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fungi 发音

英:['f?nd?a?]  美:['f?nd?a?]

英:  美:

fungi 中文意思翻译



fungi 短语词组

1、algal fungi ─── 藻状菌, ─── 藻菌类

2、budding fungi ─── [机] 发芽菌

3、flask fungi ─── 烧瓶真菌

4、higher fungi ─── 高级真菌

5、Coprophilous fungi ─── 粪生菌类

6、basidiomycetous fungi ─── [网络] basidiomycetous真菌

7、mucoraceous fungi ─── 粘液真菌

8、entomogenous fungi ─── 虫寄生真菌; ─── 虫菌

9、examination of fungi ─── 真菌检查

10、Fungi imperfecti ─── [医] 不 ─── [完]全菌纲

11、gill-fungi ─── [医] 伞菌

12、dimorphic fungi ─── 双态性真菌

13、imperfect fungi ─── 半知菌

14、fungi- ─── [医]真菌, 霉菌, 蕈

15、nematode-trapping fungi ─── 捕线虫真菌

16、kingdom Fungi un. ─── 真菌界 [网络] ─── 真菌生物界;菌蕈界;菌物界

17、palisade fungi ─── 栅栏菌

18、filamentous fungi ─── 丝状真菌

19、kefir fungi ─── [化] 制山羊乳酪霉菌

fungi 词性/词形变化,fungi变形

异体字: fungous |

fungi 相似词语短语

1、fungoid ─── adj.真菌状的;n.真菌

2、bhungi ─── 布吉

3、fung- ─── n.(Fung)(美)冯(人名)

4、lungi ─── n.腰布;头巾(等于lungyi)

5、fungo ─── n.为练习守备所击的飞球;n.(Fungo)(意、美)丰戈(人名)

6、fungic ─── 真菌

7、fundic ─── adj.基底的

8、fundi ─── n.手艺人;专家;n.(Fundi)人名;(罗)丰迪

9、fungi- ─── n.真菌;菌类;蘑菇(fungus的复数);n.(Fungi)人名;(意)丰吉

fungi 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A flask-shaped asexual structure containing conidia, found in certain fungi. ─── 分生孢子器含百分生饱子的瓶状无性生殖的结构,发现于某种真菌中。

2、Candida belongs to Kingdom fungi, Deuteromycotina, Gemmamycetes, Cryptococcacear. ─── 念珠菌属属于真菌界半知菌亚门、芽孢菌纲、隐球菌酵母目、隐球菌酵母科。

3、Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) symbiosis is a result of long period of coevolution between plants and fungi. ─── 摘要VA菌根共生是植物与真菌彼此相互作用、长期演化的结果。


5、It may be unicellular, as in simple algae and fungi, or multicellular, as in plants. ─── 可以是单细胞,如在原始的藻类、真菌中;或者为多细胞,如在植物中。

6、Many fungi can reproduce asexually. ─── 很多真菌可以无性繁殖。

7、Lichen fungi are usually ascomycetes although the other two higher fungi are sometimes found in lichens. ─── 地衣真菌通常是子囊菌,有时在地衣中也能发现其他两类真菌。

8、An organism that is haploid throughout its life cycle except as a zygote,when it is diploid,as in many algae and fungi. ─── 单元体一种在其整个生命循环过程中保持单倍体,而只有在海藻或真菌中作为合子才呈现二倍体状态的生物组织

9、As the fungi grow, they send fine tentacles streaming into the soil. ─── 当真菌渐渐长大,它们把纤细的触须伸进土壤。

10、A thick - walled resting spore, as in certain algae or fungi. ─── 包囊一种厚壁休眠孢子,如在某些海藻或者真菌中

11、Oidiomycetes were the major pathogens for fungi infections. ─── 念珠菌属仍为真菌感染的主要致病菌;

12、Aversion phenomena are shown by fungi other than basidiomycetes. ─── 排斥现象除担子菌外也曾由其它真菌证实过。

13、At temperatures of 71℃, almost all pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and most plant viruses are destroyed. ─── 71℃的温度几乎对所有的病原包括细菌、真菌和大多数植物的病毒都能被杀死。

14、At a high NaCl level (>2 g/kg) VAM fungi significantly increased the contents of N and K in the plant. ─── 在NaCl水平较高时(大于2g/kg)接种VAM真菌还显著增加了植株体内N和K的含量。

