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08-16 投稿


aridness 发音

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aridness 中文意思翻译



aridness 短语词组

1、aridness meaning ─── 干旱的含义

2、aridness definition ─── 干燥度定义

aridness 相似词语短语

1、luridness ─── 恐怖

2、rabidness ─── n.患狂犬病;猛烈顽固

3、algidness ─── 发冷

4、acridness ─── n.辛辣;刻薄;苦

5、sapidness ─── 智慧

6、acidness ─── n.[化学]酸度,酸性;不悦的样子

7、avidness ─── n.渴望;热心

8、variedness ─── n.变化;杂色

9、rapidness ─── n.快;迅速

aridness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is tired of the arid studies that have produced nothing new. ─── 他对这些没有新意的枯燥乏味的研究感到厌倦。

2、Days get shorter arid nights longer. ─── 几天得到更短的干旱的夜更长。

3、The Heihe River Basin,located in the northwestern China,is an area of typical arid to semiarid features. ─── 土地沙漠化,是制约我国社会、经济和人民生活可持续发展的严重问题之一,特别是在生态环境脆弱的西北干旱区的内陆河流域。

4、In the middle is tropical desert, generally arid to semiarid; temperate in south and east; tropical in north. ─── 中部为热带沙漠气候,东、南、北为热带草原气候,东南沿海气候温和。

5、It shows that this management idea has certain discussing value and deserves further investigation arid popularization. ─── 实践表明,该管理思想有一定的探讨价值,值得进一步探讨推广。

6、Dust storm: A severe windstorm that sweeps clouds of dust across an extensive area, especially in an arid region. ─── 尘暴:一种能在很大范围内卷起大量尘云的严重大风暴,尤指发生于干燥地区的。

7、Cell bodies arid fibers in the hippocampus labelled by NF in Guilingji-treated group were Significantly more than those in the control group. ─── 喂药鼠海马结构内神经丝蛋白标记的胞体和纤维均明显多于对照鼠。

8、He jammed his hat on angrily arid went out. ─── 他怒气冲冲地使劲戴上帽子,走了出去。

9、In arid terrain, vehicles with desert camo will use these instead of the regular temperate scheme. ─── 在干旱的地形,车辆与沙漠国际泳联使用这些不是经常温带计划。

10、In this paper, the ecological impacts of regional vegetation restoration were predicted in an arid valley of Minjiang River, SW China. ─── 为了评估区域植被恢复的生态风险,根据岷江上游干旱河谷区域植被恢复格局的设计结果,预测了区域植被恢复对生态安全的影响。

11、Mars today is arid and dusty, constantly bombarded by radiation and with no apparent trace of water on its surface. ─── 今天的火星干旱而又尘土飞扬,在其表面不断受到辐射轰击,并且没有水的明显踪迹。

12、The rain has held back for days and days, my God, in my arid heart. ─── 在我干枯的心上,好多天没有受到雨水的滋润了,我的上帝。

13、During the winter month in arid climates, the outside dew point is low so that mildew is seldom a problem. ─── 冬季的月份里,气候干燥,户外露点低,因此很少发生霜霉

14、It is difficult to grow fruit in arid desert areas. ─── 在干燥的沙漠地带栽培水果很困难。

15、Vast areas are arid or semi-desert, and virtually uninhabited. ─── 大片土地干旱荒芜,属半沙漠,人迹罕至,渺无人烟。

16、My father tried to make pleasant chitchat arid eat as much as he could during halftime. ─── 中场休息时,父亲总要快活地聊谈一番,然后大吃特吃。

17、The farmers have turned the arid land into irrigated fields. ─── 农民已经把那旱地变成了水浇田。

18、Difficulties in finding parking lots,arid the cost of petrol and road tax all add to the driver's worries. ─── 寻找车位的困难,使用汽油的花费和需交纳公路税等问题都增添了驾驶者的烦恼。

