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08-16 投稿


dissociation 发音

英:[d??so?si?e??(?)n]  美:[d??s??si?e??n; d??s???i?e??n]

英:  美:

dissociation 中文意思翻译



dissociation 常用词组

dissociation constant ─── [化]离解常数;[化]电离常数

dissociation 反义词


dissociation 短语词组

1、dissociation channel ─── [化] 解离通道

2、dissociation degree ─── [化] 离解度

3、dissociation constant ─── [化] 离解常数 ─── [医] 离解常数, 电离常数

4、chain dissociation ─── [化] 链离解作用

5、acid dissociation ─── [化] 酸式电离

6、atrioventricular dissociation with interference ─── [医] 干扰性房室分离

7、dissociation curve ─── [医] 解离曲线

8、Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation ─── [化] 阿伦尼乌斯电离理论

9、dissociation chemisorption ─── [化] 离解化学吸附; 离解化学吸附作用

10、dissociation by interference ─── [医] 干扰性分离

11、albuminocytologic dissociation ─── [医] ─── [脑脊液]蛋白细胞分离

12、collision induced dissociation ─── [化] 碰撞诱导解离

13、breaking dissociation ─── [机] 解离

14、bacterial dissociation ─── [医] 细菌变异

15、complete dissociation ─── [建] 完全离解

16、auriculoventricular dissociation ─── [医] 房室分离, 心传导阻滞

17、degree of dissociation ─── [化] 解离度

18、Arrhenius theory of dissociation ─── [机] 阿伦纽斯方程式

19、bond dissociation energy ─── [机] 键的离解能

dissociation 同义词

disjoint | disconnect | separate | disassociate | disjoin |divorce | detach | liberate | decouple | distance | disunite

dissociation 词性/词形变化,dissociation变形

形容词: dissociative |动词过去分词: dissociated |动词过去式: dissociated |动词现在分词: dissociating |动词第三人称单数: dissociates |

dissociation 相似词语短语

1、dissimilation ─── n.异化;[植]异化作用

2、dissemination ─── n.宣传;散播;传染(病毒)

3、dissociating ─── vt.游离;使分离;分裂;vi.游离;分离;分裂

4、bisociation ─── n.异类联想;异态混搭

5、disassociation ─── n.分裂;分解;离解作用

6、association ─── n.协会,联盟,社团;联合;联想

7、dislocation ─── n.转位;混乱;[医]脱臼

8、dissociations ─── n.分解,分离;分裂

9、dissociative ─── adj.游离的;分离的

dissociation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A self-preservation phenomenon of methane hydrates was observed at a temperature below 273.15K, and the dissociation rate was the least at 268.05K during the experimental runs. ─── 实验结果表明,水合物在273.15K以下时存在一种异常的自我保护效应,其在268.05K时分解速度最慢;

2、The catalytic effect of dibutyl tin dilaurate on thermal dissociation of blocked isocyanate crosslinkers by DSC was also discussed. ─── 另外,还利用DSC,对二月桂酸二丁基锡对封闭异氰酸酯组分热解封温度的影响进行了讨论。

3、It only has a dissociation energy of. 1 kilojoules per mole. ─── 它的离解能只有0。01千焦每摩尔。

4、Soldiers with the highest levels of NPY also experience milder symptoms of dissociation during SERE training. ─── NPY水平最高的士兵在SERE训练中也出现轻微的精神分裂症状。

5、equilibrium dissociation constant ─── 平衡解离常数

6、A comparison of our results with other theoretical estimates shows that the present approach can provide quantitative descriptions for the whole dissociation curve. ─── 与其它理论方法比较的结果表明,该方法可以对所研究的整个解离势能面给出定量准确的描述。

7、There is either association or dissociation in terms of performance of acalculia and aphasia in LBD patients. ─── 左脑损伤患者的失算表现与失语既密切联系,又相互独立;