15、Any of the pathogenic yeastlike imperfect fungi of the genus Candida. ─── 假丝酵母任一种假丝酵母属类似酵母的不完全病原性真菌

16、Destroying or inhibiting the growth of fungi. ─── 抗真菌的,杀真菌的破坏或抑制真菌生长的

17、The spore-bearing layer of the fruiting body of certain fungi, containing asci or basidia. ─── 子实属某些真菌的果实的带有孢子的层面,含有子囊或者孢子室

18、Basidiomycota (basidiomycetes) A phylum of the Fungi that includes the mushrooms and toadstools. ─── 担子菌:包括蘑菇和毒菌在内的一门真菌。

19、Sterigma (pl. sterigmata) A fingerlike projection upon which spores are formed in most basidiomycete fungi. ─── 担孢子梗:是大多数担子菌所具有的指状突起结构,其上着生担孢子。

20、The lower fungi comprise the groups Chytridiomycetes Oomycetes and Zygomycetes. ─── 低级真菌包含壶菌,卵菌纲和接合菌。

21、So it is necessary to do fungi susceptibility test in vitro. ─── 因此,常规进行真菌的体外药敏试验是非常必要的。

22、Autoecious Denoting rust fungi that require only one host species to complete the various stages of their life cycle. ─── 单主寄生的:在锈菌等生物的生活史中,完成其各个阶段生长变化仅仅需要一个寄主。

23、The visible body of these fungi consists of a mass of intricately branched filaments, collectively referred to as a mycelium. ─── 这些真菌的有形身体由一个大规模复杂的分枝的丝状体,统称为一个菌丝。

24、Ferns, mosses and fungi spread by means of spores. ─── 蕨类植物、苔藓和真菌通过孢子传播蔓生。

25、A small flask-shaped fruiting body in ascomycetous fungi that contains the ascospores. ─── 子囊壳某些含有子囊的孢子囊菌的瓶状小实体

26、Most, if not all fungi can dispense with inorganic sources. ─── 即使不是全部亦是大多数真菌可省去无机氮源。

27、Any of various yeastlike, budding fungi of the genus Blastomyces that cause diseases in humans and animals. ─── 属于、关于芽生菌病的,或有芽生菌病特征的。

28、Chitin A nitrogen-containing polysaccharide found in the cell walls of most fungi and in some animals. ─── 几丁质:在大多数真菌和一些动物的细胞壁中发现的含氮的多糖。

29、Genus of fungi whose fruiting body tapers toward a base consisting of spongy mycelium. ─── 包括柔软的菌丝体的且它的果体锥度以它的基部为准的真菌的属。

30、The two major groups of mycorrhizal fungi are the ectotrophic and endotrophic types. ─── 主要的菌根真菌有两种:内生型和外生型。

31、Recently, the studies on them have been a hot region. Thus it is of great significance to comprehensively exploit the macro fungi. ─── 近年来,对大型真菌色素的研究开发已成为一项热门领域,对真菌资源综合利用有着重要的意义。

32、A comparative study on the disintegration of filamentous fungi. ─── 中译:一项关于纤维状真菌裂解的比较研究。

33、Fungi also play a central role in degrading organic material. ─── 在降解有机材料方面真菌同样有很重要的作用。

34、The covering of the spore-bearing organ in many fungi. ─── 包被很多真菌的产芽孢器官的外裹套

35、Blueberry roots are associated with mycorrhizal fungi in the soil. ─── 只有很细的须根。

36、Conidia are the characteristic asexual reproductive units of fungi . ─── 分生孢子是真菌的特征,无性繁殖的单位。

37、These specific groups thus have a closer evolutionary relationship with the protozoa or fungi than with other algae. ─── 从演化上来看,它们与原生动物或真菌的关系比与其它藻类的关系更为接近。

38、A surprising feature of the higher fungi, in the small sample available, is the number of cryptic or sibling species. ─── 在合用的小样本中高等真菌的一种惊奇性状是同形种或姊妹种的数量。

39、The outermost layer of a spore in some algae and fungi. ─── 孢子外壁某些水藻和真菌孢子的最外层壁

40、Objective: To study the supermicro-morphology of Monascus fungi. ─── 摘要目的:研究红??的超显微特徵。

