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08-16 投稿


theism 发音

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theism 中文意思翻译



theism 同义词

religion |faith | belief | piety

theism 反义词


theism 短语词组

1、theism define ─── 有神论定义

2、theism vs deism ─── 有神论与自然神论

3、theism origin ─── 有神论起源

4、theism definition ─── 有神论定义

5、deism vs theism ─── 自然神论与有神论

6、theism is ─── 有神论是

7、theism god ─── 有神论上帝

8、theism defined ─── 有神论定义

9、agnostic theism ─── 不可知论有神论

theism 词性/词形变化,theism变形

名词: theist |副词: theistically |形容词: theistic |

theism 相似词语短语

1、atheist ─── n.无神论者

2、atheise ─── 无神论

3、Lutherism ─── 路德教

4、theist ─── n.一神论者;有神论者

5、etherism ─── n.醚瘾;乙醚癖

6、theists ─── n.一神论者;有神论者

7、ditheism ─── n.善恶二神论

8、atheism ─── n.不信神,无神论

9、phaeism ─── 幻觉

theism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For simplicity, belief in God will be identified with theism and with the assertion God exists. ─── 为了简单起见,我把上帝信仰等同于有神论和关于上帝存在的断言。

2、Bare Theism would be to me a bleak creed and one subject to a standing limitation the insoluble problem of evil. ─── 对我而言,光秃秃的壹神论只是没有内涵的教条,而且面临无法克服的限制——不能解决邪恶问题。

3、The Position of Theism in The Old Chinese History of Philosophy ─── 作为理论形态的有神论的终结历程

4、9.Thus one often reads that religion has made a claim in contradiction to scientific truth, theism is irrational. ─── 因此,人们经常看到这样的内容:宗教的主张和科学真理相抵触,有神论是非理性的。

5、9.This ignores the distinction between theism, which usually considers God as an active agent in world history, and deism, which does not. ─── 这忽略了有神论和自然神论之间的明显差异,前者通常把上帝当作世界历史的一个积极参与者,而后者则不这样认为。

6、Weak atheism is similar to those under the broad definition of atheism and theism is not all that is on God's thinking. ─── 弱无神论则类似于广义定义下的无神论,即一切不是有神论的关于神的思想。

7、Haecker's Doctrine on Antithesis between Theism and Pantheism ─── 海克尔论有神论与泛神论的对立

8、The essay compares the cultural essence of the monotheism and polytheism, and analyzes the different influence of Monotheism and Poly theism upon religious culture and secular culture. ─── 摘要阐述了一神教和多神教的文化内涵,分析了一神信仰和多神信仰对宗教文化和人类世俗文化的不同影响。

9、Analysis of the FQP leads to a clear understanding of the relation between theism and science. ─── 对哲学基本问题的分析导致了对有神论和科学之间关系的明确理解。

10、Modernity, he argues, implies a huge range of possible ways of thinking, including many variations of theism and atheism. ─── 他认为,现代性意味着种种不同的可能思维方式,包括以各种面目出现的有神论和无神论。

11、For the Christian: creation, theism (one God). ─── 基督徒:创造论、一神论。

12、I accepted the philosophy or the ideas from the point of view of antitheism when contacting with the religions in the past.I never tried to understand the ideas from the point of view of theism. ─── 过去接触宗教也是从一个无神论的角度去接受哲理或者思想,并没有从真正的有神论的角度来理解。”

13、Atheism, often with anti-monotheistic (or anti-theism) confused, refused to believe the former is theism, which is directly opposed to theism clear. ─── 无神论经常同反神论(或反有神论)相混淆,前者是拒绝相信有神论,而后者是直接明确反对有神论。

14、The difference between theism and atheism should not lead to antagonism between theists and atheists ─── 不能因为有神论和无神论的差异而导致信神者与不信神者的对立。

15、Since human being entered the class society, the influence of theism and atheism has all along existed in the ideological field. ─── 人类自进入阶级社会以来,在意识形态中始终存在着有神论、无神论的影响。

16、[I]t appears to me (whether rightly or wrongly) that direct arguments against Christianity &theism produce hardly any effect on the public; ─── 我觉得直接驳斥基督教和有神论对公众似乎很难有多少影响。

17、Agreed.That means religious faith is a personal taste.Atheism is as good a choice as theism, just as pork is as good a choice as beef.And Buddhism as good a choice as Judeo-Christianity. ─── 信仰总有其不可解释的地方,如神的存在本身--这些信念正是信仰为信仰而不是研习的性质所在,是理性止步之处。

18、of or relating to theism. ─── 属于或关于有神论的。

19、Searching idea and practice which can bring real happy to human being--comparative analysis on moral problem between Atheism and theism ─── 探寻能给人类带来真正福祉的道德理念和实践--对有神论和无神论在道德问题上的一些比较分析