8、The topic today is "dissociation". ─── 今天想的说,主题就是“游离”。

9、The original theory was based on Svante Arrhenius's electrolytic theory of solutions and involved the dissociation water into hydrogen and hydroxide ions. ─── 原始理论是根据阿伦尼乌斯(Svante Arrhenius)的电解质电离理论,定义是酸和碱是在水溶液中能分解(dissociation)出氢离子和氢氧根离子的物质。

10、To prepare himself for the dissociation between the hilltop and the mountain. ─── 做好山头即将离开山体的准备。

11、Dissociation of proteins from the remaining nucleolar subcompartments occurred at a faster rate and was coincident with NE breakdown. ─── 剩下的核仁亚组分中的蛋白的分裂同时在以很快的速率发生,最后与NE的降解相一致了。

12、In the experiment,apple has been pounded at high speed before pressure for increasing the burst of cell and dissociation of cytolymph. ─── 为了提高榨前破碎对细胞的破坏程度及细胞液的游离率以利于水果出汁,试验中采用高速钝击对苹果进行了榨前破碎。

13、Sex phenotype-karyotype dissociation syndrome ─── 性表型-核型分离综合征

14、Colles Fracture with Scapholunate Dissociation ─── Colles骨折与舟月骨分离

15、The dissociation of the water vapor in arc and energy absorbed by dissociating reaction are analyzed. ─── 对水蒸气保护下电弧焊熔池中氢的吸入机理进行了探讨。

16、The unblocking reaction of blocked PAPI at different temperature is studied with IR spectrometry, the initial and final dissociation temperatures are investigated. ─── 应用红外光谱法研究了封闭PAPI在不同温度下的解封反应,考察了其起始解封温度及完全解封温度。

17、Abstract In this paper we studied the collision induced dissociation(CID) conditions,involving the MS/MS fragmentation effects by different ionization mode(FAB and ESI). ─── 摘要 本文报告考察了 FAB与 ESI碰撞诱导解离 ( CID)对 MS/MS裂解的影响。

18、These results may provide reference value for the study of laser-induced plasma dissociation kinetics process excited by strong laser of other polyatomic molecules. ─── 所得结果将对其他多原子分子的强激光场作用下激光诱导等离子体分解动力学过程的研究具有参考价值。

19、The antibiotic activity and valency connect with transfer efficiency and dissociation constant. ─── 抗菌活性和抗生素效力与能量转移效率和解离常数有关。

20、The dissociation of actomyosin may be one of the causal factors that make meat become tender during postmortem aging. ─── 宰后肉品经过成熟后其嫩度得到明显改善,而成熟时肌动球蛋白的解离可能是导致这一变化的重要原因之一。

21、Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation ─── [化] 阿伦尼乌斯电离理论

22、Abstract A detailed review was made on the dissociation mechanism of Iron(III) (hydr)oxides such as non-reduction dissociation, reduction dissociation and catalyzed dissociation of electron transfer. ─── 摘要 本文对氧(氢氧)化铁的溶解机理如非还原溶解、还原溶解和电子转移催化溶解作了较为详细的总结。

23、The rate of dissociation was followed by placing the unit on a scale and noting the weight loss due to chlorine evolution. ─── 离解速度是通过下列方法求得的:将该设备放置在天平上,并记录由于氯的放出而引起的重量损失。

24、The narrator and protagonist in the novel respectively convey their intention, hut the instability of these two identities eventually leads to the author's emotional dissociation. ─── 作者依靠了两个不同的身份-叙述者和主人会-分别传达自己的意图,而两个身份之间的不稳定性最终导致了作者的情感分裂。

25、the other end of the mixed gas outlet pipe is connected with a determinator for ammonia dissociation rate. ─── 所述混合气体排出管另一端连接氨分解率测定仪;

26、The dissociation of SF6 in the lightning process under practical situation was estimated as well. ─── 基于实验结果,对SF6在电过程中的反应途径作了探讨,并估算了实际大气中由闪电所引起的SF6的分解量。

27、Generally ionic salts with a large anion should have a high dissociation constant. ─── 一般情况下,包含大的阴离子的盐具有高的分解常数。

28、Halogens also have the necessary absorption in the ultraviolet and rapid dissociation. ─── 卤素也具有吸收紫外线和分解快这两种特性。

29、Diatomic Molecular Symmetry and Dissociation Limit ─── 双原子分子的对称性与离解极限

30、Tunneling Dissociation and Wavepacket Evolution of H + 2 in Superstrong Laser Fields[J]. ─── 引用该论文 胡素兴,韩申生,徐至展,张雪慧.

