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08-16 投稿


abyssal 发音


英:  美:

abyssal 中文意思翻译



abyssal 词性/词形变化,abyssal变形

副词: abysmally |

abyssal 短语词组

1、abyssal gap ─── 海脊山口,深 ─── 海裂隙,深 ─── 海通道

2、abyssal plankton ─── [医]深海浮游生物

3、abyssal benthic zone ─── [法] 深渊地带

4、abyssal hills province ─── 深海丘陵区

5、abyssal floor ─── [经] 深海底

6、abyssal environment ─── 深海环境

7、abyssal injection ─── 深成贯入

8、abyssal community ─── 深海底群落

9、abyssal ooze ─── 深海软泥

10、abyssal fish ─── 深海鱼

11、abyssal region ─── 深海区, ─── 深渊区

12、abyssal hill ─── 深海丘陵

13、abyssal zone ─── 深海底带

14、abyssal regiion ─── [法] 深海区

15、abyssal sea ─── [经] 深海

16、abyssal deposit ─── 深海沉积

17、abyssal plain ─── [经] 深海平原

18、abyssal rock ─── 深成岩

19、abyssal sediment ─── [经] 深海沉积物

abyssal 相似词语短语

1、abysmal ─── adj.深不可测的;糟透的;极度的

2、aglossal ─── adj.缺少舌头的

3、abysses ─── n.深渊;深邃,无底洞,地狱

4、hypabyssal ─── adj.半深成的,浅成的

5、abomasal ─── 皱胃

6、baby-sat ─── vi.照顾婴儿,担任临时保姆

7、byssal ─── 丝足的(byssus的变形)

8、abyss ─── n.深渊;深邃,无底洞,地狱

9、abysmally ─── adv.极度地;深不可测地

abyssal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We may be back from the abyss, he says, but merely averting disaster doesn't mean there's real improvement. ─── 他说我们会从深渊中走出来,但是仅仅回避灾难并不意味着有真正的转好。

2、Rhetoric is abyssal and aberrant. ─── 修辞是深奥而异常的。

3、But on their way back, the ancestors dropped the grant into an abyss where a dragon lived. ─── 但在回人间的路上,又不慎掉进了龙潭。

4、Life stirs on this spit of land between the soaring Molokai cliffs and the stretching Pacific abyss. ─── 卡劳帕帕是一个生机勃勃的岬角,它的一边夹着高耸入云的莫洛凯海崖,另一边则是广阔无垠、深不见底的太平洋。

5、One side is leting self happy desperately , one side again pushes happiness continuously is away from , sweetheart push to abyss. ─── 一面在拼命让自己幸福,一面又不断地把幸福推离,把爱人推向深渊。

6、Being a kind person, yon can save all human beings from abyss of misery. ─── 做一个有仁之人,你便能救渡众生,远离苦海深渊。

7、Ford decided to provide accommodation and food for those engineers who were absorbed by this abyssal problem. ─── 福特决定为那些专心于这个深不可测的问题的工:程师提供设备和食物。

8、A fierce breath rose from this abyss. ─── 一阵恶风从深渊中直吹上来。

9、In (the abyss of your heart/your fathomless heart), can't you find a trace of love for me? ─── 在你没底心里,你不可以找到丝毫对我的爱吗?

10、From the following Bible chapters, it is clear that Hell and abyss really mean different things. ─── 从以下圣经的章节里可以看到,无底坑和地狱是不同的概念。

11、How wonderful it was that You came to me, it was a miracle. You stretched Your miraculous hand to catch me from falling down into the abyss. ─── 但奇妙的事发生了,您奇迹般地来到我身旁,伸出神奇的双手将我抱住,使我免于坠落深渊之中。

12、Do an unpretentious bridge, let afresh those roads which is separated by flowing water and deep abyss are unimpeded! ─── 做一座朴实无华的桥吧,让那些被流水和深壑阻隔的道路重新畅通!

13、Their lives were filled with untold suffering.; They lived in an abyss of misery. ─── 他们生活在水深火热之中。

14、His love had brought her many beautiful dreams, but now it was casting her into a dark abyss. ─── 他的爱曾经允许过她许多美妙的幻梦,然而它现在却把她丢进了黑暗的深渊。

15、They were imploring Him not to command them to go away into the abyss. ─── 他们央求耶稣,不要吩咐他们到无底坑里去。

16、They have a king over them, the angel of the abyss; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon; and in Greek he has the name Apollyon. ─── 11有无底坑的使者作王管辖它们;他的名,希伯来话叫亚巴顿,希利尼话叫亚玻伦。

17、Years of grief have created an abyss between those days and the present. ─── 不,我应责备的是我自己,我所恨的是我自己!

