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08-16 投稿


crimsoned 发音


英:  美:

crimsoned 中文意思翻译






crimsoned 词性/词形变化,crimsoned变形

动词过去式: crimsoned |动词第三人称单数: crimsons |动词过去分词: crimsoned |动词现在分词: crimsoning |

crimsoned 短语词组

1、crimsoned minds cast ─── 发红的心

2、crimsoned synonym ─── 深红色同义词

3、crimsoned prairie ─── 深红色草原

4、crimsoned definition ─── 犯罪定义

5、crimsoned renz ─── 深红色伦茨

6、crimsoned def ─── 深红色def

crimsoned 相似词语短语

1、crimsoning ─── adj.深红色的;(脸)通红的;n.深红色;v.(尤指因尴尬)(脸)变红;(使)深红;n.(Crimson)(美)克里姆荪(人名)

2、encrimsoned ─── v.使……成鲜红色(encrimson的过去式和过去分词)

3、chignoned ─── 周

4、crimsons ─── adj.深红色的;(脸)通红的;n.深红色;v.(尤指因尴尬)(脸)变红;(使)深红;n.(Crimson)(美)克里姆荪(人名)

5、crimsonness ─── n.深红色(crimson的变形)

6、crimson ─── adj.深红色的;(脸)通红的;n.深红色;v.(尤指因尴尬)(脸)变红;(使)深红;n.(Crimson)(美)克里姆荪(人名)

7、crayoned ─── n.蜡笔,有色粉笔;vt.以蜡笔作画,用颜色粉笔画;n.(Crayon)(英)克雷恩(人名)

8、cramponed ─── 抽筋的

9、bissoned ─── 比松

crimsoned 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Women knelt in the benches with crimson halters round their necks, heads bowed. ─── 妇女们跪在长凳上,脖间系着深红色圣巾[54],低看头。

2、Who's hand washing a crimson rain hidden? ─── 又是谁的手,洗出雨水蕴藏的绯红?

3、He turned crimson under the insults. ─── 他的脸因受到侮辱而涨得通红。

4、He made the veil of violet, purple, crimson and fine linen, and he worked cherubim on it. ─── 代下3:14又用蓝色紫色朱红色线、和细麻织幔子、在其上绣出基路伯来。

5、Each of the great crimson flowers stretched out now into rippling red silk belts. ─── 大红花一朵朵全被拉长了,这时是泼刺奔进的红锦带。

6、And through the green his crimson furrow grooves. ─── 并且通过绿色他的绯红色犁沟凹线。

7、Crimson, Anemone_ shaped; slender erectstems, short stalks, pointed yellowish green leaves, branching freely, medium flowering. ─── 大红色,托桂型.颈细直立.柄短.叶尖,黄绿色.株型半开张,分枝能力强.花期中.

8、Leon: Wouldn't the Crimson Stone work for humans as well? ─── 利:这样说来深红之石也对人类有利了?

9、Others use a ring of buffalo horn, a crimson thread tied round each toe, the powdered teeth of a sea-horse, the skin of an eel, a hippopotamus tooth. ─── 其他人有用水牛角的戒指,系在每个脚趾上红线,涂上粉末的海马牙,鳗鱼皮,河马牙。

10、She was strangled with a crimson scarf. ─── 她被一条深红色的围巾勒死了。

11、She flushed crimson with shame. ─── 她羞愧得两颊绯红。

12、Color for cover and back cover: crimson for master students, blackish green for doctor students. ─── 封面(封底)颜色:硕士班为暗红色、博士班为墨绿色。

13、Joe: Is this a red rose? You know this is a crimson rose. Something you've read in a book, no doubt. ─── 乔:这是朵红玫瑰吧?你知道这是一朵深红的玫瑰,肯定又是你在某本书上读到过的东西吧!