31、Emotional isolation or dissociation. ─── 孤僻感情上的孤立或不合群

32、A gas station of ammonia dissociation for annealing line. ─── 供退火线使用的氨分解气站。

33、The dissociation constants could not be determined in ether due to the association betwecn the solvent and the ... ─── 在醚中,因杂多酸与溶剂发生缔合作用,用电导法得不到其离解常数。

34、This paper introduces the complexation and dissociation of different Lewis bases with active species in the area of anionic polymerization reported in literatures and elucidates their applications. ─── 介绍和评述了文献中有关路易氏碱在阴离子聚合中对活性中心的络合和解缔作用。

35、continuous complete A-V dissociation ─── 持续性完全性房室分离

36、atrioventricular dissociation with captured beat ─── 房室分离伴夺获搏动

37、combination and dissociation of atoms ─── 原子的化合与分解

38、longitudinal dissociation in right bundle branch ─── 右束支内纵向分离

39、averaged bond dissociation energies ─── 平均键离解能

40、This paper reviewed the dissociation, culture,and clinical application of human keratinocytes. ─── 就其分离、培养和临床应用等方面作一综述。

41、multipboton ionization dissociation ─── 多光子电离解离

42、Isolation of adult DUM neurons was performed under sterile conditions using enzymatic digestion and mechanical dissociation of the median parts of the TAG from the nerve cord of the cockroach Periplaneta Americana. ─── 使用酶消化和机械分离出成年美洲蜚蠊的腹部末端神经节(TAG),然后在无菌条件下分离DUM神经元细胞。

43、5) Nervus alveolaris mandibularis dissociation. ─── 5)下牙槽神经游离术。

44、This paper gives a new titrimetric method which is a buffered titration to be ablc to titrate weak acids and bases with dissociation constants less than 10 -7 . ─── 对于离解常数小于10-7的弱酸弱碱,给出一种新的滴定分析法缓冲滴定法。

45、The MS behaviors and dissociation laws of four alkaloids in Cinchona were studied by direct infusion into electrospray ion trap mass spectrometry (ESI-ITMS). ─── 利用电喷雾离子阱质谱(ES-ITMS)技术进行了金鸡纳中4种喹啉类生物碱(奎宁、奎尼定、辛可宁和辛可尼定)的电喷雾质谱研究。

46、Urbanization is an important part related to the development of urbanization, and an inevitable selection to reduce the binary social dissociation. ─── 城镇化是城市化发展的一个重要组成部分,是缩小二元社会分化的必然选择。

47、longitudinal dissociation in A-V node ─── 房室结内纵向分离

48、Temperature gradient inside or outside the system may be formed from heat absorbance in the process of dissociation. ─── 分解过程的热量吸收,可能形成体系内外的温度梯度。

49、Two different isolation methods, explantation and enzymatic dissociation, were used. ─── 我们采用两种不同的细胞分离方法。

50、Our findings confirm a neuroanatomical dissociation between conscious and unconscious processing of emotional information. ─── 我们的发现证实了情感资讯的有意识和无意识之间,存在神经解剖学上的分离。

51、The main causes leading to electrolysis in WEDM are anodic dis solutionand dielectric dissociation. ─── 导致电解锈蚀放电状态的主要原因是阳极金属溶解和工作液电解现象。

52、Double dissociation between the involvement of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and the central nucleus of the amygdala in startle increases produced by conditioned versus unconditioned fear. ─── 它们的差异在于:BST可能主要负责处理焦虑信息,而杏仁核主要负责处理恐惧信息;

53、continuous imcomplete A-V dissociation ─── 持续不完全性房室分离

54、Here's what you need to do to achieve the dissociation effect. ─── 下面教你如何做才能取得这种分解效应?

