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postfix 发音

英:[p??s(t)'f?ks]  美:[post'f?ks]

英:  美:

postfix 中文意思翻译



postfix 网络释义

n. [语] 后缀;词尾vt. 加字尾于

postfix 词性/词形变化,postfix变形

形容词: postfixal |动词过去式: postfixed |动词过去分词: postfixed |动词第三人称单数: postfixes |动词现在分词: postfixing |

postfix 短语词组

1、postfix header checks ─── 后缀标头检查

2、postfix operator ─── [计] 后缀算符

3、postfix evaluation calculator ─── 后缀求值计算器

4、postfix relay ─── 后缀继电器

5、postfix don ─── 后缀don

6、postfix notation ─── [计] 后缀表示法

7、postfix dovecot spark ─── 后缀dovecot spark

8、postfix dovecot imap ─── 后缀dovecot imap

9、postfix operation ─── 后缀操作 ─── 后缀运算

10、postfix relayhost ─── 后缀relayhost

11、postfix dovecot centos ─── 后缀dovecot centos

12、postfix dovecot ssl postfix dovecot ssl

13、postfix admin ─── 后缀管理

14、postfix logging ─── 后缀日志记录

15、postfix expression ─── 后缀表达式

16、postfix dovecot debian ─── 后缀dovecot debian

17、postfix translation ─── [计] 后缀转换

18、postfix logs ─── 后缀日志

19、postfix dovecot foxmail ─── 后缀dovecot foxmail

postfix 相似词语短语

1、postfixing ─── n.[语]后缀;词尾;vt.加字尾于

2、postfixes ─── n.[语]后缀;词尾;vt.加字尾于

3、postil ─── n.批注;(基督教《圣经》的)旁注;注释

4、posttax ─── 税后

5、postfire ─── postfire

6、postie ─── n.邮递员

7、postfixal ─── 固定后

8、postbox ─── n.邮箱

9、postfixed ─── n.[语]后缀;词尾;vt.加字尾于

postfix 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Postfix e-mail system is analyzed systematically. After considering two aspects about function and scale, A new kind of e-mail system frame is brought forward. A commercial e-mail system based on opening code is implemented. ─── 从分析POSTFIX邮件系统入手,基于系统规模与扩展功能两方面考虑,提出了一种新邮件系统框架,实现了基于开放代码的商用邮件系统,解决了邮件系统商用功能与成本之间的矛盾。

2、For consistency with the built-in operators, the postfix operators should return the old (unincremented or undecremented) value. That value is returned as a value, not a reference. ─── 为了与内置操作符一致,后缀式操作符应返回旧值(即,尚未自增或自减的值),并且,应作为值返回,而不是返回引用。

3、You place text and graphics objects on the page with the same postfix syntax as that of the multiplication and addition example above. ─── 在页面中布置文本和图形对象与上文的乘法和加法示例使用的postfix语法相同。

4、Postfix daemon processes run in the background, and log problems and normal activity to the syslog daemon. Here are a few things that you need to be aware of ─── Postfix的进程是在后台运行的,并且所产生的在运行中和一些普通的活动的日志发送给syslog进程控制。下面几件事情,你必须要知道

5、Because the prefix version returns the incremented value, it returns the object itself as an lvalue. The postfix versions return an rvalue. ─── 因为前置操作返回加1后的值,所以返回对象本身,这是左值。而后置操作返回的则是右值。

6、postfix Polish notation ─── 后缀波兰表示法

7、These guides will teach your howto setup Postfix mail servers from basic to advanced. ─── 这些指南将从基本层面到高级层面告诉你如何配置Postfix邮件服务器。

8、Evaluate Postfix expression. ─── C code (译):评价后缀表达。

9、The prefix operator is evaluated before the assignment, the postfix is evaluated after. ─── 前缀符是赋值前执行计算,而后缀符是后计算。

10、A function call is a postfix expression followed by parentheses containing a possibly empty, comma-separated list of expressions which constitute the arguments to the function. ─── 一个函数调用就是一个后置表达式跟随一对圆括号,该括号可能包含空或者由逗号隔开的表达式列表组成函数的参数。

11、You have the option to assign a 1-4 character coupon postfix using the letters A through Z. ─── 您也可以选择指定一个1到4个字符长以字母A至Z的优惠券后缀字串。

12、In this program we used the prefix decrement and the earlier one used postfix. ─── 本程序中,我们使用了前自减操作,而第5.5节的程序则使用了后自减操作。

13、You can see that for the prefix form you get the value after the operation has been performed, but with the postfix form you get the value before the operation is performed. ─── 从中可以看到,对于前缀形式,我们在执行完运算后才得到值。但对于后缀形式,则是在运算执行之前就得到值。

14、This is the Postfix program at host mx2.qingdao.gov.cn. ─── 什么意思呀?这是。词尾。节目,在主人。2。青岛?。。。会不会翻译呀?

