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08-16 投稿


instructive 发音

英:[?n'str?kt?v]  美:[?n'str?kt?v]

英:  美:

instructive 中文意思翻译



instructive 词性/词形变化,instructive变形

副词: instructively |名词: instructiveness |

instructive 同义词

communicative | informative | enlightening | useful | edifying | instructional | educational | helpful

instructive 反义词


instructive 短语词组

1、instructive method ─── 指导性方法

2、instructive lecturer ─── 指导性讲师

3、instructive meaning ─── 指导意义

4、instructive activity ─── 指导性活动

5、instructive learning ─── 教育性学习

6、instructive crossword ─── 指示纵横字谜

7、instructive rock ─── 教化岩

8、instructive def ─── 指导性定义

9、instructive uvg ─── 指导性uvg

10、instructive hypothesis ─── [医]指导假说

11、instructive lecture ─── 有益的讲座

12、instructive lecture delivered ─── 提供了有启发性的演讲

13、instructive experience ─── 有益的经验

14、an instructive film ─── 有教育意义的电影

15、instructive defi ─── 指导性定义

16、instructive case ─── 指导性案例

17、instructive me ─── 对我很有启发

18、instructive theory ─── 指令学说

instructive 相似词语短语

1、instruction ─── n.指令,命令;指示;教导;用法说明

2、instructively ─── adv.有益地;教育地

3、obstructive ─── adj.阻碍的;妨碍的;n.妨碍物;障碍物

4、destructive ─── adj.破坏的;毁灭性的;有害的,消极的

5、instinctive ─── adj.本能的;直觉的;天生的

6、uninstructive ─── 无建设性

7、instructing ─── vt.指导;教(instruct的现在分词);指示;adj.指令型

8、constructive ─── adj.建设性的;推定的;构造上的;有助益的

9、instructible ─── 有益的

instructive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Your words are very instructive, I will keep them in my mind. ─── 你言之有理,我会记在心中。

2、Key words:1- wire bus instruct card, USB port, general instrument. ─── 关键词:一线总线指令卡、USB口、用设备。

3、To instruct a computer to make a record of its information-handling operations. ─── 使计算机记录其信息处理操作。

4、Train and instruct the maintenance work on-site. ─── 培训指导现场维修工。

5、The experimental results show that the analysis and control are of instructive significance for the improvement of the surface roughness. ─── 实验结果表明,该分析与控制对降低加工表面粗糙度具有重要意义。

6、Instruct GDB to use the byte order associated with the executable. ─── 告知GDB,使用可执行程式中的位元组序。

7、The history he told us was at once interesting and instructive. ─── 他讲给我们听的那个故事,既有趣,又有益

8、As a result,some instructive suggestions about the selections of detectors for microwave radiometer are given. ─── 在上述分析的基础上提出了微波辐射计系统中检波管选择的指导性原则。

9、Animals have these advantages over man: they have no theologians to instruct them, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills. ─── 动物优于人类的几点有:没有神学家为它们说教,殡殓不费分文,更无一个对其遗嘱提出诉讼者。

10、Instruct client to take a deep breath. ─── 嘱病人深吸一口气。

11、Go in detail, the whole consciousness stops to instruct the body. ─── 具体地说,就是整个意识都停止对身体发出任何指令。

12、It does not pertain to you to instruct him. ─── 你不适合教训他。

13、Misfortunes are helpful and instructive. ─── 不幸是有益的。

14、Dare to make constructive criticism, and embrace the instructive criticism with an open mind. ─── 大胆地提出建设性的批评,也虚心接受有益的批评。

15、To do something instructive for society. ─── 为社会做些有益的事情。

16、To instruct(a jury) about the law,its application,and the weighing of evidence. ─── 下指令给陪审团就法律及其适用范围和证据的权衡向(陪审团)作说明。

17、I suggest you to read this book; it is not only interesting, but also instructive. ─── 我建议你看这本书,它不仅有趣,而且很有教育意义。

18、We will instruct our banker to amend the credit telegraphically. ─── 我们将通知银行用电报修改信用证。

19、To instruct in a body of doctrine or principles. ─── 传授以教条或信条的方式来教授、教导

20、Instruct the students to count the edges in order. ─── 师:(引导)学生有规律的数。

21、It can surmount obstacles, eulogize differences, stimulate inspirations and bring about instructive effects and wealth. ─── 它可以跨越障碍,颂扬差异,激发灵感,带来教益,创造财富。”

