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08-16 投稿


senior 发音

英:[?si?ni?r]  美:[?si?ni?(r)]

英:  美:

senior 中文意思翻译





senior 网络释义

adj. 高级的;年长的;地位较高的;年资较深的,资格较老的n. 上司;较年长者;毕业班学生n. (Senior)人名;(英)西尼尔

senior 词性/词形变化,senior变形

复数--seniors;比较级--more senior;最高级--most senior。

senior 常用词组

senior high ─── 高中

senior high school ─── 高中

senior management ─── 高级管理

senior 短语词组

1、senior class ─── 毕业班,四年级,高年级

2、senior high ─── 高中; ─── 高级中学

3、senior airman ( ─── 美国)空军下士

4、senior engineer ─── [计] 高级工程师

5、senior aircraftman ─── 一等兵

6、senior judge ─── [法] 最年长的法官, 资历较深的法官

7、senior high school ─── 高中

8、Senior Accountant ─── 主任[高级]会计师;

9、senior interest ─── [经] 优光权益

10、Senior Consultant ─── 高级顾问

11、senior managing director ─── [经] 高级常务董事

12、senior chief petty officer ( ─── 美国海军)二级军士长

13、senior management ─── [计] 高级管理

14、senior citizens ─── 老人(尤指退休者)

15、senior issue ─── [经] 优先证券

16、senior management role ─── [经] 高级管理职位

17、senior bond ─── [经] 高级债券

18、senior lien ─── [经] 优先留置权

19、senior citizen ─── [法] 高龄公民

senior 相似词语短语

1、senor ─── n.先生;绅士

2、sensors ─── n.[自]传感器,感应器;感测器(sensor的复数)

3、sensor ─── n.传感器

4、senhor ─── n.(葡)先生(等于Mr.或Sir);绅士

5、seniors ─── n.年长者,老年人;资历较深的人(senior的复数形式)

6、seignior ─── n.领主;藩主;封建制度的君主

7、senator ─── n.参议员;(古罗马的)元老院议员;评议员,理事;n.(Senator)人名;(瑞典、斯威)塞纳托尔

8、senhora ─── n.夫人;贵妇

9、Senior ─── adj.长辈的;(父子同名时,加在父亲的名字前)老,大;n.(美)西尼尔(人名)

senior 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I was sleep-starved in my senior year. ─── 大四那年,我睡的好少。

2、He became her senior adviser her deputy, if you will. ─── 他成了她的高级顾问--你要说是她的副手也未尝不可。

3、Only the senior staff are allowed to use this room. ─── 只许资深的职员使用这个房间。

4、Today's senior citizens have built the Hong Kong we enjoy. ─── 今日香港欣欣向荣,是我们的长者辛勤创业,努力建设的成果。

5、I was promoted to senior accountant two years later. ─── 两年后,升为高级会计。

6、She is unfit for such a senior position. ─── 她不胜任这种高级职务。

7、Junior nurses usually work alongside more senior nurses. ─── 初级护士通常和较高级的护士一起工作。

8、He passed himself off as a senior psychologist. ─── 他自己冒充是一名资深心理学家。

9、"When you call me 'senior', I feel like a prehistoric relic. ─── 你叫我‘前辈’,我已经觉得像史前原人的遗骸了。

10、In senior high school we have Chinese, Science, English, and so forth. ─── 在上高中时,我们有语文,英语,科学等课程。

11、He is my senior by two years. ─── 他比我大两岁。

12、A person familiar with the matter called the vision statement a 'brainstorming document' and said it wasn't presented to senior executives. ─── 一位知情人士把这份原景陈述称为一份“头脑风暴文件”,并说它并没有呈递给谷歌的管理高层。

13、Senior Ed Bloom: Truly. I saw it in the eye. ─── 大爱德·布卢姆:真的。我在眼睛里看见它。

14、He won the senior men's 400 metres. ─── 他获得男子甲组400米冠军。

15、Can't you recruit a more senior person? ─── 你不能雇用一位资深一些的职员?

16、Are you holding senior management positions? ─── 你是管理层中的女性吗?