19、In the more arid grasslands, herding of goats, sheep and so on is a traditional method of subsistence. ─── 在较干旱的草原上,山羊、绵羊等的放牧业才是人们传统的维生之道。

20、Artificial oases are arid lands transformed by long-term human activities. ─── 人工绿洲是在干旱条件下经长期人类活动改造而形成的特殊景观。

21、An aggressive person has courage arid energy. ─── 一个有进取心的人是有勇气和精力的人。

22、"We hae called you here to remind you that it cannot continue, Sire," said Arid of Andrath. ─── “我们请您来这里是想提醒您战争不能继续下去了,陛下。”

23、He began to season the arid climate in the Middle East. ─── 他开始适应了中东的干热气候。

24、Figure 4 depicts character convergence in different species using an example from an arid region. ─── 图4用干旱地区的一个例子描绘了不同种的性状趋向性。

25、Nothing grows in these arid conditions. ─── 在这些乾旱环境中, 寸草不生.

26、But the steps became deeper and deeper, and at last I had to drop down the steps the length of my body arid more. ─── 不过台阶越来越高,后来我得从跟我一样高、甚至比我还高的台阶上爬下去。

27、straw mulching, the more significant the effect. But the effect was limited by soil aridness and growth stage of maize. ─── 稻草覆盖可减轻玉米旱害,其效果随着覆盖量的加大而越明显,但受干旱程度和生育期影响。

28、The road from Marrakesh to Essaouira is craggy and bleak, an arid moonscape dotted only by a few roadside towns and the occasional Berber village. ─── 从马拉喀什到索维拉的道路很崎岖和阴暗,经过植被干旱如月球表面的几个路边的城镇和经过柏柏尔村。

29、With French fries arid Coke, the meal is complete. Tin foil packets of extra catsup are always included and usually used to spice the French fries. ─── 一顿完整的套套包括一个汉堡包、炸薯条和一杯了口可乐饮料,还有铝箔袋装的番茄酱供调味炸薯条之用。

30、Soil microbiotic crust is developed broadly and has an ecological significance in arid and semiarid regions. ─── 土壤微生物结皮广泛存在于干旱半干旱地区,且具有重要的生态学意义。

31、In the interior the climate is semi-arid and arid. ─── 内陆地区为干旱和半干旱气候。

32、In arid climates, surface water is generally better than ground water in headwater areas, but poorer downstream. ─── 在干旱气候的上游区,地表水一般较地下水好,但下游的地表较差。

33、From southeast to northwest, including the north subtropical zone to the alpine zone humid, arid climate zone. ─── 从东南到西北包括了北亚热带湿润区到高寒区、干旱区的各种气候类型。

34、More time arid attention should be given to humanities courses in the humanities curriculum. ─── 加强人文课程,增加人文课程的时数,都应该成为教育者们关注的问题。

35、She made him coffee arid served him homemade cookies in the living room. ─── 她给他冲了些咖啡,端来了些家里做的糕点,让他在起居室里坐。

36、Any of various soluble mineral salts found in natural water and arid soils. ─── 可溶性无机盐在自然水体和干旱的土壤中所含可溶性无机盐中的一种

37、The Present Situation of Aridness and Lack of Water Resources in North China and the Probe into Its Causes ─── 华北干旱缺水的现状与成因探索

38、Based on the analysis of the causes arid shamefulness of mine environmental pollution, a new ides about ... ─── 实现“环境补偿”,从而提高了环境的自净能力,使矿业得以持续稳定地发展。

39、He drew back his chair, clasped his hands over his head, and gave himself up to dull and arid musing. ─── 他把椅子往后退了一下,扭住双手放在头上,陷入了呆滞乏味的沉思。

40、No crops will grow in arid soil. ─── 任何农作物都不能在干涸的土壤中生长。

41、In many islands, cacti and prickly bushes replaced the shore arid zone mangrove forest. ─── 在许多的岛屿上,仙人掌和多刺灌木干旱区取代了岸边的红树林区。

