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08-16 投稿


camber 发音

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英:  美:

camber 中文意思翻译




camber 网络释义

vt. 外倾角;使拱起;使弯作弧形n. 弧形;小船坞;曲弧度vi. 成弧形;使拱起n. (Camber)人名;(法)康贝;(瑞典)坎贝尔

camber 词性/词形变化,camber变形

动词现在分词: cambering |动词过去式: cambered |动词第三人称单数: cambers |动词过去分词: cambered |

camber 短语词组

1、camber brake ─── 外倾角制动器

2、camber blades ─── 弯曲叶片

3、camber abgle ─── [机] 弧面角

4、camber derivative ─── 外倾角导数

5、camber arch ─── 弯拱

6、camber block ─── 外倾角块

7、camber bar ─── 坎伯酒吧

8、camber board ─── 外倾角板

9、camber energy ─── 外倾角能量

10、camber correction factor ─── 外倾角修正系数

11、camber beam ─── 弓背梁,上拱梁;弯梁

12、camber line ─── 倾斜线上弯线

13、camber height ─── 弧高

14、camber grinding ─── 曲线磨削

15、camber angle ─── [机] 中心线弯曲角

16、camber jack ─── 压弯机

17、camber distribution ─── 外倾角分布

18、camber box ─── 外倾角箱

19、camber bowl ─── 外倾角杯

camber 相似词语短语

1、clamber ─── vi.攀登,爬上;vt.爬,攀登;n.攀登,爬上

2、lamber ─── n.琥珀

3、chamber ─── n.(身体或器官内的)室,膛;房间;会所;adj.室内的;私人的,秘密的;vt.把…关在室内;装填(弹药等);n.(Chamber)人名;(英)钱伯

4、cumber ─── vt.阻碍,妨害;使受苦;n.拖累,累赘;妨害;n.(Cumber)人名;(英)坎伯

5、cambers ─── n.拱曲度(路面中间微拱的曲面);拱形;汽车前轮外倾;(翼面的)曲面,弧;v.成弧形;使拱起;n.(Camber)(美、英、克)坎贝尔(人名)

6、comber ─── n.梳刷者;梳棉机;(美)碎浪;n.(Comber)人名;(英)库默

7、jamber ─── 阻塞,阻塞

8、amber ─── n.琥珀;琥珀色;黄褐色;黄灯;adj.琥珀制的;琥珀色的;黄色的

9、cambered ─── adj.曲面的;拱形的;弧形的;v.成弓形;反挠(camber的过去分词)

camber 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Designed principle of the rotational stand uses for measuring a camber with double focuses ─── 一种双焦点曲面的测量用转动架的设计原理

2、Establishment of Expert Knowledge of Armhole Curve's Camber of Shaped Sub-basic Pattern ─── 变形亚基本纸样袖窿弧线内凹量专家知识的建立

3、The term "camber and valley bulging" has been used loosely in Britain to describesuperficial valley disturbances in a broad sense. ─── 从广义上讲,“弓形坡和河谷外鼓”这个专用词在不列颠广泛用于描述浅表河谷扰动。

4、Keywords Fourier transform profilometry;Large camber;3-D measurement;Datum modification; ─── 傅里叶变换轮廓法;大型曲面;三维测量;数据修正;

5、the vehicles Caster or Camber by heating, bending or by performing any other modification to the vehicle's front suspension components. ─── 勿借加热、弯折、或以其他方法修改前悬吊系统组件,来调整车辆之后倾角或外倾角。

6、The mathematical principle of the generation of cone roller's centerless super roller guide spiral camber ─── 圆锥滚子无心超精导辊螺旋曲面生成的数学原理

7、You can specify wing attributes including camber and centerline sheeting of an airfoil. ─── 你能够标示翅膀归结于包括中凸形和机翼的中心线护墙板。

8、"To Camber Company, please. It 's on 32nd avenue. " ─── 去坎培克斯公司。在第32街上。

9、In the New Blocks, the bust dart is tailed on the camber of the armhole, which makes bust line and waist line become level, fabric gentle and block smooth, the whole structure exhibits box type. ─── 在新原型中,胸省设在袖窿弧线上,使得胸围线、腰围线变成水平,面料丝缕顺直,造型顺畅,整体结构构成箱型特征。