17、He is my senior in this respect. ─── 在这方面他是我的前辈。

18、The more senior of the pair counselled calm. ─── 二人中职位更高的那位建议保持冷静。

19、He works as a senior official in the World Bank. ─── 他是世界银行的一个高级职员。

20、Debrief the senior USAID/Embassy officials. ─── 向美国国际开发署/大使馆的高级官员汇报。

21、You need to build a senior team that's able to manage all the critical areas of your business to take it to the next level. ─── 你需要建立一个高级团队来管理所有的关键部门,以使你的事业上升到一个新的水平。

22、He is senior to me by seven years. ─── 他比我年长七岁。

23、He never come to blandish his senior. ─── 他从不去讨好上司。

24、He held a senior position in a large company. ─── 他在一家大公司担任高级职务。

25、He managed to progress to a senior position. ─── 他设法得到提升。

26、Congregate living facilities for senior citizens. ─── 为老年人设立的公共生活设施

27、He is a member of the senior class in the university. ─── 他是大学四年级的学生。

28、He was China's most widely travelled senior diplomat. ─── 他是中国到过地方最多的高级外交家。

29、In my senior year Joe Newman became our drummer. ─── 四年级时,乔.纽曼成了我们的鼓手。

30、His father was a senior officer at the bank. ─── 他父亲是那家银行的高级职员。

31、He is senior to me, though he is younger. ─── 他地位比我高,虽然他比我年轻。

32、You are our venerable senior in calligraphy. ─── 在书法方面,你是我们的前辈。

33、Smith is senior to me by three years. ─── 史密斯比我大三岁。

34、His employment is senior to mine by a year. ─── 他比我早到任一年。

35、It does not become a senior pupil to cause all this trouble. ─── 一个高年级学生不宜惹这些麻烦。

36、Senior officials were implicated in the scandal. ─── 一些高级官员受到这一丑闻的牵连。

37、The writer is a Senior Sub-editor of Lianhe Zaobao. ─── 作者是《联合早报》高级新闻编辑。

38、The senior civil servant they arrested for spying turned out to be a Trojan horse, planted by enemy intelligence twenty years previously. ─── 他们逮捕的那位因进行间谍活动的高级文职人员,原来是20年前敌人情报机构安插的特洛伊木马。

39、Senior Ed Bloom: You learned from the best. ─── 大爱德·布卢姆:你向最优秀的人学习。

40、Senior prom do you have the fever? ─── ''毕业生舞会你有热情吗?

41、A woman who is the eldest or senior member of a group. ─── 女老前辈一个团体中最年长或地位最高的女性

42、Well you're right and you know, regular promotions and transfer to senior positions is a good way for a company to reward its people. ─── 真的,你知道,一般的提升对公司来说是一种很好的嘉奖员工的方法。

43、Paul is his brother's senior by two years. ─── 保罗比弟弟大两岁。

44、The junior and senior of the senate all have driver's licenses. ─── 参议院的年长者和年少者都有驾驶执照。

45、The senior partner's office is on the third floor. ─── 主要合伙人的办公室在三楼。

46、He is a senior member of the club. ─── 他是这个俱乐部的资深会员。

47、The senior author acknowledges Prof. I. Y. Lee for. ─── 主作者感谢。

48、Our senior citizens have contributed to Hong Kong's success. ─── 各位,我们的长者,为香港的成就写下了光辉的一页。

49、As a senior, Peter is writing his thesis. ─── 作为大学四年级学生,彼得正在写毕业论文。

50、He is a senior member of the committee. ─── 他是委员会中的资深委员。

51、Several senior staff members defended the decision. ─── 几位高级职员为这项决定进行了辩护。

52、Soon after, Joe was promoted to senior supervisor. ─── 不久,乔被升为高级总管。

53、A senior editor stood up and proposed a toast. ─── 一位高级编辑起身祝酒

54、He was totally unqualified for his job as a senior manager. ─── 他担任高级经理职务完全不够格。

55、The speech of a senior diplomat by eavesdrop. ─── 一位高级外交官的话语被窃听。

56、Yet the quality of information filtering through to senior managers is often inadequate. ─── 然而那些由高端经理过滤过的信息质量通常都不太令人满意。

57、The meeting should be chaired by the most senior person present. ─── 会议应由在座的职位最高的人主持。

58、I'm senior university student in Shizuoka, Japan. ─── 个人简介:Hello,My name is Shinji.

