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08-16 投稿


negotiate 发音

英:[n??ɡo??ie?t]  美:[n??ɡ???ie?t]

英:  美:

negotiate 中文意思翻译




negotiate 常用词组

negotiate about ─── 协商;谈判

negotiate 词性/词形变化,negotiate变形


negotiate 短语词组

1、re-negotiate vt. ─── 重新谈判; ─── 重新协商 vi. ─── 重新谈判

2、negotiate synonym ─── 协商同义词

3、negotiate a turn ─── 谈判回合

4、negotiate a loan ─── [财]协商贷款

5、negotiate over ─── 就…进行谈判,谈判…

6、authority to negotiate ─── [经] 授权让购书(单), 授权议付, 转让权

7、bargain or negotiate ─── 讨价还价

8、negotiate into ─── 通过谈判使进入

9、negotiate define ─── 协商定义

10、when foreigners negotiate ─── 当外国人谈判时

11、negotiate with ─── 与…谈判

12、negotiate irs debt ─── 协商国税局债务

13、freighter negotiate ─── 货轮谈判

14、Invitation to Negotiate ─── 邀请谈判

15、negotiate business ─── [财]洽谈业务

16、negotiate definition ─── 协商定义

17、Negotiate about Window Size ─── 协商窗口大小

18、negotiate purchase ─── [法] 议价购买

19、negotiate about ─── 谈判, 协商

negotiate 相似词语短语

1、negotiatress ─── 谈判

2、negotiated ─── adj.商谈的;v.谈判,协商(negotiate过去式和过去分词形式)

3、negotiant ─── n.谈判者

4、negotiator ─── n.谈判者;磋商者;交涉者

5、negotiates ─── vt.谈判,商议;转让;越过;vi.谈判,交涉

6、renegotiate ─── vt.重新谈判;重新协商;vi.重新谈判

7、prenegotiate ─── 前谈判

8、negotiable ─── adj.可通过谈判解决的;可协商的

9、negotiants ─── n.谈判者

negotiate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Negotiate for the purchase of sth. ─── 为购买某物进行商谈。

2、Negotiate with the club for cooperation way. ─── 合作形式可与俱乐部协商。

3、However, the endorsee may not negotiate the rights on the bill by endorsement. ─── 但是,被背书人不得再以背书转让汇票权利。

4、Oh, no, no. We don't need to negotiate, we are not obliged to bargain. ─── 哦,不,不,我们不必谈判,我们没有义务讨价还价。

5、I have been assigned to negotiate business with you. ─── 公司委派我和你们具体洽谈业务。

6、Trade union leaders went back to negotiate with the government. ─── 工会领导回去和政府进行交涉。

7、How long will the two parties negotiate over the question? ─── 两党就此问题还要商谈多久?

8、How can we bear wearing the suits to negotiate in so hot a day! ─── 在这么热的天穿着厚厚的西装去谈判,我们怎么受得了!

9、Donny: You can't negotiate turns. ─── 东尼:你不能完成转弯。

10、Negotiate with agents on the cost if necessary. ─── 必要时与代理协商。

11、Negotiate customers and get good sales conditions. ─── 与客户谈判以争取较好的销售条件。

12、In order to get the business, we may as well negotiate again . ─── 为了做成生意,我们可以再次洽谈。

13、"If we want to be honest, we're waiting for a truce, we want to negotiate for him to leave, " he added, referring to President Assad. ─── 在提到阿萨德总统时,他补充说,“坦白说的话,我们正在等待休战,希望通过谈判让他下台。”

14、Our bank doesn't negotiate foreign checks. ─── 对不起,我们银行不兑现外国支票。

15、A protocol error occurred while trying to negotiate script downloading. ─── 当试图协商命令稿下载时发生协定错误。

16、The government will not negotiate with terrorists. ─── 政府不会和恐怖分子谈判。

17、They have agreed to the proposal inprinciple but we still have to negotiate the terms. ─── 他们基本上同意了那项提议, 但我们仍须商定条件.

18、Before we have anything to negotiate, you have to make me an offer. ─── 在我们开始谈判之前,你要先出个价才行。

19、Jointly with CM, negotiate with supplier to meet customer expectations. ─── 和CM一起与供应商协商以达到客户的要求.

20、How did you negotiate the deal on the benefit? ─── 你是怎么谈成那笔有利可图的交易的?