20、Theology concerns the overall contents of all aspects of theism, and it is not an exclusive province of Christianity. ─── 神学是有神论思想的全部内容 ,并非基督教的专利。

21、One of the oldest intellectual defenses of theism is I the cosmological argument, also known as the argument from first cause ─── 有神论最老的理性辩护之一是宇宙成因论,也称第一推动力论。

22、That is the beauty of blurring the boundary between theism and atheism, and between Christians and non-Christians. ─── 如果社会上人人不做伤害别人的行为而做帮助别人的行为,社会便会更舒适,乎合所有人的利益。

23、The essay compares the cultural essence of the monotheism and polytheism,and analyzes the different influence of Monotheism and Poly theism upon religious culture and secular culture. ─── 阐述了一神教和多神教的文化内涵,分析了一神信仰和多神信仰对宗教文化和人类世俗文化的不同影响。

24、Since the birth of the theism, the contradiction and conflict between theism and atheism has never stopped This conflict is the special form of the conflict between materialism and idealism in the history of philosophy. ─── 自有神论产生以来,无神论和有神论的对立与斗争,就从无间断过,它是哲学史上唯物论和唯心论对立与斗争的特殊表现形式。

25、The Impact of Atheism and Theism on Buddhism and Buddhist Scripture Annotation in China--On the Dialogue between Buddhism and Chinese Philosophy ─── 神灭与否之争对中国佛学释经路向的影响--兼论佛学与本土哲学的对话

26、Of or relating to theism . ─── 属于或关于有神论的。

27、The same applies to ideology, idealism will be replaced by materialism and theism by atheism ─── 意识形态也是一样,要用唯物论代替唯心论,用无神论代替有神论。

28、Strictly speaking, naturalism has no ontological bias toward any particular set of categories of reality: dualism and monism, atheism and theism, idealism and materialism are all compatible with it. ─── 严格地讲,自然主义对任何具体的现实类别没有本体主义的偏见:二元论和一元论、无神论和有神论、观念论和唯物论都与自然主义相容。

29、We allow opinions to be varied among the people, that is, there is freedom to criticize, to express different views and to advocate theism or atheism (i.e., materialism). ─── 我们在人民内部,是允许舆论不一律的,这就是批评的自由,发表各种不同意见的自由,宣传有神论和宣传无神论(即唯物论)的自由。

30、More and more, religious theists are objecting to what they call 'intolerance' on the part of irreligious atheists who are critical of religion, religious beliefs, and theism. ─── 掀起梦的一角那是一个多梦的年龄,我也在梦中徜徉;那是花季,也是雨季。姹紫嫣红的花,模糊了我的视线,我端正了近视的眼镜,却仍有雾里看花的错觉。

31、theism; theist ─── 有神论;有神论者

32、VOICE: And what does the Biblical Theism column say about man's destiny? ─── 那圣经的一神论对人的命运有什麽说法呢?

33、The Theory of Political Constitution of Theism-- One Interpretation of Carl Schmitt ─── 有神论的政治宪法学--对施米特的解读之一

34、Theism generally comes packaged in a religion. ─── 有神论一般都夹杂在宗教之中。

35、Atheism is about not believing any God or gods exist. It is the opposite of theism , which is the belief that at least one god exists. ─── 无神论是认为神灵不存在或者不接受有神论的一种哲学思想和立场,广义上则是对神存在缺乏相信的思想的总和。

36、Antitheism has nothing to with it, nor does theism. ─── 无神论变得无关,有神论也无关。

37、Assuming that the theist does not believe his theism to be nonsense, he has the responsibility of explaining the content of his belief. ─── 假设有神论者不认为他们的有神论是胡说八道,他就有责任解释他信仰的东西。

38、Does Theism Make Society Sick? ─── 记得要吃润喉片!喝牛奶!

39、Inscriptions, iconographic evidence, and literary references point to the emergence of devotional theism in the 2nd century BC. ─── 碑铭、肖像的证据,还有参考文献表明,虔诚的有神论在公元前二世纪浮现。

40、Modernity, he argues, implies a huge range of possible ways of thinking, including many variations of theism and atheism. ─── 他认为,现代性意味着种种不同的可能思维方式,包括以各种面目出现的有神论和无神论。

41、Instead of theism he is a devotee of atheism, instead of Dionysus he favours the more modern Mithras, and instead of heaven he seeks paradise on earth. ─── 代替神,他献身给无神论,代替狄俄尼索斯,他更喜欢更现代的蜜特拉神,代替天堂,他寻找地球上的乐园。

42、The usual theism is more insipid. ─── 平常的有神论则更淡而无味了。

43、And now agnosticism is often put forth as a middle ground between theism and atheism. ─── 不可知论者通常介于有神论与无神论之间的那部分人。

