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08-16 投稿


potion 发音

英:[?po??(?)n]  美:[?p???(?)n]

英:  美:

potion 中文意思翻译



potion 词性/词形变化,potion变形


potion 短语词组

1、perfect potion ─── 优方;澳洲 ─── 优方;化妆品

2、forget love potion ─── 忘记爱情药水

3、magenta potion ─── 洋红药水

4、Riviere's potion ─── [医] 里维埃尔氏饮剂(含柠檬酸及重碳酸钠)

5、honey potion ─── 蜂蜜药水

6、gravitation potion ─── 引力药剂

7、a potion ─── 药水

8、smooth love potion ─── 平滑爱情药水

9、love-potion na. ─── 媚药 [网络] 春药

10、potion craft ─── 药水工艺

11、magic potion ─── 魔法药水迷魂汤

12、potion bottles ─── 药剂瓶

13、swiftness potion ─── 速效药水

14、miss potion ─── 魔药小姐

15、Riverius' potion ─── [医] 里维埃尔氏饮剂(含柠檬酸及重碳酸钠)

16、potion minecraft ─── 药剂雷艇

17、effervescing potion ─── [医] 泡腾饮剂

18、love potion ─── 一种能激发性欲的药;媚药;春药(等于love-potion)

19、Todd's potion ─── [医] 托德氏饮剂(含白桂皮酊、白兰地、糖浆)

potion 相似词语短语

1、Motion ─── n.动作;移动;手势;请求;意向;议案;vi.运动;打手势;vt.运动;向…打手势

2、portion ─── n.部分;一份;命运;vt.分配;给…嫁妆

3、notion ─── n.概念;见解;打算

4、potions ─── n.药剂,药水;魔药(potion的复数形式)

5、lotion ─── n.洗液;洗涤剂

6、position ─── n.位置;姿态;处境,地位;观点;职位,工作;站位;v.安置;把……放在适当位置

7、amotion ─── 浮动

8、potin ─── n.波廷铜锌锡合金

9、potation ─── n.喝;饮料

potion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It's not a spell, but if I could choose any magical thing, it would definitely be the lucky potion. ─── 如果不仅仅限于“咒语”,而是任何魔法的东西都可以选的话,我绝对会选择“幸运药剂”。

2、Chang'e swallowed a magic potion belonging to her busband and flew to the moon to become a fairy. ─── 嫦娥吞下了本属她丈夫的仙药,飞到月亮上,成了仙女。

3、She charmed him with a magic potion hidden in his food. ─── 她在他的食物中加了具有魔力的药水,从而迷惑了他。

4、The Resurrection Potion works in a slightly different manner than other potions. ─── 复活工程饮方式略有不同,比其它饮料。

5、If one of your party members falls, you can use a resurrection potion to bring them back to life right there, but you may want to wait until the area is clear of monsters. ─── 如果你有一个党员下跌时,你可以用一个复活药水来把他们带回生活的权利,但你可能要等到面积明显的怪物。

6、Sassafras, from his favorite source of a curative potion. ─── 史密斯还挂有江湖郎中的头衔,他的另一个绰号是“黄樟”,那是他药水中常用的原料。

7、Astronomers estimate that the central, collapsing potion of the cloud is approximately 400 billion miles across, 50 times the size of our solar system. ─── 天文学家推测,正在塌陷的星云的中间部分直径约为4000亿英里, 是太阳系的50倍。

8、Kit contains Buttercream Frosting Body Butter, 2oz. jar Pink Potion Body Butter, 2oz. jar Pink Champagne Body Butter in a giftable box with rope handling. ─── 内有3瓶不同的香味的身体润肤霜,包括奶油糖霜身体润肤霜、粉红花香身体润肤霜及粉红香槟身体润肤霜。

9、In what philtre, in what potion, what wine? ─── 在哪种春药、哪种药水、哪种酒里?

