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carboniferous 发音

英:[?kɑ?rb??n?f?r?s]  美:[?kɑ?b??n?f?r?s]

英:  美:

carboniferous 中文意思翻译




carboniferous 网络释义

adj. 石炭纪的,石炭系的n. 石炭纪,石炭层

carboniferous 常用词组

carboniferous period ─── 石炭纪

carboniferous 短语词组

1、carboniferous pdf ─── 石炭纪pdf

2、carboniferous amph ─── 石炭纪两性

3、carboniferous period animals ─── 石炭纪动物

4、carboniferous era ─── 石炭纪

5、Lower Carboniferous un. ─── 早石炭世 [网络] 下石炭统

6、carboniferous spiders ─── 石炭纪蜘蛛

7、Upper Carboniferous period ─── [网络] 上石炭纪时期

8、carboniferous period facts ─── 石炭纪事实

9、Lower Carboniferous period ─── [网络] 下石炭纪

10、carboniferous period ─── [化] 石炭纪

11、carboniferous material ─── 石炭系物质

12、carboniferous system ─── 泥炭系

13、carboniferous food ─── 石炭纪食物

14、Upper Carboniferous un. ─── 上石炭统 [网络] 晚石炭世

15、carboniferous forest simulator ─── 石炭纪森林模拟器

16、the carboniferous period ─── 石炭纪

17、carboniferous forest ─── 石炭纪森林

carboniferous 相似词语短语

1、the Carboniferous ─── 石炭纪

2、argentiferous ─── adj.[化学]含银的,产银的

3、calciferous ─── adj.含钙的;[生物]含碳酸钙的

4、coniferous ─── adj.结球果的;松柏科的

5、carniferous ─── n.生肉的

6、carbonaceous ─── adj.[植]碳质的;碳的,含碳的

7、Carboniferous ─── adj.石炭纪的;n.石炭纪,石炭层

8、calcariferous ─── adj.有距的

9、corniferous ─── 角质的

carboniferous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Metallogenic background and geochemical characteristics of Lower Carboniferous volcanic rocks in No.371-Xibeipo copper-gold mineralization belt in the Yaxi area,eastern Xinjiang. ─── 东疆雅西371-西北坡铜金矿化带下石炭统火山岩地球化学特征与成矿背景

2、The production of fracturing acidizing of carboniferous system in east Sichuan has a close relation to geologic condition. ─── 四川东部石炭系压裂酸化后的产量与井的地质条件有密切关系。

3、term is used at various localities in north africa, includes beds ranging from carboniferous to early cretaceous . ─── 在北非不同的地方使用这个名称,包括从石炭纪到早白垩纪的地层。

4、Jurassic red bed cover directly on coal measure strata of Permian and Carboniferous system in Yanzhou coal field. ─── 兖州煤田的上侏罗统红层直接覆盖于二叠、石炭系煤系地层之上。

5、The Carboniferous volcanic rocks in eastern Junggar belong to basic and intermediate-acid rock assemblages and are characterized by early island-arc compression and late intraplate extension. ─── 东准噶尔石炭系火山岩为一套基性、中酸性岩石组合,具早期岛弧挤压、晚期板内伸展环境特征。

6、Tuhulasu gold deposit is included in silicated conglomerate, Silicated tuffaceous conglomerate、pyritized silieic tuff of Dahalajunshan group of lower carboniferous. ─── 吐呼拉苏金矿床赋存于下石炭统大哈拉军山组底部的硅化凝灰质砾岩、硅化砾岩、黄铁矿化酸性凝灰岩中。

7、Application of ternary copolymer salt-resisting fluid loss reducer in salt bed of Carboniferous system in Tahe oilfield. ─── 三元共聚物抗盐降失水剂在塔河油田石炭系盐层固井中的应用

8、There are great bifurcations as yet on the structural environment and on the evolution of the Xingmeng Paleozoic orogenic belt in Southeast Inner Mongolia during the Carboniferous Period. ─── 内蒙古东南部古生代造山带在石炭纪时期的构造环境和构造演化,至今在认识上存在较大的分歧。

