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08-16 投稿


circulate 发音

英:['s??kj?le?t]  美:['s?kj?let]

英:  美:

circulate 中文意思翻译



circulate 词性/词形变化,circulate变形

动词过去式: circulated |形容词: circulative |名词: circulator |动词现在分词: circulating |动词第三人称单数: circulates |动词过去分词: circulated |

circulate 短语词组

1、re-circulate v. ─── 再流通; ─── 再通行

2、money circulate ─── 货币流通

3、circulate to ─── 循环至

4、circulate register ─── 传阅登记簿

5、circulate fiction ─── 散布谎言

circulate 相似词语短语

1、circinate ─── adj.漩涡状的;环形的

2、calculate ─── vi.计算;以为;作打算;vt.计算;预测;认为;打算

3、recirculate ─── v.再流通;再通行

4、circulates ─── vi.传播,流传;循环;流通;vt.使循环;使流通;使传播

5、circulated ─── adj.流通的

6、circulator ─── n.传播者;循环器;循环小数

7、aciculate ─── adj.有刺的;针状的

8、circulable ─── 循环的

9、circulative ─── adj.循环性的;促进循环的;(货币、报刊等)具有流通性的

circulate 习惯用语

1、circulate around ─── 围[环]绕...旋转

2、circulate about ─── 在...附近流传

3、circulate among ─── 在...中流传

4、circulate ... through ─── 使...在... 中循环

circulate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The scent of cloves will stimulate more blood to circulate to the brain and therefore is useful in sustaining consciousness. ─── 丁香的香味将激励更多血液在脑部循环,因此有助于保持意识。

2、It would be very irresponsible and extremely dangerous to circulate the so-called ethnic confrontation or religious conflict. ─── 在这个问题上宣扬所谓民族对立或宗教矛盾是不负责任的,也是非常危险的。

3、What is the trend of Euro after it starts to circulate in January 2 0 0 2 ? ─── 20 0 2年 1月欧元纸 (硬 )币投入流通后走势如何 ?

4、The stairstep, however, should cause back-slipping molecules between adjacent electrodes to circulate in a loop, creating a local eddy. ─── 但阶梯可使邻近电极间倒流的分子绕圈循环,形成局部涡流。

5、Circulate for one and half hours before pulling. ─── 大约一个小时。

6、In a high, the usually gentle winds circulate clockwise around the center of the Northern Hemisphere. ─── 在北半球高压中,常见的和风围绕中心顺时针地吹。

7、Its difficulties had begun a week earlier as rumours began to circulate that it was short of liquidity . ─── 当一周前有传言称银行缺乏资产流动性时,他们的困难才刚刚开始。

8、The Secretary shall circulate the minutes of meetings and reports of the Committee to all members of the Board. ─── 委员会秘书向董事会全体成员传阅会议记录及报告。

9、An axial type fan with a capacity of at least 71 m3/min (2500CFM) must be used to circulate the fumigant. ─── 必须用风量大于71立方米每分钟的轴流型风机进行熏蒸剂循环。

10、If our heart is strong and working efficiently, oxygen will circulate all round the body helping to feed and renew our body tissues. ─── 假如我们的心脏很强健并且能够高效地工作,氧气就会在身体里循环流动,有助于身体组织的供氧和更新。

11、Strange stories began to circulate in the small town about Morison's new girlfriend. ─── 小镇上开始流传有关莫里森的新女友的奇怪的故事。

12、Circulate for one and half hours before pulling out. ─── 循环一个半小时再起钻。

13、You will have a chance to circulate and chat informally. ─── 你们会有机会四处走动一下,互相聊聊。

14、It has two genes from flu viruses that normally circulate in pigs in Europe and Asia and avian genes and human genes. ─── 它有两组基因,来自通常流行于欧洲和亚洲的猪群间的流感病毒和鸟类病毒,以及人类基因。

15、In this cyber-age I scanned it and send it to you with the hope that it will circulate wider and bless more beings. ─── 在这个电脑时代,我将之扫瞄并传给大家希望能够增广流传并随之加持更多的众生。

