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08-16 投稿


circumvention 发音

英:[?s??rk?m?ven?n]  美:[?s??k?m?ven?n]

英:  美:

circumvention 中文意思翻译



circumvention 短语词组

1、circumvention is ─── 规避是

2、circumvention meaning ─── 规避意义

3、circumvention tools ─── 规避工具

4、circumvention means ─── 规避手段

5、circumvention def ─── 规避定义

6、circumvention ads ─── 规避广告

circumvention 词性/词形变化,circumvention变形

动词现在分词: circumventing |形容词: circumventive |动词过去式: circumvented |动词过去分词: circumvented |动词第三人称单数: circumvents |名词: circumventer |

circumvention 相似词语短语

1、circumvented ─── v.包围;智取;绕行,规避

2、circumventer ─── 预期

3、circumduction ─── n.[生理]环行(运动)

4、circumventor ─── 环绕器

5、circumventing ─── n.失灵;v.绕行;使陷入圈套(circumvent的ing形式)

6、circumspection ─── n.慎重;细心

7、circumvolution ─── n.盘绕;旋转

8、circumventive ─── 规避

9、circumvent ─── v.包围;智取;绕行,规避

circumvention 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The paper is divided into 5 chapters, with the first two chapters focus on Circumvention instigation, the following two chapters on Entrapment, and the fifth chapter is an ending. ─── 本文分为5章,前两章讲陷害教唆,接下来两张讲述诱惑侦查,最后一章是结束语部分。

2、The anti-circumvention clause has its' validity and rationality. ─── 反规避条款有其存在的合法性和合理性。

3、technological circumvention ─── 技术规避

4、circumvention methods : in the sales contracts signed before the owners should check whether a property card, determine their type of housing. ─── 规避方法:在签订买卖合同前应查看业主是否取得产权证,确定其房屋类型。

5、Anti- circumvention Measures of U. S. A and Europe Anti- dumping Act and Enlightenment on China Legislation ─── 欧美反倾销法中的反规避措施及对我国立法的启示

6、risk circumvention ─── 风险规避

7、Like dogs, like waiting for the AP immediately entered the office with their interrogations ,It circumvention identify theft, the issue in good faith, immediately expelled from the treatment! ─── 像狗一样等候的AP马上带其进入办公室盘问,欲加之罪认定盗窃,以诚信问题,立即开除处理!

8、This may be a minor issue with limited loss or no loss of functionality or impact to the Customer's operation and issues in which there is an easy circumvention or avoidance by the end user. ─── 它可能是小问题,只给"用户"的经营造成有限损失、或没有造成任何功能损失、甚或未造成任何损失,而且很容易被最终用户克服或避免。

9、anti - circumvention ─── 反规避

10、The “403 Access Denied Checker”, which was developed by the Tunisian blogger and activist Astrubal, is not a circumvention tool; ─── 这套系统是由突尼西亚部落客、活跃行动者Astrubal开发。

11、Therefore doctors on-line for the circumvention risk reply are the ambiguous words, cannot like this certainly meet patient's need; ─── 所以医生们在网上为规避风险回答的都是模棱两可的话,这样当然不能满足患者的需求;

12、In his poor opinion, the wondrous whale was but a species of magnified mouse, or at least water-rat, requiring only a little circumvention and some small application of time and trouble in order to kill and boil ─── 在他那有限的见解看来,一只可怖的大鲸不过是一种大点儿的老鼠,或者最多算是一只水老鼠,只消略施小技,稍花时间,稍使力气就可以把它宰了烹了。

13、Anti-circumvention measures are the strengthen measures of the anti-dumping law. It is the extension of the anti-dumping measures. ─── 作为反倾销的强化措施,反规避措施是反倾销措施的延伸和发展。

14、These foreign-owned banks would also have to show pay received outside the UK to avoid any circumvention of the rule. ─── 这些外资银行还必须公开在英国以外获得的薪酬,以避免对这条法规进行任何规避。

15、A war will end, a enemy can be terminated, but how shall we heal the wound caused by the people around us just because of their jealousness , slander or even circumvention! ─── 战争可以停止,敌人可以消灭,但是我们如何抚平身边的人的嫉妒,诽谤甚至陷害带来的伤害!