9、Thus , the Carboniferous paralic coal - bearing stratum is a set of excellent source rock measures with much better hydrocarbon generation potential than Jurassic source rocks. ─── 因此该区石炭系海陆交互相含煤沉积是一套较一般侏罗系为好的烃源岩系,有较好的生烃潜力。

10、The chloride content of Carboniferous core in the east part of Sichuan gradually reduces from west to east in the area of Datianchi-Mingyuexia structure. ─── 在四川东部石炭系岩心中,氯化盐含量在大天池-明月峡构造以东地区呈由西向东逐渐减少的趋势,而构造以西地区则呈现多个高低变化相间的孤立状态。

11、DING Hui,WAN Shi-lu,LIANG Xiang-yuan.Preliminary study of Late Carboniferous conodonts biostratigraphy from Taiyuan Formation of Hebi,Henan[J].Shanxi Mining Institute Learned Journal,1983 (2):57-61. ─── [8]丁惠,万世禄,梁湘元.河南鹤壁晚石炭世太原组牙形石生物地层初步研究[J].山西矿业学院学报,1983 (2):57-61.

12、Hot water sedimentation in Mesoproterozoic, action of volcanic eruption or magmatic intrusion in late Devonian and Carboniferous are main metallogenic thermal events in this region. ─── 中元古代的热水沉积、泥盆纪的岩浆侵入和火山喷溢、石炭纪的火山作用为本区主要的成矿热事件

13、Carboniferous siliciclastic rocks in Tazhong area,Tarim Basin are good reservoirs. ─── 塔中地区石炭系碎屑岩是优质储层。

14、In the period of Carboniferous and Early Permian, vocanic activity was strong with high geotemperature. ─── 中三叠世时托克逊地区与科牙依地区为同一湖盆,科牙依地区为生烃中心,发育优质烃源岩;

15、The deposit is thought to be resulted from the assimilation of the Middle Carboniferous carbonaceous sediments by the Middle Hercynian granite.Boiling and rolling of the assimilated carbon in the ... ─── 围岩中特别是中石碳统的含碳沉积岩被海西中期花岗岩岩浆同化,使碳质聚集并重结晶成石墨。

16、The biota of Upper Carboniferous is dominated by fusulinid and secondly by brachiopod and coral with flourished fossil plants in the lower pail. ─── 上石炭统生物群以(竹蜓)类为主,腕足类、珊瑚次之,下部位物化石丰富。

17、The Fuwan superlarge silver deposit is hosted in the Early Carboniferous limestones along a contact fault zone between the limestone and the overlying Changkeng Au-hosting siliceous rocks. ─── 富湾超大型银矿床主要为脉状,产于下石炭统灰岩与长坑赋金硅质岩接触带及其下的破碎带中。

18、The extinct trees of the genus Lepidodendron were once distributed widely and contributed largely to the coal seams of the Carboniferous . ─── 已灭绝的鳞木属植物曾经分布广泛,它是石炭纪煤层的重要组成部分。

19、Upper Jurassic red bed cover directly on coal measure strata of Permian and Carboniferous system in Yanzhou coal field . ─── 兖州煤田的上侏罗统红层直接覆盖于二叠、石炭系煤系地层之上。

20、Major volcanic rock types of Carboniferous times are andesitic basalt, dacite, rhyolite, characterized by a bimodal volcanic suite. ─── 石炭纪火山岩主要为安山玄武岩和英安岩、流纹岩类,略具双峰式火山岩特点。


22、During the Late Carboniferous and Permian, the Gondwana flora was distributed in high latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, which was quite different from elements of the Cathaysia flora in low latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. ─── 在石炭纪和二叠纪 ,冈瓦纳植物群分布在南半球高纬度地区 ,不同于分布于北半球低纬度的华夏植物群的组成分子 ;