44、theism remains, however ─── 但是有神论还是存在着。

45、Apparently, I am on the side of non-theism. ─── 很显然,俺是站在无神这边的。

46、Dialogue Between Atheism and Theism ─── 无神论与有神论的对话

47、Accord- ing to the report , the activities of the neotheism are often carried out in the name of science , and the pseudoscience has thus become . the bridge to the neo - theism. ─── 报告分析了新的有神论活动的特点,指出新的有神论活动往往是在科学的名义下进行的,而当前的伪科学现象又往往是通向新的有神论的桥梁;

48、This is simply a confusion of words and concepts: the rationality of theism does not stand on the scripture of any religion. ─── 这完全是词语和概念的一种混淆:有神论的理性和任何宗教的经文并不一致。

49、PROF.: Yes. The dictionary defines theism as, quote, “belief in one God who is ─── 是的.字典是这样定义有神论的,“相信有一位神,他是宇宙的创造者和统

50、Is argument from order/ design a valid way to argue for Christian theism? ─── 从秩序或设计角度出发,是正确的辩护基督教有神论的途径吗?

51、It has nothing to do with antitheism or theism. ─── 但你的平衡带给你新的光,新的快乐,新的祝福,新的聪明。

52、The religion explain the stutus of man in the world and the unperfect and calvary of realistic life in terms of theism. ─── 宗教从有神论的立场和角度 ,论述人在世界中的地位以及现实人生的不完美和苦难 ,认为要寻找完满的人生 ,就只能到宗教信仰中去获取。

53、Karl Jaspers is a German philosopher of theism existentialism, whose philosophy of existential education pays close attention to human psyche. ─── 雅斯贝尔斯是德国有神论存在哲学家,他的存在主义教育哲学十分关注人的灵魂。

54、To some extent, the atheism gains its development in the contradiction and conflict between theism and atheism. ─── 从某种程度上可以说,无神论就是在和有神论的对立与斗争中获得发展的。

55、I agree with your idea! I like sentence "(the name, God) is the beauty of blurring the boundary between theism and atheism". ─── 神是造物主。神是始在,昔在,今在,永在的,无所不在的,绝对的存在.

56、Be rich in cattle mahogany acid and various peculiar factor (fish picks up a thing) , strengthen night looking at the thing ability, make brighter cat eye theism. ─── 富含牛磺酸及多种特殊因子(鱼类提取物),增强夜间视物能力,使猫眼睛更明亮有神。

57、It is not supernatural Theism, nor is it the deconstruction of Materialism and Idealism.It should be fully affirmed. ─── 它既不是超自然的有神论,也不是对唯物论和唯心论的某种消解,是应当予以充分肯定的。

58、VOICE: How can theism be presented most effectively in modern thought? ─── 在当今的思想环境下怎么样才能最有效得表达有神论的思想呢?

59、New Theism in modern times is featured by "a living god" seemingly supported by modern scientific term. ─── 新的“有神论”有一个特点,就是用现代科学名词和术语包装起一个“活着的神”。

60、As defenders of theism often point out, the freedom of moral agents may be an immense good, worth God's tolerating horrendous wrongdoing. ─── 正如有神论的卫道士常常所指出的那样,捍卫道德的自由也许是大善,值得主容忍可怕的恶行。

61、4.Another important way in which theism is commonly said to contradict science is in respect to creation. ─── 另一种断言通常认为有神论和科学相抵触,这种重要断言和创世有关。

62、Is argument from order/design a valid way to argue for Christian theism? ─── 从秩序或设计角度出发,是正确的辩护基督教有神论的途径吗?

63、By the time of the early Gupta empire the new theism had been harmonized with the old Vedic religion, and two of the main branches of Hinduism were fully recognized. ─── 笈多帝国的早期时期,新的一神论已经与旧的吠陀宗教融洽,印度教的其中两个主要分支已被充分确认。

64、Hu Shi once expressed the idea of becoming a Christian in his youth when he was studying in America, but he soon gave it up. He not only adhered to atheism formed in his juvenile years, but also made a systematic criticism on theism. ─── 青年胡适在美国留学期间,曾经表示要成为基督教徒,但很快改变自己的想法,不仅坚定少年时代形成的无神论观点,而且对有神论作了系统批判。

65、Antitheism has nothing to with it, nor does theism. ─── 无神论变得无关,有神论也无关。

66、Religion is a diffuse topic liable to unending disputation whereas theism is not. ─── 宗教是一个容易引起无休止争论的弥散型话题,而有神论则不是。

67、The theism and the antitheism seems united here, it is not an easy thing. ─── 在这点上无论是东西方还是有神和无神论者,似乎得到了统一。真不容易呀。

68、The usual theism is more insipid ─── 平常的有神论则更淡而无味了。

69、Multi--theism and the Spiritual Motivation for Guangzhou's Social Development ─── 杂神信仰与广州社会发展的精神动力

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