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08-16 投稿


purges 发音

英:[?p??d??z]  美:[?p??rd??z]

英:  美:

purges 中文意思翻译



purges 短语词组

1、purges ussr ─── 清洗苏联

2、purges ww2 ─── 净化ww2

3、purges mean ─── 平均净化

4、purges in order ─── 按顺序清洗

5、purges crossword ─── 清除纵横填字游戏

6、purges data ─── 清除数据

7、purges food ─── 净化食物

purges 词性/词形变化,purges变形

动词过去式: purged |动词现在分词: purging |动词过去分词: purged |名词: purger |动词第三人称单数: purges |

purges 反义词


purges 同义词

get rid of | wash out | barf | honk | regorge | removal | censor | purging | pardon | chuck | elimination | cat | vomit | retch | throw up |cleanse | be sick | emetic | purgative | remove | spue | regurgitate | scour | upchuck | cathartic | housecleaning | sick | vomit up | puke | flush | eliminate | eradication | disgorge | purify | purgation | spew | clean | cast | sanctify | exonerate | laxative | expulsion

purges 相似词语短语

1、parges ─── v.在……上涂灰泥

2、purses ─── 手提包

3、purees ─── n.浓汤;果泥;菜泥;vt.煮成浓汤或者酱

4、purge ─── v.清除(不愿有的情感);消除(回忆、心情等);清除(一群不受欢迎的人);把某人从……上清除掉;弥补;将(某物)彻底清除;通便;净化;催吐;n.(对异己的)清洗;泻药

5、gurges ─── v.(使)起旋涡;n.漩涡

6、purger ─── n.泻药;清洗用品;清除者;n.(Purger)(意)普尔杰尔;(德、捷)普格尔(人名)

7、porges ─── 孔隙

8、spurges ─── n.大戟,大戟树;泽漆;adj.大戟科的

9、purged ─── 净化

purges 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Inspired many of its bloody purges ─── 指示多次血洗事件

2、But we are in the midst of a revolutionary war, and revolutionary war is an antitoxin which not only eliminates the enemy's poison but also purges us of our own filth. ─── 然而我们是在革命战争中,革命战争是一种抗毒素,它不但将排除敌人的毒焰,也将清洗自己的污浊。

3、Ms.Zhuo was never active in politics, but she played a crucial role in helping Deng survive a series of political purges during his long career. ─── 卓琳女士从未涉足政坛,但却在协助邓在其漫长职业生涯中渡过一系列政治清洗中扮演了至关重要的角色。

4、4. The compassion of water bathes and nurtures all sentient beings. The justice of water purges defilement. ─── 水的仁慈能沐浴众生,可以泽及万物;水的义气能扬清激浊,可以荡涤污垢。收藏指正

5、This system maintains pressurization and purges to various systems of the Delta II rocket prior to launch. Immediate repair to this system is being undertaken. ─── 由于发射台的氮气增压系统发生故障,因此发射推迟到太平洋时间周三凌晨2点进行。

6、Inert pads and purges are provided on tanks to protect the contents of the tanks from contamination, maintain nonflammable atmospheres in the tanks, and suppress vapor emissions from the tanks. ─── 惰性置换和吹扫是为了保护储罐内的物质不被污染,保持储罐内不燃的气体,抑制储罐内蒸汽的溢出。

7、They cannot rise much as the West slowly purges debt and adjusts to record over-capacity. ─── 其利润不肯能有大幅提升,因为西方要慢慢消化债务和过剩产能。

8、37. Bankruptcy of private entrepreneurs purges the system of a deadweight load of debt unsupported by productive assets. ─── 私人企业家的破产为整个体系解除了生产资产所无法忍受的债务重担。

9、You've got to get rid of the ritual impurity, so there'll have to be some ritual procedure that purges the impurity. ─── 你必须摆脱不纯洁的仪式,所以必须有一些手段来净化不纯洁。

10、Enlightened by his pure celestial ray, we are no more darkness but light in the Lord.As fire, he both purges us from dross, and sets our consecrated nature on a blaze. ─── 圣灵的充满,像祭坛的火焰,可将我们的全人,当作活祭献上,一生为主所用。

11、Backup also purges old transaction logs at the end of a successful backup process. ─── 成功完成备份后,最后还会清除掉旧的事务日志。

12、How would you explain the great purges? ─── 你要如何解释大清除(屠杀)?