23、There is still much disagreement over the depositional characteristics of the Carboniferous Taiyuan Formation of Upper Paleozoic in the northern Ordos Basin. ─── 关于鄂尔多斯盆地北部上古生界石炭系太原组的沉积特点,目前存在着多种不同的观点。

24、A method for prediction of oil and gas in Carboniferous reservoir,Tahe Oilfield. ─── 塔河油田石炭系储层油气预测方法

25、Volcanicity was violent during the Early Carboniferous in Santanghu region.The volcanic rocks consist of basalts,andesites and dacite liparite,with andesites playing the main part. ─── 三塘湖地区早石炭世火山活动强烈,发育以安山岩类为主的玄武岩、安山岩、英安流纹岩的岩石组合。

26、By the Late Carboniferous the continents that make up modern North America and Europe had collided with the southern continents of Gondwana to form the western half of Pangea. ─── 三亿六百万年前:晚石炭纪,地质历史上强烈的成煤时期地球演化到晚石炭纪,构成今天北美和欧洲的陆块和冈瓦那南部的陆块碰撞后形成了泛大陆的西部。

27、While those of the Carboniferous are rhyolite-dacite-andesite formation of transitional-continental environment with crustal compositions. ─── 石炭系火山岩主要是流纹岩-英安岩-安山岩建造,它们产出于海陆过渡相-陆相环境,属于地壳成分。

28、The term is used at various localities in North Africa, includes beds ranging from Carboniferous to Early Cretaceous. ─── 在北非不同的地方使用这个名称,包括从石炭纪到早白垩纪的地层。

29、Their formation time was not later than Early Carboniferous (C 1), and the emplacement took place before the formation of Late Triassic Yiwanshui Formation (T 3 y ). ─── 其形成时代不晚于早石炭世(C1),侵位在晚三叠世一碗水组(T3y)之前。

30、The deformation belts are formed by Late Carboniferous rocks, mainly mylonitization volcanic rocks and volcanic clastic sedimentary rocks. ─── 变形带由下石炭统干墩组组成,为一套糜棱岩化火山岩、火山碎屑沉积岩。

31、After 1999, the basite zone was found in the group of Kuerliang in middle-upper Carboniferous, in the Late Paleozoic strata of the North Kunlun area. ─── 1999年以来,在北昆仑地区晚古生界中上石炭统库尔良群中发现了基性岩浆岩带。

32、This eventually resulted in the oxygen-rich atmosphere of the Carboniferous period around 340 to 280 million years ago. ─── 这导致在距今2.8到3.4亿年前的石炭纪大气中的氧气几近饱和。

33、The zimenqiao Formation silicolites of Lower Carboniferous is the country rock of Changkeng Au-Ag deposit. ─── 下石炭统梓门桥组硅质岩是粤西长坑金银矿床的直接容矿岩石。

34、The carboniferous --permian boundary in China ─── 中国石炭-二叠系界线

35、A complete progressive and regressive cycle occurred in the early Early Carboniferous in the eastern part of the North Qilian Mountains. ─── 北祁连山东部早石炭世早期经历了一次完整的海水进退旋回。

36、Songliao Basin ; Carboniferous-Permian ; Prototype basin ; Basin simulation ; Thermal history; Hydrocarbon-generating history. ─── 松辽盆地;石炭-二叠系;原型盆地;盆地模拟;热演化史;生烃史。

37、With sequence as drawing unit, the distribution and evolution of sedimentary facies are described and explicated in six sequences about carboniferous in the region. ─── 以层序为作图单位,勾划并阐明本区石炭系六个层序的沉积相展布以及沉积演化规律。

38、Abstract The Middle Carboniferous Benxi formation in Sino-Korean paraplatform may be distinguished into two members. ─── 中朝准地台中石炭统本溪组可分上、下两段,上段属海陆交互相夹沼泽相沉积,含不稳定的黄铁矿一层;

39、ZHAI Yun-hong,GUO Jian-hua,LIU Sheng-guo.Study on the origine of quality clastic rocks reservoir in Carboniferous from Tazhong area[J].Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology,1996,16(2):55-61. ─── [1]翟永红,郭建华,刘生国.塔中地区石炭系深埋藏优质碎屑岩储层成因分析[J].矿物岩石,1996,16(2):55-61.