41、High guy[ is not, before beat a the other party name of prophet!] The other party two people fall with fungi toghter. ─── 不是,在打之前要先知道对方姓名!]对方二人和霉一齐跌到。

42、Gram-negative bacilus and fungi were predominant pathogens. ─── 医院感染率与糖尿病、住院天数及病情严重程度密切相关。

43、Ascoma (ascocarp) The fruiting body of most fungi of the phylum Ascomycota, in which the asci are borne. ─── 子囊果:真菌中大部分子囊菌所具有的子实体,其上生有子囊。

44、Sporopore The aerial spore-producing body of certain fungi, e.g. the mushroom of Agaricus. ─── 孢子体:为苔藓和地钱的孢子体世代具有。由受精卵发育而来,包括基足、柄和孢蒴。孢子体是寄生在配子体上的。

45、Of them, 61 species (79.8%) were infected by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). ─── 在观察的16科76种植物中,被丛枝菌根真菌侵染的植物有61(占79. 8% )种;

46、Higher fungi have a number of agriculture activities. ─── 摘要高等真菌具有多种农用生物活性。

47、Reproduction by the fusion or conjugation of isogametes, as in certain algae and fungi. ─── 同配生殖由同形配子的混合或接合而发生的生殖,如在海藻和真菌中进行的生殖

48、Relationships between VAM fungi and soil-born disease have been widely studied. ─── VA菌根菌(VAM菌)与植物土传病害的关系受到广泛的研究。

49、Investigation of white-rot fungi for the conversion of poplar into a potential feedstuff for ruminants. ─── 中译:关于白腐真菌将杨树转换为具有潜力的反刍动物饲料之研究。

50、A large multinucleate spore formed by union of similar gametes, as in algae or fungi. ─── 接合孢子由相似的配子结合而成的多核大孢子,如在海藻或真菌中

51、Fig. 3. Effect of temperature on the conidium germination of powdery mildew fungi in cucurbits. ─── 图3.温度对于瓜类白粉病菌孢子发芽的影响。

52、So, it is necessary to do fungi susceptibility test in vitro. ─── 因此,常规进行真菌的体外药敏试验是非常必要的。

53、The study did not focus on whether the fungi had been a threat to human health. ─── 该研究的焦点并非是这些真菌是否已对人类健康造成威胁。


55、An airtight fumigation chamber in which chemical vapors are used to destroy insects and fungi on plants. ─── 密封熏蒸室一种用于杀死植物上的害虫和真菌的充溢化学气体的密封烟熏室

56、Having male and female reproductive structures on the same thallus,as in some fungi and algae. ─── 同宗配合的在同一菌体上有雌雄两种生殖结构的,如某些真菌和藻类

57、The common pathogens in CRS were fungi (41.1%),Gram-positive cocci (35.6%)and Gram-negtive bacilli (23.3%). Non-C. ─── CRS常见的致病菌依次为真菌(41.1%),革兰阳性球菌(35.6%),革兰阴性杆菌(23.3%)。

58、The bleeding sap had the best fungistatic effect on Botrytis cinerea among the three pathogenic fungi. ─── 三种病原菌中,丝瓜伤流液对灰黴病菌的抑制效果最好。

59、The variation of mechanical properties of OSB was analyzed under fungi decay and moist condition. ─── 探讨和分析了室外用定向刨花板(OSB)在真菌腐朽及潮湿条件下力学性能的变化规律。

60、The site had been inoculated with soil containing suitable mycorrhizal fungi. ─── 在生境中用带有合适菌根真菌的土壤接种。

61、In contrast to the universal nature of the DNA code, the histone language and its decoding machinery differ among animals, plants and fungi. ─── 与此相反的普遍性的DNA代码,组的语言和其解码机制不同的动物,植物和真菌。

62、We also found two nosema species, two other fungi and several bee viruses. ─── 我们还发现了两种微粒子、其他两种真菌与一些蜜蜂病毒。

63、The sensitive rate of 665 fungi to 5FC,AMB,FAC and ITR was 93.4%? 88.8%? 89.6% and 75.2% respectively. ─── 665株真菌对氟胞嘧啶、两性霉素B、氟康唑、伊曲康唑总的敏感率分别为93.4%、88.8%、89.6%、75.2%。

