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08-16 投稿


flagon 发音

英:['fl?g(?)n]  美:['fl?g?n]

英:  美:

flagon 中文意思翻译



flagon 网络释义

n. 酒壶;大肚酒瓶

flagon 词性/词形变化,flagon变形


flagon 短语词组

1、flagon define ─── 违约

2、flagon a ─── 标志a

3、elaborate flagon ─── 精致的旗帜

4、flagon wine ─── 旗酒

5、flagon defined flagon ─── 已定义

6、flagon with the dragon danny kaye ─── 龙之旗丹尼·凯

7、flagon of mead ─── 米德旗

8、flagon definition ─── 标志定义

9、flagon of wine in the bible ─── 圣经中的酒杯

flagon 相似词语短语

1、flacons ─── n.长颈细口瓶;有塞小瓶

2、flagmen ─── n.旗手;信号旗手(尤指铁道司旗员);平交道看守(flagman的复数)

3、flacon ─── n.长颈细口瓶;有塞小瓶

4、Dagon ─── n.大衮(非利士人的主神,半人半鱼)

5、flagman ─── n.旗手;信号旗手;平交道看守

6、flexagon ─── 纸制折曲式人像

7、flavone ─── n.[有化]黄酮

8、flagons ─── n.酒壶;大肚酒瓶

9、Aragon ─── n.亚拉贡(位于西班牙与法国交界处)

flagon 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And he dealt to every one of Israel, both man and woman, to every one a loaf of bread, and a good piece of flesh, and a flagon of wine. ─── 并且分给以色列人,无论男女,每人一个饼,一块肉,一个葡萄饼。

2、my opinion, this flagon is just excellent. ─── 我说嘛,这个酒壶就挺好的。

3、1. He drank off the flagon of wine amid their cheers. ─── 在他们的喝彩声中他喝了一大瓶酒。

4、Our company mainly produces all kinds of stainless steel flagon, pipe, cigarette case and other Process Hardware. ─── 我公司主要生产各式不锈钢酒壶,烟斗,烟盒及其它工艺五金制品。

5、But come, fill a flagon, for it will crave some time to tune the harp; ─── 这么一副容貌,加上结实强壮的身子,倒像是吃惯牛肉猪蹄,而不是靠青豆蔬菜养活的。

6、And he dealt among all the people, even among the whole multitude of Israel, as well to the women as men, to every one a cake of bread, and a good piece of flesh, and a flagon of wine. ─── 并且分给以色列众人,无论男女,每人一个饼,一块肉,一个葡萄饼。

7、At this time, another person was also a good draw, grabbed a flagon you drink, and said: "The snake was not the foot, how you can add its Foot?" ─── 这时,另一个人也画好了,夺过酒壶吧酒喝了,并且说:“蛇本来是没有脚的,你怎么能给它添上脚呢?”

8、Tyrion had to move both hands at once, but his chains had just enough give for him to reach the flagon on the table. ─── 提利昂不得不立刻移动双手,但是他的锁链只允许他够到桌上的大酒壶。

9、I would like to ask all our brothers and sisters, uncles, uncle, in Guangzhou, where there is such a flagon sold: iron pots is the body, body bian, as Hugai screw as the screw up. ─── 请问各位兄弟姐妹、叔伯大爷,在广州哪里有这种酒壶卖:壶体是铁制,扁身,壶盖是像螺丝那样拧上去的。

10、There was a flagon of wine on the table. ─── 桌子上有一大壶酒。

11、This company mainly produces and sales opener, multi-purpose pliers, knives, scissors, cigar knife, barbecue tools, and other household hardware products flagon. ─── 本公司主要生产及销售开瓶器、 多用钳、小刀,剪刀、雪茄刀、烧烤工具、酒壶等家居五金制品。

12、He drank off the flagon of wine amid their cheers ─── 在他们的欢呼声中,他把酒壶里的酒全部喝掉。

13、Our company is specializing in the production of mainly metal flagon manufacturers. ─── 本公司为专业生产以酒壶为主的五金制品厂家。

14、The flagon is overelaborate, and practically useless. ─── 这只酒壶太过淫巧,其实并无实用价值。

15、One said : "flagon of wine more people who do not mind? ─── 有一个就说过:“酒喝多了谁不难受?

16、Hugo welcomed his ally in his own comfortable room in the Abbey, sent for a flagon of his best wine, and settled to hear what Isambart had to say. ─── 雨果在寺里他的舒适房间欢迎盟友,端上一瓶最好的酒,安闲坐下来倾听依山巴特,要说些什么?