16、Here, you have a chance to circulate and chat informally. ─── 在这儿,你有机会四处走动,还可以随便聊天。

17、The T-shirt that Idesigned will circulate in each "Wu Fen Pu" and large dress shop or sale in Internet. ─── 一个是会将我所设计的T恤量产流通于五分埔及各大服饰店以及网路拍卖,

18、Rumors began to circulate among the local people that the capital city had been conquered. ─── 在当地人中开始流传这样的谣言,说是首都城市被攻陷了。

19、Foreign money is not allowed to circulate in China. ─── 外币不允许在中国流通。

20、Rumors began to circulate among the local people that the capital city had been conquered. ─── 在当地人中开始流传这样的谣言,说是首都城市被攻陷了。

21、In nature, influenza viruses circulate continuously among animals, especially birds. ─── 在自然界,流感病毒在动物,尤其是鸟类中间持续流行。

22、Most modern coins that circulate last for about 25 years. ─── 大多数的现代硬币会流通使用25年。

23、Here, you have a chance to circulate. ─── 在这儿,你有机会四处走动,还可以随便聊天。

24、If circulate a few times, weight can come down for certain, and reduce put oneself in another's position can more cogently inside adipose. ─── 假如循环几回,体重肯定可以下来,而且会比较切实地减掉体内的脂肪。

25、It also helps blood circulate. ─── 促进血液循环。

26、Camel spiders became an Internet sensation during the Iraq war of 2003, when rumors of their bloodthirsty nature began to circulate online. ─── 在2003年伊拉克战争期间,骆驼蜘蛛在互联网引起了轰动,称它们嗜血如性的谣言开始在网上传播。

27、Whether any other means, equally conducing to excite and circulate the industry of mankind, may not be as useful as money. ─── 其他一切手段,一样可以激励和保证人类勤奋劳作的手段,是否都不如金钱来得有效?

28、She had the foresight to realize that once the ugly rumor had begun to circulate, only the truth could put it to rest. ─── 她早就明白,一旦恶毒的谣言开始流传,只有真相才能使之平息。

29、Louvered doors, or vent grilles in solid doors help air circulate into lockers, forepeaks and other isolated areas of the boat. ─── 在实心门上的百叶或格子板都可以帮助空气循环进入柜子、前舱和其船上其它的隔间。

30、A nation cannot exist without industry and agriculture, and money and commodities can not circulate without commerce and trade. ─── 一个国家,无工无农无根本;无商无贸无流通。

31、Unsubstantiated rumors of his involvement in the death of a popular stripper continue to circulate. ─── 关于他未经证实的谣言中包含的有关他死因的部分广为流传,而且越流传越变得不光彩。

32、Under normal operation, political trust tends to circulate like a screw in form of bottom-line trust, rational trust and diffused trust. ─── 在常态运行下,政治信任表现为底线信任形态-理性信任形态-扩散信任形态螺旋式上升的循环走势。

33、If, on the other hand, the rumor tends to circulate only among like-minded people, accurate rumors seems less likely to emerge. ─── 另一方面,如果谣言只在有相似观点的人群中传播,那么则难以水落石出。

34、Circulate a monthly release of toilet paper and collection of certificate photos. ─── 协助行政助理每月发放一次纸巾,收集办证相片.

35、Its difficulties had begun a week earlier as rumours began to circulate that it was short of liquidity . ─── 当一周前有传言称银行缺乏资产流动性时,他们的困难才刚刚开始。

36、It's a simple matter to circulate a newspaper in the metropolitan area. ─── 在大城市的市区内发行报纸是很简单的事。

37、An amusing bit of copy would circulate until no one could be sure of its origin. ─── 一则有趣的文字往往流传到谁都不知道它的出处。

38、Sulphar and chlorine in industrial circulate water were determined by XRF with the spectrum pure reagent,in helium light way. ─── 以光谱纯试剂做标准系列,氦气光路,XRF法测定工业循环水中硫和氯。

39、Russia begins to circulate new rubles to stem inflation and promote confidence. ─── 1998年的今天,为阻止通货膨胀和提升信心,俄罗斯开始发行和流通新卢布。