18、Updated thinking can often be an impact to people and imitated. But some unprecedented deeds can sink ourselves into mire and abyss! ─── 前卫的思想常常会给别人造成冲击并被效仿,而前卫的行为则往往让自己陷入泥淖和深渊!

19、But stocks at one point prices in a headlong fall into the abyss. ─── 但在某个时候,股价计入了经济直落深渊的局面。

20、It seemed to him that heaven had at length taken pity on him, and had sent this noise to warn him on the very brink of the abyss. ─── 他觉得,似乎上苍终于怜悯他的不幸了,所以派这个声音来警告他立刻悬崖勒马。

21、The Chinese concept of Hell adequately covers the meaning of the English words Hell, hades and abyss (the pit). ─── 中国人的地狱概念,囊括了圣经中的地狱、阴间、无底坑这些概念的内涵范围。

22、Which only abyssal eyes can sail and fly in. ─── 只有深渊般的眼睛才能在那儿航行并飞翔。

23、Within a few months my father slipped into the abyss of alcoholism. ─── 不到几个月,我父亲就跌入了酗酒的深渊。

24、He thought that he already distinctly perceived the brink of the bottomless abyss. ─── 他仿佛已清清楚楚地望见那无底深渊边上的陡壁。

25、Within the chair's shadow sat another shadow: deeper, darker, formless and impenetrable, an abyssal umbra so profound that it drained light from the room around it. ─── 在座椅的阴影里,端坐着另一个阴影:更为阴沉,更为黑暗,无形而难以捉摸,那是一个黑暗的深渊,深得让周围整个房间里的亮光都顿时枯竭。

26、Otherwise, the country will fall into a mess and break up. It will not only fail to realize its modernization but also sink into a chaotic abyss. ─── 否则,就会成为一盘散沙,四分五裂,不仅现代化实现不了,而且必然陷入混乱的深渊。

27、They should have been noticed, but a wizard who could enthrall an army of abyssal beasts could delude a few pilots and guards, especially the night after Fleetswake. ─── 他们应该已经被注意到,但一个能奴役深渊野兽大军的法师,自然也能迷惑几个领航员和守卫了,特别是在舰队尾波节的夜里。

28、He has been in the abyss of despair. ─── 他已陷入绝望的深渊。

29、He reeled and recovered, the darkling abyss below beckoning to him, inviting his fall. ─── 他蹒跚着,努力恢复平衡。黑暗深渊正引诱着他,期待他投入自己的怀抱。

30、Use Enslave Demon on an Abyssal Flamewalker, go find an afk player of the opposite faction. ─── 在希腊推出儿童在线安全项目;在阿根廷开展名为“盗版对中小型企业的影响”的调查研究等等。

31、It is because they never lived the way how Sabahan live in abyss of suffering. ─── 因为他们从来没有经历过东马人的生活是怎样水深火热法。

32、"I do forgive you, Hester," replied the minister at length, with a deep utterance, out of an abyss of sadness, but no anger. ─── “我一定原谅你,海丝特,”牧师终于回答了,同时深深地叹了一口气,那是发自悲伤而不是气愤的深渊的。

33、It flows down the sea shelf and out into the abyssal plain much like a river on land. ─── 和陆地上的河流非常相似,它从海底大陆架流向深海平原。

34、Earth was a magnificent contrast, a jewel hung in utter darkness, an exuberant riot of chaos and life in a haunting, abyssal emptiness. ─── 地球是一个宏伟的对照,它是一个悬在完全黑暗中的珠宝,繁华混沌的蔓延,在萦绕不断深不可测空性的生命。

35、In the abyss of his mind he apprehends the world 's minuteness . ─── 在他的心灵深处,他体会到世界的渺

36、He finally got out of the abyss of misery, and will be free from suffering from now on. ─── 他终于脱离了苦海,从此免受煎熬。

37、He threw the brightness of his nature over every abyss and cavern through which he strayed. ─── 他把那欢乐的性格带到了他游历过的每一个深渊和山洞。

38、With his back to the abyss, Bohun Wuren stood there with half soles out of the edge of the stone.He asked Lie Yukou to shoot at this pose. ─── 伯昏无人背对著深渊,后脚根有二分露在石外,他要列御寇也采取同样的姿势来射箭。

39、But perhaps the ultimate fate of the bow and its wielder is perhaps best left to the uncharted abyss of Nirn. ─── 但也许这把弓和它的持有者的最终命运,也是最好命运,就是让他们呆在奈恩深渊的未知深处。

