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destinies 发音

英:[?d?st?niz]  美:[?d?st?niz]

英:  美:

destinies 中文意思翻译




destinies 词性/词形变化,destinies变形

名词复数: destinies |

destinies 常用词组

manifest destiny ─── 天定命运

destinies 短语词组

1、destinies of the soul harvard book ─── 灵魂的命运哈佛书

2、destinies mean ─── 命运意味着

3、destinies pizza ─── 命运比萨饼

4、the path of destinies ─── 命运之路

5、destinies child ─── 命运之子

6、destinies movie ─── 命运电影

7、destinies to ─── 命运

8、destinies define ─── 命运决定

9、dual destinies ─── 双重命运

10、destinies linked ─── 链接的命运

11、kingdoms of amalur destinies ─── 阿马尔命运王国

12、destinies amalur ─── 光明的目的地

destinies 相似词语短语

1、destine ─── v.指定,预定;区分;意欲;筹划

2、predestinies ─── _其他组织者

3、destined ─── adj.注定的;命定的;去往…的;v.注定(destine的过去式和过去分词)

4、testimonies ─── 证据

5、Destinies ─── 命运

6、destines ─── v.指定,预定;区分;意欲;筹划

7、destaining ─── v.使脱色(destain的ing形式)

8、betonies ─── n.[植]水苏属植物

9、destining ─── v.指定,预定;区分;意欲;筹划

destinies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Our destinies were now intricately linked and our fate depended on the astrological talents of my sweetest heart. ─── 我们的命运已经连接在了一起,我们的运气取决于我心上人的占星才能。

2、When they are born, they are willing to live and to have their destinies, and they leave children behind to become their destinies. ─── 他们出生时,他们意愿着生活并拥有自己的命运,他们留下孩子,让孩子成为他们的命运。

3、Finance and industry should not be at arm's length. They should be so entwined that their destinies cannot be separated. ─── 财务和企业不能是两地分家,两者运应该是联系在一起的,这样它们的命运才不至于会不同。

4、The Constitution must give citizens confidence that they will have control of their own destinies. ─── 宪法应给公民信心,他们有权掌握自己的命运。

5、What if your Sims teens and toddler years fundamentally changed their destinies as adults? ─── 如果你市民的青少年期和孩童时期会如同成人期一样根本性地左右他们将来的命运呢?

6、Creatures you control of the chosen type get +1/+1 for each charge counter on Door of Destinies. ─── 对于命运之门上的每一个充电指示物,你所操控的该类别生物得到+1/+1。

7、The Destinies mend rifts in time as man etches fate anew. ─── 当人类想要通过一些漏洞改变命运的时候,命运及时弥补了这些裂痕。

8、But there is one thing I know for sure, our destinies are linked forever. ─── 但是有一件事我很肯定,那就是我们的命运永远相连。

9、Their destinies are intertwined. ─── 他们的命运交织在一起。

10、And Hope, twin Destinies;who ever weaveTheir shadows, o';er the chasm, sightless and drear. ─── 和恐惧,双生的宿命,在后面藏躲, 给幽深的穴中不断编织着幻相。

11、The destinies of famous educationists and scientists in the world ─── 世界著名教育家科学家的命运

12、True or false,that which is said of men often occupies as important a place in their lives,and above all in their destinies,as that which they do. ─── 大众关于某些人的传说,无论是真是假,在他们的生活中,尤其是在他们的命运中所占的地位,往往和他们亲身所作的事是同等重要的。

13、Two Kinds of Liberty and Their Destinies in China ─── 两种自由及其在中国命运的思考

14、Two possible destinies await China, a destiny of light and a destiny of darkness. ─── 有两种中国之命运,光明的中国之命运和黑暗的中国之命运。

15、All of them are masters of their own destinies. ─── 所有参赛运动员都是主宰自己命运的强者。

16、According to Yin-shun thought, renjian is not the only onefold meaning but the ternary meanings, which consist of the sentient world of six destinies, secular world and ultimate world. ─── 在印顺佛学中,“人间佛教”的“人间”包含了六道中的人界、世俗社会和胜义的大乘世间等三层含义,而并非只指称其一。

17、each in his own direction perhaps, and little by little buried themselves in that cold mist which engulfs solitary destinies,gloomy shades, into which disappear in succession so many unlucky heads, in the sombre march of the human race. ─── 或者是人各一方,渐渐陷入苦命人的那种丧身亡命的凄凉的迷雾里,一经进入人类的悲惨行列,他们便和那些不幸的黔首一样,一个接一个地消失了。