40、But their chief distinction remains the manner by which they circulate. ─── 但是它们的主要特征却始终不变,正因为如此,民歌得以广泛流传。

41、This paper introduces the application of PLC in the oil circulate system and the design method of its software-hardware. ─── 介绍了可编程序控制器(PLC)在油循环系统中的应用和该系统的软、硬件设计方法。

42、Leave a gap at the top and bottom so air can circulate. ─── 在顶部和底部各留一点空隙,这样空气就可以流通了。

43、Otherwise, there isn't enough room for the air to circulate. ─── 否则空气循环就没有足够的空间。

44、The panel shall circulate its report within 90 days after the date of referral of the matter to it. ─── 专家组应在此事项提交其后90天内散发其报告。

45、Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief. ─── 好广告不只在传达讯息,它能以信心和希望,穿透大众心灵。

46、Under such an environment. how to make art and life circulate and develop benignly together. it is the severe test to us. ─── 在这样的环境下.如何使得艺术与人生良性相伴地循环发展.对我们是严峻的考验.

47、Linjin is a new tax created by the late Qing government, which has the merchandise circulate tax character. ─── 厘金是晚清创办的一个新税种,带有商品流通税的性质。

48、Draughts help to circulate air. ─── 通风有助于循环空气。

49、Circulate inside, it is effectual to keep warm, energy-conservation. ─── 内循环,保温效果好,更节能.

50、Harmful substances in cigarettes such as nicotine can circulate through the blood to various organs and reach the brain in seconds. ─── 吸烟会令大量有害化学物质如尼古丁迅速透过血液传送至身体不同器官及大脑,影响身体抗氧化功能,并有机会引致呼吸系统、环系统、化系统及口腔等疾病。

51、But again, the key is that the robe is loose-fitting.Otherwise, there isn't enough room for the air to circulate. ─── 但同样的,问题的关键是这袍子得是宽松的,否则的话空气没有足够的空间来对流。

52、Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrate the public mind with desire snd belief. ─── 好广告不只在传递讯息,它能以信心和希望,穿透大众心灵。

53、The TMB shall circulate the notifications made pursuant to this Article to all Members for their information. ─── TMB应将根据本条作出的通知散发所有成员供其参考。

54、A cooling device, as in automotive engines, through which water or other fluids circulate as a coolant. ─── 冷却器一种冷装置,如用在汽车发动机内,水或其它流体作为冷却剂在其为内部循环

55、Luo Guanzhong writes a book later, feel indelicate, change console oneself with false hopes, circulate up to now. ─── 后来罗贯中写书,觉得不雅,便改成望梅止渴,流传至今。

56、He was apparently content to let a rumour circulate that he had dropped out of circulation in shame over a homosexual affair. ─── 而且他显然很乐意散布这种谣言:他已因耻于同性恋事件而退出社交圈。

57、Other channel information shows, similar PPT plan has in the hand of a few big clients of Baidu circulate. ─── 其他渠道信息显示,类似的PPT方案在百度的一些大客户手中有流传。

58、Depend on the superintend to the whole process of food produce and circulate, actualize the HACCP manage, ensure the safety of food. ─── 依靠对食品生产流通全过程的严格监控,实施HACCP管理,保障食品安全。

59、More than a playmaker that tries to circulate the ball, he's a player of definitive passes. ─── 与那些将球运转起来的进攻组织者相比,他更像是作出致命一传的那种球员。

60、The TMB shall circulate these notifications to the other Members for information and review them as provided in paragraph 21. ─── TMB应将这些通知散发其他成员供参考,并按第21款的规定对其进行审议。

61、The farmers are also using large fans to circulate air over orange groves and prevent freezing. ─── 农民们还用大扇子扇风使空气流动,来防止柑橘发生霜冻。

62、Chemical constantly circulate or recycle in the system. ─── 化学物质在系统中不断循环或回流。

63、Circulate bottoms up for a sample. ─── 循环取样观察。

64、As amusing bit of copy would circulate until no one could be sure of its origin. ─── 一则有趣的文学往往流传到谁都不知道它的出处。

65、"I have found over the years when bad news begins to circulate around the stock market, our City customers never fully lose their appetites," she said. ─── 她说:“数你来,我发现当坏消息开始在股市传播,我们的来自伦敦商业区的顾客从不会失去他们的胃口”

66、He heard soft chuckles circulate around the room and almost got up to leave.Pandora shushed the other students. ─── 他听到教室里渐渐响起"咯咯咯"的低笑声,差点就想起身离开.潘多拉对同学们说了声"嘘".