10、The chemist gives him a quick taste of his latest potion, in that scene we get a quick glimpse of his hand with a WEDDING RING. ─── 药剂师给了他一剂最新药让他快速尝试,在那个场景中我们看到他戴着婚戒的手快速的一闪。

11、One day, when Houyi was out, Chang'e secretly swallowed the potion in the hope that she would become immortal. ─── 一天,当厚被,嫦娥偷偷吞下了药水,在希望她成为不朽的。

12、She told the sea witch that she wanted the magic potion. ─── 她向海巫婆说她想要这帖神奇药水。

13、Kit Contains: Pink Potion Shower Creme - 8oz. tube, Pink Champagne Exfoliating Body Polish - 6 oz. tube, Pink Buttercream Frosting Luscious Lotion - 4 oz. tube. ─── 内有粉红花香深层滋润洁肤霜、粉红香槟幼滑身体磨砂及粉红奶油甜美身体乳液。

14、While most potions only glow when drinking them or being purchased from the gypsy, this potion's glow effect is active all the time pulsing on and off like a beacon. ─── 尽管大多数人还是喝饮料时只辉光购买吉卜赛人,这一饮的辉光效果是积极的同时,断断续续地像一盏脉动。

15、It is recorded by Essential Oil Complete Works that rose essential oil can regulate internal secretion and relieve tension. Furthermore, it is a love potion. ─── 《精油全书》中记载玫瑰精油有调节女性内分泌,减缓精神压力,催情作用。

16、In return for the potion, I shall tell you the story of what I did last night to put me in such dire need of said. ─── 为了报答你送我魔药(的好意),我会跟你说说我昨晚做了些什么让我此刻非得对你倾吐不可的事儿。

17、Desirable also bright apple, abluent, add water 3 bowls, decoction becomes 2 bowls, with juice thick for beautiful, everyday potion, replace fruit juice drinkable. ─── 也可取鲜苹果一个,洗净,加水3碗,煎煮成2碗,以汁浓为佳,每天一剂,代替果汁饮用。

18、Poor Huey, Dewey and Louie. The witch is going to help them. She makes a magic potion. What a potion! ─── 可怜的辉儿、杜儿和路几。女巫将要帮助他们。她配制出魔力药水。视奇的魔力药水!

19、But what about a pill or potion to make you better behaved? ─── 但药片能够改善人的行为,信么?

20、The witch cackled as she cast her spell on the love potion. "Now the prince will fall in love with me" , she said. ─── 在给那瓶爱情魔药施展法术时,巫婆咯咯地笑了起来。“这下王子会爱上我了吧”,她说。

21、Stumbling upon Professor MacKrill's mysterious laboratory little Stella accidentally drinks a potion that turns her into a starfish! ─── 当他们偶然进入马其儿教授的实验室时,一个让人毛骨悚然的经历开始了。

22、A magic shop witch gets her catgirl servant to try out a new potion. ─── 一个魔法店的女巫让她的猫人女仆尝试新的药水。

23、What will you do if you have a bottle of magic potion that can forecast your future? ─── 如果你有一瓶能预测未来的魔法药水,你会....?

24、He is given a potion by some Druids, which banishes all memory of his recent adventures and which also rids his wife Emer of the pangs of jealousy. ─── 他从德鲁伊教团员手上得到一服药,会消除他最近经历的记忆,也会摆脱掉他的妻子伊玛嫉妒的悲痛。

25、I was circling a blocked drain the other day and could swear I saw a bit of Polyjuice Potion. ─── 前天我绕着堵塞的排水沟游动时,我可以发誓我看到了一点变身水.

