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08-16 投稿


assumably 发音

英:[[?s'ju:m?bl?]]  美:[[?s'ju:m?bl?]]

英:  美:

assumably 中文意思翻译



assumably 短语词组

1、assumably line ─── 假想线

2、assumably meaning ─── 可理解的意思

3、assumably def ─── 假设定义

4、assumably presumably ─── 大概是吧

5、assumably vs presumably ─── 假设vs推测

6、assumably synonym ─── 假想同义词

7、assumably means ─── 意味着

8、assumably define ─── 假设性定义

9、assumably spelling ─── 假想拼法

assumably 相似词语短语

1、assurable ─── adj.可保证的;可确信的;可保险的

2、assembly ─── n.装配;集会,集合;n.汇编,编译

3、assumability ─── 可承受性

4、issuably ─── 可发行的

5、assignably ─── 可转让的

6、assumingly ─── adv.傲慢地;无礼地

7、assimilably ─── 可同化的

8、assumedly ─── adv.大概;多半

9、assumable ─── adj.可假定的

assumably 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Assumably, my tigress detect my apprehension, or anpther reason, I don’t know. ─── 大概是老虎看出了我的犹豫,还是别的什么原因,我不知。

2、outside meaning, inside meaning (meaning) and fells the ten points under the four elements in modern city square"s design assumably. ─── 外显、内隐(涵义),并将其粗泛地归入现代城市广场设计的四要素之中。

3、Could you give me a assumably number? ─── 能不能给我一个大概的数字?

4、The pollution of automobile epilogue has been doing bad harm to our living space step by step. ─── 汽车尾气中的有害物造成的污染,给人类赖以生存的大气环境带来了越来越严重的危害。

5、The developping trend is discussed assumably in the end.The pollution of automobile epilogue has been doing bad harm to our living space step by step. ─── 汽车尾气中的有害物造成的污染,给人类赖以生存的大气环境带来了越来越严重的危害。

6、Simply snap your iPod on top of the brick and let others enjoy the music you have on your portable player - assumably on quite a low volume. ─── 这可不是只有小朋友才能享有的乐高积木玩具,每个大人都有童心未泯的玩心喔!

7、I once heard"heart is a container",assum it was,then my thiscontainer all accumulate all the things about you. ─── 听过"心是一个容器",且当它是;那么我的这个容器里竟都累积着关于你的点点滴滴.

8、In engineering design, the natural axis is located assumably the extreme row which is directed by the moment. ─── 工程设计中,通常认为普通螺栓群弯矩受拉时,中和轴在弯矩指向一侧最外排螺栓处。

9、In the restaurant has the assorted tea to supply the choice, like Darjeeling, Assum as well as "grey count "tea and so on. ─── 餐馆中有各色茶叶供选择,如大吉岭、阿萨姆以及"格雷伯爵"茶等。

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