67、She had the foresight to realize that once the ugly rumor had begun to circulate, only the truth could put it to rest. ─── 她早就明白,一旦恶毒的谣言开始流传,只有真相才能使之平息。

68、The commemorative bank notes circulate in the currency market with the same denomination as the ordinary RMB10 notes. ─── 奥运纪念钞和同面额的10元人民币等值流通。

69、As sand plug occurs, stop adding proppants and circulate them out. ─── 出现砂堵,停止加砂,进行循环。

70、But it continued to circulate, especially in China. ─── 但是禽流感仍在流行,特别是在中国。

71、He had concluded that Lyalin was a provocation, and simply refused to circulate the documents. ─── 他断定利亚林是派过来的,因而坚决拒绝传阅这些文件。

72、To circulate, as the blood in the body. ─── 循环如身体中的血液循环

73、The main function of XNS was to open sweat pores, circulate fluid in body, expel turbid urine and remove poisonous substances. ─── 以开通玄府,流通气液,泻浊解毒立法的痴呆方醒脑散对老年性痴呆的治疗具有可靠的效果,值得进一步研究。

74、Commercial refrigeration relies on fans to circulate the air within the cabinet. ─── 商用冷藏柜依靠风扇使空气在柜内流通。

75、In either case, however, it is a religious legend as long as traditional oral versions continue to circulate. ─── 但不管怎样,只要故事继续流传,它仍然是宗教传说。

76、We would really encourage you to circulate to whom could be interested in. ─── 我们将确实鼓励你传播到谁能被感兴趣在里面。

77、For example, cooling water circulate constantly through the tuyere, hearth staves, bosh and inwall cooling plate etc. ─── 例如,冷却水不停地在风口、炉身、炉腹和内壁冷却板等部位循环流动。

78、The GATT Secretariat shall promptly circulate these notifications to the other participants for information. ─── GATT秘书处应迅速向其他参加方散发这些通知供参考。

79、The principle is to support the crop above the ground and to allow the air to circulate. ─── 原则就是将庄稼从地面上支起来,让空气从中自由流通。

80、Rumours began to circulate about his financial problems. ─── 有关他财务困难的谣言开始流传开来。

81、Several different stories circulate about the origin of Memorial Day. ─── 关于阵亡将士纪念日的起源众说纷纭。

82、Ten thousand years after know, take sundial and water clock to see an emperor, speak to Zu B pure the sun and moon circulate of truth. ─── 万年知道后,就带着日晷和漏壶去见皇上,对祖乙讲清了日月运行的道理。

83、Any plant in a container needs room to grow and enough space for air to circulate. ─── 任何一个集装箱厂需要施展才华的足够空间空气流通。

84、False statements and press leaks about Oswald circulate the globe. ─── 关于奥斯华不实的报道传遍了全球。

85、He opened a window to allow air to circulate. ─── 他打开了一扇窗,使空气流通。

86、The principle is to support the crop above the ground and to allow the air to circulate freely through it. ─── 原则就是将庄稼从地面上支起来,让空气从中自由流通。

87、"It's a very useful model," reports Wagers, "because it allows one to track cells that normally circulate in the blood under physiological conditions. ─── 因此,一旦这个小鼠被联合在一起,任何从表达荧光蛋白小鼠的血液中运动到它的非荧光同伴的细胞都能被确定。

88、The panel shall circulate its report within 90 days after the date of referral of the matter to it. ─── 专家组应在此事项提交其后90天内散发其报告。

89、Long before any voting, two or more drafts of legislation circulate, all trying to address the same problem. ─── 在进行任何投票前很久,就会有两个或者更多的法律草案流转,所有的草案都是针对同一个问题。

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