55、Some common custom fetters, the dissociation are flying with the edge which does not fly, the innermost feelings convulsion. Wants to fly, cannot fly actually. ─── 一些世俗的羁绊,游离在飞与不飞的边缘,内心痉挛着。想飞,却不能飞。

56、With a dim dissociation, as if I were receiving reports from a distant planet, I heard that the Danes had rejected the European Exchange Rate Mechanism and that there was to be a memorial concert for Freddie Mercury at Wembley. ─── 我有点迷失,仿佛我正在一个遥远的星球接收报告,我听到丹麦人否决了欧洲汇率机制,以及要为弗雷迪?摩克瑞(“皇后乐队”主唱)在温布利举行纪念演唱会的消息。

57、And it seems to start, she said, by a person plunging into a state of deep concentration, of dissociation. ─── 她认为它始于一个人陷入一种聚精会神,抑或是分裂的状态。

58、As for the etiological agent of dissociation, some researchers thought it is engendered by the environmental influences and others advanced the hypothesis that it is decided by heredity. ─── 关于分离产生的病源学,一般研究者考虑的是环境的影响,还有一些病源学模型提出遗传素质影响分离的假设。

59、However, in-source collision-induced dissociation (CID) seemed unable to be completely avoided by altering cone voltage. ─── 但改变采样锥电压似不能完全避免源内裂解。

60、During operation, sufficient dissociation was made in the base of the ala base and orbicularis oris muscle to reconstruct these structures. ─── 应用原长法的原则进行唇裂整复,术中解剖口轮匝肌,复位后进行框式缝合;唇珠的形态由侧唇红唇肌肉瓣完成;

61、Therefore, the emission of excited CT complex in the frozen condition may be observed evidently, due to the difficult dissociation of the excited CT complex of the diminution of some routes of radiationless decay. ─── 在冻结的条件下,由于激发的络合物不容易解离或减少了某些无辐射衰减的途径,有可能明显地观察到激发的CTC的发光。

62、Some of them apparently enter a psychological state known as a dissociation, in which they shut themselves off to disturbing thoughts. ─── 其中有些人似乎进入一种被称为离解的心理状态,他们把自己与令自己不安的想法隔绝开来。

63、However, in-source collision-induced dissociation (CID) seemed unable to be completely avoided by altering cone voltage. ─── 但改变采样锥电压似不能完全避免源内裂解。

64、dissociation constant of the reagent was determined in aqueous solution. ─── 测定了试剂在水溶液中的离解常数。

65、Several conclusions were drawn by us: 1 .It was found that the dissociation between t he action o f 1 eft/right h and a nd p erception appeared, t hough they all were influenced by illusion to some extent in one-hand situation. ─── 单手抓握时,左、右手的行为虽然在一定程度上受到了错觉的影响,但均显示出分离现象;


67、Mostly, electromechanical dissociation with sudden collapse is the scenario. ─── 其通常是以电气机械解离合并突然循环衰竭来表现。

68、If this pressure reduction is enough to cause dissociation, then gas from the hydrate layer is released and can be extracted at the same time. ─── 如果压降足以产生离解,则天然气将从水合物地层中释放出来,此时即可进行开采了。

69、The endogenetic demerits lead to the dissociation of some assets from the groups' control,bringing ... ─── 因此,企业成长(包括成长为企业集团)是企业的一种内生行为。

70、Then bipolaron dissociation is studied and the result is that bipolaron can sustain to much higher electric field than polaron. ─── 双极化子比极化子稳定,因而使它解体的电场也会比极化子的高很多。

71、The dissociation - dependent strength of an acid or base. ─── 强度指酸或碱的离解度。

72、Our company has more than 100 sets of inventory stock, the company's vertical, horizontal plane of dissociation, the seminal machine parts are welcome to contact to buy. ─── 我们公司有现货库存100多套,有各公司的立式、卧式的离解机、精浆机配件,欢迎联系选购。

73、To undergo dissociation. ─── 分离;游离

74、It was proved that CT could identify the combination and dissociation process of methane hydrate distinctly. ─── 指出:甲烷水合物的生成基本上从气液分界面开始,且形成初期存在突变性;