40、One can never be aware of the height of the sky or the depth of the earth, if he does not climb up a high mountain or look down into a deep abyss. ─── 不登高山,不知天之厚也;不临深渊,不知地之厚也。

41、He had already bleak existence sinks further into the abyss. ─── 他已经暗淡存在进一步汇的深渊。

42、He is like the heights of the Heaven, which cannot be perceived.He is like the depth of an abyss, which cannot be fathomed. ─── 使人觉得他象天那样高而不可穷极,象渊那样深而不可测量。

43、You breathe stiffly , no longer fear that is wounded by evilness, no longer worried for abyss, the burning body was free at last. ─── 你死了,呼吸僵硬,不再惧怕为邪恶所击伤,不再为深渊所烦恼,你燃烧的肉体终于得到解脱。

44、When still very young, Bocheng was already determined to deliver the people from their abyss of suffering. ─── 伯承从青少年时代起就立志“拯民于水火”,

45、I lurks in the hearts of an abyss, also dropped boulder payment of voices. ─── 在我的心里潜伏着一个深渊,扔下巨石也发不出声音。

46、One of the Elemental Plane's domains, a vast ocean known as the Abyssal Maw, is home to the water elementals. ─── 在元素位面的其中一个异界之中,有一片广阔的大海名为无尽之渊,也就是水元素所在的领域。

47、The French navy has built an abyssal bathyscaphe to take three men to the floor of the Marianas Trench. ─── 法国海军已经建造了一个深海潜水器,用来装载三个人去到马利亚纳海沟的基底。

48、It was weak, feeble and fell a prey to foreign invasion, with lots of land annexed and its people plunged into an abyss of misery. ─── 国势衰弱,外强侵入,国土沦丧,生灵涂炭。

49、Death was an abyss to him. As he stood trembling on its mournful brink , he recoiled with horror. ─── 在先,死对他好象是个万丈深渊,他站在那阴惨的边缘上,一面战栗,一面又心胆俱裂地向后退却。

50、Throws me the abyss which likes that to despair! ─── 一次次,将硪推入那绝望的深渊!

51、Ahead of them was a gaping abyss. ─── 他们前面是一个巨大的深渊。

52、While they gave an additional charm to my own languor, they increased it, and I voluntarily plunged into an abyss of melancholy. ─── 一切事物的萎靡不振诱使我更加萎靡不振。我陷入了忧伤的深渊。

53、Do you fear that dark abyss? ─── 你畏惧那黑色的深渊吗?

54、Supernal World, the: The higher reality that was cut off by creation of the Abyss in the Celestial War of Atlantis. ─── 上界:更高的真实存在,在亚特兰蒂斯神圣战争中由于深渊的诞生而与下界隔绝了开来。

55、The concept of the Abyss (meaning 'the pit') in the Bible is similar to the Chinese word "Wan Zhang Shen-yuan". ─── 圣经里的无底坑,很接近中文无边深渊的概念。

56、On every summit you are on the brink of an abyss. ─── 在每一座顶峰上,你都处在一个深渊的边缘。

57、The beast that you saw was and is not and is about to come up out of the abyss and go into perdition. ─── 8你所看见的兽,先前有,如今没有;它将要从无底坑里上来,又要去到灭亡。

58、In the abyssal zone, water temperatures are remarkably stable and remain virtually constant throughout the year. ─── 在深水区,水温非常稳定,事实上全年保持不变。

59、It would seem that Leviathan tired of such petty strife, and set off on his own, loyal only to his abyssal god, Maelrawn the Tentacular. ─── 利维坦似乎厌倦了这些琐碎的小冲突,便独自离开了,只效忠于他的深海之神-深渊触手漩涡魔神。

60、One slip on this mountain and you will fall into the abyss. ─── 在这座山上一失足便会跌入万丈深渊。

61、Anyone who betrays his motherland shall inevitably fall into the abyss of eternal sin and shame. ─── 一切出卖祖国的人都必将堕入永远被人唾骂的罪恶深渊。

62、Aware of foolish acts, sensitive to changes in mood, gauge your steps and keep your desires at bay. You'll be able to thoughtlessly overcome any abyss. ─── 在困境中意识到愚蠢的行为,情绪中敏感的变化,测量你的步伐和控制你的欲望。你将会轻率地越过任何深渊。

63、In the abyss of his mind he apprehend the world's minuteness. ─── 在他的心灵深处,他体会到世界的渺小。

64、During the descent, the rope got stuck in Pasangs crampon and was torn away from his pack and fell down the abyss. ─── 在下撤过程中,绳索钩住了帕桑的冰爪;冰爪从他的背包上被扯下来掉到了深渊里。

65、From to realistic condition detesting and rejecting, then pursue mind abyss strange pleasure. ─── 从对现实状态的厌弃,进而追求心灵深渊的奇诡乐趣。

66、You stare blindly into the abyss! ─── 你盲目的注视着深渊!