18、The Greeks believed in the power of men to control their own destinies . ─── 希腊人相信人类掌握自己的命运的能力。

19、We don't bebome Geisha to persume out destinies, we become Geisha becourse we have no choice. ─── 我们成为艺伎不是因为实现自己的人生,我们成为艺伎是因为我们别无选择。

20、Our destinies are calling us now, ─── 命运召唤着我们

21、Throughout the long history, human communities have never been so closely interconnected in interests and destinies. ─── 在人类漫长的发展史上,各国人民的命运从未像今天这样紧密相连、休戚与共。

22、In several cases, emerging economies are those propelled by long-term structural transformations, while developed world destinies are more cyclical. ─── 在一些情况下,新兴经济体受到长期结构性转变的推动,而发达经济体的命运则更具周期性。

23、In the long history of mankind, the destinies of countries have never been so closely linked as they are today. ─── 在人类漫长的发展史上,世界各国的命运从未像今天这样紧密相连,休戚与共。

24、Is it God or we ourselves who decide our destinies? ─── 人一生的命运是由上帝决定,或由自己主宰?

25、Destinies are very fatal for several and too prodigal or too protecting for others. ─── 对于一部分人,命运是残酷无晴的,而对于另一部分人,又过于慷慨或过于爱护。

26、Unlike our uses and our destinies. ─── 原不一样是我们的职司和前程。

27、He assumed his present commission at the institute with "slight trepidation at the thought of the tragic destinies I would once again encounter". ─── 他怀着“想到可能再次遭遇悲剧的命运而不安”的心情承担起研究院当前的委派。

28、In it have We decreed the destinies of all the dwellers of the earth and the denizens of heaven, and written down the knowledge of all things from first to last. ─── 我在此经卷里注定了尘世与上天所有居民之命运,并书写了由始至终万事万物之知识。”

29、their fate and their destinies have been bound up with the fate and destinies of Poland for wellnigh a thousand years. ─── 他们的命运和波兰的命运在近千年中一直是紧密相连,息息相关的。

30、the destinies of nations ─── 国家的命运

31、It is therefore vital for us to develop a sense of identity, form our own opinions, make our own choices and take responsibility for our own destinies. ─── 因此,发展我们的个性、形成我们自己的观点、做出我们自己的选择以及对我们自己的人生负责就是一件至关重要的大事。

32、Should Deny The Divine Destiny of The Destinies.The Destinies mend rifts in time as Man etches fate anew. ─── 我长这么大第一次有人给我发帖祝福我好感动啊。。。。。。

33、Psychologies and Destinies of Poets in the Late Tang Dynasty for Peasants'Revolt ─── 晚唐诗人在农民起义中的心态表现及命运

34、Humans have ignored the existence of this other world because their destinies have never been bound to it. ─── 人类已经忽视了这另一个世界的存在,因为他们的命运从来没有绑定到它。

35、We don't become geisha to pursue our own destinies, we become geisha because we have no choice. ─── 我们当艺伎不是为了追求理想,而是我们无路可走。

36、The Destinies mend rifts in time as man etches fate . ─── 当人类想要再次亵渎命运的时候,命运及时修正了这些裂痕。

37、Different Characters, Different Destinies--Images Comparison Between Jane Eyre and Tess ─── 两个性格两种命运--简·爱和苔丝的形象比较

38、An important task of Enlil is to decree the destinies of mankind (kings, countries, ordinary people, etc.). ─── 恩利勒的一项重要任务是要判决人类(包括国王、国家和普通百姓等等)的命运。

39、But our interest here lies not with the stow of its political disintegration but with its effect upon the human mind and upon the general destinies of our race. ─── 不过本书的兴趣不在于其政治分裂的情况,而在于它对人类思想和我们人类整体命运的影响。

40、A conundrum of a city. Same scenes, same routes, and same destinies... ─── 一座城市的一个难题。同样的场景,同样的路线,以及同样的命运。

41、They are divine decisions written on the tablet of destinies. ─── 它们是神的决定,就写在命运碑匾上。

42、we must take charge of our own destinies. ─── 我们必须掌握自己的命运。

43、Many Kosovar Albanians were equally skeptical, saying they had little faith that the Constitution would put them in charge of their own destinies. ─── 宪法设想将行政权力由联合国转交给阿族人占多数的政府。9年来一直是联合国管理着这个地区。