40、However the Late Carboniferous anomaly never completely closed, so unless the team assigned some Special Forces soldiers to guard it, more Giant Spiders could potentially come through. ─── 但是石炭纪后期的易界口并没有完全闭合,所以除非特种部队在此驻守,否则还可能还有其它大蜘蛛穿过易界口。

41、The topography of yichun urban area hillock to mound and low hillock, the area of carbonates of covered type and exposed type from Carboniferous to Permian is 70% of the urban area. ─── 宜春城区属岗阜低丘地形,分布石炭系-二迭系覆盖型及裸露型碳酸盐岩,占城区面积近70%。

42、The BS basin is a Tertiary sedimentrary basin occurred on Ordovician,Silurian Carboniferous and Triassic basement strata. ─── BS盆地是发育在奥陶纪、志留纪、石炭纪及三叠纪基底地层之上的第三纪沉积盆地。

43、After the formation of coal-series of Carboniferous and Permian Period. the basin was undergone by the strong Yenshan movement and the coal-formed gas had been seriously destroyed. ─── 在盆地中,石炭、二叠纪煤系形成后,曾经历了强烈的燕山运动,使生成的气遭到严重破坏。

44、Wu-Xia fault belt is a large-scale overthrust belt developed from Late Carboniferous to Triassic and faults mostly develop below the Triassic. ─── 乌尔禾-夏子街断裂带是一个晚石炭世至三叠纪发育起来的大型逆掩断裂带,断层主要发育在三叠系以下层位,侏罗系以上近于单斜形态。

45、The sedimentary facies of Carboniferous Bioclastic Limestone Member is mainly classified into shore and carbonate platform facies in Tarim basin. ─── 塔里木盆地石炭系生屑灰岩段的主要沉积相类型划分为滨岸相和碳酸盐台地相两大类。

46、Volcanic eruptive activities occurred from Cambrian to Permian,most intensely in Devonian and Carboniferous. ─── 从寒武纪到二叠纪都有火山喷发,以泥盆、石炭纪火山喷发活动最强。

47、Lower Carboniferous is composed of sea facies fragments and mid-acidic component igneous rock. ─── 下石炭统为海相碎屑岩及中酸性岩组合 ;

48、The foreland thrust belt in northwestern margin of Junggar basin is a large-scale imbricated thrust system developed since Late Carboniferous. ─── 准噶尔盆地西北缘前陆冲断带是自石炭纪晚期发育起来的大型叠瓦冲断系统,哈拉阿拉特山冲断带为其冲断前锋构造带的东段。

49、Echinoconchus resembles Echinaria in the character of shells and they are important characteristic fossil of the Brachioplda in the Carboniferous. ─── Echinoconchus与Echinaria是特征相似同产出于石炭纪地层中的腕足动物中的两个重要标准化石属。

50、The Bogda orogen is situated between the Jungar and the Turfan Hami Precambrian blocks, and was an early to middle Carboniferous intracontinental rift, which was closed during the middle to late Carboniferous times. ─── 博格达造山带位于准噶尔与吐鲁番 -哈密前寒武纪地块之间 ,是一个早 -中石炭世的陆内裂谷带 ,该裂谷带于中 -晚石炭世闭合。

51、Daqingshan gold deposit is a Carboniferous carbonaceous-rock-hosted quartz vein type. ─── 大青山金矿是产于石炭系炭质岩系中的石英脉型金矿。

52、Datong coal-bearing strata for the Jurassic Datong group, the Carboniferous Taiyuan, Shanxi. ─── 大同市含煤地层为侏罗纪大同组,石炭系太原组、山西组。

53、In the Ordovician, Silurian Period, the Devonian, Carboniferous, the advent of low amphibians and ancient ancient reptiles. ─── 在奥陶纪、志留纪、泥盆纪、石炭纪,相继出现低等鱼类、古两栖类和古爬行类动物。