16、With the emergence of circumvention of technological measures, h ow to legally protect technological measures also becomes an important task for copyright law. ─── 随着规避技术措施现象的出现,技术措施的法律保护也成为版权法的研究课题。

17、The deficiencies of 2-pyridyl organometallics as partners for Pd-coupling reactions and the circumvention of this problem by using stable pyridine N -oxides have been previously highlighted. ─── 不足2-吡啶有机物作为伙伴钯偶联反应及规避这个问题,用稳定吡啶氮氧化物此前一直强调.

18、Circumvention Instigation & Entrapment are the two conceptions with close relationships, the first one of which used in conventional law and the second one in Common Law. ─── 陷害教唆与诱惑侦查分别是大陆法系与英美法系的两个概念,二者之间具有紧密联系。

19、circumvention methods : Under title certificate or other legal document (such as pre-sale contract) to determine property rights. ─── 规避方法:根据产权证或其他法律文件(如预售合同)确定产权人。

20、A multi-party project can be entered into without risking circumvention of current or future contracts. ─── 无需冒着现在或将来合同欺骗的风险,即可进行多方参与的项目。

21、Li circumvention methods : in the sales contracts signed prior to check whether a property owner card. ─── 规避方法:在签订买卖合同前应查看业主是否取得产权证。

22、Copyright Protection Technology of Digital Library and the Legal Limitations on its Circumvention ─── 数字图书馆版权保护技术及其规避行为的法律对策

23、"In addition to pricing capability, the interest rate risk circumvention tools deprivation is the largest bank launched fixed rate mortgage restrictions. ─── “除了定价能力外,利率风险规避工具匮乏是目前银行推出固定利率房贷最大的限制。”

24、In computer security,an error of omission or oversight in software or hardware that permits circumvention of the access control process. ─── 在计算机安全学中,由于软件或硬件的疏忽引起的错误。这种错误躲过了存取控制进程。

25、C++ protects against accident rather than deliberate circumvention(fraud). ─── 对私有数据的保护依赖于对使用类成员名称之限制。

26、Some I’ve spoken to in the underground community say it will, while others are confident that new circumvention methods will be discovered. ─── 一些人回答,是的。然而另一些人回答说,新的绕过激活步骤的方法还会出现。

27、Quality Clause and Related Risk Circumvention in the Contracts of Textile Trade ─── 浅谈纺织品贸易合同中的品质条款和相关风险规避

28、Compass implies circumvention of impediments to success ─── 暗示绕过阻碍以获取成功

29、circumvention practices ─── 规避行为

30、The god seven companions have like a goalkeeper, through the real-time survey, reported to the airship and the ground, lets the airship prompt adjustment circumvention. ─── 神七伴星有如一位守门员,通过实时探测,向飞船和地面报告,让飞船及时调整规避。

31、in computer security,an error of omission or oversight in software or hardware that permits circumvention of the access control process ─── 在计算机安全学中,由于软件或硬件的疏忽引起的错误。这种错误躲过了存取控制进程

32、Therefore, under the market condition which in the stock market falls unceasingly, the investment bond fund circumvention risk, the gain stable income, is the safer investment choice. ─── 因此,在股市不断下跌的市况下,投资债券基金规避风险,获取稳定收益,是更为稳妥投资的选择。

33、ICBC managing finances expert Xu Ning indicated that at present in the debt city has quite one part of funds is the short line fund which comes in for the circumvention stock market risk. ─── 工行理财专家许宁表示,目前债市中有相当一部分资金是为规避股市风险进来的短线资金。

34、Because the real estate under line interval is not the policy can prevent, is also not the short time can reverse, the long-term real estate is still unoptimistic, suggestion circumvention. ─── 因为房地产的下行周期并不是政策能阻止的,也是不短时间能扭转的,长期房地产依然不容乐观,建议规避。

35、Facing more and more stern employment situation, quite part of university students considered reduced and the circumvention employment risk with the exams for postgraduate schools way. ─── 面对越来越严峻的就业形势,相当一部分大学生都考虑到了用考研的方式来减少和规避就业风险。

36、Do you fear circumvention? ─── * 您是否害怕翻墙?