44、Letting go is not to be in the middle arranging the outcome; but to allow others to affect their own destinies. ─── 并不是从中运筹帷幄;而是允许别人决定自己的命运。

45、Most of my old classmates still live in that same city, each living their spells of good and bad fortune and their different destinies. ─── 大多数同学依然生活在这座城市,并拥有各自不同的人生际遇和命运。

46、True or false, that which is said of men often occupies as important a place in their lives, and above all in their destinies, as that which they do. ─── 众关于某些人的传说,无论是真是假,在他们的生活中,尤其是在他们的命运中所占的地位,往往和他们亲身所作的事是同等重要的。

47、The Castle of Crossed Destinies ─── 命运交织的城堡

48、victory of feminism allows women like Gilbert to shape their own destinies. ─── 女性主义的胜利使得像吉伯特这样的女性能够决定自己的命运。

49、But Antonia Fraser opens the door to the political and cultural demands that shaped the destinies of the king and his royal wives. ─── 但安东尼弗雷泽打开大门的政治和文化需求造就了国王和他的妻子王室的命运。

50、Hear me, noble sisters who forge our destinies, another seeks an audience to change their fate.As proof that he is worthy.No, Kratos, this will be the end of us all, you must stop. ─── 倾听我的声音,铸造我们命运的尊贵女神啊,又有人为了改变命运而寻求遏见。作为他资格的证明。不,奎托斯,这会成为我们的末日的,你必须停手。

51、The destinies of people,talent and material are informally discussed from the internal factor (the stucture of the system) and the external factor(the environment). ─── 从系统的内因(结构)和外因(环境)浅谈人、人才和材料的命运。

52、If all are divine intervention all are the destinies, who also runs away does not leave, not likes this living me heartlessly to accept fate. ─── 如果说一切都是天意一切都是命运,谁也逃不离,无情无爱此生我认命。

53、Should Deny The Divine Destiny of The Destinies! ─── 反抗命运之神的命运!

54、For far too many, the dream has dissipated-and with it, so has the will to shape our destinies. ─── 对太大哟人来说,梦想已经远离,随之远离的还有塑造我们命运的意愿。

55、The Destinies mend rifts in time as man etches fate anew.while another future awaits on Lenneth's wings. ─── 如果自己的意志足以夸耀,即使结果将是毁灭,但那过程却没有一丝污垢的话,那麽这份思念,这场短暂的梦,就无须遗憾!

56、I'm sorry, my companion, but no. We all have our own destinies, and yours culminates here. I would not rob you of that. ─── 对不起,我的伙伴,不行。我们都有各自的命运,而你的终点在这。我不会干扰你的。

57、They were separate people with separate destinies. ─── 他们是一群互不相干的人,各有各的命运。

58、My destiny is to save others so their destinies may be achieved. ─── 我的使命是保护他人,以让他们达成使命。

59、And so they continue to wander among the six destinies of rebirth within the three worlds, and thus experience suffering. ─── 所以一再流浪于三界六道,遭受无比的痛苦。

60、With the further progress of economic globalization, the destinies of all countries are getting more and more interconnected and the world is becoming a “global village”. ─── 在经济全球化深入发展的时代背景下,世界各国的前途命运正日益紧密联系在一起,世界变得越来越象一个“地球村”。

61、It thinks life premeditation once I small billiard, escape and end and dissolve I hit and enter the corner early at the destinies of trap that wait hard as much as all; ─── 曾经以为生命是预谋,我是小小的桌球,所有的逃避和努力终不能化解我被击入那个角落里早以等待的陷阱的命运;

62、For better or worse, our destinies are closely linked together. ─── 不管是好是坏,我们的命运已紧紧联系在一起。

63、“We want farmers to have control of their own destinies, to learn to market their products in these competitive globalised markets, so they are not dependent on some NGO,” says Mr Wille. ─── “我们希望农民把握自己的命运,了解产品所处竞争激烈的全球市场,这样他们就可以不用依赖某些非政府组织。”威利说。

64、No marriage was possible between them; not even that of souls; and yet, it is certain that their destinies were wedded. ─── 在他们之间是不可能有什么结合的,甚至连灵魂的结合也不可能,而他们却又相依为命。

65、Arrives continuously knows him, I only then knew, how a basketball changes a competition, how controls a person's palpitation, how decides two person's destinies. ─── 一直到认识他,我才知道,一个篮球是怎样改变一场比赛,是怎样主宰一个人的心跳,怎样决定两个人的命运。