42、He sacked Rundstedt for the last time on March 10, replacing him with Field Marshal Kesselring, who had held out so stubbornly arid long in Italy. ─── 3月10日,他最后一次再把伦斯德革职,换上来的是在意大利长期苦战坚守的凯塞林元帅。

43、The playwright allows an acerbic tone to pierce through otherwise arid or flowery prose. ─── 剧作家允许在枯燥或华丽的散文中插入刻薄的语调。

44、About 200 species: arid and semiarid regions of the W hemisphere; two species (introduced) in China. ─── 大约200种:西半球的干旱和半旱的地区;中国有2种(引入栽培)。

45、The only other alternative was our country remedy.She had to lie down on the bed arid have someone thrash her with the door bar. ─── 只有用我们乡下土法,躺在床上,叫人拿了门闩,周身捶着。

46、The arid land in Western China refers to the vast areas in the west of Helan Mountain and the north of Kunlun Mountain. ─── 从中国西部干旱区的界定、自然条件特点的分析出发,结合国家西部大开发战略的实施,指出进行该区生态环境演变与调控研究的重大意义。

47、Only some thirty arid summers he had seen;those summers had dried up all his physical superfluousness. ─── 他大约三十岁---度过了大约三十个干旱的夏天,那些夏天把他旺盛的精力都给汲干了。

48、Pick an argument with Canada's new premier and you'll quickly find that she has a razor-sharp tongue arid an equally sharp brain. ─── 倘若你想跟加拿大新总理辩论一番,你会很快发现她语言犀利,头脑机敏。

49、The Landscape Ecological Construction in Continental River Basin in Arid Zone. ─── 干旱区内陆河流域景观生态建设。

50、On an arid expanse of the Loess Plateau, farmer Ren Guibao trudges uphill with cornstalks he'll burn as fuel. ─── 在黄土高原的干旱地区,农民任贵宝背着他用作燃料的秸杆爬上高坡。

51、Key words: ecological circle; arid area; lake; hydrochemical property; wind-eroded lake. ─── 作者简介:胡汝骥(1935-),男,陕西韩城市人,研究员,主要从事干旱区资源与环境研究

52、Farmers suBdued the arid lands of australia. ─── 农夫们开垦澳洲的乾燥土地。

53、But she looks as cheerful arid happy as ever. ─── 但她脸上总是洋溢着欢乐和幸福。

54、Vast forests just did not exist in these predominately arid regions. ─── 巨大的森林就是在这些掌握干燥的区域中没有存在。

55、The Patagonian Mara lives in Central and Southern Argentina.Maras inhabit arid grasslands and scrub desert. ─── 它分布于阿根廷中部和南部的缺水的草原和灌木丛生的沙漠地带。

56、The irrigation projects are closely related to agriculture in arid oases. ─── 干旱区绿洲灌溉水利工程与农业发展有着极为密切的关系。

57、Therefore, with respect to legalizing arid realizing environment right, it still remains to further study and practise. ─── 因此,在环境权的法定化及其实现方面还有待进一步的研究与实践。

58、The algorithm is proven to be generalized arid effective by the result of experiments. ─── 实验表明,该方法具有适应性强、计算效率高的特点。

59、B.Kach,et al.Degradation of Phenol and Benzoic Arid in a ThreePhrase Fluidized-Bed Reactor[J].Wat.Res.,1991 ,25(1):1. ─── 刘焱等.生物流化床中生物膜特性与反应器效率的关系[J].环境科学进展,1999,7(5):113-123.