37、If the team bitter experience mishap, Zhu Jun may the greatest degree circumvention risk, come from the fan to scold the sound particularly. ─── 万一球队遭遇不测,朱骏就可以最大程度地规避风险,尤其是来自球迷的责骂声。

38、Anti-circumvention Measures within the Multilateral Trading Systems and China's Anti- circumvention Legislation ─── 多边贸易体制下的反规避规则与中国的反规避立法

39、Non-tax Cost of Tax Planning and Its Circumvention ─── 试论税务筹划的非税成本及其规避

40、Bank in circumvention of their own risk, take into account the interests of property buyers? ─── 银行在规避自己风险的同时,是否考虑到购房者的利益?

41、Things like the supplier receiving the same LOI form 4 agents, all priced differently, or circumvention from the buyers are not major issues for us. ─── 我们基本上不存在诸如经销商从四个代理处收到常购货物价格却不同,或者客户欺骗等问题。

42、circumvention "61" on the eve of the sudden acceleration secondary transactions are now back to normal. ─── 为规避“六一”征税大限而骤然提速的二手交易,目前已恢复正常。

43、Based on the trade in circumvention of the analysis, which appears to circumvent the law to find a specific form, and make the solution put forward their own ideas. ─── 本文通过对贸易中出现的规避行为进行分析,从中寻找法律规避出现的具体形式,并提出有关的解决办法,同时提出自己的主张。

44、This part chiefly studies its concept, classification, legitimacy and the difference between it and Circumvention Instigation. ─── 该部分主要是从概念、分类、合法性以及其与诱惑侦查的区别分别进行研究。

45、A copyright owner seeking to impose liability on an accused trafficker must demonstrate that the trafficker's device enables either copyright infringement or a prohibited circumvention. ─── 著作权法允许著作权人掌握授权,只要他们标示这个授权是他们所掌握的。

46、3.We distinguish between two kinds of illegal circumvention of taxation: bootlegging and large-scale organised smuggling. ─── 我们区分两种非法的逃税行为:贩私和大规模的有组织的走私活动。

47、On Intellectual Property Management of Network Information Resources(3)--Copyright Protection Technology of Digital Library and the Legal Limitations on Circumvention ─── 网络信息资源的知识产权管理研究(3)--数字图书馆版权保护技术及其规避行为的法律对策

48、Article 10 Prevention of Circumvention of Export Subsidy Commitments ─── 第10条 防止规避出口补贴承诺

49、Study on Ambush Marketing Phenomena and Circumvention Method in Olympic Sponsor Market ─── 奥运会赞助市场中隐蔽营销现象的分析及规避方法研究

50、Fourth, positively utilizes the risk which the financial derivation tool circumvention Renminbi exchange rate revaluation brings. ─── 积极运用金融衍生工具规避人民币汇率升值带来的风险。

51、To deal with them, EU and US began to restrict or punish this kind of circumvention by law. ─── 为此,欧美等发达国家开始用法律的形式对此类规避行为进行限制和制裁。

52、LAWYER, n. One skilled in circumvention of the law. ─── 律师:一个善于为法律设计陷阱的人。

53、Circumvention of technological measures for non-infringing activities should be enabled. ─── 不涉及侵权行为的规避技术手段,应该可以接受。

54、How does the censor fight against circumvention? ─── * 监控者如何应对监控?