22、Accordingly Collins and I spent several economical and instructive weeks together in Ravenna. ─── 因此,科林斯同我在腊万纳过了几周节俭的,有益的生活。

23、He used to instruct 800,000 imperial guards. ─── 他曾是八十万禁军教头,如今却落魄成这样。

24、He likes to speak to others in an instructive tone. ─── 他跟别人说话总喜欢带一种教训人的语气。

25、I thought that I could instruct him just as well as Yoda. ─── 我以为我可以和约达一样指导他

26、I will instruct him whether to come today or tomorrow . ─── 我将通知他是今天来还是明天来。

27、Instruct and direct the wok of customer site engineer. ─── 对现场工程师进行工作指导及管理;

28、The stow he told us was at once interesting and instructive. ─── 他讲给我们听的故事,既有趣,又有益。

29、It is instructive to see how other countries are tackling the problem. ─── 了解别的国家如何处理这个问题是具有启发性的。

30、I will instruct you when to start. ─── 我会告诉你我们该何时动身。

31、We should instruct the passengers what customs regulations are . ─── 我们应该向乘客说明海关规则是什么。

32、He instruct the credit controller to take action. ─── 他指示信贷控制员采取行动。

33、I participated a very instructive action two years ago. ─── 两年前我参加了一个非常有意义的活动。

34、The research home and abroad shows that this theory can be instructive to the cause of education at the present time. ─── 国内外的研究也已说明这一理论对当前教育事业有着重要的指导作用。

35、It is instructive to see how other countries are tackling the problem. ─── 了解别的国家如何处理这个问题是具有启发性的。

36、Do you want to instruct your child without nagging and spanking? ─── 您可希望无需唠叨和体罚就能教导孩子?

37、For all that, it has been instructive to watch the fears of retribution draining away; and, with them, Mr Murdoch's power. ─── 尽管如此,看到人们对受报复的恐惧感逐渐消退——以及随之消逝的默多克的威力——仍颇具启发性。

38、Instruct the students to count the faces of cuboids in order. ─── 师:引导学生有规律的数出长方体的面。(请同学数)

39、It is better for parents instruct their children when watching TV. ─── 孩子看电视时最好有家长在旁边指导。

40、Don't instruct your secretary to say you are out when you are in. ─── 不要教你的秘书在你在的时候说不在。

41、What's been your most instructive travel experience? ─── 哪次旅行对你最有意义?

42、Finally, about that narrative: It's instructive to compare Mr. Obama's rhetorical stance on the economy with that of Ronald Reagan. ─── 最后,比较里根总统和奥巴马总统在经济上的立场是有益的。

43、Plan and lay out work, assign, instruct, direct and assist employees. ─── 制订生产计划和组织、分配工作并建立工作程序,给予员工指导和帮助。

44、days , even months , passed by unheeded in one rapid and instructive course . at the end of a year dant. ─── 时间在学习中飞速地流逝,一年之后,唐太斯已变成了另一个人。

45、He offered me some books, the ones that are both interesting and instructive. ─── 他提供给我一些书籍,既有趣又有教育意义。

46、He has referred to that plan,but not instruct the details. ─── 他提到了那个计划,但未说明细节。

47、For his God doth instruct him to discretion, and doth teach him. ─── 26因为他的神教导他务农相宜,并且指教他。

48、They work only outwardly;You instruct and enlighten our hearts. ─── 他们能做表面的工作,但训诲启迪人心的是祢。

49、For this purpose the study of globular clusters is most instructive. ─── 在这个问题上球状星团的研究最富有指导意义。

50、I found the book's utterly charming, instructive, and inspiring. ─── 我发现这些书极富魅力,有教育意义,而且颇具激励作用。

51、I find the book is very instructive. ─── 我发觉这本书非常有用。

52、I will instruct you when we will start. ─── 我会通知你我们出发的时间。

53、They found the book both interesting and instructive. ─── 他们发现这本书即有趣味又有教益。

54、Never have I read a novel so interesting and instructive. ─── 我从未看过如此有趣而有意义的小说。

55、Both formations provide instructive early examples of integration. ─── 两者的成立提供了一体化的有益的先例。

56、I will instruct him whether (he needs) to come today or tomorrow. ─── 我会通知他(需要)今天来还是明天来。

57、He had been as instructive as Milton's " affable archangel". ─── 他正如米尔顿那位“亲切的天使长”一样循循善诱。

