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08-16 投稿


carpetbag 发音


英:  美:

carpetbag 中文意思翻译




carpetbag 网络释义

n. 毯制的旅行袋adj. 投机取巧的vi. 投机取巧

carpetbag 词性/词形变化,carpetbag变形

动词过去分词: carpeted |动词现在分词: carpeting |动词第三人称单数: carpets |动词过去式: carpeted |

carpetbag 短语词组

1、carpetbag steak ( ─── 内塞牡蛎的)夹心牛排

2、carpetbag images ─── 地毯袋图像

3、carpetbag misrule ─── 地毯袋错误

4、carpetbag rule ─── 地毯袋规则

5、carpetbag def ─── 地毯袋def

carpetbag 相似词语短语

1、carpetbaggers ─── n.外来政客;(美国内战后去南方)投机钻营的北方人;投机分子,外来投机分子;在购房互助协会开立账户者

2、carpet bugs ─── 地毯虫

3、carpetbags ─── n.毯制的旅行袋;adj.投机取巧的;vi.投机取巧

4、carpeting ─── n.毛毯,[纺]地毯;地毯料;v.铺以地毯(carpet的现在分词)

5、carpet bug ─── 地毯虫

6、carpetbaggery ─── n.美国南北战争后利用南方不稳定的局势投机谋利的人(carpetbagger的变形)

7、carpetbagging ─── 地毯装袋

8、carpetbagged ─── 袋装地毯

9、carpetbagger ─── n.外来政客;(美国内战后去南方)投机钻营的北方人;投机分子,外来投机分子;在购房互助协会开立账户者

carpetbag 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、carpetbag steak ─── "毯包"式牛排

2、 双语使用场景

3、She picked up the carpetbag which held Scarlett's new velvet frock and bonnet and nightgown and tucked the neat bandanna bundle that contained her own belongings under her arm and shepherded Scarlett across the wet expanse of cinders. ─── 她提起里面装着思嘉的新天鹅绒长袍、帽子和睡衣的帆衣布袋,把包着自己衣物的干净包袱夹在腋下,然后领着思嘉走过到处是煤渣和灰烬的湿地。

4、"Soon's Ah kick dis black trash outer mah way," answered Mammy loudly, swinging the carpetbag at a black buck who loitered tantalizingly in front of her and making him leap aside. ─── "等我踢开这些挡路的黑鬼再说,"嬷嬷大声回答道,一面用提包猛撞那个在她前面故意慢悠悠地磨蹭的黑人,使他不得不闪到一边去了。

6、5.Students perpetrated carpetbag and rigged action on the English proficiency Test. ─── 5.学生对于校内的英语能力分班考试产生取巧心态。

7、In the Southern States of the United States, Negro suffrage produced incredible mischief during the few years of carpetbag government which followed the Civil War. ─── 美国南北战争后政府由南下政客所操纵的那几年间,南方各州黑人的投票产生了令人难以置信的灾祸。

8、Irishmen on the make, Yankees, white trash, Carpetbag parvenus-- My Bonnie with her Butler blood and her Robillard strain--" ─── 损人利己的爱尔兰人,北方佬,坏白人,提包党暴发户----我的出自巴特勒血统和罗毕拉德门的邦妮----"

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