15、Explain the difference between prefix and postfix increment. ─── 解释前自增操作和后自增操作的差别。

16、Designing and Implementation of E-mail System Based on Postfix ─── 基于Postfix电子邮件系统的设计与实现

17、Wietse is also the author of the Postfix mail system and the co-author of the very cool suite of utilities called The Coroner's Toolkit or "TCT". ─── 它与配套的硬件组成专门工作平台。

18、Programs in the large box run under control by the Postfix resident master daemon. ─── 在大方框中运行的程序是由Postfix主驻留守护进程控制的。

19、There are two versions of each type of operator,often called the prefix and postfix versions. ─── 对每种类型的运算符,都有两个版本可供选用,通常将其称为“前缀版”和“后缀版”。

20、If the postfix expression was correctly formed, the stack should be empty. ─── 若后缀表达式格式正确,那么堆栈应该为空。

21、Using some of the out-of-the-box features of Postfix we can refine the settings to help eliminate some spam and make some minor performance adjustments. ─── 系统完成前的一些小的设置。并且提供了一些关于排错的有用信息。比如从哪里看错误等。

22、Design and implementation of commercial e-mail system on postfix ─── 基于POSTFIX商用邮件系统设计与实现

23、Enumeration allows you to number your folders and files, while prefix and postfix options allow total customisation of folder names and file names to aid in categorisation of your files. ─── 目录一览表允许你为你的文件和文件夹编号,而前缀和后缀选项允许完全定制文件夹和文件的名称以分类你的文件。

24、Converting infix expression to a postfix expression ─── 中缀表达式到后缀表达式的转换

25、Cyclic postfix ─── 循环后缀

26、This design take LINUX as the operating system, POSTFIX took the mailtransmission the proxy, MYSQL takes the system the backstage database. ─── 本次设计以LINUX为操作系统,POSTFIX作为邮件传输的代理,MYSQL作为系统的后台数据库。

27、Infix notation is a common way of writing expressions, while prefix and postfix notations are primarily used in computer science. ─── 中缀表示法是书写表达式的常见方式,而前缀和后缀表示法主要用于计算机科学领域。

28、The postfix increment and decrement operators must appear on the same line as their argument. ─── 后缀递增和递减运算符必须与它们的参数显示在同一行。

29、*) Postfix sender restrictions. ─── 发件人限制;

30、With this configuration Postfix does no alias expansion, no .forward file expansion, no lookups of recipients in /etc/passwd, and allows but ignores user+foo address extensions. ─── 在这个配置中,postfix不能使用别名扩展功能,.forward文件扩展功能,不能查找在/etc/passwd中的收件人,允许但忽略user+foo地址扩展。

31、At the end of the postfix expression, pop a result from the stack. ─── 到后缀表达式末尾,从堆栈中弹出结果。

32、postfix operator ─── 后缀算符

33、The principles and implemention of SMTP,POP3 and IMAP,and the characteristic of the E-mail server SendMail,Qmail and Postfix; ─── 电子邮件相关协议SMTP,POP3和IMAP的原理和实现方法,以及电子邮件服务器SendMail、Qmail和Postfix的特点;

34、The common language runtime does not support the postfix operator and user-defined postfix operators are not allowed. ─── 公共语言运行时不支持后缀运算符并且不允许使用用户定义的后缀运算符。

35、We've just begun to demonstrate the philosophy behind the stack and postfix notation. ─── 我们现在展示给你堆栈和后缀表示下的哲学。

36、This is the Postfix program at ... ─── 谁能帮我翻译这些东西?

37、10.There are two versions of each type of operator, often called the prefix and postfix versions. ─── 对每种类型的运算符,都有两个版本可供选用;通常将其称为“前缀版”和“后缀版”。

38、To convert an expression in an infix expression to its equivalent in postfix notation, we must know the precedence and associativity of operators. ─── 要把表达式从中缀表达式的形式转换成用后缀表示法表示的等价表达式,必须了解操作符的优先级和结合性。

39、This is the Postfix program at host websmtp2.mail.sohu.com. ─── 这是搜狐邮件系统给你发过来的。地址如右。

40、7.According to the characteristic of CFRF, we develop the calculation method of postfix form that can reduce calling CFL sentence parsing and redundant evaluation to improve the efficiency. ─── 根据CFRF的特点,提出了后缀形式的计算方法,减少在函数计算中存在的动态语法分析,避免了不必要的求值计算,使效率得到提高。

41、the postfix expression from left to right. ─── 从左到右读入后缀表达式

42、implementation of infix to postfix algorithm full source code, has been tested. ─── (译):执行中缀以后缀算法的全部源代码,已经过测试。

43、Others criticize the long cooking times, and the abnormal sexual postures (prefix and postfix). ─── 其他的则批评他们很长的烹调时间和变态的性姿势(前缀和后缀)。

44、For the built-in types, there are both prefix and postfix versions of the increment and decrement operators. ─── 对内置类型而言,自增操作符和自减操作符有前缀和后缀两种形式。

