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burrow 发音

英:['b?r??]  美:['b?ro]

英:  美:

burrow 中文意思翻译




burrow 网络释义

vi. 探索,寻找;挖地洞,挖通道;住入地洞,躲藏起来;钻进某处;偎依著vt. 挖掘,挖出;在…挖洞(或通道);使躲入洞穴n. (兔、狐等的)洞穴,地道;藏身处,住处n. (Burrow)人名;(英)伯罗

burrow 词性/词形变化,burrow变形

动词现在分词: burrowing |名词: burrower |动词过去分词: burrowed |动词过去式: burrowed |动词第三人称单数: burrows |

burrow 短语词组

1、burrow into v. ─── 探查

2、rabbit burrow na. ─── 野兔穴 [网络] 兔之皇国

3、joe burrow injury ─── 乔·伯罗受伤

4、burrow system ─── 潜穴系统

5、joe burrow injury video ─── 乔·巴罗受伤视频

6、dingly burrow ─── 肮脏的洞穴

7、joe burrow ─── 乔·伯罗

burrow 相似词语短语

1、burros ─── n.驴子(尤指美国西南部用作驮畜的驴)(burro的变形)

2、barrow ─── n.搬运架,手推车;弃矿;古坟;n.(Barrow)人名;(英、西)巴罗

3、burro ─── n.驴子(尤指美国西南部用作驮畜的驴);n.(Burro)人名;(西)布罗

4、burrowed ─── v.挖地洞,挖通道;依偎;挖穿;钻入;(使)……钻到……下面;(在……里)搜寻;深入查询;n.(动物的,尤指兔子挖的)洞穴,地洞;n.(Burrow)(美)伯罗(人名)

5、borrow ─── vi.借;借用;从其他语言中引入;vt.借;借用;n.(Borrow)人名;(英)博罗

6、burrower ─── 穴居者

7、Murrow ─── n.(Murrow)人名;(英)默罗

8、burrows ─── n.地洞,洞穴(burrow的复数);v.挖掘;打地洞(burrow的第三人称单数)

9、furrow ─── n.皱纹;犁沟;车辙;vt.犁;耕;弄绉;vi.犁田;开沟;犁出浪迹;n.(Furrow)人名;(英)弗罗

burrow 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a large family of solitary short-tongued bees most of which burrow in the ground. ─── 一大类独立的短舌的大多数在地下挖洞的蜜蜂。

2、Males will leave their birthplace burrows, but they will not move far before mating with a female from a neighboring burrow. ─── 公蜘蛛会离开出生的洞穴,但是在与邻近洞穴的母蜘蛛交配以前,不会跑得太远。

3、a hole through which an animal may bolt when pursued into its burrow or den ─── 动物被追赶时穿过并进入它的洞穴或兽穴的洞

4、With the new trap, the rat catchers catcher still for its forces smoke into borrow but the burrow. ─── 他与一位机械工程师合作研究出由铁制造的优质捕鼠夹。

5、Hamas too will think much harder next time it is tempted to burrow under the border to kidnap Israeli soldiers, or to pop its rockets off at Ashkelon or Beersheba. ─── 下次,当哈马斯试图挖掘边界地道来绑架以色列士兵,或是朝阿什科龙或比尔夏巴发射火箭炮时,它也将忖度再三。

6、The one caboodle conch that they discover in burrow of Long Baisi of south Africa cloth, according to speculation, had had history of 75 thousand years. ─── 他们在南非布隆伯斯洞穴发现的一堆贝壳,据推测,已经有7.5万年的历史。

7、Brown contrived to burrow a passage through the snow-drift, and, with his bare head bent against the storm, floundered onward to Peter's door. ─── 彼得与塔比莎背对着门,正俯身向着一只大箱子,看来是刚从烟囱左边那个洞口还是密橱里拖出来的。

8、You burrow and rankle in his heart! ─── 你挖掘并折磨他的心灵!