26、As payment for keeping Manny's secret,he gives you a Potion of Immortality. ─── 做为保守马林秘密的偿还,他给了你一瓶不朽药水。

27、One possibility is that pre-prepared potion ingredients can be bought on the open market, for example, pre-stewed lacewing flies. ─── 一个可能性是市场上可以买到制好的配料,如熬好的草蛉虫。

28、Today,he is selling all sorts of magical potion,but as you study them you realize he is a fraud. ─── 今天,他在卖魔法药水,当你研究它们时你发现他是一个骗子。

29、Ginseng Potion for Relieving Lung ─── 人参清肺饮

30、If you need healing or a potion, please come to me. ─── 如果你需要一些治疗用的药剂,请来找我。

31、But you see, he slipped and the beaker of this deadly potion fell upon his foot, destroying the flesh and the shoe itself. ─── 但是他把失了手,把烧杯中的致命药水溅到了脚上,把肉和鞋都腐蚀掉了。

32、Potion ingredients are available for student use from the Student Store cupboard. ─── 学生可以从学生储藏柜中取用魔药成分。

33、The menu roll only applies to restaurants that serve standardised potion sizes and have fifty or more locations nationwide. ─── 这份菜单仅适用于提供标准化剂量的并且在全国有50家以上分店的餐厅。

34、"If the polypi should seize hold of you as you return through the wood," said the witch, "throw over them a few drops of the potion, and their fingers will be torn into a thousand pieces. ─── “当你穿过我的森林回去的时候,如果珊瑚虫捉住了你的话,”巫婆说,“你只须把这药水洒一滴到它们的身上,它们的手臂和指头就会裂成碎片,向四边纷飞了。”

35、There are a number of names used for potions in-game; these don't seem to have any strong connection to the potion's ingredients or effects. ─── 有相当数量的名字在游戏中用于药水,这些似乎没有什么强烈的连接到药剂的成分或效果。

36、Everything is kobolds and copper pieces, and you get excited over a Potion of Barkskin. ─── 一切都是狗头人和铜币,还会因一瓶树肤术药水激动不已。

37、It takes at least a month to prepare the ingredients and brew that potion, according to CS. ─── 密室里不是说不是要一个月才配得好吗?

38、Oh, I get it. I'm a /rogue/,so I must have stolen your potion. ─── 哦,我知道了。我是一个/游荡者/,所以我肯定偷了你的药水。

39、She lifted the bottle and drank the magic potion. ─── 她拿起瓶子服下了这帖神奇药水。

40、As he turns to leave he gives you a Potion of Endurance for being such good company on his long journey. ─── 当他要离开时,为了感谢你对他长途旅行的款待,他给了你一瓶耐力药水。

41、The potion expert swaggered away as soon as Lupin took the bowl, set it to his lips. ─── 卢平接过斯内普递来的药,刚刚送到嘴边,那个魔药专家就扬长而去了。

42、But when an old potion is discovered to confer telekinetic power he gets the chance to get his own back, as well as having a bit of fun on the side. ─── 但是一剂古方被发现,让他得到凌空移物的能力,和报仇的机会,当然也产生了一些笑话。

43、Perfect potion geranium cleansing gel ─── 天竺葵洁面胶

44、The goblet sat smugly on the table, smoking, and Harry shook off the memories as Remus downed the potion with a wince and a shudder. ─── " 玻璃杯洋洋自得的立在桌上,散着热气,Remus喝下了药,呲牙咧嘴的打了个战,Harry随之转回了思绪。

45、Types of magic. Moon is all about spells, the sun is more potion-based, though each type of witchcraft involves the other somehow. ─── 魔力的种类,月亮是关乎咒语,太阳是药水,尽管每一种巫术都以某种方式包含其他的。

46、It was no wonder, for the physicians, by the Emperor's order, had mingled a sleeping potion in the hogsheads of wine. ─── 实际上这也不足为奇,因为医生们奉了皇帝圣旨,事先曾在酒里掺了一种安眠药水。

47、Multiple ingredients means multiple potion effects! ─── 复合材料意味着多重药效!