64、Of 286 clinical isolates,Gram negative organisms accounted for 61.19%,Gram positive ones 32.17%,fungi(6.64%). ─── 共分离出病原菌286株,其中革兰阳性球菌92株,占32.17%; 革兰阴性菌175株,占61.19%;

65、Any of various fungi in the genus Alternaria, many of which cause plant diseases, chiefly blights and leaf spots. ─── 交链包属一种交链包属真菌,其中很多可以引起植物病,主要是萎缩病和叶斑病

66、It is carried ort by yeasts and some other fungi and certain bacteria. ─── 存在于酵母,某些真菌和细菌中。

67、The probe did not focus on whether the dishwasher fungi had been any threat to health. ─── 此项研究调查的焦点并非是这些真菌是否已对人类健康造成威胁。

68、One of the erect, sterile filaments often occurring among the reproductive organs of certain fungi, algae, and mosses. ─── 侧丝通常出现于某些真菌、藻类和苔藓的生殖器官中的直立的不育花丝

69、Take better photographs of flowers and fungi with Peter Lilja, Mark Carwardine and Lome Gill. ─── 为花和真菌拍摄更好的照片。

70、Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on storage nutrient and cold resistance of Diospyros lotus L. ─── 丛枝菌根真菌对君迁子贮藏营养及抗冻性的影响。

71、Michael liked functional coverings and he loved the color of fungi . ─── 他的基本要求是舒适。他喜欢光滑的家具套子,喜爱真菌的颜色。

72、About microscopic forms of life, including protozoans, algae, fungi, bacteria, viruses, etc. ─── 微生物技术细菌、真菌、病毒等。

73、A flask - shaped asexual structure containing conidia, found in certain fungi. ─── 分生孢子器含百分生饱子的瓶状无性生殖的结构,发现于某种真菌中

74、The female reproductive organ of ascomycetous fungi. ─── 产囊体子囊菌的雌性生殖器官

75、It occurs in some unicellular fungi, such as the yeasts. ─── 在一些单细胞的真菌中较为常见,例如酵母。

76、Isolation, identification and the antibacterial activity of endophytic fungi in Euphorbia nematocypha Hand.-Mazz. ─── 大狼毒内生真菌的分离、鉴定与抑菌活性研究。

77、In the forest, fungi are decomposers. ─── 在森林里,真菌是分解者。

78、A substance that inhibits the growth of fungi. ─── 抑真菌剂抑制真菌生长的物质

79、Zygomycota A phylum of fungi whose members have haploid, nonseptate hyphae (i.e. hyphae that lack cross walls). ─── 接合菌纲:是真菌界的一个纲,所属成员都具有单倍体无横隔菌丝(即:菌丝体细胞没有细胞壁相隔)。

80、In some fungi, there is evidence of incipient speciation. ─── 在某些真菌中,有新发生的物种形成的证据。

81、Tricholoma is in more than 10 kinds of edible fungi are delicious. ─── 口蘑属中有10多种都是味美的食用真菌。

82、An ascus-bearing structure found in ascomycetous fungi. ─── 子囊果发现于子囊菌中有子囊的结构

83、There are many different kinds of germs, but the four most common are: bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. ─── 微生物种类繁多,其中最普通的四种是:细菌,病毒,真菌,原生动物。

84、While those fungi take months, even years, to break down wood, the gut-borne fungi seem to do it much faster. ─── 虽然这些真菌需要几个月,甚至几年,打破木材,肠道传染真菌似乎这样做要快得多。

85、A hairlike terminal process forming the receptive part of the female reproductive structure in certain fungi or algae. ─── 受精丝一种发状的末端隆起,构成某些真菌或海藻类的雌性生殖结构的受精部位

86、The black spots on the upper leaf surface are caused by a type of fungi. ─── 叶子上表面的黑色叶斑是由一种真菌引起的。

87、A disk-shaped or cup-shaped ascocarp of some lichens and the fungi Ascomycetes. ─── 子囊盘,裸子器某些地衣和子囊菌的盘状或杯状子囊孢子

88、The fungi native to a region. ─── 一个地区的真菌

89、A sperm - producing organ occurring in seedless plants,fungi,and algae. ─── 孢子囊,精子囊无籽植物,菌类植物和藻类植物的孢子囊

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