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08-16 投稿


Bluebeard 发音

英:[?blu:?b??d]  美:[?blu?b?rd]

英:  美:

Bluebeard 中文意思翻译



Bluebeard 短语词组

1、bluebeard caryopteris ─── 蓝须石竹

2、bluebeard 1944 ─── 蓝胡子1944

3、bluebeard 1972 ─── 蓝胡子1972

4、Bluebeard's Castle ─── 蓝胡子城堡

5、bluebeard movie ─── 蓝胡子电影

6、bluebeard compound ─── 蓝胡子化合物

7、bluebeard real ─── 蓝胡子真的

8、bluebeard plant ─── 蓝胡子植物

9、bluebeard theme ─── 蓝胡子主题

10、bluebeard fate ─── 蓝胡子的命运

Bluebeard 相似词语短语

1、bluehearts ─── 美洲鬼羽箭

2、bluebird ─── n.蓝知更鸟(产于北美)

3、bluehead ─── n.隆头鱼

4、bluebelled ─── 蓝铃

5、bluebreast ─── 蓝莓

6、Bluebeard ─── n.(旧民间传说中)青须公;残酷的丈夫;蓝胡子

7、Bluebeards ─── 蓝胡子

8、bluebeat ─── n.蓝色节拍

9、blueberry ─── n.蓝莓;[园艺]越橘属的浆果

Bluebeard 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Alice later inherited all of Bluebeard's riches. ─── 爱丽丝不久之后继承了蓝胡子所有的财富,

2、Super-excellent right distinct water ? certificate bluebeard neon gun fragrance cheek ? door family background steward. ─── 水嶋宏扮演的是管家名门出身的超优秀的管家。

3、The entrance opened: BlueBeard caught Fatima’s arm. ─── 门打开了,蓝胡子抓住法蒂玛的胳膊。

4、one flowered bluebeard herb ─── 莸

5、"Ten steps from the porch and twenty steps from the rose bushes," growled Bluebeard in Jimmy's dream one night."There be treasure there!Aawrgh. ─── 距离走廊十步,玫瑰花丛20步的地方,”一天夜里蓝胡子在吉米的梦里咆哮道,“那里有珍宝!”

6、Inside Bluebeard's Castle: Music And Drama In Bela Bartok's Opera ─── 蓝胡子城堡内幕:巴托克歌剧中的音乐与戏剧

7、"ten steps from the porch and twenty steps from the rose bushes," growled bluebeard in jimmy's dream one night. "there are treasures there! aawrgh." ─── “离走廊10步,离玫瑰花丛20步,那里有珍宝!”一天晚上,吉米梦里的蓝胡子咆哮道。

8、Then Bluebeard bawled out so loud that he made the whole house tremble. ─── 当时蓝胡子大声呼喊,震得整个房子都在颤抖。

9、At this very instant there was such a loud knocking at the gate that Bluebeard made a sudden stop. ─── 恰恰在这一刻,突然响起了响亮的敲门声使得蓝胡子停了下来。

10、string that bluebeard up to a post ! he ' s satan hiding behind the cross. ─── 把“蓝胡子”绑在柱子上!-他是藏在十字架后面的撒旦!

11、using the keys that Bluebeard had left to show them the tower, the treasure chests, and the jewel casket. ─── 使用蓝胡子留下的钥匙让他们参观高塔、宝藏柜和珠宝盒。

12、"Your time is up, Alice!" shouted Bluebeard. ─── “你的时间到了,爱丽丝!”蓝胡子喊道。

13、The mother returned to Bluebeard and told him that both her daughters had respectfully declined. ─── 这位母亲就回去告诉蓝胡子说她的两个女儿婉转拒绝了。

14、So I went in, thinking of a bride going into Bluebeard's chamber after being told not to. (Bluebeard, mind, was waiting that to happen.) Dad's office smells of pound notes, papery but metallic too. ─── 于是我走了进去,心里想着一个新娘不顾警告,走进“蓝胡子 ”的密室。(当心,“蓝胡子”正守株待兔。)

15、The mother returned to Bluebeard and told him that both her daughters had respectfully declined. ─── 这位母亲就回去告诉蓝胡子说她的两个女儿婉转拒绝了。

16、you not come down?" cried Bluebeard. ─── 你到底下不下来?”蓝胡子在喊。

17、"Ten steps from the porch and twenty steps from the rose bushes," growled Bluebeard in Jimmy's dream one night. "There be treasure there! Aawrgh." ─── “离门廊十步,离玫瑰纵二十步,”一天晚上兰胡子在吉米的梦中咆哮着说“那里有宝藏!哦。”

18、These were all the wives whom Bluebeard had married and murdered, one after another. ─── 她们是蓝胡子原先娶的老婆,都一个接一个的被他杀死了。

19、What terrified her even more was the sound of Bluebeard's voice echoing down the hall! ─── 而更令她惊骇的是大厅那边竟然响起蓝胡子说话的回声!