48、With us an elixir is usually a panacea or life-giving potion, as: ‘The book is full of a veritable elixir of spiritual vitality. ─── 与我们通常是万能的灵丹妙药,或赋予生命的药水,如: '这本书是充满了名副其实的万能的精神活力。

49、Luxuriant gem is a woman forever love most, be just as potion spirited bane, sending out blurred deep and remote light, ling Renyan is admired unceasingly. ─── 华丽的珠宝永远是女人的最爱,如同一剂烈性毒药,散发着迷离的幽光,令人艳羡不已。

50、Prepare an aphrodisiac potion for Constance. ─── 准备一份康斯坦斯要的春药。

51、He told them of the sleeping potion and of the message that had failed to reach Romeo. ─── 他还告诉他们有关安眠药以及罗密欧没有收到口讯的事。

52、"If there's a magic potion, I'll take it," she said. ─── 她说,假如有魔法锭,我也会吞下它。

53、Hello, Madeleine! Have you brought me the aphrodisiac potion? ─── 喂,玛德琳!春药带来了吗?

54、In return for the potion, I shall tell you the story of what I did last night to put me in such dire need of said. ─── 为了报答你送我魔药(的好意),我会跟你说说我昨晚做了些什么让我此刻非得对你倾吐不可的事儿。

55、Another example of Harry's growing affection for Ginny, though he is still unaware of it, occurs when he smells the love potion in class. ─── 哈利对金妮的感情逐渐增加的另一个例证(虽然他自己还没有意识到),发生在当他在课上闻到爱情药的时候。

56、A Potion of Toughness Potion ─── 坚韧药剂

57、Sabrina The Teenage Witch Potion Commotio ─── 年轻的女巫塞布丽娜

58、In what philtre, in what potion, what wine, ─── 在哪种春药、哪种药水、哪种酒里,

59、Engineering potion injectors no longer require engineering skill to use. ─── 工程学制造的药水注射器现在不需要工程学技能就可以使用啦!

60、Moslae Potion of Ten Ingredients ─── 十味香薷饮

61、Although obtain employment problem is not the problem that in one day can solve, but the is our country hard obtain employment army group of government and industry people hit potion cardiac. ─── 尽管就业问题并非一朝一夕就能解决的问题,但是政府和行业的努力为我国的就业军团们打了一剂强心剂。

62、In legends, these mystical and magical people could turn men into mice and broomsticks into flying objects with a special potion or the flick of a magic wand! ─── 在传说中,这些神秘而具有魔力的人能把人类变成老鼠,用特别的药剂就能把帚柄变成飞行器或是可以挥动的魔杖!

63、Using a potion keg and targetting stack of bottles now consumes one bottle, not the entire stack. ─── 使用药剂桶指向堆栈的瓶子只会消耗一个瓶子而不是全部。

64、The witch began to make the magic potion. ─── 巫婆开始调配神奇药水。

65、As much as you may dislike him, you've got to admit, he is very adept at the art of potion brewing. ─── 不管多不喜欢他,你得承认,制作魔药他可是技艺精湛。

66、Investors were more willing to part with their cash when they inhaled the potion, Fehr’s team reports in Nature1. ─── 当投资者吸入催产素后,他们会更愿意把他们的钱交出去。

67、New healing and mana potions have been added, it looks like they're unlimited mana and healing potion intended for arena uses only. ─── 增加了新的治疗药水和法力药水,而且仅用于竞技场中。

68、Schisandrae Antiphlogistic Potion ─── 五味清毒饮

69、That's when he hands you a potion of Luck and begs your forgiveness. ─── 当他拿出一瓶幸运药水给你求你饶恕他时;

70、Modern potion-making has come up with a draught called Wolfsbane Potion which minimizes the effects of condition. ─── 但是无论狼人是否处于正常人的状态,它们都被用这个词来称呼。

71、She makes a magic potion. ─── 她配制出魔力药水。

72、She poured the potion into the glass and diluted it with water.The potion turned into grass-green color and had a slightly fishy odor. ─── 她把药水倒进杯子,再用水一冲,药水淡成草绿色,闻闻略带腥味。

