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08-16 投稿


flotsam 发音

英:[?flɑ?ts?m]  美:[?fl?ts?m]

英:  美:

flotsam 中文意思翻译



flotsam 网络释义

n. 废料;(遇难船的)漂流货物;浮货;零碎物

flotsam 短语词组

1、flotsam and fork ─── 废料和叉子

2、jetsam and flotsam ─── 废渣

3、flotsam wow ─── 垃圾哇

4、flotsam prawnbroker rs ─── 英俊的法律经纪人

5、flotsam and jetsam definition ─── 废料和 ─── 废料的定义

6、flotsam and jetsam ─── 失事船只残骸, 零碎杂物, ─── 失业者, 无固定工作者, 流浪者, 无价值物

7、flotsam definition ─── 废料定义

8、flustering footwear flotsam ─── 冲洗鞋类废料

flotsam 相似词语短语

1、floats ─── n.花车(float的复数);飘浮物;v.漂浮;浮动(float的单三形式)

2、flobs ─── 絮状物

3、floosie ─── n.智力不高的妇人或女孩;粗俗的女子(等于floosi)

4、flogs ─── vt.鞭打,鞭策;迫使;vi.剧烈抖动;除尘

5、flotas ─── n.舰队

6、float ─── v.使漂浮,浮动;漂流,飘动;飘移;安排(贷款)提出,提请考虑(想法或计划);发行(股票)上市;(货币汇率)自由浮动实行;n.(酒吧等用于给顾客找零的)备用零钱;彩车,花车;浮板;漂浮物;鱼漂;浮子;加冰激凌的饮料;浮动期;坐浮箱(治病、疗伤或放松);救生圈;n.(Float)(美、英、德)弗洛特(人名)

7、flota ─── n.舰队

8、floes ─── n.弗洛(女子名)

9、flocs ─── n.絮体(floc的复数);棉絮

flotsam 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Flotsam: She has a very serious problem. ─── 浮:她遇到了很严重的问题。

2、1. Sick and starving refugees are the flotsam and jetsam of war. ─── 贫病交迫的难民都是在战争中流离失所的。

3、copper flotsam ─── 铜尾砂废料

4、The Technology of Decreasing Flotsam about Making Sleeve of Chain ─── 制造链条套筒的少废料工艺

5、flotsam&jetsam-doomsday for the deceiver,MB. ─── 有他妈的打磨痕迹。

6、If either's numbers plummet, his contract will make him nigh untradeable, except in exchange for somebody else's flotsam. ─── 假如任何一个的数据下滑的话,他的巨额合同也将使得他几乎不可能被交易,除非天平的那头也是另一个“无业游民”。

7、Memories, emotions, conditioning and all sorts of other mental flotsam taint every new experience you gain. ─── 记忆、情感、条件反射和其他各种心理碎片会改变我们每一个全新的体验。

8、flotsam and jetsan ─── 残骸的漂出物; 流浪者, 暂时失业的人们, 游民; 零碎东西; 废物

9、The average particle velocity and concentration for the flotsam and the jetsam were unequal in the radial and axial directions. ─── 随着表观气速的增大,颗粒浓度沿径向和床高分布趋于均匀。

10、Flotsam: Suit yourself. ─── 浮:你随便吧。

11、Not to be simply dragged along as a sort of piece of flotsam or jetsam. ─── 无论是对大人还是对孩子,谁都不应该被忽略。

12、the human flotsam of inner cities ─── 市中心贫民区无家可归、失业流浪的人们

13、Afloat on a boat or flotsam, they will be dragged inland with the flow until a reverse slosh begins, the water flowing back into its bed. ─── 他们漂浮在小船和残骸上,随着水流被拖拽进入了内陆地区,接着一股相反的水流开始泼溅过来,海水又流回到了海床里。

14、Keywords ceramic flotsam;noise absorbent material of metro;ceramic granule;testing of capability; ─── 陶瓷废料;地铁吸音材料;陶粒;性能测试;

15、Nuclear aircrew applies to the rubber products such as all sorts of useless old tire, sole, weather strip and edge horn flotsam. ─── 核机组适用于各种废旧轮胎、鞋底、密封件等橡胶制品及边角废料。

16、Flotsam: We represent someone who can help you. ─── 浮:我们是来帮你的。表现,描绘,扮演。

17、Floating objects or material;flotsam. ─── 漂浮物漂浮的物品或材料;

18、Steve Jobs did not waste his time or ours with similar flotsam. ─── 乔布斯则不会在这些没用的东西上浪费他或者我们的时间。

19、It encourages traffic with the inner world, the ideas left unturned last January, the memories and faces and voices buried for a year beneath the casual flotsam of the world at large. ─── 冬季使你情愿待在屋里,品味着这一年来所遇见的音容笑貌,再一次体会着世间那些琐碎的记忆。

20、Flotsam &Jetsam: This way. ─── 浮&渍:这边走。

21、Several Methods Accounted for Punching Lead Back Flotsam from Matrix ─── 解决凸模带废料回升的几种方法

22、Some boats took direct hits, leaving nothing but flotsam. ─── 有些小船被炮火直接命中,除了碎片什么也没留下。

23、The other early fauna on Flores probably got there by swimming or accidentally drifting over on flotsam. ─── 弗洛瑞斯岛其他的早期动物移民,也许是游泳,或意外地乘坐漂流物到岛上的。

24、So far, our country custom contrabands nuclear flotsam without discovery, and the smuggling weapon case that concerns with base organization and behavior. ─── 到当前截止,中国国关没发觉走私核废品,以及与基地组合相关的走私军械例子和行动。"