10、The equation of camber is often used when the bend of girder is being studied. ─── 在对梁的弯曲进行研究时,经常要用到弯矩方程。

11、Keywords basic element plate saddle shaped camber forming graduately; ─── 基本体;板材;马鞍形曲面;逐次成形;

12、The electromobile goes into curve district when passing poiont B,and runs,along the camber line to point C. ─── 在此期间检测到铺设在白纸下的薄铁片,并同时发出声光指示信息,实时存储、显示在“直道区”检测到的薄铁片数目。

13、camber stiffness coefficient ─── 外倾刚度系数

14、Keywords shaped sub-basic pattern;armhole curve;camber;expert knowledge; ─── 变形亚基本型;袖窿弧线;内凹量;专家知识;

15、For the cost comparison, specify costs for steel, shear studs and beam camber. ─── 在价格的比较时,钢材、抗剪螺栓和梁拱的价格可以设定。

16、The term "camber and valley bulging" has been used loosely in Britain to describe superficial valley disturbances in a broad sense. ─── 从广义上讲,“弓形坡和河谷外鼓”这个专用词在不列颠广泛用于描述浅表河谷扰动。

17、The thickness ratio appeared to have little effect on lift coefficient at zero angle of attack, since the angle of zero lift was largely determined by the airfoil camber. ─── 在迎角为零时,由于零升力主要由机翼中弧线决定,相对厚度对升力几乎没有影响。

18、This paper use the software FLUENT to simulate numerically effects of the big camber and stall delay on the wind turbine performances. ─── 本文通过FLUENT软件分别对原型叶片、大弯度叶片和失速延迟叶片进行三维数值模拟计算。

19、The application of symmetry to the calculation of curvilinear integral and camber integral ─── 对称性在曲线积分及曲面积分计算中的应用

20、1. Camber line becomes orthogonal arc tooth wimble gear. ─── 1. 中心线成直角的弧齿锥齿轮。

21、Kowloon North Camber Typhoon Shelter ─── 九龙北南塘避风塘

22、Experimental results show that the corrected image meets the need of precision of the tube camber measurement system.And the method can easily be applied. ─── 实验结果表明,该方法的校正精度较高,适用于管道弯曲度高精度的测量,而且易于实现。

23、Analyzing projection about Intersecting Line of Second Camber Having Common Symmetrical Surface ─── 关于具有公共对称平面的二次回转曲面交线的投影分析

24、variable camber inlet guide vane ─── 可变弯度的进口导向叶片

25、The joint of all the camber will be the camber curve. ─── 各截面凸度连线便是凸度曲线。

26、Numerical Simulation Analysis on A New Bulletproof Board with Camber Surface ─── 异形表面遮弹层抗侵彻性能的有限元模拟分析

27、variable camber adaptive wing ─── 变弯度自适应机翼

28、Study on Primary Forming Technique of NBR Sponge Thin Camber ─── NBR薄型曲面海绵成型技术的研究

29、The recirculation rate from Camber and Acclivity covers 92 percent while Acclivity (8~12 h) with lower rate of 71.4 percent. ─── “下弧型”、“上斜型”抬高早期溶栓再通率高,两型占92.0%; “上弧型”再通率低(8-12 h),占71.4%。

30、Taiwan's central lid camber like foreign-style multi-storied building construction, this is the Fort Anping which the posterity knew very well. ─── 台的中央盖起拱劵式的洋楼建筑,这便是后人熟知的安平古堡。

31、These angles include camber, caster, steering axis inclination, toe in (toe out), and toe out on turn (turning radius). ─── 这些角度包括曲面,连铸机,转向轴倾角,在趾(趾列),并趾列于之交(转弯半径)。

32、camber surfaced indexing cam ─── 弧面分度凸轮

33、How to reduce bigger arch camber of inherent stress box-beam ─── 如何减少预应力箱梁起拱偏大问题

34、The superstructure has a depth of 3 ft. 6 in. with a marked camber of 19 ft. 8 in. ─── 上部结构的建筑高度为3英尺6英寸,有19英尺8英寸显著的上拱度。

35、Analysis of Influence of Work Roll Profile on Side Camber of Plate ─── 工作辊辊形对中厚板侧弯的影响分析

36、Everyone in Camber knew his father, and the boy did not like to stay in the town. ─── 坎伯城谁都认识他父亲,所以亨利不想再呆在城里了。

37、The construction and working principle of roller camber grinding were introduced.The cause of roller camber defects and the prevention measures were analysed. ─── 介绍了轧辊凸度磨削机构的构成,工作原理及凸度的实现过程,分析了凸度缺陷产生的原理及防止措施。

38、Their roads were also slightly curved in a crown or camber so that the water would run off. ─── 他们设计的公路还有轻微的路拱或弯拱曲线,便于路面排水。

39、The method also permits inverse design with flaps, specification of geometric constraints (thickness, camber, etc.). ─── 办法还允许逆向设计皮瓣、几何约束规格(厚度、拱等).