75、Disconnected feelings of deja vu and mind-body dissociation are also common. ─── 另外,似曾相识感以及身心分离等抽离之感也很常见。

76、When we got the glaze formation reactions mainly dissociation and sanukite ethynylation, we'll be made aware of the difference of the same color. ─── 当我们把持了釉形不败历程洋化学不正答次给是离解和玻化不正答之后,我们不离能从洋获知统一色彩的不对别之别。

77、This demonstrates that our fitting method has a comparative accuracy with high level ab initio methods and also supports the conclusion that N-N bond dissociation is the dominant initial steps of gas-phase DMNA decomposition. ─── 使用微正则变分过渡态计算了N-N键断裂反应速率常数,结果与文献实验值相一致,也表明校正拟合计算方法的正确性,同时也进一步证明了N-N键断裂为气相DMNA起始热分解的主要途径。

78、The dissociation of state-owned enterprises" social costs was lengthy process, but it"s a current which"s not reverse. ─── 国有企业社会成本的分离虽然是一个渐进的过程,但却是大势所趋。

79、The ratio of the two competitive dissociation rates is related to the enantiomeric composition of the mixture,and thus can be used to determine the optical purity of the chiral compound. ─── 与其它常见手性测定方法相比,质谱动力学方法无需湿法化学处理和色谱分离步骤,操作简单、快速、灵敏,因而被广泛应用。

80、For the fourteen samples studied, the interaction enthalpies vary from -0.6 kcal/mol to -3.3 kcal/mol, and the dissociation time constants vary from 3 ps to 140 ps. ─── 在被研究的十四个体系中,最小的分子相互作用的形成焓变的绝对值是0.6千卡每摩尔。最大的是3.3千卡每摩尔。

81、However, his daughter Anna Freud clarified and identified the concepts of: undoing, suppression, dissociation, idealization, identification, introjection, inversion, somatization, splitting and substitution. ─── 不过,他的女儿将这些概念进行了明确:消除、压制、分离、理想化、认同、心力投入、反转、外化、分割、代替。

82、Dissociation of SiH_4 with CW CO_2 laser excition ─── 在CWCO_2激光作用下SiH_4的分解

83、homolytic dissociation, homolytic fission ─── [化] 均裂(如A:B->A·+·B); 均匀分解

84、Dissociation and Culture of Goat Skin Cells ─── 山羊皮肤组织细胞分离与培养的研究

85、As the last part pf this thesis, the acutely dissociation and shortly culture of dorsal unpaired median (DUM) neuron from the cockroach Periplaneta Americana were primarily studied. ─── 同时作者对美洲蜚蠊DUM神经元细胞急性分离与培养进行了初步的探索。

86、Preparation of Polyester varnish can be made by means of dissociation, esterification and polycondensation of waste polyester beverage bottle. ─── 废聚酯饮料瓶经裂解、酯化、缩聚可制成聚酯漆。

87、The reaction character of m /z183 and 184 ions generated from ion - molecule reaction of toluene under self - chemical ionization was studied using Collision - Induced Dissociation (CID). ─── 应用碰撞诱导解离技术,研究了甲苯自身化学电离条件下离子-分子反应产物离子m/z 183和184的碰撞诱导解离(CID)反应特性.

88、The negative temperature dependence of alkali salt dissociation in polyether media was studied with the aid of ionic conductivity and mobility of polymer single-ion eonduetors. ─── 以单阳离子导体作为传导模型,通过对阳离子淌度的表征,证实了碱金属盐在聚合物介质中的负温度依赖性。

89、It was noted that the binding between NE2 protein and 8H3 can be enhanced by the pre-binding of 8C11. The equilibrium dissociation constants (KD) of these three MAbs and their Fab fragments were determined by BIAcore biosensor. ─── 利用Biacore生物传感器测定这3株MAb及其Fab的亲和常数(KD),8C11和13D8的KD值均为20nmol/L左右,其Fab片段的KD值较完整抗体有数十倍的提高,可解释为完整抗体的二价效应;

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