25、According to the period needs, making the form of office supplies, Labor Protection Articles and flotsam sell and administration. ─── 根据周期制作办公用品、劳防用品、废料销售及各项行政报表。

26、Keywords industrial flotsam;ground subsidence management;path;principle; ─── 工业废料;沉陷治理;途径;原则;


28、The device that assists repartition concept ability to will been used so only and flotsam still arrive nearly in manufacturing cycle. ─── 只有偌助再分配概念才能将使用过的设备和废料近还到生产循环中去。

29、Flotsam: Poor child. ─── 浮:可怜的孩子。

30、The beaches are wide and filled with interesting flotsam and jetsam. ─── 海滩宽阔,到处是有趣的被冲上岸的零碎杂物。

31、"Lost-and-found objects, flotsam and stray animals shall Be returned to their rightful owners, and any costs thus incurred shall be reimbursed." ─── 拾得遗失物、漂流物或者失散的饲养动物,应当归还失主,因此而支出的费用由失主偿还。

32、Lost-and-found objects, flotsam and stray animals shall be returned to their rightful owners, and any costs thus incurred shall be reimbursed by the owners. ─── 拾得遗失物、漂流物或者失散的饲养动物,应当归还失主,因此而支出的费用由失主偿还。

33、Flotsam &Jetsam: Yes? ─── 浮&渍:什么事?

34、Between exclamations of delight at the telltale flotsam we discovered, Betty would share more of her findings. ─── 我们面对所发现的标志性漂流物兴奋不已,而贝蒂则会与我们分享她更多的发现。

35、Floating objects or material; flotsam. ─── 漂浮物漂浮的物品或材料; 漂浮物

36、whole flotsam ─── 全废料

37、There's nothing important in what he says; it's all flotsam and jelsam. ─── 他说的话没什么紧要,尽是废话。

38、Its purpose is to inspect Canadian energy project how to consider environmental protection problem and socioeconomy problem and flotsam of nucleus of nuclear power plant to handle a case. ─── 其目的是考察加拿大能源工程如何考虑环境保护问题和社会经济问题以及核电站核废料处理情况。

39、Keywords Flotsam;Jetsam;Mixing;Segregation;Bubble;Mathematica1 model; ─── 浮升组分;沉积组分;混合;分离;气泡;数学模型;

40、There have been typhoons and currents washing in flotsam and jetsam and Michael Jones says animals attacked last year. ─── 曾经有过台风,海流带来了船只碎片和漂流物,迈克尔。琼斯说,去年还有动物攻击了这里。”

41、The frenzy can leave pink flotsam. ─── 狂欢遗留下粉红色漂流物。

42、As we walk along the shore with the author, we find beach glass, flotsam, a little jetsam, pelican feathers, black skate egg pouches, and other shore-side marvels. ─── 拿著这本书陪著你的孩子一起去海边走一趟吧,相信这个是相当好的生活教材。

43、ceramic flotsam ─── 陶瓷废料

44、Collisions with small space flotsam can obliterate a ship. ─── 与太空中很小的漂浮物的碰撞可能完全摧毁一艘飞船。

45、There is nothing real in what he says; it's all flotsam and jetsam. ─── 他讲的全不是真的,尽是些废话。

46、Known to astronomers as Eugenia, it measures about 133 miles across and is one of thousands of bits of cosmic flotsam in the great rubble stream between Mars and Jupiter. ─── 天文学家所熟知的尤金尼亚,直径大约为133英里,是火星与土星之间巨大碎石流中数千颗宇宙碎片中的一块。

47、Without a good leader an organization will go where the tide takes it, and as is so predictable with tides, they will be cast on the shoreline like the flotsam and jetsam of our society. ─── 一个组织如果没有个好领导,组织这条大船就走进了暴风雨中,并且如预料的那样,这条船被遗弃在海岸边,就像我们社会的残骸和遗弃物。

48、The prevailing currents cause flotsam from around the world to accumulate in a vast becalmed patch of ocean. ─── 季节性洋流把全世界的废物带到这片辽阔而平静的海面。

49、But supply insecurity as a result of flotsam, the profit margin of generator has the tendency that reduces increasingly. ─── 但由于废料供应紧张,生产者的利润率有日益降低的趋势。

50、The motions of this visible material reveal that it is mere flotsam on an unseen sea of unknown material. ─── 从这类可见物质的运动显示,它们只不过像是在未知物质组成的不可见海洋上飘流的残骸。

51、I don't have to tell you about the information mess, of which that email is just one tiny but toxic piece of flotsam. ─── 我不必告诉你有关信息的混乱,这封不实邮件不过是信息垃圾的沧海一粟罢了,而且我们不知道自己什么时候会沦陷。

52、The beaches are wide and filled with interesting flotsam and jetsam. ─── 海滩宽阔,到处是有趣的被冲上岸的零碎什物。

53、The water was full of flotsam and refuse. ─── 水里漂满了垃圾和废物。

54、The prevailing currents cause flotsam from around the world to accumulate in a vast becalmed patch of ocean. ─── 季节性洋流把全世界的废物带到这片辽阔而平静的海面。

55、flotsam and jetsam ─── n. 零碎物品(失事船只的残骸)

56、Keywords polished ceramic tiles flotsam;phosphorus gypsum;mineralization;Portland cement raw mix;clinker petrographic configurations; ─── 陶瓷抛光砖废料;磷石膏;矿化作用;硅酸盐水泥生料;熟料岩相结构;

57、Take me, take me now and hold me deep inside your ocean body, wash me as some flotsam to the shore, there leave me lying evermore! ─── 就拿我来说,现在拿我和抱我深层在你的海洋的身体,洗一些在岸边废料我,我躺在那里离开永中!

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