60、Eke a bare existence from farming in an arid area. ─── 在贫瘠的地区耕作以勉强度日

61、On one hand, TICs provide the most fitting environment for FEs, arid it enhances the competence of FEs efficiently. ─── 一方面,传统产业集群为家族企业的发展创造了最为适宜的产业生态环境,极大地放大了家族企业的竞争能力和持续发展能力;

62、Out of profound admiration for his music, Mme,von Meck settled an annuity amounting to $ 3, 000 on the destitute arid ailing composer. ─── 出于对柴可夫斯基的音乐的深切爱好,冯·梅克大人安排了一份高达3000美元的年金赠送给这位赤贫、多病的作曲家。

63、In the middle is tropical desert ,generally arid to semiarid; temperate in south and east; tropical in north. ─── 中部为热带沙漠气候,东、南、北为热带草原气候,东南沿海气候温和。

64、Located in an arid and semi-arid area, Ningxia is one of the weakest ecological systems in China. ─── 宁夏地处干旱半干旱地带,是全国生态系统最脆弱的省区之一。

65、The arid, baking climate of Egypt helps in preservation. ─── 乾燥、炙热的埃及气候帮助遗体保存。

66、Having spent much of his time with local people, he concerned more about their welfare arid revealed the social ills. ─── 他在与当地百性的长期交往中,比较关心下层民众疾苦,对当时的社会弊端也有所揭露。

67、The next battle will be rehabilitating more arid areas of China. ─── 下一场战役是恢复中国更干旱的地区。

68、A technically perfect but arid musical performance. ─── 一场技术上完美但枯燥的音乐演出

69、Some 22 percent of degrading land is in very arid to dry-subhumid areas, while 78 percent of it is in humid regions. ─── 从极为干旱到亚湿润的地区,正在退化的土地的比例大约为22%,而78%地处湿润地区。

70、What they are doing is transformation of arid land into irrigated fields. ─── 他们正在做的工作就是变旱地为灌溉地。

71、The sustainable development of agriculture is a very important strategic task in the arid district. ─── 干旱区开发中农业的可持续发展是一项十分重要的战略任务。

72、Arid figures as high as 37 per cent have emerged from studies in urban areas of the US. ─── 在美国的城区,研究中的统计数据则高达37%。

73、But with one third of our landmass arid, scientists warn we could tip our climate toward that of Mars or Venus. ─── 但是,我们有三分之一的大陆是干旱的,科学家们警告说,我们可能会使地球的气候变成火星或金星那样的。

74、The Chinese cheongsam looks rich arid magnificent. ─── 中国旗袍,雍容华丽。

75、His first choice were Australians, assuming the arid outback region would have made them acclimated to a region like the Sahara. ─── 他的第一个选择是澳大利亚人,他的想法是澳大利亚荒凉的内陆与撒哈拉更为接近。

76、Arid "Tuotuobas" were just like sportsmen today, who had their own special events and competition methods. ─── “陀陀巴对抗赛”俨然就是现在的运动会。

77、"Wondrous strength arid generosity of a woman's heart! ─── “一个女人的心胸是多么坚强和宽阔啊!

78、They note that the rocky, arid land in winegrowing regions provides farmers with few alternatives to wine production. ─── 他们指出,产酒区土地崎岖不平、贫瘠乾燥,农民几乎别无选择

79、A large antelope(Oryx gazella) of arid regions of southern Africa, having long, sharp, straight horns, a tufted tail, and distinctive black and white markings on the head. ─── 南非大羚羊一大型羚羊(长角羚羚羊属),生于南部非洲干旱地区,有长、尖而直的角,尾巴成束状,头部上有很明显的黑色和白色标记

80、In this area ,the ecological environment is veryrigorous for living things,and aridness and wind and sarid are main threats. ─── 塔克拉玛干沙漠属极旱荒漠地区,生态环境十分严酷,干旱和风沙为害是最主要的生态环境问题。

81、China opposes all forms of hegemonism and power politics arid will-never seek hegemony or engage in expansion. ─── 中国反对各种形式的霸权主义和强权政治,永远不称霸,永远不搞扩张。

82、Soil salinization damaged ecosystem seriously,so it is necessary to study the arid area salinization. ─── 准确提取盐渍化信息对土壤盐渍化监测和研究盐渍化动态变化具有重要意义。

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