54、Hydrocarbon source rocks in North Tarim Basin can be divided into three petroleum systems such as Cambrian Ordovician system,Tertiary Jurassic system and Carboniferous Permian system. ─── 依据塔北地区烃源岩及勘探状况 ,可划分出寒武 +奥陶系、三叠 +侏罗系及石炭 +二叠系 3套源岩含油气系统 ,其中 ,前两套为已知含油气系统 ,后者为推测含油气系统。

55、ZHAO Xiu-qi,ZHANG Zhen-sheng,LI Hong-wen.Sequence stratigraphy and petrofacies palaeogeography of Carboniferous System in the Tarim Basin[J].Oil Geophysical Prospecting,1995,30(4):533-545. ─── [9]赵秀岐,张振生,李洪文.塔里木盆地石炭系层序地层学及岩相古地理研究[J].石油地球物理勘探,1995,30(4):533-545.

56、A number of suites of Carboniferous, middle-lower Jurassic and lower Cretaceous hydrocarbon source rocks were developed in the basin groups in the Paleo-Asian and Tethyan structural confluence area. ─── 古亚洲与特提斯构造交汇带盆地群发育石炭系、侏罗系(中下统)、白垩系(下统)等多套烃源岩,具有厚度大、分布广、有机质丰度高的特点。

57、Thus, Shaodong Formation is consistent with global transgression of basal Carboniferous as proposed by Johnson in 1982, and the Shaodong Formation may belong to the Early Carboniferous. ─── 因此邵东组及其底部的海侵与Johnson(1982)所提出的石炭纪底部全球性海侵事件一致,据此可认为邵东组形成时代可能仍属早石炭世早期。

58、Arthropleura evolved from crustacean-like creatures in the Carboniferous, and grew so large because of the high percentage of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere at that time. ─── 古马陆从石炭纪类似甲壳类的生物中进化而来,它的体形之所以长得如此庞大,是因为当时大气层中氧的百分含量高的缘故。

59、The research shows that the Lower Carboniferous source rock is the dominating contributor to the natur... ─── 中下侏罗统烃源岩为一套优质烃源岩,但由于分布范围所限,贡献仅限于北缘山前带。

60、Within the seven coal forming periods restricted to from Late Carboniferous to early Late Permian,there are seven coal groups and more than 20 seams defined in the whole area,of which seams B 3,D 2and G 7 1 are economically important. ─── 全区自晚石炭世至晚二叠世早期所限定的7个成煤期内,共圈出煤组7个,煤层20层以上,以B3,D2,G71煤层最具工业价值。

61、Recently some Brachiopoda, coral, gastropoda, phytolite is identified by Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology China Academy of Sciences.The age belongs to Late Carboniferous epoch. ─── 在该地层中发现了一些腕足类、珊瑚、腹足类、植物化石,经中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所鉴定,时代属晚石炭世晚期。

62、Strata of Guxi buried hill of Upper-Paleozoic consist of Benxi Formation, Taiyuan Formation of Carboniferous and Shanxi Formation, Lower Shihezi Formation, Upper Shihezi Formation of Permian. ─── 孤西潜山上古生界发育的地层包括石炭系本溪组、太原组以及二叠系山西组、下石盒子组、上石盒子组。

63、During the amalgamation, the western and northern parts joined together earlierly, and formed the continent by the uplift in the early Hercynian orogeny in the late Early Carboniferous. ─── 其中西、北两区拼合较早 ,早石炭世末的早海西运动时抬升成陆 ;

64、During the end of the Devonian and the early Carboniferous, sea water was invaded again, a new transgress overlap was turned up, and a set of Donghe sandstone was widespread. ─── 在泥盆纪末期至早石炭世早期,又出现了一次新的海水侵入,发育了分布广泛的东河砂岩。

65、In Early Carboniferous, Tianshan mountains entered an intraplate evolution stage. ─── 从石炭纪开始天山地区进入陆内演化阶段。