14、Eurasian perennial naturalized in eastern North America having very spiny white cottony foliage and nodding musky crimson flower heads; valuable source of nectar. ─── 北美东部已引入的欧亚多年生植物有多刺的白色棉花似的叶子和麝香味的深红色的头状花序;水果原汁。

15、Joachim: That stone chooses its master... My powers pale beside his... Oh, if only I had the Crimson Stone... ─── 乔希姆:那宝石会自己选择主人...我不能得到它的垂青...噢,只要我能得到深红之石......呀!!!---------------

16、She went crimson(= her face became very red because she was embarrassed). ─── 她的脸变得通红。

17、Inside, the crimson room bloomed with light. ─── 室内,那间绊红色的屋子灯火辉煌。

18、We see him as the lily of matchless purity, and as the rose crimsoned with his own gore. ─── 我们见他如同无比纯洁的百合花,又因他自己宝血而如玻瑰的深红。

19、He wore deep crimson robes, belted about the waist with a heavy, gold torque. ─── 他穿着深红色的泡子,腰间系着一根金属饰环。

20、The level 38 monster, Crimson Bind, moves fast and hits hard. ─── 38级的赤色束缚移动的非常快而且伤害力很强。

21、Leon: I see... I know about the Ebony Stone. What kind of power does the Crimson Stone have? ─── 利:原来如此...漆黑之石的用处我知道了,那深红之石又有什么作用?

22、His small body was writhing in the delivery of great, crimson oaths. ─── 他孩子气的脸因为震怒而发白,瘦小的身子因为大声赌咒而扭曲。

23、You wear the crimson of a Sparta. ─── 你穿了斯巴达深红色的披风。

24、Leon: Is that- that stone... the Crimson Stone? ─── 利:那...那块宝石...是深红之石?!

25、Then the little pink flowers smile, though they have turned a mournful crimson with cold and are shivering still. ─── 她于是一笑,虽然颜色冻得红惨惨地,仍然瑟缩着。

26、He was stopped by the sentinels of the French cavalry.A French subaltern of hussars, in a crimson uniform and a fur cap, shouted to Balashov to stop. ─── 一位身穿深红色制服,头戴毛茸茸的帽子的骠骑兵士官(军士)喝令走近的巴拉瑟夫站住。

27、Her face crimsoned immediately. ─── 她的脸立刻变得通红。

28、It was jet-black with a crimson wattle, and it seemed unaware that it was in New York City. ─── 它是乌黑色的,带一块深红色的垂肉,似乎没有意识到自己在纽约市。

29、European alpine rose with crimson flowers. ─── 一种欧洲高山地区的开深红色花的蔷薇属植物。

30、Defeat the bosses of The Crimson Hall in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player mode. ─── 10人模式下击败冰冠要塞里赤红大厅的所有首领。

31、Colour色泽: Attractive deep crimson colour with blue tinges and a purple hue. ─── 吸引的深红色带有一点蓝色和紫色的色调。

32、Who is this coming from Edom, from Bozrah, with his garments stained crimson? ─── 1这从以东的波斯拉来,穿红衣服,装扮华美,能力广大,大步行走的是谁呢?

33、How beautiful, silent and colored in crimson they are. ─── 多美,静谧的深红色。

34、He flushed crimson with indignation. ─── 他因愤怒而脸红。

35、Tobias of the Crimson Council is presented by Geoffrey Hoppe, aka "Cauldre," in Golden, Colorado. ─── 克林姆森圈是一个属于第一批转化至新能量的人类天使的全球网络。

36、Enjoy the crimson autume scenery of koreas many national parks and mountains. ─── 到韩国众多的国家公园和高山去享受满山遍地红的景致吧。

37、Rosenfeld: I don't use TA's and I don't misgrade papers. If there's a crimson check mark next to it, it's wrong. ─── 博士:我不用助教,也从不会批错作业,红墨水,就告诉你这道题肯定是做错了。

38、Her face was crimson with sunburn and her blistered palms raw. ─── 她的脸被太阳晒得绯红,起泡的手掌也绽裂了。

39、If being a toastmaster, the usual dress would be crimson tails with a white waistcoat, and evening- suit trousers. ─── 主持人通常穿深红色燕尾服配白色的马甲,加上一条晚装用的长裤。

