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08-16 投稿


tubular 发音

英:['tju?bj?l?]  美:['tubj?l?]

英:  美:

tubular 中文意思翻译



tubular 短语词组

1、multitubular boiler,tubular boiler ─── [化] 火管锅炉

2、maximal tubular excretory capacity ─── [医] 肾小管最大排泄量

3、multi-tubular heat exchanger ─── [化] 多管式换热器

4、porous ceramic tubular filter ─── [化] 多孔陶质管式过滤机

5、single-pass tubular heater ─── [化] 单程列管加热器

6、tubular breath-sounds ─── [医] 管性呼吸音, 支气管呼吸音

7、tubular bus-bar ─── [电] 管状总线

8、tubular breathing ─── [医] 支气管呼吸音

9、tubular bowl ultra-centrifuge(open type) ─── [化] 管式超速离心机

10、tubular adenoma ─── [医] 管状腺瘤

11、tubular bells n. ─── 管钟

12、pyrolysis in tubular furnace ─── [化] 管式炉裂解

13、fired process tubular heater ─── [化] 直接火操作的管式加热炉

14、double tubular shaft ─── [化] 双套管转轴

15、tubular aneurysm ─── [医] 管状动脉瘤, 圆柱样动脉瘤

16、porous layer open tubular column ─── [化] 多孔层空心柱

17、open tubular column ─── [化] 空心柱; 开口管柱

18、tubular boiler ─── [化] 火管锅炉

19、multipass tubular heater ─── [化] 多程管式加热器; 多程管式加热炉

tubular 词性/词形变化,tubular变形

名词: tubularity |副词: tubularly |

tubular 相似词语短语

1、tubularly ─── 肺结核

2、tubulate ─── adj.管状的;管的;vt.制成管状;为…装管

3、tubulure ─── 短管状开口

4、tabular ─── adj.扁平的;列成表格的

5、fabular ─── adj.寓言的

6、tumular ─── adj.土堆的

7、tubulator ─── 小管

8、cupular ─── 有壳斗的;杯状的

9、tubulars ─── n.管件

tubular 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A slender tubular instrument with a small light on the end for inspection of the interior of the bronchi. ─── 支气管镜细长的管状器械,末端有一小灯,以观察支气管的内部

2、DURABILITY. All-steel construction, 6mm plate body, tubular frame. ─── 持久性:全钢结构,6毫米盘钢车身,管状结构。

3、This is representative of acute tubular necrosis (ATN), which has many causes. ─── 急性肾小管坏死有很多原因,乙二醇中毒是其中的一种。

4、Inflorescences racemose, rachis elongate; corolla suburceolate to tubular; seeds angled or rounded. ─── 副花冠裂片合蕊冠的着生的在基部;花粉块下垂。

5、They attain complex morphology, appearing as branched, tubular processes. ─── 它们达到复杂的形态,出现分枝,管状突起。

6、The renal tubular cells appear foamy because of the accumulation of neutral fats and mucopolysaccharides. ─── 因为中性脂肪和粘多糖堆积,肾小管细胞呈泡沫样。

7、No lesion larger than one centimeter was missed and all missed tumors were tubular adenomas, or non-cancerous tumors. ─── 所有漏检的肿瘤均为管状腺瘤或非癌肿瘤。

8、Alternations of ADF and G-actin in Renal Tubular Epithelial Cell of Neonatal Rats During Kidney Ischemic Injury. ─── 新生大鼠肾脏缺血性损伤致肾小管上皮细胞ADF与G-ACTIN的改变

9、Results Two tubular and 4 bifurcated endografts were used,All endograft procedures were completed successfully. ─── 6例均采用经腹股沟切口腹主动脉瘤腔内人造血管内支撑术。

10、For example, skirts are designed in many styles, such as A -line, tubular, dirndl, flared and pleated. ─── 例如裙子可以设计成各种款式,如A字裙、筒裙、紧身连衫裙、喇叭裙、褶裙等等。

11、In addition,tubular sterilization system is used widely in Pasteur,high temperature,UHT milk producing. ─── 另外,管式灭菌系统在巴氏、高温、超高温灭菌奶生产中有广泛的应用。

12、Her underline is still a little tubular here, but she does have evidence of a developing tuck up. ─── 她的腹线还是一条小管线,但有证据表明她会折起。

13、Patterns of staining were consistent throughout tubular compartments and did not appear to be localized to any particular region. ─── 在整个管形的间隔间不纯色的模式是调和的并且没在看来局部性到任何特别的区域。