9、If the groundhog sees its shadow, it will return into its burrow and winter will continue for 6 more weeks.[1] Candlemas is sometimes the same day, and has similar beliefs about the coming weather. ─── 如果土拨鼠看到自己的影子,它将返回到其洞穴和冬季将持续6个星期。[ 1 ]圣烛有时同一天,也有类似的信念和对未来的天气。

10、Crypt Fiend - This unit may now learn the Burrow ability. ─── 地穴恶魔-可以学习'钻地'技能。

11、Reinforced Orc Burrow - Upgraded version of the Orc Burrow with greater hit points and greater defenses. ─── 强化兽人地堡-兽人地堡升级版。拥有更大的生命值和防御力。

12、Yours will call me,like music, out of my burrow. ─── 别的脚步声让我慌慌张张地逃回洞穴。

13、Punxsutawney Phil is a groundhog that comes out of his burrow on Gobbler's Knob Pennsylvania each February 2 to predict the weather. ─── 在宾州的菲尔是一只每年2月2日都会从洞穴爬出来预测天气的土拨鼠。

14、A commensal organism, especially an insect that lives in the nest or burrow of another species. ─── 寄生体,客虫一种同栖生物体,尤指生活在另一昆虫巢穴中的昆虫

15、Researchers aren't entirely sure what happens when a puffin directly confronts a rabbit in its burrow. ─── 对于很多冰岛人来说,海雀在文化上占有特殊的位置。

16、And the researchers showed that the retrovirus did not need to burrow into the adult cell genome at a specific sites. ─── 同时研究者们展示该逆转录病毒不需要在成熟细胞基因组特定位置打孔进入特定位点。

17、5. Does Master Hutter think it necessary to burrow on this lake? ─── 哈特先生非要呆在湖上不可吗?

18、The winter passed; the sun came out again; Timmy Willie sat by his burrow warming his little fur coat and sniffing the smell of violets and spring grass. ─── 冬天过了;太阳再出来了;提米威利坐在他的洞旁边,暖和暖和他的小毛皮外套,并且嗅着紫罗兰和春草的味道。

19、As she was ripped from the ground, four newborn warthog piglets rushed from the burrow and took shelter in the long grass under my vehicle. ─── 在母疣猪被拖出地面的同时,四头新生的小疣猪从疣猪洞从地洞中奔过来躲到我车下的长草从中。

20、The hare does not eat the grass around his Burrow ─── 兔子不吃窝边草

21、Devastation burrow devour herbage It caused devastation by burrowing and by devouring the herbage which might have maintained millions of sheep and cattle. ─── 它们在地下打洞,吃掉本可以饲养数百万头牛羊的牧草,给澳洲大陆造成了毁灭性的破环。

22、"We will keep her in our burrow, next to the pond. ─── “我们将把她留在我们靠近池塘的洞穴中。

23、No monarch in his impregnable fortress is more secure than the cony in his rocky burrow. ─── 在巩固城堡中的王并不会比在岩石洞穴中的沙番更安全。

24、There is nothing preventing her from dragging the cricket into the burrow if she chooses to do so. ─── 如果她选择将蟋蟀拽入地洞,没有什么东西会阻止她那样做。

25、They blocked the burrow in with cement ─── 他们用水泥封住了那个地洞。

26、They arrive at King's Cross at 10:45, so this means they left the Burrow at about 5:45. ─── 他们在10:45到达国王十字车站,因此,这意味着他们在大约5:45离开陋居。

27、Only one crab lives in a burrow and outside of the breeding season Red Crabs are solitary, and do not tolerate intruders into their burrows. ─── 一个洞内只有一只螃蟹,除繁殖期以外它们都是孤独的,并且不能容忍洞中的入侵者。

28、An animal that characteristically lives commensally in the nest, burrow, or dwelling place of an animal of another species. ─── 寄食动物一种特有的动物,与另一种类动物共栖在同一巢、穴或栖息地

29、A day, find proboscis opening inside, because deep and proboscis aperture is long, anguine great rejoicing, it is the burrow that make one's home with it. ─── 一天,找到象鼻孔内,因象鼻孔深而长,蛇大喜,便以它为安身的洞穴。