58、He instruct the restaurant to replace its kitchen equipment. ─── 他责成餐馆更换厨房设备。

59、If that novel is an instructive one, it will be worth while reading it. ─── 假如那是一本有教育意义的小说,那就值得一读。

60、Secondly, the article explains instructive meaning rose in the research work of Edinburgh school. ─── 其次也说明了爱丁堡学派SSK研究工作提出了一些富有启发意义的问题。 最后对科学知识社会学的走向进行了理性思考。

61、will be fun, the seminar also promises to be most instructive. ─── 专题讨论会将会很有趣,也一定会非常有启发性。

62、The practice shows that the laws and forecast method can be instructive and profitable to the mine production. ─── 实践证明该规律及预测方法能有效地指导生产,取得了一定的经济效益。

63、Your pet will not attack anything unless you instruct it to. ─── 你的宠物将不会攻击任何敌人除非有了你的命令。

64、It is instructive to compare Mr Woods' case with that of another sporting celebrity accused of infidelity: David Beckham. ─── 将伍兹事件与其他有不忠事件的运动界名人相比,颇有意味。

65、The Hawaiian Islands provided a very instructive answer. ─── 夏威夷群岛提供了一个非常有益的答案。

66、Animated games are particularly instructive and fun to do. ─── 动画游戏特别有益和好玩。

67、We'll dispatch two resident field engineer to instruct the erection of the equipment. ─── 我们将派遣两名驻工地的工程师指导设备的安装。

68、Instruct them to use multiple colors to draw pictures. ─── 培养幼儿绘画中认真涂色,并能选用多种不同的色彩来涂色。

69、Thank you dear Ashtar for this instructive report, which you give to all people of the planet Earth. With love Ivo. ─── 因为这个有益的报告谢谢你亲爱的。

70、Instruct client about purpose and rationale. ─── 向病人讲明目的及要求。

71、Such an instructive speech did he make that all the listeners were moved. ─── 他发表的演说那么有教育意义,以至于所有的听众都很感动。

72、The illustration that our Lord uses, in which the Word of God is compared to our daily bread, is most instructive. ─── 我们的主所引的这节经文,非常富于教训;在这节经文中,祂把神的话比作我们每日的粮食。

73、A teacher of English had on unusual way to instruct composition. ─── 一位英语老师指导学生作文有一种与众不同的方法。

74、"Big five" model has been widely recognized recently. It is instructive to career selection and work performance. ─── “大五”人格模型是近年来得到普遍认同的一个模型,它对于人们的职业选择和工作绩效都有重要的指导意义.

75、The instructive role of population science theory will be given full play and will be made to support decision making in population and development. ─── 发挥人口科学理论的指导作用,为制定科学的人口与发展政策提供理论支持。

76、Fifthly, instruct students to write experimental reports correctly. ─── 五是指导学生正确书写实验报告;

77、We have amend l.c. no39448 dated Mar 4/89 as instruct. ─── 我们已指示将89年3月4日39448号信用证正改。

78、To inform or instruct beforehand; coach. ─── 事前指导提前通知或指导;训练

79、It has an obvious instructive and illustrative for his future teaching. ─── 它对学生今后的发展起到明显的引导和示范作用。

80、I want to thank you for a most instructive experience! ─── 为了这最有教益的经验,我要感谢你!

81、Coordinate and instruct the Holiday Tourism and the Red Tourism. ─── 协调和指导假日旅游和红色旅游工作。

82、Key words: 1-wire bus instruct card, USB port, general instrument. ─── 关键词:一线总线指令卡、USB口、通用设备。

83、He find it both interesting and instructive to learn about the career of great men. ─── 他觉得了解伟人的生平既很有趣又有教益。

84、It does not pertain to the young to instruct their elders. ─── 年轻人不应该对老年人发号施令。

85、A teacher of English had an unusual way to instruct composition. ─── 一位英语教师在用一种不同寻常的方法教作文。

86、Some beneficial conclusions are obtained, which are instructive to the similar projects in the future. ─── 得到了一些有益的结论,对今后的类似工程具有重要的指导意义。

87、The installer will instruct you to shut down your browser(s). ─── 安装将会提示你将要关闭你的浏览器。

88、It is instructive to present both these views. ─── 先提到这两点是很有意义的。

89、Great books are the most instructive. ─── 名著最有启发教益。

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