13、Paracide: Purges the body of parasitic organisms. ─── 清除体内寄生物。

14、Some heroes of the Prague Spring in 1968 had been enthusiastic backers of the Stalinist regime's murderous purges after the communist putsch of 1948. ─── 1968年“布拉格之春”中的一些英雄人物曾坚定地支持过斯大林政权在1948年发动地惨无人道的大清洗运动。

15、Bone Marrow Cells Activated by Autologous Dendritic Cells Purges Bone Marrow from Patients with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia ─── 自体树突状细胞活化的骨髓细胞对慢性粒细胞白血病骨髓的净化

16、What, if any, mass support was required for the purges to take place on the scale they did? Why do you think it was forthcoming? Why was opposition not successful? ─── 无论如何,关于大屠杀发生的规模大小需要多少支持?你认为为何大清除即将来到?为何反对派无法获胜?

17、user (both prevalidated and validated) accounts are the only loginaccounts subject to automated purges. ─── 系统自动删除的只有用户注册的帐号(不管有没有被确认),系统每周执行一次清理,你会不会被清理呢?

18、ROMEO Then move not, while my prayers' effect i take. thus from my lips, by thine,my sin is purg'd. ─── 罗密欧那么你不要动,你的回答我亲自来领。这样用你的嘴唇把我嘴唇上的罪过洗净了。

19、3 The puritanical purges in civil war are different from the Reformation in affecting the church in the following aspects except_____ 3. ─── 内战期间的请教徒清理和宗教改革影响教堂的不同之处是除了_____以外的选项。

20、This was not long after the purges, when many prominent Soviet citizens and public figures had been liquidated. ─── 在大清洗之后,这样的重视没有持续,那时,很多的杰出人士和公众人士已被当局清算。

21、Effect:A devastating attack that inflicts 300% weapon damage plus 185 to 199 damage and purges your opponent's soul, inflicting 502 to 532 spiritual damage. ─── 毁灭攻击造成300%武器伤害和185-199点附加伤害,净化你对手的心灵,造成502-532点精神伤害。

22、The justice of water purges defilement. ─── 水的义气能扬清激浊,可以荡涤污垢。

23、All the wicked people and the whole earth will experience God's fiery wrath when he purges the earth of anything that causes people to sin or profanes Him. ─── 全地上的人还要经历上帝的烈怒,刑罚那些犯罪的和亵渎祂名的人。

24、Fulgrim's own outlook may have allowed him to understand Night Haunter's twisted logic, even if the resources the Night Lords expended on their purges could have been better spent elsewhere. ─── 福尔根的能力可能使得他可以窥探暗夜幽魂那扭曲的灵魂,尽管他的能力可以在更好的地方被使用。

25、A line discharger purges the conveyor at the end of each conveying cycle to prevent fallback of the powder and make restarts easier. ─── 线卸货的输送清洗结束时,每输送周期,以防止退却的粉末,并重新启动容易。

26、With his bestial fighting style reliant on his natural attributes and ritualistic purges of natural accretions, he has become an unconventional ally in the fight. ─── 由于他天生的特性以及经过大自然仪式上的净化所养成兽性的战斗风格使他在战场上成为了一名不依惯例战斗的盟友。

27、Object selectively purges items to free system memory. ─── 对象将有选择地清除项来释放系统内存。

28、These purges occur weekly andare based on your last UNIX login time if you are validated, or thenumber of days since your account was created if you are prevalidated. ─── 这要看你是不是确认过的用户,和你的使用情况。

29、Purges the enemy target. Removing 1 magic effect. ─── 除去目标身上一个魔法效果.

30、Bankruptcy of private entrepreneurs purges the system of a deadweight load of debt unsupported by productive assets. ─── 私人企业家的破产为整个体系解除了生产资产所无法忍受的债务重担。

31、The area has seen many productive peaks and destructive purges in its time, although both have historically been somewhat lessened by the remoteness of the mountains. ─── 五台山主要是以佛教圣地而名扬天下的。

32、I'm not sure if there's much else to say, we play it almost exactly like druid/warrior, except the warrior does a lot more damage in this set up, and purges are a bitch to deal with. ─── 我不确定是不是还有别的需要说的,我们对付战萨和对付战德时差不多,除了战士能在这个组合中造成多得多的伤害和净化比较让人头痛。

33、How would you explain the great purges? ─── 你要如何解释大清除?

34、43 Exult with him, you heavens, glorify him, all you angels of God; For he avenges the blood of his servants and purges his people's land. ─── 万国,你们应向他的百姓祝贺!因为上主必为自己的仆人报血仇,向仇敌报复,圣洁自己的土地和百姓。

35、All valves have two purges in the valve chest or upper bonnet area. ─── 所有阀门在阀腔或上部阀盖区域都有两个净化清洗装置。

36、The purges are not a concession to the opposition. ─── 不过清洗并不代表对反对派的让步。

37、Another "benefit" of a recession is that it purges the excesses of the previous boom, leaving the economy in a healthier state. ─── 衰退的另一个“好处”是消化之前济繁荣时期的过剩,让经济进入一个健康的状态。