17、He gnawed at a great venison pasty, and down beside him stood a great flagon, the sight of which made all three of the outlaws feel thirsty. ─── 一看到这情形,使得三个亡命之徒都觉口渴。

18、Over 2000 years ago several people held a snake drawing competition to determine who would have the right to drink the contents of a small flagon of wine. ─── 我看,由我们每人各画只蛇吧!谁先画完,就可得到这瓶酒,好吗?

19、Division I flagon from the original production of the export of a single plant, developed to produce all kinds of daily necessities and the export of handicraft production. ─── 我司从原来单一生产酒壶出口的工厂,发展到现在可生产各类日用品及工艺品的出口生产企业。

20、drink a flagon of wine ─── 喝一大壶酒

21、"Pure wine costs, for the golden cup, ten thousand coppers a flagon, And a jade plate of dainty food calls for million coins. I fling aside my chop-sticks and cup, I cannot eat nor drink...I pull out my dagger, I peer four ways in vain." ─── 金樽清酒斗十千,玉盘珍羞值万钱,停杯投箸不能食,拔剑四顾心茫然

22、In my opinion, this flagon is just excellent. ─── 要我说嘛,这个酒壶就挺好的。

23、the Bronze flagon ─── 铜链梁钫

24、the flagon or wine inside it? ─── 还是研究壶里的酒来着?

25、When he was done he tossed the empty flagon aside and half-rolled and half-staggered to the floor, groping for a chamber pot. ─── 当他灌完后他扔开空酒壶蹒跚蜷曲地爬到地上,摸索着尿壶。

26、That's the uniqueness of my nine-dragon flagon. ─── 艺术家:这就是我九龙壶的独到之处,

27、Fixed an issue that was causing a cr ash when exiting the Sunken Flagon. ─── 修正了一个问题,是造成退出沉没的大酒壶时发生事故(当机?

28、The flagon shattered underneath him as the floor came up to smack him in the head. ─── 酒壶摔的粉碎的同时,他就头撞地面。

29、You can drink them by the flagon, ─── 你也可以大杯地喝

30、Jon filled his basin from the flagon of water beside his bed, washed his face and hands, donned a clean set of black woolens, laced up a black leather jerkin, and pulled on a pair of well-worn boots. ─── 琼恩拿起床边的水壶,倒满了一脸盆水,洗手洗脸,接着穿上一套干净的黑色毛衣,外面束好一件黑色的无袖皮短上衣,最后套上一双旧靴子。

31、The flagon contains precisely eight cups of wine. ─── 它就是一壶酒刚好倒满八只酒杯,

32、The Ancients thought that the mouth of the flagon represented the male and the hole represented the female. ─── 古人以壶嘴为阳,以孔状为阴,此壶身为孔状,阴阳结合,颇具巧思。

33、And he dealt to every one of Israel, both man and woman, to every one a loaf of bread, and a good piece of flesh, and a flagon of wine. ─── 4大卫派几个利未人在耶和华的约柜前事奉,颂扬,称谢,赞美耶和华以色列的神,

34、He drank off the flagon of wine amid their cheers. ─── 在他们的喝彩声中他喝了一大瓶酒。

35、Gaining Liangzhou Province With a Flagon of Wine ─── 斗酒博凉州

36、Ice binds the river surfaces; Snow in front of buildings dances; Around three times the wine has gone; The sky is like a filled flagon. ─── 冰封江河面雪舞小楼前室内三巡酒窗外一壶天。

37、She looked at him uncomprehending, until he took the flagon from her hands and lifted her skirts up over her head. ─── 她不解的看着他,直到她拿走她手里的酒壶将她的裙子掀过头顶。

38、The Crane, in his turn, asked the Fox to sup with him, and set before her a flagon with a long narrow mouth, so that he could easily insert his neck and enjoy its contents at his leisure. ─── 后来,鹤回请狐狸吃晚饭,他在狐狸面前,摆了一只长颈小口的瓶子,自己很容易地把头颈伸进去,从容地吃到瓶里的饭菜,而狐狸却一口都尝不到。

39、past ancient warders, their halberds leant against the wall, dozing over a pasty and a flagon of brown ale; ─── 经过年老的狱卒,他们把兵器斜靠在墙上,对着一个肉馅饼和一罐棕色的麦酒打瞌睡;

40、Blackthorne took a water flagon out of a secret drawer and helped him drink a little. ─── 布莱克松走过去从密橱里拿出个水罐,扶着上校喂了他点水。

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