73、Before new rule is carried out, the potion that expert scholar regards his as the woodiness door that purifies a disorder currently the sale " fierce medicine " . ─── 在新规实施之前,专家学者将其视为当前净化混乱的木质门销售的一剂“猛药”。

74、Potions can only be drank once in a single combat situation or within a certain period of time, you can't just guzzle a stack of them which avoids the potion fest that was Diablo. ─── 在一场战斗状态下药水仅能喝一次或者仅限于特定的一段时间,你不能像暗黑一样狂灌。

75、Poor Huey, Dewey and Louie.The witch is going to help them.She makes a magic potion.What a potion! ─── 可怜的辉儿、杜儿和路几。女巫将要帮助他们。她配制出魔力药水。视奇的魔力药水!

76、She had fallen to sleep when she swallowed that benumbing potion. ─── 她刚吞下那付麻醉药就睡去了。

77、Ever been in the midst of battle, and find yourself without the time to uncork that heal potion? ─── {可经在战斗中发现自己没时间打开治疗药剂的瓶子么?

78、Shensu Potion of Ten Ingredients ─── 十味参苏饮

79、Polyjuice potion:Potion that will turn the drinker into another person for one hour. ─── 复方汤剂。可以使服用者便成另一个人的强力药剂。

80、After drinking the potion, you become human again, and can enter the starting town of Duskhaven. ─── 在服下药剂之后,你重回人形,然后进入初始区域暮港镇。

81、Fixed the dual-wield potion bug for Barbarians and Assassins. ─── 修订了野蛮人和刺客服用药剂的bug。

82、It is the bitter potion by witch the physician withing you heals your sick self. ─── 事实上,这就是在你们体内的医生为了医治你的心病,而下的一剂苦口良药。

83、If one of your large guppies gets hungry, you can feed it a Star Potion and it will turn into a StarFish. ─── 如果你在大型古比鱼饥饿的时候喂给它一瓶星星药剂,它就会变成一条星星鱼。

84、The witch makes a magic potion. ─── 巫师配制另一服魔刀药水。

85、He Falls down and hits his uncle who is preparing a potion for the pets and it makes a mess of everythis in the shop. ─── 他摔倒还撞到了正在准备给宠物炼制药水的叔叔,这次意外打乱了店里很多东西。

86、Much of your pain is self-chosen. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. ─── 你的苦痛多是自择。是你自身的医生疗你疾病的苦液。

87、So what is this magic potion? ─── 那么这种神奇魔药是什么呢?

88、So it's a magic potion? ─── 这么说它是一种魔药?

89、Shortly after drinking the potion the ghost will jump back into their grave and will soon after be resurrected. ─── 不久后的饮食鬼跳将其放回严重,不久后也有死灰复燃。



SwapRune_One = 125000, 交换符石金钱

SwapRune_Two = 25000, 同上

SwapRune_Three = 5000, 同上

SwapRune_Four = 500, 同上

NORMAL_STANDARD = 350, (普通怪物的掉宝率)

NORMAL_RUNE = 15, (普通怪物掉符石的几率) 符石就是学技能的那个东西,不知道你们是怎么翻译的

CHAMP_STANDARD = 700, (怪物首领的掉宝率 就是看小地图上深红色的怪)

CHAMP_RUNE = 45, (怪物首领掉符石的几率)

BOSS_STANDARD = 1000, (Boss 的掉宝率)

BOSS_RUNE = 600, (Boss 掉符石的几率)

EXTRAGOLD = 0, (掉金钱的倍数,0 = 普通 100 就是增加 100% = 双倍)

EXTRAPOTION =0, (掉药水的倍数,0 = 普通 100 就是增加 100% = 双倍)

EXTRARUNE = 0, (掉符石的倍数,0 = 普通 100 就是增加 100% = 双倍)

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