66、The Carboniferous Veitsch nappe of the Austroalpine Greywacke zone (Austria/Eastern Alps) is the type region of the "Veitsch type" sparry magnesite. Its genetic interpretation is the subject of intensive discussions for several decades. ─── 奥地利东阿尔卑斯山地区Austroalpine杂砂岩带中的石炭纪Veitsch逆冲推覆体是"Veitsch型"晶质菱镁矿化的典型地区。

67、In the Carboniferous Period, 360 million years ago, the greatest evolutionary innovations were the amniotic egg which allowed early reptiles to move away from waterside habitats and colonize dry regions. ─── 在石炭纪期间,360百万年前,最巨大的演变创新是允许早期的爬行动物从海滨栖所行动和拓殖干燥地区的羊膜蛋。

68、The Palaeozoic has been broken down into six smaller units of geological time called periods. Cambrian is the oldest period of the Palaeozoic followed successively by Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian Periods. ─── 古生代可划分成6个小的叫做纪的时间单位,寒武纪是古生代中最老的一个纪,然后依次为奥陶纪、志留纪、泥盆纪、石炭纪和二叠纪。

69、In the late Carboniferous, rift bay deposit occurred in Helanshan, while widespread epicontinental sea deposit developed in the area east of paleo-mid-ridge. ─── 中二叠世早期,研究区由北向南依次为冲积扇、辫状河、辫状河三角洲平原、辫状河三角洲前缘和滨浅湖所占据。

70、As for the main reservoir-caprock assemblage , the Carboniferous volcanic rock is the reservoir while the Permian and Triassic mudstone is the cap rock. ─── 主要的储盖组合是以石炭系火山岩为储层,二叠系和三叠系泥岩为盖层。

71、Therefore, the Cathaysia, Euramerica, Angara and Gondwana floras were derived from an identical Lepidodendropsis flora of the Early Carboniferous, but they were developed in different environments respectively. ─── 因此,华夏植物群、欧美植物群、安加拉植物群和冈瓦纳植物群衍生于早石炭世全球一致性拟鳞木植物群,但它们各自发展在不同的环境中。

72、De positional Model and Reservoir Characteristics of Carboniferous Thin Sandstone in Hadeson-4Oilfield,Tarim Basin. ─── 哈得4油田石炭系薄砂层沉积模式及储集特征

73、As one of the typical cool water brachiopod, Anidanthus had a main time range between Sakmarian of the early Permian and Wordian of the middle Permian. Several pioneers appeared in Bashkirian of the late Carboniferous. ─── Anidanthus是凉水型腕足动物的代表之一 ,主要出现在早二叠世Sakmarian期至中二叠世Wordian期 ,先驱分子在晚石炭世的巴什基尔期已出现 ,部分种延至晚二叠世。

74、The volcano lava, pyroclastic rock and volcanic sedimentary rock are the main lithology of the Carboniferous volcanic reservoir in the middle section of the northwestern margin of Junggar Basin. ─── 准噶尔盆地西北缘中段石炭系火山岩油藏的储层岩性为火山熔岩、火山碎屑岩及火山沉积岩。

75、The coal-bearing rocks of the Falagou well field of Sunan County in the middle segment of the Qilianshan Mt.were composed of the Late Carboniferous shallow oceanic and continental sediments. ─── 位于祁连山中段的肃南县法拉沟井田,含煤岩系为晚石炭世浅海型海陆交互相含煤建造。

76、Ore beds are located in two horizons of middle Carboniferous shallow and littoral facies strata and early Permian continental lacustrine and swamp facies strata. ─── 它在本区有两个层位,一个是中石炭世的浅海和滨海相地层,另一个是早二叠世的陆相湖沼沼沉积地层。

77、A perfact Carboniferous reef complex developed on top of a volcanic seamount on the oceanic floor in the Akiyoshi Terrane, Southwest Japan. ─── 一个完好的石炭纪生物礁发育在日本秋吉地区的玄武岩熔岩和火山碎屑岩之上。

