目规模作为采用这种过程的限制条件。

64、Shuttleworth will also run a session about Agile methodologies in open source communities. ─── 夏特沃斯也将运行一次会议关于敏捷方法在开放源码社区。

65、The automatic collection of tool data information is the key. point to actualize the agile of manufacturing cell. ─── 刀具信息的自动采集是实现制造单元敏捷性的关键,它不仅可以解决刀具库存中手工录入刀具信息速度慢、出错率高的问题;

66、In the evening, as I lie in bed, he strides over my body, glides past my feet, in his agile way. ─── 天黑时,我躺在床上,他便伶伶俐俐地从我身边垮过,从我脚边飞去了。

67、Yet the future might just belong to agile indies and freelancers, not giant corporations. ─── 不过,未来或许恰恰属于灵活的独立机构和自由职业者,而不是大公司。

68、This paper primarily analyzes the requests and function model of integrated agile supply chain on purchase management. ─── 分析了集成化敏捷供应链对采购管理系统的基本要求及功能模型。

69、She has been agile and studious since she was very young, and she is always a good girl. ─── 她从小就敏悟好学,是个好孩子。

70、He should move with a quick agile stride that is well timed. ─── 他的动作轻快、灵活,步伐有节奏。

71、Vogue of a design, agile, practical kitchen is the first pace that happy household lives! ─── 一个设计时尚、灵活、实用的厨房是快乐家居生活的第一步!

72、At 20 years old he was not as strong, as fast, as agile as he is now. ─── 在他20岁时,他没有现在这样强壮、迅速、敏捷。

73、This is an effective way to use the CMMI model and agile methods together. ─── 例如,如果我们要求在敏捷每日立会上正式做会议记录,根据我的经验,人们可能就不会开放地发言。

74、Over time the geth have evolved into numerous sub-forms- from the diminutive but highly agile hoppers, to the gigantic, lumbering geth armatures. ─── 光阴荏苒,客西已经进化出了数种衍生体,从微小的但是极度敏捷的跳蚤,到巨大行动缓慢的客西厚甲生物。

75、In reality, Yi has the skill set of a small forward and proved to be quite agile on the perimeter. ─── 事实上,他拥有小前锋的技术,而且展示了敏捷的中距离投篮。

76、The Komondor takes long strides, is very agile and light on his feet. ─── 可蒙犬的步伐大,足爪非常轻巧敏捷。

77、He is agile for his size and build. ─── 他是敏捷,为自己的规模和建设。

78、In searching conferences, little material on Agile and CMMI used together exists prior to 2005. ─── 在寻找的会议中,在2005年以前,敏捷和CMMI一起使用的材料是找不到的。

79、MSF for Agile Software Development is one of the process guidance templates that are included with Team Foundation. ─── MSF for Agile Software Development是Team Foundation包括的过程指南模板之一。

80、To be a paramedic you have to be agile, strong, and be willing to work under pressure. ─── 一个合格的护理人员,需要动作敏捷,坚强,并且愿意在压力下工作。

81、As it is practiced today, Agile tends to have the greatest impact on those closest to the code. ─── 正如今天所实践的,敏捷对于那些接近代码的人最具影响力。

82、In combination with the sophisticated axle geometry, this ensures agile driving behavior. ─── 在与先进的轴几何组合,是为了确保敏捷的驾驶行为。

83、Although a small turtle is clumsy on the beach, once in the sea, it becomes agile and free. ─── 别看小海龟在沙滩上爬行往往显得笨拙,一旦到了海里,就变得灵活自如。

84、It makes people feel more agile, more flexible, and their hearts get stronger. ─── 它使人感到更加敏捷,更加灵活,并且他们的心脏得到更强。

85、Well,he's getting on now,and isn't as agile as he was. ─── 他年事渐高,而且不象过去那样灵活了。

86、It's difficult when you're used to being really fit and agile,having an enormous amount of energy and strength and a really flat stomach. ─── 你平时苗条灵活,精力充沛,这下子可难了。

87、Virtual organization is the highest form of Agile Manufacture Enterprise (AME). ─── 动态联盟公司是敏捷制造企业的最高形式。

88、In-house mechanism is agile and not inattentive, efficient and do not lose order. ─── 内部机制灵活而不松散,高效而不失序。

89、The problem that he answers newsman is very agile. ─── 他回答新闻记者的问题很灵活。

development manager是什么意思?

development manager 意思:开发经理。

相关短语: Embedded development project manager 嵌入式开发项目经理 Strategic Development Project Manager 战略开发项目经理 ; 战略发展项目经理 Supplier development project manager 瑞典公司诚聘 双语例句: At the end of the week, the development manager runs an integration build for the application. 在每一周的周未,开发经理都会为应用程序做一次集成编译。

development manager是什么意思?




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