40、crimsoned the sky. ─── 天空照得通红。

41、It was amazing how much more attractive he looked in the crimson berretto, violet cloak, golden shirt and stockings. ─── 他戴上深红色的贝雷帽,披上紫色的半篷,穿上金黄色的衬衫和长袜后显得多神气啊,这真令人吃惊。

42、Joe: Is this a red rose? No, you know it's a crimson rose. ─── 乔:这是一朵红色的玫瑰吗?不,你知道这是一朵深红色的玫瑰。

43、sonya trembled all over and crimsoned to her ears , and behind her ears , and down her neck and shoulders , while nikolay was speaking. ─── 当尼古拉说话时,索尼娅全身颤抖起来,脸红到耳根,从耳根红到脖子,从脖子红到肩膀。

44、For them you shall use gold, purple wool, violet shade and red, crimson wool, and fine twined linen. ─── 他们应用金线,紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线和细麻去做。

45、During the fall, Vermont's many maple, birch and beech trees go from green to golden yellow and crimson. ─── 一到秋天,佛蒙特州的众多枫树、桦树和山毛榉由绿色转为金黄和深红色,

46、Her face went crimson and she did not answer. ─── 她顿时脸涨得通红,说不出话来。

47、Her crimson hair swept backward away from he/ face as she dove upon the battling paladin, a banshee scream on her lips. ─── 俯冲攻向圣骑士时,她大胆到将高度低到她深红色的头发扫过他的脸颊。

48、He saw that her face was crimson with embarrassment. ─── 他看见她因困窘而脸红了。

49、Aril crimson, covering ca. 1/2 of seed. ─── 假种皮深红色,覆盖大约1/2的种子。

50、Crimson and fierce as fire, its splendour at once cast light over all the shadows. ─── 它晶光耀眼,火一般鲜红,火一般强烈,不知不觉,所有暗影立刻都被它照明了。

51、Her face crimsoned from shame. ─── 她因羞愧脸色通红。

52、Beauty's ensign yet Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks, And death's pale flag is not advanced there. ─── 你没有被征服,美丽的红旗仍然 轻拂着你的嘴唇和面颊, 死神的白旗还未插到那里。

53、He made the curtain of blue, purple and crimson yarn and fine linen, with cherubim worked into it. ─── 又用蓝色、紫色、朱红色线和细麻织幔子,在其上绣出基路伯来。

54、Crimson watched as the wizard glared into his scrying pool and then fell silent. ─── 克里森看着法师盯着水晶球安静了下来。

55、Young shoots setulose or tomentose, with or without sparse setulae; corolla white, pink, crimson or purple. ─── 幼枝具小刚毛或被绒毛,有或没有稀;花冠白色,粉红色,深红色或紫色。(14

56、He tossed a single crimson rose on to her oak coffin. ─── 他向她的木棺上投了一朵深红色的玫瑰。

57、The entire chamber was lined with crimson brocade, worked with flowers of gold. ─── 只见眼前整个房间里都挂满了绣着金花的大红锦缎。

58、Leon: But if the Ebony Stone reappeared, then the Crimson Stone... ─── 利:但如果漆黑之石正在发挥作用,那深红之石...

59、It's been 64 years since the Crimson appeared in the NCAA tournament. ─── 哈佛大学男篮已经有64年没出现在NCAA的决赛场上了。

60、crimsoned , and tears suddenly started from her eyes , though her sobbing had stopped . ─── 何秀妹脸红了,忽然又淌下两行眼泪,却没有哭声。

61、He crimsoned the cotton. ─── 他把棉花染成红色。

62、The Crimson Circle is a global network of human angels who are among the first to transition into the New Energy. ─── 克林姆森圈是一个属于第一批转化至新能量的人类天使的全球网路。

63、When Harlow came in, Slyme started, and his face became crimson with confusion. ─── 哈洛进去时,斯莱姆吓了一跳,心里一着慌,脸涨得通红。