40、The superstructure has a depth of 3 ft. 6 in. with a marked camber of 19ft. 8 in. ─── 上部结构的建筑高度为3英尺6英寸,有19英尺8英寸显著的上拱度。

41、In the design, slide camber and pin were used for side-face and side-hole forming, and a secondary pusher was used in lifter to avoid deformation in taking off a thin-walled castings. ─── 在压铸模的结构中采用斜滑块机构成型侧型和侧孔;

42、For straight-winged tailless airplanes, only the negative camber satisfies the conditions for flight. ─── 对直机翼无尾飞机,只有负弯度才满足飞行条件。

43、The two inner mounting positions of each camber link offer an easy way to adjust camber rise. ─── 两个内安装的立场,每一个曲面的联系提供一种简单的方法来调整曲面上升。

44、Camber line becomes orthogonal arc tooth wimble gear. ─── 中心线成直角的弧齿锥齿轮。

45、Measurement of Camber of Post-tensioned Prestressed Simple Support Beam ─── 后张法预应力简支梁上拱度实测报告

46、Starting with airfoil 2, the pitching moment is increased from -.15 to -.25 to provide more aft loading and aft camber. ─── 从翼型2俯仰时刻由原来的15年至今25年至今,以提供更多后部后部拱落.

47、It has two sides, one is a circle, the other is a camber. ─── 圆锥有两个面,一个面是圆形,另一个面是曲面。

48、Application of STL File in Camber Splice ─── STL文件在可视化曲面拼接中的应用

49、Why does different facial form suit to plant camber? ─── 不同的脸形适合何种眉形?

50、When he was a boy at Camber, his father got into trouble with the police. ─── 他孩提时住在坎伯,他的父亲和警察惹上了麻烦。

51、The front subframe is modified for extra camber and castor. ─── 前副车架被修改为额外拱形和蓖麻。

52、Measures for remedying the camber of main girders on two cranes for metallurgic plant ─── 恢复冶金起重机主梁拱度的技改方案

53、Collocation must be brushed with bevel angle when using, can use the vertex damage on filling camber, or pure with will enhance eyebrow quality. ─── 使用时必须与斜角刷搭配,可用来补眉形上的缺角,或单纯用来加强眉色。

54、Deck plating outside accommodation should have camber. ─── 住所甲板外面应该有梁拱。

55、Like most techniques with mountain biking, turning has many variables, is the turn bend flat or off camber. ─── 如同其它登山车的骑乘技巧一般,过弯也有很多变数,好比这个弯是个平顺的弯或带有起伏的弯。

56、kurtosis, arch, vault, doming,camber ─── 拱顶。拱形结构。穹形。

57、measuring the camber deformation of a dragonfly wing using projected comb fringe without hypothesizing that the wing is a rigid plate. ─── 梳状条纹投影法,解决翅膀弓形变形测量问题,不需要以往的翅膀刚性平板或刚性条杆假设;

58、The camber is the curvature of the cross section and the crown is the highest point of the camber. A vertical curve, clothoidic or parabolic, occurs at a change of gradient. ─── 图中向上倾斜部分是路拱,该部分的最高点是路脊。坡度变化时,出现了一个回旋曲线式的或者抛物线式的垂直曲线。

59、If "Guo Liang" using decorative materials will be packaged into a curve it, camber warrants, you can make ceiling in the creative arts have become lithe up. ─── 如果将“过梁”用装饰材料将它包装成曲线、曲面状,就可使天花板在你的艺术创意中变得轻盈起来。

60、Camber design of pinch pass mill and its practice ─── 冷轧平整机辊型设计与实践

61、ATOS Survey System's Applying for Fast Digital Surveying and Processing of Unprocessed Camber Surface ─── 基于ATOS测量系统原型曲面快速数字测量及处理

