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08-16 投稿


bridling 发音

英:[?bra?dl??]  美:[?bra?dl??]

英:  美:

bridling 中文意思翻译



bridling 短语词组

1、bridling horse ─── 缰马

2、bridling tongue ─── 勒舌

3、bridling dobhoff ─── 布林多 ─── 布霍夫

4、bridling equipment ─── 系缆设备

5、bridling bait ─── 诱饵

6、bridling meaning ─── 牵制意义

7、bridling ngt ─── 约束ngt

bridling 词性/词形变化,bridling变形

名词: bridler |动词过去式: bridled |动词现在分词: bridling |动词过去分词: bridled |动词第三人称单数: bridles |

bridling 同义词

rein in | get angry | hold back | curb | hold | rein |restrain | check | control | muzzle | back | lead | leash | halter | bristle | strap | noose | restraint | yoke | suppress | prickle | harness | obstruction | inhibit | restriction | refrain

bridling 反义词


bridling 相似词语短语

1、griddling ─── n.矿筛;煎饼用浅锅;vt.筛;vi.用锅煎

2、unbridling ─── v.卸下马的辔头

3、bristling ─── adj.竖立的;发怒的;v.毛发竖立;发怒;被布满(bristle的ing形式);n.毛发竖立;发怒

4、brandling ─── n.红纹蚯蚓

5、broddling ─── 拉扯

6、brisling ─── n.小鲱鱼;小沙丁鱼

7、bridging ─── n.造桥;桥接;剪刀撑;梁间撑柱;撑登(一种登山方式);v.架桥;横跨……之上;缩小,弥合(差距)(bridge的现在分词)

8、stridling ─── 字符串

9、brislings ─── n.小鲱鱼;小沙丁鱼

bridling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They put a stick in the wolf's jaws, fastened it, as it were bridling him with a leash, and tied his legs.Danilo swung the wolf twice from side to side. ─── 他们把一根棍子塞在狼嘴里,把它捆住,仿佛给它加上了皮带般的勒口,之后便缚住它的两条腿,丹尼洛约莫两次拽着它滚过来,滚过去。

2、You'll stop bridling at your father's flaws or needing him to remain the eternal omnipotent Daddy. ─── 你将不再对父亲的瑕疵动怒、或者需要他永远做全能爸爸。

3、26 And if any man think himself to be religious, not bridling his tongue, but deceiving his own heart, this man's religion is vain. ─── 谁若自以为虔诚,却不箝制自己的唇舌,反而欺骗自己的心,这人的虔诚便是虚假的。

4、Satrap of Prefecture Shu, i. e. Li Bing, and his son, drawing on the experience of people bridling in the currents, led the locals in the executing of a project for controlling the waters in 256. ─── 秦国蜀郡太守李冰和他的儿子,吸取前人的治水经验,率领当地人民兴建水利工程。

5、6.We noticed sever al men loitering about the bridling last night. ─── 昨天夜里我们看到有几个人在楼附近荡来荡去。

6、Many routine procedures require you to handle your horse's head: dental care, deworming, bridling, clipping, among other tasks. ─── 很多日常的工作要求你能控制马头的高度:牙齿检查、驱虫、上水勒、修剪鬃毛或是其他任务。

7、a couple who had spent their entire lives being scrutinized as pioneers understood what that meant, and instead of bridling at it, leveraged it. ─── 对夫妇一生都被人作为先锋进行审视,他们知道那意味着什么,他们没有去限制它,而是利用它去发挥影响。

8、And if any man think himself to be religious, not bridling his tongue, but deceiving his own heart, this man's religion is vain. ─── 谁若自以为虔诚,却不箝制自己的唇舌,反而欺骗自己的心,这人的虔诚便是虚假的。

9、"Scolding Brides and Bridling Scolds: Taming the Woman's Unruly member, " Shakespeare Quarterly 42. 2 (Summer, 1991) 179-213. ─── 琳达?布斯,〈训斥新娘并且约束训斥:驯服妇女中难控制的成员〉,莎士比亚季刊第42.2期(夏季号,1991)179-213页。

10、You'll stop bridling at your father's flaws or needing him to remain the eternal omnipotent Daddy. ─── 你将不再对父亲的瑕疵动怒、或者需要他永远做全能爸爸。

11、bridling at the criticism. ─── 怨忿批评

12、It is a bridling subject between fundamental and advanced subjects. ─── 其中网络安全是目前备受关注的问题。

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