14、Fig 3-6 are cases of tubular ca FNA confirmed by biopsy. ─── 图3-6是小管癌的FNA表现,由活检证实。

15、Short, tubular pasta with slanted ends. ─── 意大利通心粉一种具有倾斜的末端的短的、管状的糊状物

16、Through hydro and mechanical pressure the diameter of expandable tubular can be expanded. ─── 可膨胀管技术利用液压或机械方式使管材直径增大,从而保持较大的井径。

17、This paper presents structure, stiffness calculation and selection of belts in tubular belt conveyors. ─── 摘要阐述了管状带式输送机胶带的结构、理论基础、刚度计算及选型,可用于指导设计。

18、A tubular growth which encloses the living protoplast is initially formed the epidermal cells of the cotton seeds. ─── 棉纤维最初是棉籽上表皮细胞突起延伸的管状结构,内部充满原形质。

19、Dumbbell-shaped section is often used in concrete filled steel tubular (CFST) arch rib. ─── 哑铃型截面是钢管混凝土拱肋常用的截面形式。

20、A pipefish swims with its tubular snout at the ready in the Pacific Ocean. ─── 意译:水下面的奇特图片美术馆。一条尖嘴鱼游泳用它的管状的鼻口部准备立即行动在太平洋。

21、Acetal tubular load stabilizing frame. ─── 令负重更为稳定。

22、A tubular object is sleeved by another tubular one externally. ─── 一个管状物体套装在另一个管状物体的外面。

23、AIJ, Recommendations for Design and Construction of Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Structures [S ]. ─── 张素梅.钢管混凝土构件在轴心拉力作用下的性能[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,1991,24(增刊):27-33.

24、The ends of the tubular furnace are closed to minimize convection currents inside the furnace. ─── 把管式炉的前后端盖紧,是炉内的对流减少到最低限度。

25、The tubular reactor of Daqing naphtha pyrolyzer is simulated by a two-dimensional model. ─── 对大庆石脑油裂解炉反应管用二维模型进行数学模拟。

26、A very small tube or tubular structure. ─── 小管,细管细小的管子或管状结构

27、This paper presents a method to manufacture pipe elbows by hydro-bulging a tubular single-curvature polyhedron. ─── 介绍了一种利用管状单曲率多面壳体液压胀形制造薄壁管道弯头工艺方法。

28、We had relatively few cases of acute tubular necrosis due to crush syndrome in comparison with other reports. ─── 与其他报告相比,我们只有相对较少的病例因挤压综合征导致急性肾小管坏死。

29、It is very difficult to diagnose tubular ca by FNA cytology. ─── FNA细胞学诊断小管癌非常困难。

30、Two colonoscopic views of a small polyp that proved to be a tubular adenoma is seen below. ─── 乙状结肠镜可见小的息肉状腺瘤,经活体组织学检查证实为管状腺瘤。

31、M = Mitochondria (with tubular cristae are typical of steroid producing cells);SER = Smooth endoplasmic reticulum. ─── M=线粒体(注意观察特征性的管状嵴)。

32、Sprial springs are put into common tubes of tubular heat exchanger.And springs are vibrated by fluid pushing. ─── 在普通管壳式换热器管内安装螺旋式弹簧,在流体的推动下,弹簧产生振动。

33、A tubular structure, usually concealed but sometimes extending outside the abdomen, with which many female insects deposit eggs. ─── 产卵器管状结构,通常隐蔽的但有时延伸出腹部外部,雌性虫子用以放置蛋或卵

34、The tubular vacuolization and dilation here is a result of ethylene glycol poisoning. ─── 乙二醇中毒引起肾小管扩张和空泡状改变。

35、The part of a garment that covers the arm, varying in form and length but commonly tubular. ─── 服装的一个涵盖手臂的部分,有不同的形式和长度,但通常是筒状.

