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Argo 号船员的英文,英语,Argonautic是什么意思,Argonautic中文翻译,Argonautic怎么读、发音、用法及例句

08-16 投稿


Argonautic 中文意思翻译

常见释义:Argo 号船员的


Argonautic 短语词组

1、argonautic expectations ─── 农业期望

2、argonautic definition ─── 术语定义

3、argonautic expedition ─── 农业考察

4、argonautic expedition medeia ─── 农业考察队

5、argonautic ventures argonautic ventures ─── 公司

Argonautic 相似词语短语

1、argonaut ─── n.阿尔戈号的船员

2、Argonautic ─── adj.Argo号船员的;Argo号远征的

3、Argonauts ─── n.阿尔戈英雄(指希腊神话中跟随伊阿宋乘坐快船“阿尔戈”号取金羊毛的50位英雄)

4、aeronautics ─── n.航空学;飞行术

5、aeronautic ─── adj.航空的

6、jargonistic ─── 行话的

7、astronautic ─── adj.太空航行的;宇航员的

8、argentic ─── adj.银的,含银的

9、argotic ─── 辩论的。

Argonautic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Most of the top 10 banks have come out and said that the first quarter is going quite well," said Oliver Russ, fund manager at Argonaut Asset Management. ─── 欧洲各大银行上个季度情况开始转好。上个季度还在谈论可能被国有化。

2、Brian Sanders did every bit as good a job as Eddie, flying the beautiful British-designed Sea Fury "Argonaut" painted in a Canadian navy scheme. ─── 布赖恩桑德斯一样没有好工作 , 埃迪,飞行美丽的英国设计的海怒“淘金者”画在加拿大海军计划。

3、argonautic adj. Argo ─── 号船员的

4、] argonaut n. Argo ─── 号的船员

5、Another famous story where Eros played an important part was the Argonautic expedition. ─── 厄洛斯起了重大作用的另一个著名的故事是亚尔古英雄的远征。

6、Argonaut expedition ─── 阿尔戈探险

7、Another famousstory where Eros played an important part was the Argonautic expedition. ─── 厄洛斯起了重大作用的另一个著名的故事是亚尔古英雄的远征。

8、argonaut welding ─── 自动氩弧焊

9、Application of Argonaut SL to the Hydrometer of Flow Section in a Certain Tunnel ─── Argonaut SL在某隧洞过水断面水文测验中的应用

10、g. ,water level and flow velocity in different cases of different discharge. Therefore,the application of Argonaut SL and the method of measuring water level in the tunnel are recommended based on the example of this project. ─── 某隧洞已运行了12年,为了提供科学依据进行安全评价,必须测量不同流量下的隧洞进出口水位、流速等参数,为此结合该工程实例阐述Argonaut SL的应用及洞内水位的测量方法。

11、Argonaut type reactor ─── 阿贡诺型堆

12、Argonaut SL Application on the Hydrometry of Flow Section in a Certain Tunnel ─── 在某隧洞过水断面水文测验中的应用

13、Mouth of pipe Argonaut welding, Lincoln weld, narrow gap welding, longitudinal girth Argonaut welding, manually Argonaut welding and manually arc welding machine. ─── 管口自动氩弧焊,埋弧自动焊,窄间隙焊机,纵环缝自动氩弧焊,手工氩弧焊,手工电焊机

14、Another famous story where Eros played an important part was the Argonautic expedition. ─── 厄洛斯起了重大作用的一个著名的故事是亚尔古英雄的远征。

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