30、During the night the Syrian Hamster will travel collecting food, returning to its burrow several times to empty the contents.In one night the Syrian may travel up to 8 miles in this way. ─── 它们在晚上四处收集食物,其间会往返住所多次,通常一只叙利亚仓鼠在晚上旅行的路程会达到8英里。

31、Earthworms burrow and bring rock particles to the surface to be acted upon by heat, cold, air and water. ─── 蚯蚓挖洞而把岩石颗粒带到地表,使它们经受热,冷、空气和水的作用。

32、But Rowling's main intention is to get Harry and Ginny together, so she has them being chummy at the Burrow, sharing a joke about Fleur and playing Quidditch every day with Ron and Hermione (HBP7). ─── (HBP5)但是罗琳的主要意图是要哈利和金妮在一起,因此她让他们在陋居亲密相处,分享关于芙蓉的笑话而且每天与罗恩和赫敏一起玩魁地奇。

33、The burrow depth of Uca formosensis reaches approximately one meter in the high intertidal zone. ─── 图37.栖息在高潮线地区的台湾招潮,其洞穴深可达一公尺。

34、Burrow the tailbone down toward the floor, and keep your back muscles soft. ─── 将尾椎骨尽量靠向地板方向以使背部肌肉保持柔软。

35、George: He'll follow the scent right to the rabbit's burrow if he can. ─── 乔治:假如可以的话,牠会循气味直走到兔子洞穴前。

36、Taj Burrow's book of surfing! ─── 喜欢的书籍

37、A friendly microclimate unfurled itself from the bottle of Johnnie Walker and encouraged my imagination to emerge from its burrow. ─── 在黑牌威士忌的瓶子里,一个可爱的小世界向我敞开心扉,怂恿我的想象从它藏身的洞中爬出来。”

38、I shall come down your burrow and chivvy you out like an old stoat . ─── 我要钻进你的地洞里去,象赶一只老鼬鼠一般把你赶出来。

39、An animal can't construct a tunnel like a mouse hole or a rabbit burrow ─── 它们不能在沙土上建造队道 就好像地鼠和兔子的洞穴那样

40、When Harry and Hermione visit the Burrow, the Weasley's home near Ottery St. ─── 她曾经在无数的场合和他们争论过。

41、They go back to their own burrow. ─── 他们回到自己的洞穴。

42、Several banelings burrow outside the Terran base, but the Zerg player opts to let them walk by, luring them into a trap at the nearby watchtower. ─── 几个自爆狗从人族的基地里钻了出来,但是虫族玩家却让他们离开,以引诱人族来到了望塔附近的陷阱。

43、It follows that, if Arthur is right, the Burrow must be within fourteen miles of King's Cross. ─── 从而,如果亚瑟是正确的,陋居距国王十字车站一定在十四英里以内。

44、burrow a path through the crowd ─── 从人群中钻出来

45、One day, there was no food in the burrow for their breakfast. The brother was very hungry and began to cry. ─── 有一天,家里没有食物做早饭了(这里怪怪的…),弟弟饿得哭了起来。

46、Reinforced Orc Burrow- Upgraded version of the Orc Burrow with greater hit points and greater defenses. ─── 强化兽人地堡-兽人地堡升级版.拥有更大的生命值和防御力.

47、In July, the sun rises in the east-south-east, so they must have been walking more or less north to get to Ottery St.Catchpole from the Burrow. ─── 7月,太阳从东南方升起,所以他们一定是向大约正北面走从陋居到奥特里-圣卡奇波尔村。

48、The burrow system with complex any is in those days system of an underground river. ─── 任何一个复杂的洞穴系统都是当年的一个地下河流系统。

49、The footing corals start to anchor down on the loose rocks, and the subterranean sponges burrow underneath. ─── 基脚珊瑚开始向下扎根到松散的岩石中,而身处地下的海绵会在底下挖洞。

50、a hole through which an animal may bolt when pursued into its burrow or den. ─── 动物被追赶时穿过并进入它的洞穴或兽穴的洞。

51、R: Oh, not just mice. Cats, and rats, and bats, and weasels, and probably striped burrow owls, as long as they are completely useless in battle. ─── 哦,不只是老鼠。猫、鼠、蝠和鼬鼠,可能还会有斑纹洞穴猫头鹰,所有在战斗中没用的动物都可能有。