55、Once this happens, change can come only through reform or circumvention of the institutions. ─── 一旦发生这种情况,只有通过改革或绕过这些制度才能产生变化。

56、On the other hand must be able to achieve when the rise in the hand has owns stocks may makes a profit, falls when has the effect which the fund may buy lowly. second, circumvention risk ability. ─── 当市场整体趋势向好之际,投资者不能过于盲目乐观,更不能忘记了风险的存在而随意追高。在跌市中更要注意,不能随意抄底。股市风险不仅仅存在于熊市,牛市中也一样有风险。

57、A means of circumvention. ─── 绕开回避的途径

58、circumvention instigation ─── 陷害教唆

59、New Development and Our Counter Measures in Anti - Circumvention of International Trade ─── 国际贸易反规避制度最新发展及我国应对措施

60、The following signed contract is a document that is legally binding and enforceable under International and the Peoples Republic of China laws and ICC rules and regulation, including non circumvention and non disclosure. ─── 下列签署的合同是一份受国际法﹑中国法律以及国际商会法则和法律管辖的具有强制性文件,包括不可相互欺骗及不可洩漏有关本合约内容给第三者。

61、The chapter 3 focuses on the basic knowledge of Entrapment, a conception that is closely linked with Circumvention Instigation. ─── 第三部分是对与陷害教唆有紧密联系的诱惑侦查基础知识的研究。

62、Guotai Junan researcher thought that three Yuan stocks rise suddenly 80% not to have the fundamental plane support, the investor need to pay attention to the circumvention with the wind risk. ─── 国泰君安研究员认为三元股份暴涨80%不具备基本面支撑,投资者要注意规避跟风风险。

63、47. In computer security, an error of omission or oversight in software or hardware that permits circumvention of the access control process. ─── 在计算机安全学中,由于软件或硬件的疏忽引起的错误。这种错误躲过了存取控制进程。

64、They gave a pledge that there would be no circumvention via third countries ─── 他们保证不会有通过第三国进行包围的事。

65、Problems remained regarding the scope of the treaty, the permitted limitations and exceptions and the protection against circumvention of technological protection measures. ─── 在条约的范围、允许的限制和例外以及制止规避技术保护措施方面,仍存在问题。

66、FOE could be particularly hard to block and could work in concert with other circumvention technologies. ─── FOE 可能特别难以被拦截,而且可以与其他规避技术协同工作。

67、Love is a trap that defies circumvention. ─── 爱的陷阱,无法回避,

68、He suggested that the investor should in the near future the rational circumvention constitutive foreign exchange managing finances product. ─── 他建议,投资者近期应理性规避结构性外汇理财产品。

69、measure to anti-circumvention, as relief for anti-dumping, becomes more important as the day goes by. ─── 规避措施作为反倾销措施的补救措施,其重要性日益明显。

70、On Improvement of Our Anti - Circumvention Legislation ─── 论我国反规避立法的完善

71、abstract]Complicates day by day along with the international trade environment, the circumvention risk and strengthens the risk management to become the import and export enterprise's important topic. ─── 随着国际贸易环境日趋复杂化,规避风险和加强风险管理已成为进出口企业的重要课题。

72、They gave a pledge that there would be no circumvention via third countries. ─── 他们保证不会有通过第三国进行包围的事。

73、Circumvention of the so-called production, technology and products from the production of products rigid excessive human and material input capacity, such as Bafeite stock market investment. ─── 所谓生产的规避性,即产品躲避在产品硬性技术及产品生产上投入过多人力物力的能力,比如巴菲特的股市投资。

74、Geometric graph is used for comparing the Circumvention Instigation and Uncommitted Instigation, which becomes a big try in this paper and has an intuitional effect in comparing these two concepts. ─── 界定陷害教唆与未遂教唆之间的关系中几何图形的运用,不仅是本文所作的大胆尝试,而且对两个概念的区分起到非常直观的效果。

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