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feudatory 发音

英:[?fju?d??t??ri]  美:[?fju?d?t(?)r?]

英:  美:

feudatory 中文意思翻译




feudatory 短语词组

1、feudatory meaning in hindi ─── 印地语中的封建主义意义

2、feudatory mean ─── 封地平均

3、feudatory duties ─── 封建义务

4、feudatory states ─── 封建主义国家

5、feudatory meaning ─── 封建主义意义

feudatory 词性/词形变化,feudatory变形


feudatory 相似词语短语

1、fecundatory ─── 肥料

2、sudatory ─── n.发汗室;发汗药;adj.发汗的

3、feudatories ─── adj.封臣的;封地的;n.封臣;封地

4、depuratory ─── adj.清洁的;净化的

5、feudary ─── n.封建领主;封地(等于feudatory)

6、laudatory ─── adj.赞美的;赞赏的;称赞的

7、subfeudatory ─── 亚优级

8、amendatory ─── adj.改正的,修正的

9、fumatory ─── adj.烟薰的;n.烟薰室

feudatory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On Politics of Feudatory Senior Members in Modern Japan ─── 论近代日本的藩阀元老政治

2、Local Self-government and National Autonomy under the Feudatory System ─── 藩属制度下的地方自治与民族自治

3、The Formation and Establishment of Suzerainty-Feudatory Relationship between the Qing Dynasty and Korea ─── 论清朝与朝鲜宗藩关系的形成与确立

4、In the violent period of Bakumatsu, many samurai ran the risk of treason to quit feudatory. ─── 在幕末激荡的历史时期,许多藩士冒着“叛藩叛国”罪的危险而脱藩。

5、In the modern history of Japan, the system of emperorship experienced the politics of the feudatory senior members, the politics of the political parties, and the politics of the fascist army headquarters. ─── 在日本近代史上 ,近代天皇制经历了藩阀元老政治、政党政治和军部法西斯政治三种主要形态。

6、As early as in the Zhou Dynasty, Fung Liqiu date, the emperor would lead a doctor to Sangong Jiuqing feudatory迎秋the western suburbs of Beijing, less sacrificial Gao, mat collection. ─── 早在周代,逢立秋之日,天子便亲率三公九卿诸侯大夫到京城西郊迎秋,祭祀少皋、蓐收。

7、5.In this reform, the economic relations and administration subjection relations among monarch, hereditary seignior, abbey, feudatory aristocrat, local administrators, and were rehackled and adjusted. ─── 此次改革对君主、世袭领主、修道院、封地贵族、地方行政长官、农奴等各方的经济关系和行政隶属关系做出重新梳理和调整。

8、He named his empire by his feudatory's name. ─── 他以自己的封地命名了他的帝国。

9、1. The feudatory system is an important part of Chinese ancient state system of government. ─── 藩属制度是中国古代国家政体的一项重要内容。

10、Feudatory Road 12 in the Kanto Central Plains. ─── 十二路诸侯都在关东中原。

11、Local Self-government and National Autonomy under the Feudatory System ─── 藩属制度下的地方自治与民族自治

12、White Horde, which was feudatory to the Khanate of Kipchak , was becoming strong gradually, they began to intervene the affairs of the suzerain. ─── 在帖木儿帝国初期,蒙古人在钦察草原上建立的钦察汗国发生内讧,其属国白帐汗国日趋强大,开始干涉其宗主钦察汗国的事务。

13、Feudatory favorite iced drink in the wine feast. ─── 诸侯喜爱在宴席上饮冰镇米酒。

14、The feudatory system is an important part of Chinese ancient state system of government. ─── 藩属制度是中国古代国家政体的一项重要内容。

15、Mou, the prince of Wei, received his feudatory in Zhongshan. So, he was called Zhongshan Prince Mou. ─── 魏国王子牟,他的封地在中山,所以大家都称他中山公子牟。

16、Thou act, that is, cut feudatory invasion, sparse human osteosarcoma. ─── 汝用事,即侵削诸侯,疏人骨肉。

17、feudatory and garrison's merging into one ─── 镇藩合一

18、4. Local self-government and national autonomy are the basic features of the feudatory system. ─── 地方自治与民族自治是藩属制度的基本特征之一。

19、1 Mou, the prince of Wei, received his feudatory in Zhongshan. So, he was called Zhongshan Prince Mou. ─── 魏国王子牟,他的封地在中山,所以大家都称他中山公子牟。

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