38、The political purges that followed the change of government ─── 随政权之改变而来的政治上的清洗

39、There are warnings of bloodletting, purges and a battle for the soul of the party between the religious right and moderates. ─── 对于肃清党内思想和在宗教右派和适中问题上党派灵魂的战斗,这无疑对共和党是一次“大放血”。

40、There are warnings of bloodletting, purges and a battle for the soul of the party between the religious right and moderates. ─── 对于肃清党内思想和在宗教右派和适中问题上党派灵魂的战斗,这无疑对共和党是一次“大放血”。

41、During the Maoist purges of the 1960s, this was a place where, according to Luochuan's official history,“everyone was afraid”. ─── 陕西省北部黄土高原上的洛川县,一贯是中国最穷的地区之一。

42、Purges the enemy target. Removing 2 magic effect. ─── 除去目标身上2个魔法效果.

43、The two of them must evidently have been swallowed up in one of the first great purges of the fifties. ─── 显然,他们俩在五十年代的第一次大清洗当中,就给吞噬掉了。

44、The realities of war had changed Stalin's attitude since the terrifying days of his prewar purges. ─── 战争的现实改变了斯大林自战前清洗的恐怖时期的态度。

45、Ring purges are generally performed by an active monitor after a recovery, ─── 环清除一般执行一个活动监视器后恢复操作

46、Another “benefit” of a recession is that it purges the excesses of the previous boom, leaving the economy in a healthier state. ─── 另一项衰退的好处在于,清洗了之前繁荣时期的过剩东西,使经济体处于一个健康的状态。

47、He copied Stalin's pipe and moustache, and lent his voice to the dictator's post-war anti-Semitic purges. ─── 他仿制了斯大林的烟斗,模仿他的八字须,也充当了这位独裁者一战后反闪米特主义(即反犹主义)的扩音器。

48、Mandelshtam perished in the purges of the 1930s, Akhmatova remained silent. ─── 曼杰利什坦姆在30年代的清洗中死去,阿赫玛托娃也销声匿迹。

49、Something that purges, especially a medicinal purgative. ─── 泻药尤指药用致泻剂造成腹泻的

50、The compassion of water bathes and nurtures all sentient beings. The justice of water purges defilement. ─── 水的仁慈能沐浴众生,可以泽及万物;水的义气能扬清激浊,可以荡涤污垢。

51、Design to include for chest and seat purges, plus a deflection cone,If required purged by N2. ─── 设计应考虑到阀箱(或阀室)的吹扫,若规定吹扫用氮气,还要增设一个锥形导向板。

52、At a certain point, it became impossible to continue to excuse purges, starvation and gulags as some kind of unfortunate distortion of their true vision. ─── 到了某一个关节点,人们再也无法继续对大清洗,大饥荒和古拉格作辩解,把它们说成只是在实现他们真正的理想之前所发生的某种不幸的曲折而已。

53、Learning from the Buddha fights defilement. Chanting the Buddha's name purges bad habits and defilement. ─── 学佛就是对自己的烦恼习气革命。

54、The Cossack village has been shrinking since Stalin's purges. ─── 自斯大林的清洗运动以来,这个哥萨克小村就一直在败落。

55、But the closer they were to Russia, the less effective their purges were. ─── 但越靠近俄罗斯,他们的肃清工作就越没有成效。

56、The precious blood of the Lamb slain removes the guilt, and purges away the defilement of our sins of ignorance and carelessness. ─── 被杀羔羊的宝血能除罪污,洗净无知和疏忽之罪的污秽。

57、In contrast to the harsh purges of earlier eras, when fallen leaders were banished to remote villages, Hua remained part of the inner circle as a member of the party's Central Committee. ─── 与早期失势领导人被粗暴清洗到穷乡僻壤不同,华作为党中央的一员依然在部分程度上处于核心。

58、Another attempt was undertaken by the Auto-Tank-Diesel Section of the Economic Department of the OGPU.This was a special section that employed tank designers convicted during the Purges. ─── 另一个尝试是由OGPU经济部中的自动坦克柴油机科承担着手研制的,特别部门中的坦克设计师在大清洗中被订罪。

59、He set out to restore the party's reputation by urging economic development and rehabilitating senior victims of the purges. ─── 邓小平当时采取措施,通过刺激经济发展和为清洗运动中遭迫害的高级官员平反的方式,为共产党恢复名誉。

60、From these aspects you can see Its controlling strength, the area It covered, and the how very long Its purges went on for. ─── 从这些方面我们可以看到他管制的力量、他涉及的面,他整肃的时间都是非常长的。

61、The effect was doubly compounded when prominent liberals and educators used the law as an excuse for helping the government in the student purges. ─── 而当某些有名望的自由主义人士和教育家假借法律为政府迫害学生开脱时,效果就更糟糕了。

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