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08-16 投稿


promiscuously 中文意思翻译



promiscuously 短语词组

1、promiscuously in a sentence ─── 乱七八糟地

2、promiscuously definition ─── 乱七八糟的定义

3、promiscuously define ─── 杂乱地定义

4、promiscuously synonym ─── 混杂同义词

5、promiscuously part of speech ─── 杂乱的词性

6、promiscuously meaning ─── 混杂的意思

promiscuously 同义词

singular | high-up | commanding | flagrant | bulging | important | large | conspicuous | sublime | great | celebrated | famed | emphatic | prime | majestic | notable | salient | eminent | outstanding | obvious | popular | striking | protruding | noted | principal | bulbous | high-flying | well-known | projecting | noticeable |famous | spectacular | protuberant | distinguished | lofty | blatant | significant | pronounced | grand | noble | big

promiscuously 反义词


promiscuously 词性/词形变化,promiscuously变形

副词: promiscuously |名词: promiscuousness |

promiscuously 相似词语短语

1、propitiously ─── adv.吉祥地;顺利地

2、dioicously ─── 异想天开地

3、promissorily ─── 允诺的

4、promiscuous ─── adj.混杂的;杂乱的;adv.偶然地;胡乱地

5、promiscuity ─── n.乱交;混乱

6、perspicuously ─── adv.显明地

7、proliferously ─── 繁衍

8、prodigiously ─── adv.巨大地

9、promiscuousness ─── 乱交

promiscuously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It's like biology: In an ecosystem where microbes are promiscuously swapping genes and traits, evolution speeds up. ─── 就像生物学:一个一群微生物混杂地交换基因和特性的生态系统,进化加速了。

2、This young girl has to share a room with her mother who lives promiscuously. ─── 这个年轻的女孩不得不和她生活不检点的妈妈共住一个房间。

3、It promiscuously plunders other languages and delights in neologisms. ─── 它杂乱地掠夺其它语言,并以增加新词为乐。

4、God sees all that mankind does, even in the privacy of the bedroom, so Solomon warns that the one who persistently lives promiscuously will be known by God and receive the punishment due him. ─── 上帝能看见人类的一切作为,即使他们在卧房中的私事,所以所罗门警告人们,那些一直在过著不道德性生活的人一定会为上帝所知,也会得到祂的惩罚。

5、Our wealth sits upon a very large device that copies promiscuously and constantly . ─── 我们的财富坐落在一台大规模、不间断地进行拷贝的设施上。

6、this young girl has to share a room with her mother who lives promiscuously . ─── 这个年轻的女孩不得不和她的生活不检点的妈妈共住一个房间。

7、Once a person loses self-control, he is liable to do anything, including killing, stealing, acting promiscuously, and lying. ─── 而酒能乱性,血气难伏,一但失去自制,就杀、盗、邪淫、妄语,什麽都做得出来了!

8、It's like biology: in an ecosystem where microbes are promiscuously swapping genes and traits, evolution speeds up. ─── 就像生物学:一个一群微生物混杂地交换基因和特性的生态系统,进化加速了。

9、looked through them promiscuously,and returned to the bookcase. ─── 胡乱地浏览了一遍,便放进柜子里。

10、This young girl has to share a room with her mother who lives promiscuously. ─── 这个年轻的女孩不得不和她的生活不检点的妈妈共住一个房间。

11、From the fourth side the bones had been thrown down, and lay promiscuously upon the earth, forming at one point a mound of some size. ─── 还有一面的尸骨都给推倒了,乱七八糟的堆在地上,积成相当大的一个尸骨墩。

12、Today late straightens up bored, oneself in noisy square long strolling, with like tide crowd promiscuously in the same place. ─── 今天晚上挺无聊的,自己一个人在嘈杂的广场上悠悠的闲逛,和如潮水般的人群混杂在一起。

13、4. live promiscuously and self-indulgently. ─── 杂乱地自我放任地生活。

14、Microsoft pursued the opposite strategy, allowing its Windows operating system to be promiscuously licensed. ─── 微软公司则追求完全相反的策略,允许其视窗操作系统随意获得授权。

15、Three sides of this interior crypt were still ornamented in this manner.From the fourth the bones had been thrown down, and lay promiscuously upon the earth, forming at one point a mound of some size. ─── 里面的墓穴三面墙上的尸骨也这样堆叠着,剩下的那一面的尸骨推到了,杂乱无章的躺在地面上,形成了一个尸骨堆。

16、The 46th minute, the Qingdao fans hoped Qu Bo finally, when Qu Bo replaced Zheng Long went on stage, the scene applause and the shout promiscuously in one, “Qu Bo, have entered one!” ─── 第46分钟,青岛球迷终于盼来了曲波,当曲波替换郑龙上场时,现场的掌声和呼喊声混杂在了一起,“曲波,进一个!”

17、Influenza viruses mutate constantly and they also swap genetic material with one another promiscuously, especially if an animal or person is infected with two strains at once. ─── 新病毒是猪流感病毒和少量禽流感与人流感病毒的整合体。但是,没有人确切知道在墨西哥发生的首个流感病例又是源自何处。

18、In the case of bacteria, which seem to exchange genes promiscuously, that seems an excellent way of looking at things. ─── 在细菌的例子中,基因交换是随机的,这似乎是个极好的看问题的方式。

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