64、"Excellent salad." She brushed vaguely at his lapel with a long, exquisite hand with crimson nails an inch and a half in length. ─── “上好的色拉,”那姑娘说,一边用她那纤纤素手往他上衣的翻领处做样子似地掸一掸。她的指甲足有一英寸半长,涂着猩红的蔻丹。

65、Joe turned away; the back of his neck was literally crimson. ─── 乔转身走开了,他的脖颈子是十足紫红色的。

66、"When my father chanted the name of Raghuvir, his chest would turn crimson. ─── “我的父亲在唱颂拉格胡维尔的圣名的时候,他的胸膛会变成深红色。

67、Front cover: crimson for master students, blackish green for doctor students. ─── ?文封面:硕士班(红色)、博士班(墨?色)。

68、The ground was stained crimson from the years of bloodshed. ─── 多年的流血牺牲把大地都染成了腥红色。

69、Crimson nodded, glaring malevolently at the wizard. ─── 克里森点着头,一边狠狠地盯着这个法师。

70、And he made the vail of blue, and purple, and crimson, and fine linen, and wrought cherubims thereon. ─── 14又用蓝色,紫色,朱红色线和细麻织幔子,在其上绣出基路伯来。

71、The setting sun crimsoned the lake. ─── 夕阳把湖水映得通红。

72、The lad flushed crimson with anger, and darted a look of hate out of his dark eyes. ─── 孩子的脸顿时气得通红,黑眼睛里射出仇恨的目光。

73、Meanwhile the red ribbon was slowly unfurling like a red cloud and then a crimson sea. ─── 下面呢? 却还像苍莽的大陆一样,黑色无边。

74、Her face crimsoned immediately. ─── 她的脸立刻变得通红。

75、Melanie's white face went crimson. ─── 媚兰的白脸变得了徘红。

76、For seamen, red-colored skies at night indicate smooth sailing, but a crimson sky in the morning is a warning of rough waters ahead. ─── 对水手而言,夜晚红色的天空意味风平浪静的航行,而早晨深红色的天空则是即将有狂涛巨浪的警告。

77、At this Feng Mei-ching crimsoned and jerked her hand out of Liu Yu-ying's grip. Without a word, she ran back into the room and flung herself on the bed. ─── 冯眉卿听到最后两句,脸上就飞起了一片红;她忽然一跳,用力挣脱了手,半句话也没有,转身跑进房里,就扑在床上了。

78、The sky was tinted with crimson and gold, and through the glimmering twilight beamed the evening star in all its beauty. ─── 天空呈现一片深红与金黄的颜色,美丽无比的夜星透过朦胧的薄暮,闪闪发光。

79、Carrie's cheek burned with a crimson heat. ─── 嘉莉的脸颊烧得绯红。

80、She went crimson with embarrassment. ─── 她羞得满脸通红。

81、From somewhere above a shaft of crimson light fell upon him. ─── 不知从什么高处射来的一道红光,又正落在他身上。

82、But she had nothing to say to him. Her face crimsoned, her eyes swarm and her chest heaved violently. ─── 她的脸色现在又飞红了,她的眼光迷乱,她的胸部很剧烈地一起一伏。突然她伸开了两臂。

83、The Crimson Circle meets monthly in the Denver, Colorado area where Tobias presents the latest information through Geoffrey Hoppe. ─── 克林姆森圈每个月在美国科罗拉多州的丹佛市聚会,在聚会中多比亚斯通过杰菲里?赫普提呈最新的信息。

84、Morning colors of sunrise appeared on the horizon, heralding a new day of light Blues, crimson reds and faded pinks. ─── 地平线上升起了早晨的阳光,预告着新的一天的到来,这是簇浅蓝色、深红色和浅粉色混合在一起的光。

85、But if the Ebony Stone reappeared, then the Crimson Stone. ─── 但如果漆黑之石正在发挥作用,那深红之石。

86、Crimson draperies were looped along the walls. ─── 四面墙壁上悬垂着深红色环状打褶的装饰织物。

87、His face crimsoned when he saw her. ─── 他一看到她就满脸通红。

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