45、The value passed usually is ignored but is necessary to alert the compiler that the postfix version is desired. ─── 所传递的值通常被忽略,但该值是必要的,用于通知编译器需要的是后缀式版本。

46、infix notation to postfix notation. ─── 中缀表达式到后缀表达式的转换。

47、postfix expression ─── 后缀表达式

48、It does not convert infix expressions to postfix notation; rather, it evaluates the infix expression directly. ─── 不是把中缀表达式转换为后缀表示法;恰恰相反,它对中缀表达式直接求值。

49、Classes that define only the prefix version or only the postfix version will surprise users who are accustomed to being able to use either form. ─── 只定义前缀式或只定义后缀式的类,将会让习惯于使用两种形式的用户感到奇怪。

50、in postfix notation , the need for parentheses is eliminated and the priority of the operators is no longer relevant. ─── 在后缀表达式中,不需要括号,而且操作符的优先级也不再起作用了。

51、postfix notation ─── 后缀表示法

52、This paper completely free software Linux operating system, POSTFIX e-mail software, e-mail WEBMAIL pages, constructed a fully functioning and stable operation of corporate e-mail systems. ─── 最近要交论文了,还没有搞定摘要的英语翻译,小弟英语水平实在差劲,哪位达人帮忙把下面的摘要翻个英文版地,万分感激了!

53、Calculator algorithm with postfix notation. ─── (译):计算器算法后缀符号。

54、By default, a column can contain a NULL value, but if you don't want that, you can append the "NOT NULL" postfix to the field definition. ─── 默认情况下,列可以包含NULL值,但是,如果不想这样,可以在字段定义中附加“NOTNULL”后缀。

55、Evaluating a postfix expression is simpler than directly evaluating an infix expression. ─── 对后缀表达式求值比直接对中缀表达式求值简单。

56、This is the Postfix program at host mail.aloha-thing.com. ─── 我们公司的客户邮箱有的老是收到垃圾邮件,,比如退信等,,,如::

57、Infix notation is a common way of writing expressions, while prefix and postfix notations are primarily used in computer science. ─── 中缀表示法是书写表达式的常见方式,而前缀和后缀表示法主要用于计算机科学领域。

58、In postfix notation, the operator comes after its operands. ─── 在后缀表示法中,操作符位于操作数后面。

59、The origin of the mood-word “著” and the word “著” as a postfix of the verb ─── 论语气词“著”的来源及与动词形尾“著”的关系

60、postfix operation ─── 后缀操作后缀运算

61、The second form is a postfix increment operation. ─── 第二种形式是后缀增量操作。

62、This is the Postfix program at host mail.chinaduo.com. ─── 这是邮件服务器上的Postfix程序。

63、This is the Postfix program at host mta8.263.net. ─── 这是一封来自263主机的附加信件.

64、2、The result of the postfix increment expression is not a variable, but a value. ─── 后++符表达式的结果是个值而不是一个变量。

65、Postfix, like Sendmail, does a number of security checks, but Postfix is also designed as a set of modules that minimize privilege. ─── 类似于Sendmail,Postfix会去做很多安全检测,不过,为了最小化特权,Postfix设计为一组模块。

66、Yet sometimes I think that his name has a postfix of Arsenal? ─── 至今有时候我仍然认为他的名字是阿森纳的一个后缀?

67、Explain why we used prefix in one and postfix in the other. ─── 解释为什么一段程序中使用前自减操作而在另一段程序中使用后自减操作。

68、This is the Postfix program at host autoforward.mail.sohu.com. ─── 我给别人发邮件时会回收到这份邮件,谁知道是什么意思呀?

69、simple postfix translation ─── 简单后缀翻译

70、As we begin to give some more complicated examples, the value of the stack and of postfix arithmetic will become increasingly apparent to you. ─── 我们会给你一些更复杂的例子,堆栈和后缀式算术的概念将会更加清晰。

71、This is the Postfix program at host mx2. qingdao. gov. cn. ─── 什么意思呀?这是。词尾。节目,在主人。2。青岛?。。。会不会翻译呀?

72、postfix translation ─── 后缀转换

73、The default delimiter type is Postfix. ─── 缺省的分隔符类型为Postfix

74、Convert infix to postfix source code integrity, and can be used directly. ─── (译):转换缀以后缀的源代码完整,并可以直接使用。

75、calculator with postfix notation logic ─── 具有后缀表示逻辑的计算器

76、By default, Postfix builds as a mail system with relatively few bells and whistles. ─── 像支持第三方数据库等等。这些都需要在编译的时候来配置。

77、This paper presents the design of a web mail system as a mass mail s erver, to be developed on Linux system with Postfix as the SMTP server, Cyrus as the POP/IMAP server, Apache as the web server, and MYSQL as the database. ─── 提出在 Linux上以 Postfix为 SMTP、 Cyrus为 POP/ IMAP服务器、 apache为 Web服务器和 My SQL为后台数据库构建一个支持大量用户的邮件系统 ;

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