21、will come a time when they will have to negotiate. ─── 他们终将会进行谈判的。

22、I am afraid there is no room to negotiate the price. ─── 恐怕没有再议价的空间了。

23、I'm sorry; our bank doesn't negotiate foreign checks. ─── 对不起,我们银行不兑换国外支票。

24、Richards said the parties continue to negotiate, and said there is no firm closing date to announce. ─── 理查兹说,双方继续谈判,并表示并没有严格的截止日期。

25、Is the President in earnest about the desire to negotiate? ─── 总统真的想谈判吗?

26、You negotiate,maybe they will cut down the price. ─── 你讲讲价,他们可能会把价钱降低。

27、We can negotiate the unit price for large orders. ─── 如果大量订购,单价可以再谈。

28、However,could you help us to negotiate a better rent with the landlord? ─── 但是,你可以替我们与业主磋商一个合理的租金吗?

29、With all stuff members, the president, Dou Jingming welcome all businessmen from home and abroad to negotiate. ─── 公司董事长窦京明携全体员工竭诚欢迎中外客商前来洽谈合作。

30、Consult with? Does that mean negotiate? ─── 商讨?这是谈判的意思吗?

31、To negotiate prices with suppliers. ─── 与供应商进行价格协商。

32、Call For Cooperation intention to negotiate, thank you! ─── 如有合作意向请来电洽谈,谢谢!

33、Attempts to negotiate peace ended in armed revolt. ─── 和谈的努力最后以武装叛乱告终。

34、Today's newspapers made a savage attack on the unions for their refusal to negotiate. ─── 今天的报纸就工会拒绝谈判一事对工会进行了猛烈的抨击。

35、To negotiate with us made progress impossible. ─── 他拒绝同我们谈判,因而不可能有任何进展。

36、They said we could negotiate the fee if I was willing to prepay for six months. ─── 他们说要是我愿意先预付6个月会费,价钱是可以谈的。

37、You're in a strong position to negotiate a deal. ─── 你们很有希望通过谈判达成协议。

38、He successfully negotiate a new contract with the union. ─── 他成功地与工会商定了一项新契约。

39、Freshmen have to learn how to negotiate with new roommates. ─── 大一新鲜人必须学习如何与新的室友沟通协调。

40、On principle, I can't negotiate with these people. ─── 原则上,我不会和你们这些人谈判。

41、You should negotiate a pay raise with your boss. ─── 你应该与你的老板交涉,争取让他给你涨工资。

42、What should we do if the Taiwan authorities refuse to negotiate with us forever? ─── 如果台湾当局永远不同我们谈判,怎么办?

43、If you can't work at work, negotiate finding a new place to get things done. ─── 如果你的工作环境让你不能工作,换个没人打扰的地方。

44、News executives gave Black the first chance to negotiate new deals with the unions and paper's creditors, but other interested buyers are waiting in the wings. ─── 《每日新闻》的高级负责人士首先给布莱克机会与各工会及该报的债权人谈判以便达在新协议,可是其他有兴趣的买主正在一旁等候。

45、Hope that all enterprises to consulting, purchase, negotiate! ─── 希望各企业前来咨询,选购,洽谈!


47、He was able to negotiate a brilliant deal with the Japanese envoy. ─── 他和日本使节交涉,得到了一个很好的交易。

48、But let us never fear to negotiate. ─── 但是让我们永远不要害怕谈判。

49、He is commissioned to negotiate with them. ─── 他被授权与他们谈判。

50、We kindly invite customer to negotiate business and develop together. ─── 并诚邀广大客户前来洽谈业务、共谋发展。

51、They refused to negotiate, thus closing the door on any chance of a settlement. ─── 他们拒绝谈判,因此堵死了解决闸题的途径。

52、Identify and negotiate proper booth locations. ─── 开发合适的咨询推广活动地点。

53、President Felipe Calderon on Sunday vowed his government would never negotiate with drug lords no matter how much the violence escalates . ─── 周日,费利佩·卡尔德隆总统发表宣言称政府决不会和贩毒分子妥协,无论这次暴力冲突将升级到何种程度。

54、Opposition grew and the government agreed to negotiate. ─── 反对势力日益强烈,政府同意进行谈判。

55、It puts pressure on the U.S. to negotiate agreements not to weaponize space. ─── 中国把不在太空扩散武器的和谈压力推在了美国政府身上。”