52、Underground, thousands of tiny creatures are allowed to do what comes naturally: they burrow, eat, digest, live, breed, die and decompose. ─── 在地下,成千上万的小生灵可以自然地生存:它们挖洞、进食、消化、生存、繁殖、死亡并分解。

53、One day, he and his buddies went out to herd the cattle and they were tormented by unbearable hunger, so they searched for things to eat on the slopes.One of them found a vole’s burrow by accident. ─── 一日,朱元璋和伙伴外出放牛,他们饥饿难忍,所以开始在山坡上找吃的,有位伙伴突然发现了一个田鼠洞,挖开洞,里面有许多豆子、花生、大米等吃的。

54、He was afraid that they would burrow into his past. ─── 他担心他们会追查他的过去。

55、Meanwhile, males of the species Moroteuthis ingens were found to have sperm packets that, once deposited onto a female, burrow into the body. ─── “(南洋力士钩鱿的)精荚可以独立的渗入皮下”,霍文说,“这是因为精荚分泌的一种酶能溶解鱿鱼的身体组织。”

56、If, for example, the cricket host is removed a few inches from the edge of the burrow while the wasp is inside making her last-minute check, she will drag it to the edge of the burrow again and go through the same routine. ─── 例如,当黄蜂正在进行最后检查时,如果将蟋蟀宿主移离地洞口几英寸远,黄蜂会将蟋蟀拖回地洞口,重复例行检查的同样动作。

57、The squirrel stores nuts in its burrow. ─── 小松鼠将干果贮藏在地洞里。

58、She is seen very little after they return to the Burrow and not involved in any of the scenes on the train. ─── 在他们回到陋居之后,她出现的次数更少,也没有在火车上的任何一个场景中露面。

59、He looked at the crane flying, and at that moment the fox ran out of the burrow and darted into the bushes. ─── 他抬头望了一眼飞去的仙鹤,就在那一刹那,狐狸冲出了洞穴,钻进了灌木丛。

60、the burrow prevents the squirrel from getting too hot. ─── 地洞可以防止松鼠变得太热。

61、A real tank gunner in a real tank reclines in a tiny windowless burrow tucked into the bowels of a multimillion-dollar steel capsule. ─── 一个坐在真正的坦克中的真正坦克炮手,倚靠在一个被塞进价值数百万美元的钢铁舱室内的小洞里。

62、But there are a few films, and this is one of them, that burrow into our memories and become reference points. ─── 但有一些片子,当然包括这部在内,它们会渗入你的记忆,成为一个闪亮的小点。

63、As dusk descends on the mountains, a pangolin emerges from its burrow. ─── 当薄暮涌入山区,一只穿山甲从地洞钻了出来.

64、But suddenly she saw movement near one of the burrow mouths. ─── 忽然,她看到洞穴出口有点动静。

65、Fixed a problem that removed the Summoned state from Carrion Beetles when they burrow. ─── 修正了腐尸甲虫在进行挖洞时失去召唤状态的问题。

66、The other steps send my hurrying underground. Yours will call me out of my burrow like the sound of music. ─── 可是,如果你驯养了我,我的生活将会充满阳光。因为,我会听出不同于其他所有的一种脚步声

67、Oh,not just mice.Cats,and rats,and bats,and weasels,and probably striped burrow owls,as long as they are completely useless in battle. ─── 哦,不只是老鼠。猫、仓鼠、蝙蝠和鼬鼠,可能还会有斑纹洞穴猫头鹰,所有在战斗中没用的动物都可能有。

68、Underground, thousands of tiny creatures are allowed to do what comes naturally: they burrow, eat, digest, live, breed, die and decompose. ─── 在地下,成千上万的小生灵可以自然地生存:它们挖洞、进食、消化、生存、繁殖、死亡并分解。

69、Imagine you are poking a stick into an animal’s burrow. ─── 大家不妨设想一下这样的情景:将一根枝条插进动物的洞穴里。