66、The destinies of famous statesmen in the world ─── 世界著名政治家的命运

67、China is fast becoming the biggest economy in the world. Further trade and cooperation between China and other nations in this region, Will only serve to advance your destinies. ─── 中国正日益成为世界最大的经济体,所以,中国与本地区其他国家之间进一步的贸易往来及其他方面的合作,将更进一步促进各国的发展。

68、The first reaction of the people's birth is crying, which makes a stand and fight against their destinies. ─── 人诞生到世间的第一个反应就是啼哭,,是无法逃脱苦难的“绝望的一哭”。

69、In a world of economic globalization, countries are tied together in their destinies and can hardly be separated from one another. ─── 在经济全球化条件下,大家的命运已经联系在一起,谁也离不开谁。

70、Theree beings of converging destinies where all is falsified: voices, bodies, memories.All, except for love that emerges like deliverance. ─── 原来神荷路被夺去不死之身,他必于地球时间七日之内,找到这女子并与她合一为体,才能重夺不死元素。

71、men and women hang upon his words and remold their characters, and sunlike, he becomes the fixed and luminous center round which innumerable destinies revolve. ─── 无数人崇拜他,以他以楷模,他成为了万众景仰的人物,甚至影响了许多人的一生。

72、"The horoscope of your destinies," he said energetically to Durward, without any farther greeting, "now turns upon the determination of a minute. ─── “你命运的星宿如何转动,”他没另打招呼便狠狠说道,“就看你是否能马上下定决心。”

73、There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us ─── 公平的上帝主宰一切国家的命运,他会召唤我们的朋友起来和我们并肩战斗。

74、No man is bereft of free will.Perhaps we cannot control our destinies, but as long as we firmly determine to do so, we can control our behavior. ─── 人是有自由意志的,我们也许不能控制自己的命运,可是只要下定决心,是可以控制自己的行为的。

75、There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. ─── 公正的上帝主宰着各国的命运,他将感召朋友们为我们而战。

76、I’d rather believe that when they spoke up that day, they had finally chosen to take control of their own destinies. ─── 我更愿意相信那一天当他们大声说出心里话的时候,他们终于选择由自己掌控自己的命运。

77、They want to teach others, bring them salvation, show them the truth, change their destinies, as if their truths were better than those of the others. ─── 他们想要教导他者,带给他们拯救,向他们显示真,改变他们的命运,仿佛他们的真要好过他者的真。

78、But while taking a heavy toll of taxes, she delivered certain “goods” that were to shape the destinies of all those different regions for all times to come. ─── 在意大利征收沉重的税收的同时分发一定“物资”,这些物资决定了所有这些不同地区未来的命运。

79、However,their tragic destinies in love are doomed by the powerful feudality. ─── 但是,强大的封建势力注定了她们爱情的悲剧命运。

80、‘I’ was born on the day of India’s independence.This peculiarity handcuffed me to history and my destinies to those of my country. ─── “我”出生于印度独立日这一天,命运因此同历史和国家联在一起。

81、He was astounded but highly pleased that the man who presided over the destinies of the mighty British Empire should come pleading to him. ─── 他又惊又喜,那位掌握着大英帝国命运的人居然来向他央求。

82、Our destinies are left forever ─── 我们的缘分已尽

83、Another theory is that Stonehenge is an ancient astronomical observatory, charting the movement of the stars which men believed controlled their destinies. ─── 更有甚者说这是古代天文台,是那些相信星星的运动能控制自身命运的人用来制作星图的。

84、The annual cycles arrange themselves in lifetimes; lifetimes twine with destinies and in their polyphony one can feel the course of a people before eternity. ─── 年度的周期自组成生命周期,生命周期与命运交织在一起,在其复调音乐里,可以感受一个民族在永恒前面的进程。

85、Evolution of Tang Poetry's Style and Song Ci Poetry's Charm--Between the literary and world's destinies ─── 唐风宋韵的流变--文运与世运之间

86、If all are divine intervention all are the destinies, who also runs away does not leave, not likes this living heartlessly what must. ─── 如果说一切都是天意一切都是命运,谁也逃不离,无情无爱此生又何必。

87、People who hold the teleological view see in history the guidance of a Divine Will, directing human destinies according to a cosmic purpose. ─── 持目的论观点的人在历史中看到的是神意的引导,是它根据宇宙的目的指导着人类的命运。

88、Hard work could change our destinies, and dreams make us out of the ordinary. ─── 奋斗改变命运,梦想让我们与众不同。

89、The destinies of famous artists in the world ─── 世界著名艺术家的命运

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