20、was just like this character. He was a veritable bluebeard. ─── 不过在现实中的亨利八世真的是这样的吗?

21、"Ten steps from the porch and twenty steps from the rose bushes," growled Bluebeard in Jimmy's dream one night ,"There be treasure there ! ." ─── "距离走廊十步,玫瑰花丛20步的地方,"一天夜里蓝胡子在吉米的梦里咆哮道,“那里有珍宝!”

22、That just shows your ignorance, Bluebeard . ─── 这说明你什么也不懂,蓝胡子。

23、Tangut bluebeard ─── 唐古特莸

24、13. Downstairs, Bluebeard had found the sharp blade he had used to kill his previous wives. ─── 在楼下,蓝胡子已经拿出那把他用来杀害前妻们的利刃,

25、"Ten steps from the porch and twenty steps from the rose bushes," growled Bluebeard in Jimmy's dream one night. "There be treasure there! Aawrgh." ─── “距离走廊十步,玫瑰花丛20步的地方,”一天夜里蓝胡子在吉米的梦里咆哮道,“那里有珍宝!”

26、Fail not to bring it to me presently," said Bluebeard. ─── 马上拿给我,别弄砸了,”蓝胡子说。

27、"Ten steps from the porch and twenty steps from the rose bushes," growled Bluebeard in Jimmy's dream one night. "There be treasure there! Aawrgh. ─── “距离走廊十步,玫瑰花丛20步的地方,”一天夜里蓝胡子在吉米的梦里咆哮道,“那里有珍宝!

28、Because he married so many times he has gone down in history as a veritable bluebeard. ─── 因为他的众多婚史,故得名为名副其实的负心汉,花花公子。

29、The next week, the mother and her daughters had a wonderful time at Bluebeard's mansion. ─── 接下来那个礼拜,这位母亲和她的女儿们在蓝胡子的豪宅住得非常开心。

30、Prince Andrey began telling him the story of Bluebeard, but he sank into dreamy meditation before he had finished the story. ─── 安德烈公爵给他儿子讲蓝胡子的故事,可是没有把故事讲完,他沉吟起来。

31、bluebeard compound ─── 结合词

32、threeflowered bluebeard herb ─── 六月寒

33、With that, Bluebeard left the mansion. ─── 说完,蓝胡子就离开了豪宅。

34、Prepare to die!@ Bluebeard said as he grabbed Alice by the hair. ─── “准备受死吧

35、common bluebeard herb ─── 兰香草(中药)

36、They were married a few months when, one day, Bluebeard had to leave the mansion for several days. ─── 他们结婚过了几个月之后,有一天蓝胡子必须离开豪宅几天。

37、The next week, the mother and her daughters had a wonderful time at Bluebeard's mansion. ─── 接下来那个礼拜,这位母亲和她的女儿们在蓝胡子的豪宅住得非常开心。

38、The door opened: BlueBeard caught Fatima's arm. ─── 他为什么说,‘不能打开它?’

39、One day, Bluebeard decided that he wanted to marry again. ─── 有一天,蓝胡子决定要再婚。

40、Ten steps from the porch and twenty steps from the rose bushes, growled Bluebeard in Jimmys dream one night. ─── Pirate's Treasure (海盗的宝藏) 距离走廊十步,玫瑰花丛20步的地方,一天夜里蓝胡子在吉米的梦里咆哮道,那里有珍宝!

41、Come down quickly," cried Bluebeard, "or I will come up to you." ─── 快下来”,蓝胡子喊道,“不然我就上你那儿去。”

42、"Prepare to die!" Bluebeard said as he grabbed Alice by the hair. ─── “准备受死吧!”蓝胡子说,同时抓住爱丽丝的头发。


我国上市公司的股票有A股、B股、H股、N股和3股等的区分。这一区分主要依据股票的上市地点和所面对的投资者而定。 A股的正式名称是人民币普通股票。它是由我同境内的公司发行,供境内机构、组织或个人(不含台、港、澳投资者)以人民币认购和交易的普通股股票, B股的正式名称是人民币特种股票,它是以人民币标明面值,以外币认购和买卖,在境内(上海、深圳)证券交易所上市交易的。它的投资人限于:外国的自然人、法人和其他组织,香港、澳门、台湾地区的自然人、法人和其他组织,定居在国外的中国公民。2001年后对境内个人居民开放,目前境内法人不能投资B股。 H股,即注册地在内地、上市地在香港的外资股。香港的英文是HOngKOng,取其字首,在港上市外资股就叫做H股。依此类推,纽约的第一个英文字母是N,新加坡的第一个英文字母是S,纽约和新加坡上市的股票就分别叫做N股和S股。





英 [h?z] 美 [h?z]

例句:The past 10 years have been the happiest and most fulfilling of his life



1、beard the lion in his den 入虎穴取子

2、frighten someone out of his wits 吓得某人惊惶失措

3、give the devil his due 魔鬼也善良

4、bring someone to his knees 迫使某人屈服

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