36、Centriole A cell organelle consisting of two short tubular structures orientated at right angles to each other. ─── 中心粒:由两个互成直角的圆筒状小体构成的细胞器。

37、In this experiment, castor oil was pyrolyzed in a stainless steel tubular reactor packed with catalyst. ─── 本实验以蓖麻油为原料,位其在一装有催化剂的不锈钢反应器中进行裂解。

38、We performed kidney biopsy on the patient 1,the pathologic analysis showed the acute tubular necrosis(ATN). ─── 其中有1例患者的肾活检病理报告:急性肾小管坏死,肾小管内存在大量蛋白栓子;

39、The whole thing fits into a tubular box. ─── 整个东西可装入一支管状盒内。

40、The technology for construction of steel tubular pile caps is described in the. ─── 文章主要介绍钢管桩桩帽的施工工艺。

41、To turn(a tubular organ or part) inward upon itself. ─── 使向内陷使(管状器官或部位)向内塌陷

42、It has been proposed that these fragments represent lysosomal products regurgitated to the tubular lumen4. ─── 因此有人提出这些碎片是返流入肾小管管腔的溶酶体产物。

43、The main differential dx contain tubular carcinoma (TC) and other adenosis and its variants. ─── 主要鉴别:小管癌(TC)和其它腺病及变型。

44、STURDINESS. 14-G diamond plate steel, tubular frame. ─── 坚固性:14G菱形钢,管状结构。

45、As it dries, the inner bark curls to form flaky tubular quills about 3 inches long and 1/2 inch in diameter. ─── 当它乾燥,树皮内在?郧?纬善?赐残蜗斯艽笤?英寸长和直径1/2英寸。

46、SoundFont focusing on hammered instruments (tubular bells, piano, xylophone) is included with the downloads. ─── 下载的部分包括专用于打击乐器(管钟、钢琴、木琴)的内置 SoundFont。

47、Any of various bushy or trailing tropical American plants of the genus Columnea, grown indoors for their showy, colorful, tubular flowers. ─── 哥伦纳属植物一种热带美洲植物蔓生亚灌木属,常在室内栽培,花色艳丽,有管状花萼,

48、Myoglobinuria may result in renal tubular necrosis if untreated. ─── 如果不进行治疗,肌红蛋白尿就可能造成肾小管坏死。

49、Tubular fabric, such as that used for making pillowcases. ─── 材料用于制作枕套的管状纤维。

50、The leakage of tube and tubular plate in tubular reactor would affect chemical industry seriously. ─── 摘要列管式反应器的泄漏将严重影响化生产。

51、Coking tests of vacuum residue,ethylene heavy tar and their mixture were conducted on a tubular coking reactor. ─── 将减压渣油、乙烯重焦油以及它们的掺兑物在管式焦化反应器中进行共焦化反应。

52、Short, tubular pasta with diagonally cut ends. ─── 佩内一种末端对角切开的短且呈管状的意大利面食

53、Trabectedin is a synthetic version of a compound isolated from the sea squirt, a tubular sea animal used in a number of medical studies. ─── Trabectedin是从用于一些医学研究的管状海洋动物海鞘中分离出来的化合物的合成版。

54、Backgrounds:131I labeled orthoiodohippurate(OIH)have been used for renal tubular function study for many years. ─── 摘要前言:多年来国内核医界普遍使用碘-131马尿酸(碘-131-OIH)进行有效肾血流量之检查。

55、For many years, compacting has already been an established finishing process for open-width and tubular knitwear. ─── 很久以来,热压预缩就已经成为平幅和筒状针织物常规的整理工艺。

56、Medium - sized tubular pasta. ─── 意大利通心粉中等大小的管状面食

57、The absence or closure of a normal body orifice or tubular passage such as the anus, intestine, or external ear canal. ─── (先天性)闭锁,无孔正常的身体孔或管道,如肛门、肠或外耳道的缺失或闭合

58、Work experience in motor or tubular motor will be a plus. ─── 有电机或管状电机方面的工作经验优先考虑。

59、Methods CT and ultrasonography(US)of 6 cases with enteric duplication tubular cyst were analyzed. ─── 方法 研究分析 6例经手术病理证实的儿童管型肠重复畸形的CT、超声及胃肠造影 (GI)资料。

60、Formed into or resembling a tube; tubular. ─── 形成或类似管子的;管状的

61、A kind of one-end-closed tubular SOFC is fabricated by dipping method. ( NiO-YSZ/8YSZ/LSM+YSZ). ─── 本文利用浸渍法成型了一端封闭的管状SOFC(NiO-YSZ/8YSZ/LSM+YSZ)。

62、A simple, essentially tubular jet engine, such as a ramjet. ─── 压式喷气发动机一种简单的,主要为管道式的喷气发动机,如喷压式发动机

63、The duplications were cystic in all cases except one tubular duplication of the colon. ─── 年纪较大的孩童可以自己表达,都以肚子疼痛为其主诉。

64、One of the tubular conductive vessels in the xylem of vascular plants. ─── 导管维管植物的木质部中的管状引导管之一

65、Straightening test on tubular half-ferrule. ─── 标准/规范英文名: Steel tubes.