78、Abstract The oil and gas accumulation of the Carboniferous Donghe sandstone in the upwelling areas of the Mid-Tarim Basin is a structural trap accompanying with stratigraphic control factors. ─── 塔里木盆地塔中隆起区石炭系东河砂岩油气藏是一个具有地层控制因素的构造圈闭油气藏。

79、The Carboniferous System in Hetian River Gasfield was mainly formed of a set of interbedded clastic rocks,carbonate rocks as well as interbedded gypsum,mixed plateform shore clastic and shelf facies. ─── 以分布于和田河流域的天然柽柳灌木林地为研究对象,使用影子工程法、机会成本法等方法,评价了其生态系统服务价值。

80、Study on Periods of Hydrocarbon Formation Reservoirs of Carboniferous in Tazhong Uplift. ─── 塔中隆起石炭系油气成藏期研究


82、The evolution of the lithofacies palaeogeography of the Carboniferous in South China was characterized with succession, development and stage. ─── 从早石炭世岩关期至晚石炭世马平期,岩相古地理演化呈现出继承性、发展性和阶段性的特点。

83、On the basis of the study on the flora characteristic of the late Late Carboniferous and early Early Permian in the Helan Mountains, the palaeoecology study on this flora has been analyzed. ─── 在综合研究了贺兰山北段晚石炭世晚期和早二叠世早期植物群的特征和性质的基础上,对此植物群进行了古生态学方面的分析研究。

84、Uncinunellina is a typical cold-water brachiopod and Cyathaxonia is a typical cold-water coral, which indicates that the global Carboniferous glaciation had influenced the whole area then. ─── Uncinunellina是典型的冷水习性腕足类,Cyathaxonia是典型的冷水习性珊瑚,表明了全球石炭纪冰期已影响到本区。

85、the hydrocarbon potential of Carboniferous and Triassic coal are better than that of Jurassic coal. ─── 本区煤的生烃潜力表现为三叠纪和石炭纪煤高,侏罗纪煤低的特点。

86、Reservoir conditions of main reservoirs in the Fuchengzhai member,Huanglong formation,Carboniferous,and Maokou formation limestone,Permian and oolitic limestone of Dasan member,Daye formation,Tr... ─── 且石炭系黄龙组的主要储层福成寨段、二叠系的茅口组灰岩和三叠系大冶组大三段的鲕粒灰岩储集条件均有由东向西变好的趋势。

87、The Late Carboniferous (Namurian B_C, westphalian, and stephanian) and Permian floras of China represent the Cathaysia flora. ─── 中国的晚石炭世(纳缪尔B_C期、维斯发期和斯蒂芬期)和二叠纪植物群为华夏植物群。

88、The logging and seismic information characteristics of Carboniferous gas reservoir in Sapingchang area in east Sichuan basin. ─── 四川盆地东部沙坪场石炭系天然气藏的测井、地震信息特征

89、The conodonts contained in this Formation all belong to the important member of the Lower Carboniferous and can compard with the fossils found in the Ninglang area of NW Yunnan, even with the findigs in Western Europe and North America. ─── 坝达组所含牙形石均为下石炭统重要化石分子,可与滇西北宁蒗地区对比,甚至可远与西欧、北美对比。




fer 携带 + ile 能...的 -> 能携带(很多果实)的 -> fertile 富饶的


fertility n. 生殖力;肥力;奇思妙想的能力

fertilize v. 施肥;使受精

agile adj. 敏捷的;机敏的

docile adj. 温顺的

ductile adj. 可延展的

carboniferous adj. 含碳的;产碳的;石炭纪的



vi. 干涉;妨碍;打扰

vt. 冲突;介入


He angrily told me not to interfere.



carboniferous adj. 含碳的;产碳的;石炭纪的

circumference n. 周长

confer v. 协商;授予

intercom n. 内部通话系统

interface n. 界面;接口;接合点 v. 连接

internet n. 互联网


interfere with干扰,干涉;妨碍;触动或弄坏;乱动;与……抵触

interfere invt. 干涉,干预

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