67、He is plunging into an abyss of despair. ─── 他陷入了绝望的深渊。

68、She lurks in the hearts of an abyss, dropped boulder also unable voices. ─── 在她的心里潜伏着一个深渊,扔下巨石也发不出声音。

69、Because of hate will not let me forget you but is to button up me in this abyss to walk not to come out forever! ─── 因为恨不会让我把你忘记而是会把我扣在这个深渊中永远走不出来!

70、Chasten in the abyss,make your soul to the nines like the god.And you can evolve that you will become a butterfly . ─── 在深渊中试炼,和神一样完美的灵魂,才能进化,破茧成蝶。

71、Featuring these conditions, the abyssal plain is an ideal location to store liquefied carbon dioxide. ─── 由于有这些条件,深海平原是一个储存液态二氧化碳的理想场所。

72、My odyssey begins in the crushing cold abyss where creatures survive in permanent darkness including the largest deep sea monster of all. ─── 在极度寒冷的深海中,在无尽的黑暗里存活着一些海洋生物包括世界上最大的深海海怪。我的探险之旅就从这里开始。

73、The Toulouse diligence tears us from the abyss. ─── 去图卢兹的公共客车已把我们从陷阱中拔了出来。

74、It is estimated that less than five percent of the organic matter produced at the surface reaches the abyssal plains. ─── 据估计,来自海面的有机物质到达海底时其营养物质剩余不到5%。

75、He who fights monsters should look into it that he himself does not become a monster. When you gaze long into the Abyss, the Abyss also gazes into you. ─── 与妖魔作战的人应该审视一下自己有没有变成妖魔。当你从高处俯视深渊,深渊也在盯着你。

76、Matt: A sexy voice? You need to swim to the abyssal zone. The witch who took the little mermaid's voice would give you what you want. ─── 性感的声音?你得游到海底深处。那个把小美人鱼声音夺走的巫婆肯定会给你想要的。

77、A few months ago the possibility of falling into the abyss seemed all too real. ─── 几个月前,美国经济跌入深渊的可能性似乎非常大。

78、When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss. ─── 他开了无底坑,便有烟从坑里往上冒,好像大火炉的烟。日头和天空,都因这烟昏暗了。

79、"We are looking into an unprecedented abyss of economic and social turmoil that confounds our previous perceptions of historical risk. ─── “观察前所未有深不可测的经济和社会动荡,使我们对早先了解到的历史上的风险感到困惑。

80、To explain those that only can be intuited would push a high mood into the abyss of a low one. ─── 只可意会的而定要言传,好好的情绪可能忽然堕入恶趣,岂不弄巧成拙?

81、His performance is a heroic, unsettling final act: this young actor looked into the abyss. ─── 他的表演是英雄的、却让人不安的最后一幕:这个年轻的演员望向了幽冥。

82、Behind all agreement lies something amiss.All seeming accord cloaks a lurking abyss. ─── 在众人皆同意的表象下,必然有一些被误解或忽略的事。

83、People all live{{ in an abyss of suffering. ─── 人们全部居住{{在蒙受的深渊。

84、There the glance fell into an abyss. ─── 在这一带地方是望不到底的。

85、Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them. ─── 他们作完见证的时候,那从无底坑里上来的兽,必与他们交战,并且得胜,把他们杀了。

86、Y mai also us your Abyss Point to purchas reward from Contribut Vendors. ─── *免费推广瑞迪洗化产品品牌。*定期推出瑞迪产品系列新包装。

87、Across the low valley, the legions of the Abyss mar璼haled themselves against the invader. ─── 一道山谷之遥的地方,深渊原住民的军团前仆后继地攻向入侵者。

88、It is true, no doubt, that a society cannot remain in an abyss of lawlessness, as is the case in our country. ─── 但我国若建立起像你们一样机械尊法的稳定社会,那便无异于自取其辱。


烛龙有多重解释1 衔烛之龙,此处烛以为火焰2 祝融,即上古火神不论哪一种,都与\"火龙\"的意思相近。所以翻译如下:a. 直译 Candle Dragon (蜡烛之龙)/ Candlelight Dragon (烛光之龙),b. 意译 Fiery Dragon (火龙),Flame Dragon (火焰龙),Blaze Dragon (烈焰龙)c. 以其形象翻译 Lantern Dragon (灯龙),Shinning Dragon (闪耀之龙), Light Dragon (光龙)综上所述,我以为Lantern Dragon最为合意。

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