66、A tubular extension of the thallus of hornworts that rises up and surrounds the base of the sporophyte. ─── 3是金鱼藻叶状体中的管状结构,环绕孢子体基部。

67、Coiled tubular heat exchangers (HE) are popular in various fields of engineering, highly reliable, and easy to make. ─── 连续管换热器(他)很受欢迎,在各个领域的工程技术、高可靠、易犯的错误。

68、Used for riveting of tubular rivets such as leather belts, and accessories for leather bags. ─── 功能:适用于空心钉铆合。产品:皮带接头,皮包扣带等配件。

69、Some problems in the design of circular tubular joints are discussed in this paper. ─── 本文探讨了圆管结构相贯节点设计中的若干问题。

70、North American perennial herb with smooth foliage and drooping tubular greenish flowers. ─── 北美的一种多年生草本植物,叶光滑,花管状、下垂、略带绿色。

71、Solid Expandable Tubular Technology Increases Production Rates in Difficult Drilling Environments,JPT, June 2002. ─── 傅诚德著:《科学技术对石油工业的作用及发展对策》.北京:石油工业出版社,1999.

72、The effect of rhein in lipidemia and mitochondrial of renal tubular epithelia was more strong than rosiglitazone. ─── 大黄酸对脂代谢紊乱及肾小管线粒体的作用明显优于罗格列酮。

73、Tubular apocrine adenoma is an uncommon adnexal adenoma mostly located on the head and neck. ─── 摘要管状顶浆腺瘤是罕见的皮肤附属器肿瘤。最常见的发生部位是头皮。

74、Arteries are long, tubular blood vessels which can bend and stretch, i. E. They are flexible and elastic. ─── 动脉是长管形血管,能弯曲,能伸展,也就是说,既柔韧又有弹性。

75、The slender, tubular feeding and sucking organ of certain invertebrates, such as insects, worms, and mollusks. ─── 喙某些无脊椎动物,如昆虫、蠕虫和软体动物细长的管状进食和吮吸器官

76、There is a preference for the metaphyseal region of tubular long bones. 50% of cases occur around the knee. ─── 好发于管状长骨的干骺部分。50%的病理发生于膝部。

77、The small intestine is a long, tubular organ. ─── 小肠是长管形器官。

78、The frame of the chair was made from polished, bent, nickelled tubular steel. ─── 椅架是用经抛光、弯曲和镀镍处理的钢管而制成。

79、Seventeen patients had tubular PDA and 23 patients funnel-like PDA. ─── PDA管型17例,漏斗型23例;

80、Her underline is still a little tubular here, but she does have evidence of a developing tuck up. ─── 她的腹线还是一条小管线,但有证据表明她会折起。

81、ALL-STEEL BODY, sturdy, 14 gauge diamond plate. Tubular frame. ─── 全钢坚固车身:14级菱形钢,管状结构。

82、In the 1920s and '30s architects designed chairs made of modern materials such as tubular steel and plastic. ─── 1920年代和1930年代,建筑师设计的椅子是采用钢管和塑料制作。

83、Capitate odd unripe bine supports, ligulate flower yellow, female, tubular flower is violet Brown, bisexual. ─── 头状花序单生茎顶,舌状花黄色,雌性,管状花紫褐色.两性。

84、A microscopic comparison of normal colonic mucosa on the left and that of an adenomatous polyp (tubular adenoma) on the right is seen here. ─── 左侧为正常结肠黏膜,右侧为腺瘤性息肉(管状腺瘤)。

85、Leaves with entire margins, 1-2 cm; flowers narrowly funnelform to tubular, always solitary. ─── 叶具全缘的边缘,1-2厘米;花狭漏斗状到管状,总是是单生。(8

86、The long, tubular membranes of nerve cells carry electrical impulses. ─── 神经细胞的长管状膜携带电脉冲。

87、Cell adhesion has a vital effect on renal inflammatory injury, renal tubular lesions and interstitial fibrosis. ─── 其在肾脏炎性病变、肾小管损伤、肾间质纤维化等发生发展中起重要作用。

88、The large, tubular eyes collects the faintest of light and focuses on targets both close and far. ─── 它的一对大眼睛可以在光线昏暗的水下同时瞄准近处和远处的猎物。

89、STURDINESS. 14-G diamond plate steel body, high strength tubular frame. ─── 坚固性:14G菱形钢车身,高强度管状结构。

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