70、The rabbit shot from its burrow and two dogs made after it at top speed. ─── 兔子从洞里窜了出来,两只狗在后面拼命追赶。

71、A glowing hermit crab tentatively peeks out of its coral burrow in Palau. ─── 在帕劳,一只通红的的寄居蟹试探性地从它的珊瑚洞穴往外窥视。

72、As seen before, players can also mutate Zerglings into Banelings, which are basically suicide units that perform kamikaze runs into opposing bases or burrow, essentially functioning as land mines. ─── 六只蟑螂能无损斩好几个雷神...看来只有集火才能消灭它们,而且还要有反隐型能力来对付他们的钻地技能。

73、They burrow through the skin, bore anchor holds in the skull. ─── 他们掘洞穴过皮肤,令人讨厌的人停泊头盖骨的把握。

74、It may share a burrow with a gopher tortoise, for which it is often called gopher snake. ─── 可与沙龟同居一洞,常称沙龟蛇。

75、"When it rains, I sit in my little sandy burrow and shell corn and seeds from my Autumn store. ─── “下雨的时候,我坐在我的小沙洞里,然后为从我秋季贮藏室拿出来的小麦和种子去皮。

76、He sat watching for a rabbit to come out of the burrow. ─── 他坐着等一只兔子从洞穴跑出来。

77、It's a fine sunny day in the forest, and a rabbit is sitting outside his burrow, tippy-tapping on his typewriter. ─── 这是一个阳光灿烂的晴朗日子,森林里一只小兔子坐在洞穴外,在打字机上敲敲打打。

78、He must leave the warmth,safety and companionship of The Burrow and follow without fear or hesitation the inexorable path laid out for him... ─── 他必须离开温暖、安全和来自陋居的友谊,并且要以无情的方式打倒自己的恐惧和犹豫。。。)

79、I come out of my burrow only at night to find food. ─── 我只在夜间从洞穴中出来寻找食物。

80、Burrow Nest Biology of Sand Martin in Nanchong, Sichuan ─── 四川南充崖沙燕的洞巢生物学

81、But in a significant expansion of authority, the regulations call for a special compensation overseer who will burrow into the pay practices of some of the country's biggest enterprises. ─── 但是,权力范围有了明显的扩大:条例要求由薪资特别监察员去核查该国这些最大的企业的实际发薪。

82、Zoology A commensal organism, especially an insect that lives in the nest or burrow of another species. ─── 寄生体,客虫:一种同栖生物体,尤指生活在另一昆虫巢穴中的昆虫

83、At bedtime in the burrow Moz is squished and squashed by sleepy rabbits. ─── 夜晚的地洞里,小兔子莫莫快被其他的兔子给挤扁了。

84、The number of rodent, its burrow and active burrow were 374/hm 2, 4 168 /hm 2 and 1 167/hm 2 respectively in the grassland of Dari County, Qinghai Province. ─── “黑土型”退化草地鼠类危害相当严重,青海省达日县草场高原鼠兔的平均洞口数为4168个/hm2,有效洞口数为1167个/hm2,有鼠兔374只/hm2。

85、For example,they might burrow through the skin,or be ingested in food,inhaled into the respiratory tract or penetrate through an open wound. ─── 例如:它们可能穿透皮肤,或者连同食物被摄取,或者被吸入呼吸道,或者通过开放性创口侵入。

86、Does Master Hutter think it necessary to burrow on this lake? ─── 哈特先生非要呆在湖上不可吗?

87、In 1989, Burrow, Abadi and Needham developed BAN logic, which quickly become the most widely used and discussed formal method for the analysis of protocols. ─── 1989年,Burrow,Abadi和Needham提出了BAN逻辑,它很快得以广泛的应用并且成为分析协议的常规方法。

88、Opeatostoma pseudodon Burrow ─── n. 钩刺旋螺(骨螺超科,旋螺科)

89、Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have designed nanoparticles that latch onto cancer cells, burrow inside and release toxins to destroy them. ─── 哈佛大学及麻省理工学院的研究人员设计出一种奈米颗粒,可与癌细胞相接并钻入细胞当中,放出毒素杀死细胞。

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