56、Last year I represented Freeman, Inc. to negotiate a sale with an Australian customer. ─── 去年,我还代表弗里曼公司与一澳大利亚客户谈了笔业务。

57、If you want to make some progress in the negotiate,I expostulate you stay calm. ─── 假使你想在谈判中取得一些进展,我劝你还是保持冷静为好。

58、They have signaled their willingness to negotiate. ─── 他们已经表示他们愿意谈判

59、They refused to negotiate unless three preliminary requirements were met. ─── 如果三项先决条件得不到满足, 他们就拒绝谈判。

60、Negotiate on an equal footing. ─── 平等的谈判。

61、To coerce e. G. They didn't come to negotiate, they have been coercing. ─── 他们不是来谈判磋商,而是在施高压威胁。

62、You can't even negotiate for a free set of floor mats. ─── 你甚至都不能通过讲价搞到一张免费的车厢地毡。

63、The unions will also have the power to negotiate collective contracts. ─── 工会将拥有谈判签订集体劳动合同的权力。

64、With countless shoals and reefs to negotiate, accidents may happen any time. ─── 一路上数不尽的滩,礁石随处都是,要出事,随时可以出。

65、They have agreed to the proposal in principle but we still have to negotiate the terms. ─── 他们基本上同意了那项提议,但我们仍须商定条件。

66、Prepare enquiries and obtain and negotiate quotations. ─── 准备询价,进行谈判并获得报价单;

67、In a system of collective bargaining, the workers as a group negotiate with the managers of the company. ─── 在劳资集体谈判制度下,工人作为一个团体同公司经理进行谈判。

68、How to negotiate is implicit in the process of formulating a contract. ─── 在制定一份合同过程中,如何谈判是不可言喻。

69、Strong enough to be negotiate with supplier to get best deal in terms of price, quality, technology from potential suppliers. ─── 能足够强势地与供应商谈判并能以最实惠的价格购买到最好的产品。

70、He is planning a trip to the people's Republic of China to negotiate a very important transaction. ─── 他正打算到中华人民共和国去洽谈一笔非常重要的生意。

71、Negotiate and make sure the delivery term, quality and service with supplier. ─── 与供应商协商确定交货限期、质量以及服务。

72、However, we would like to negotiate the price first. ─── 不过,我希望先商谈关于价钱的问题。

73、Business is business, you can negotiate with me. not a problem. ─── 在商言商,你可以继续跟我谈,没问题的。

74、He is sending Prince Orlov to negotiate. ─── 他派奥尔洛夫王子去会谈。

75、He was immediately sent to Pairs. His mission was to negotiate a cease-fire. ─── 他很快被派遣到巴黎。他的使命是磋商停火协议。

76、Negotiate contracts with customers technically and commercially. ─── 和客户就合同的技术和商业方面的问题进行谈判。

77、I was assigned to negotiate Business with you. ─── 公司委托我和你们洽谈业务。

78、They are trying to negotiate the withdrawal of 20,000 troops. ─── 他们正打算协商有关两万人的部队的撤军问题。

79、Nissan chassis, intends to test, please come to negotiate. ─── 尼桑底盘,有意者请前来试车洽谈。

80、Some areas to negotiate can include your weekly hours and where youwork. ─── 可以协商的领域可以包括你工作的时间和地点。

81、Are you willing to negotiate? ─── 愿意谈一下价格吗?

82、In the past eight years we repeatedly expressed our willingness to negotiate. ─── 八年中,我们一再表示愿意谈判。

83、The United States has pushed the Israelis hard to do two things in the past two years: Do not negotiate with Syria and do not engage Hamas. ─── 美国在过去两年用力敦促以色列做两件事:不要和叙利亚谈判,不要接触哈马斯。

84、He is authorized to discuss the terms of an order with you and negotiate a contract. ─── 并且全权与贵公司讨论订货条件与合约。

85、He has a reputation for being difficult to negotiate with . ─── 他有一个与他谈判很不容易的名声。

86、I am sorry ,our bank does not negotiate foreign cheques . ─── 对不起,我们银行不兑换国外支票。

87、Did you negotiate to buy a computer? ─── 买计算机的事你办妥了吗?

88、Liaise and negotiate with suppliers on the execution of contract terms. ─── 就合同条款的执行与供应商联络和协商。

89、Negotiate the specific details of an order. Convince your client to choose your product over that of your competitor. ─── 协商订货的细节。在众多竞争者中说服你的客户选择你的产品。




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