62、Camber line won"ts do orthogonal arc tooth wimble gear. ─── 中心线不成直角的弧齿锥齿轮。

63、The inner camber link ball studs are vertical at both ends, allowing fine roll center adjustments. ─── 党内拱连接球钉的垂直两边,让罚款轧辊中心的调整。

64、Do not attempt to adjust the vehicles Caster or Camber by heating, bending or by performing any other modification to the vehicle's front suspension components. ─── 勿借加热、弯折、或以其他方法修改前悬吊系统组件,来调整车辆之后倾角或外倾角。

65、In the terminology of tyre models I think you could describe it as a "brush model including the effect of camber" . ─── 在我想你可以形容为一个“刷模型包括拱效应”是轮胎模型术语。


67、Keywords ATOS system;fast survey;unprocessed camber;digital spot cloud;data processing; ─── ATOS系统;快速测量;原型曲面;数字点云;数据处理;

68、Dynamic Model of a Moving Flexible Camber Beam ─── 大范围运动柔性曲线梁动力学建模方法研究

69、In order to guarantee the stationarity and safety of trains running in high-speed railway, strict limitation on long-term camber of bridges is needed. ─── 为保证列车行驶的平稳性和安全性,高速铁路桥梁的徐变上拱度有十分严格的限值。

70、The weaving technology of monolayer camber weaving ─── 单层曲面机织布的织造技术研究

71、A Study on Contact Patch of Tire with Camber and Sideslip ─── 外倾和侧偏联合作用下轮胎接地印迹研究

72、Second, the camber equation is developed for the crss points. ─── 从曲面方程和直线方程的联立解求出交点。

73、Foredeck plates pulled down against camber of deck beams. ─── 前甲板板推倒对曲面的甲板梁。

74、But during the practical application, the surface camber of the figure is different. ─── 但是在实际应用中,图形的表面曲率是不一样的。


76、Formation of Fractionized Camber Based on Quadrangle Grid ─── 基于四边形网格细分曲面的生成

77、The camber is the curvature of the cross section and the crown is the highest point of the camber. ─── 图中向上倾斜部分是路拱,该部分的最高点是路脊。

78、Effects of blade curved on compressor cascades with different camber angles under different incidences ─── 叶片弯曲对不同折转角扩压叶栅冲角特性影响

79、Pressure Distribution Algorithm of Roll Camber Design for Medium and Heavy Plate ─── 中厚板辊型设计中压力沿辊身分布算法

80、The perfect camber design can be obtained by introducing the center/side ratio concept of contact pressure and choosing proper ratio. ─── 同时引入辊间接触压力的中、边部比值概念并作合理选择,使设计出的辊型更加完善。

81、Dynamic model of a moving flexible camber beam by the method of fitted modal ─── 基于拟合模态法的大范围运动柔性曲线梁动力学建模方法研究

82、Suggestion to Post-tensioned Bounded Pre-stressing Construction in Small-radius Camber Arch Bridges ─── 小半径弯梁桥中后张有粘结预应力施工问题刍议

83、Calculation of Deflection and Camber for the Column Jib Crane Based on ANSYS ─── 基于ANSYS的定柱式旋臂起重机的挠度与翘度设计

84、First PLC system completes AGC operation and feedback control;secondary computer completes model calculation and setup of camber control.The whole system reaches the highest level of the world. ─── 一级PLC系统完AGC的执行与反馈控制,二级计算机完成凸度控制的模型计算和设定,整个控制系统达到了当今世界最高水平。

85、The contact pressure distribution and the shape of contact area in vertical state and camber state of tire are measured by pressure sensitive films, respectively. ─── 实时记录了试验中轮胎受力与变形关系,并采用压力敏感膜测量了轮胎在垂直状态及侧倾状态接地区域内的压力分布状况。

86、geometric free camber of spring ─── 弹簧几何挠度

87、The paper introduces the control of camber in the construction of non prestressed continuous box beam, appearance and development of cracks of bottom plate of box beam. ─── 介绍非预应力连续箱梁施工中预拱度的控制,以及箱梁底板裂缝的出现和开展,并分析其成因,从而确保箱梁施工质量满足设计和施工规范要求。

88、2. Camber line won"ts do orthogonal arc tooth wimble gear. ─── 2. 中心线不成直角的弧齿锥齿轮。

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