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08-16 投稿


contortive 发音

英:[[k?n't?:t?v]]  美:[[k?n't?:t?v]]

英:  美:

contortive 中文意思翻译



contortive 相似词语短语

1、convertive ─── 转换的,转化的

2、contortioned ─── 扭曲的

3、contortion ─── n.(脸部或躯体)扭弯,扭歪;扭曲的动作(或姿势);困难,周折

4、contorting ─── vt.扭曲;曲解;vi.扭曲

5、contortively ─── 扭曲地

6、contrive ─── vt.设计;发明;图谋;vi.谋划;设法做到

7、concoctive ─── adj.策划的;捏造的;调合的

8、connotive ─── adj.隐含的;内涵的

9、connotative ─── adj.内涵的;隐含的;含蓄的

contortive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They watch you twist and contort, struggling to free your self. ─── 他们观看您扭转和歪曲, 奋斗释放您的自已。

2、 双语使用场景

3、contort verb. ─── 扭曲;

4、contort vt. ─── 扭曲, 弄弯;

5、Sometimes you find lines, methods, or even entire classes that simply cannot be reached by tests, no matter how much you contort the code. ─── 有时您会发现,不管对代码如何改造,仍然有一些行、方法、甚至是整个类是测试不到的。

6、Spell Breaker - Elven warrior trained to disrupt and contort magical energies.Initially has the Spell Immunity ability, which renders him immune to magic.Can also learn Spell Steal.Attacks land units. ─── 破法者-受过分裂和扭曲魔法力量训练的精灵战士.一开始就有魔法免疫的能力.还可以学习法术偷取.攻击地面单位.

7、I didn't care how much I had to contort my body and my principles. ─── 我毫不顾及自己的身体和原则被怎样扭曲。

8、to contort (v. ─── ) 扭曲;

9、I'd rather do some weights or cardio at the gym than contort my body into painful postures. ─── 我宁愿在体育馆里做一些力量或心肺功能训练,而不是把我身体扭成痛苦的姿势。

10、What we worry about is that history may repeat itself because Japanese government means to forget, contort, and conceal history, which we can never forgive. ─── 我们担心历史会重演,因为日本政府妄图遗忘、歪曲、掩盖历史,是可忍,孰不可忍!

11、Articulated, stackable and very artistic, Acrobots featurecrystal clear round heads, magnets in their hands and feet,flexible joints and the ability to contort into hundreds of shapes. ─── 铰链连接,可叠加并且非常有艺术性,圆圆的水晶头,手脚上都有磁铁,灵活的关节能让你摆出上百种造型。

12、One poster is a little girl with short dark hair and white skirt, but her eyes are empty, I mean inane, no smile no brow, and her arms are prolapsed but contort the right one. ─── 有张海报是个小女孩,短短的黑发,白色的裙子,但是眼睛很空洞无神,没有任何表情,胳膊自然下垂但是右胳膊确是反转的。

13、Performance-conscious developers sometimes contort their object models to increase the lifetime of a. ─── 对象的生命周期会不惜扭曲他们的对象模型。

14、More common, but still inadvisable, are uses that contort an operator's "normal" meaning to force a fit to a given type. ─── 更常见但仍不可取的是,改变操作符的“正常”含义以强行适应给定类型。

15、The Confucian ideal of loyalty can contort into a perverse concept of harmony that deprives people of voicing legitimate dissent. ─── 孔子理想的忠诚可能被扭曲为另外一种意义上的和谐,剥夺了人们提出合法异议的权利。

16、Because they employ advanced output current contort, fluctuations in input voltage, load , and distributed capacitance have virtually no effect on brightness. ─── 因对输出电流、负载和分布电容实施良好的控制,输入电压的波动对亮度无影响。

17、TECHNOLOGY forces old laws to contort themselves in new ways. ─── 技术迫使旧法则改变到新途线上来。

18、The Ways to Contort the Iinclined and Equivalent Length of Combined Coal Face ─── 综采工作面斜长等长的控制方法

19、To alter the normal aspect of; contort ─── 改变正常的形状;使扭曲

20、Mike: No way! Yoga is for girls. I'd rather do some weights or cardio at the gym than contort my body into painful posture s. ─── 不可能!瑜伽是女孩子练的。要身体摆出那些令人痛苦的姿势,我还不如到体育馆去做做力量和心肺训练呢。

21、Mike: No way! Yoga is for girls. I'd rather do some weights or cardio at the gym than contort my body into painful postures. ─── 我才不去!瑜伽是女孩子的运动。比起让自己忍受痛苦的扭曲姿势,我宁愿去体育馆举重或者做点心肺功能锻炼。

22、contort a word out of its ordinary meaning ─── 曲解词义

23、He will elevate over three defenders, contort his body 180 degrees in the air, lean back as if reclining in an easy chair and nail that shot even if he's got somebody's fingernails in his eyeballs. ─── 如果防守队员都把手防到他眼睛的时候,他将突破三名防守队员,在空中做180度的闪躲腾挪,作出就像惬意地斜躺在椅子一样的后仰跳投。

24、Mr.Stryker, who has done some TV work in the past, said that to create his best radio voice, he often must contort his face in embarrassing ways. ─── 过去做过一些电视工作的史崔克说,为了在广播时创造他最好的声音,他往往必须以令人尴尬的方式扭曲自己的脸孔。

25、Sometimes when you play, you hit a note or chord, and your facial and body expressions contort to match the audio expression. ─── 有时当你演奏时,你击出一个音符或和弦,你的面部和身体表情会扭曲以配合听觉的表达。

26、contort one's features ─── 愁眉不展

27、You face has 9 muscles beneath your skin that you contort , flex , and move . ─── 你的脸部皮肤下有9块可以扭曲、弯曲和运动的肌肉。

28、Our seats weren't bad. With only a gentle squint you could watch pain contort athletes' faces as they grunted through qualifying 800 meter rounds. ─── 我们的座位位置不错。当运动员吼着闯过800米资格赛的那一刻,你只需略微斜视,就可以看到运动员那因为拼搏而痛苦扭曲的脸。

29、contort my body into painful postures. ─── 扭曲身体成痛苦的姿势。

30、children contort acceptation are natural things. ─── 小孩子曲解词义是很正常的事。

31、As you listen to it, let your face contort and express the music. ─── 当你听它的时候,让你的脸扭曲并表达音乐。

33、'Seventy times seven times didst thou gapingly contort thy visage - seventy times seven did I take counsel with my soul - Lo, this is human weakness: this also may be absolved! ─── 主啊,这就是人类的缺憾,而这也是可以解决的!

34、Therefore it is necessary to establish a set of laboratory quality control system for convenient use, which will pay an important role in quality contort. ─── 因此,有必要建立一套完整又便捷的实验室内质量控制体系,在质控质量上发挥重要作用。

35、To cause to twist or squirm; contort. ─── 扭曲引起扭曲或蠕动;扭曲

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