59、He never involves his senior staff in decision making; they feel relegated to the status of office boys. ─── 他从不让那些年长职员参与决策; 他们感觉像是被当作办公室跑腿的了。

60、Paul is my senior by two years. ─── 保罗长我两岁。

61、Lying north of the church is a girls rs senior high school. ─── 位于这座教堂以北的是一所女子高中。

62、Report the senior legal counsel of the company. ─── 向高级法律顾问汇报。

63、And they are not all senior cadres,some are at lower levels. ─── 不只是在高级干部中有这种情况,下面的干部也有啊!

64、Are you a senior student here? I'm a freshman. ─── 你是这儿的高年级学生吗?我是新生。

65、"That's beside the point," the senior admiral said. ─── “这是题外话,”一位老资格的将军说。

66、A senior mechanical engineer units. ─── 单位拥有高级机械工程师。

67、Agnes Hsia is a senior consultant of Husonbay. ─── 夏雪明女士现任恒信和益高级管理顾问。

68、An incorporated senior member of certain colleges and universities. ─── 大学董事某些学院或大学中的社团高级会员

69、She is unfit for such senior position. ─── 她不胜任这种高级职务.

70、He was my senior at Yale by two years. ─── 他是耶鲁大学比我高两级的学生。

71、It was easy going during my senior year. ─── 在我大四期间一切都很顺利

72、Firing senior staff without reference to the boss comes pretty close to lese-majeste. ─── 不请示老板而解雇高级职员,罪近欺君。

73、When she was in her first year in senior high school, I was so worried about her cause it seems that she'll never concentrate on her study. ─── 当她在她的头一年是在高中,我对她的事业是如此担心,似乎她永远不会集中在她的研究。

74、For now, say senior European officials, this is just a precautionary step, to be ready to act quickly should it be needed. ─── 到现在,欧洲高级政府官员说,这仅仅是预防性的一步,为迅速行动做好准备,这些是有必要的。

75、My comment is that senior commanders should not "urge," but "order. ─── ”我的意见是,上级司令不应“督促”,而应“命令”。

76、Paul is senior in age to his boss. ─── 保罗的年纪比他老板大。

77、Senior conclusive proficiency in graphic of teacher training university. ─── 在师范大学就读期间熟练掌握高级绘画技巧。

78、It's easier for you to get along with senior. ─── 和年长的朋友合得来。

79、Senior Ed Bloom: She was a *witch*. ─── 大爱德·布卢姆:她是一个女巫。

80、Senior defence officials held private talks. ─── 高级防务官员举行了秘密会谈。

81、He reached his present senior position through sheer merit. ─── 他全靠他的功绩才达到今天的地位。

82、Paul Scholes was third in the senior honour. ─── 保罗.斯科尔斯在最佳球员竞选中排名第三。

83、He is the senior partner in (ie the head of) the firm. ─── 他是公司的老板。

84、A senior manager pulled rank on a junior manager. ─── 一个高级经理对一个低级经理发号施令。

85、People over the age of 65 in the U.S. are called senior citizens. ─── 65岁以上在美国被称为老年人。

86、He was the senior serving naval officer. ─── 他曾是高级现役海军军官。

87、Senior mainframer may return in 2009. ─── 2009年将会出现主机高端人才回流现象。

88、He studies in a senior middle school. ─── 他念高中。

89、The company's senior executives were insisting on low profiles. ─── 公司的高级官员现在都尽量不抛头露面。


翻译为:old people; the aged; elderly people; senior citizens; old folks 网络用语:AGED; seniors; the old。 其它日常翻译: 年轻人:young 孩子:children 中年人:Middle-aged person 青少年:Teenagers 婴儿:baby

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