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08-16 投稿


Thracian 发音

英:[[?θre???n]]  美:[[?θre??n]]

英:  美:

Thracian 中文意思翻译




Thracian 短语词组

1、thracian empire ─── 色雷斯帝国

2、thracian map ─── 色雷斯地图

3、thracian nation ─── 色雷斯民族

4、thracian knife ─── 色雷斯刀

5、thracian pronunciation ─── 色雷斯语发音

6、thracian wiki ─── 色雷斯维基

7、thracian helmet ─── 色雷斯头盔

Thracian 词性/词形变化,Thracian变形


Thracian 相似词语短语

1、Phaeacian ─── n.费阿刻斯人(荷马史诗《奥德赛》中的一个民族)

2、biracial ─── adj.双种族的,二种人种间的(尤指黑、白人种的)

3、Samothracian ─── adj.萨莫色雷斯岛或居民的;n.萨莫色雷斯岛或居民

4、Mercian ─── adj.莫西亚的;莫西亚人的;莫西亚方言的;n.莫西亚人;莫西亚方言

5、Thracians ─── 色雷斯人

6、Grecian ─── adj.古希腊式的,(与)古希腊(有关)的;n.希腊人;希腊学家;希腊语

7、Dacian ─── adj.达契亚的;达契亚人的;n.达契亚人;n.(Dacian)(罗)达奇安(人名)

8、Thracian ─── n.色雷斯人;adj.色雷斯语的;色雷斯(人)的

9、traducian ─── 特拉杜森

Thracian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The 10 female figures carved in high relief on the walls of the central chamber and the decoration of the lunette in its vault are the only examples of this type found so far in the Thracian lands. ─── 中央墓室墙上雕刻的10个女神雕像和拱顶的弦月窗式装饰是至今为止在色雷斯岛上发现的唯一一处。

2、a Thracian town that was rebuilt and renamed by the Roman emperor Hadrian. ─── 原是一座色雷斯的小城,为罗马皇帝哈德里安重建并重新命名。

3、Roughly equivalent to modern Romania, the area's earliest known inhabitants were Getae and Dacian people of Thracian stock. ─── 已知最早的居民是属色雷斯族(Thracian)的盖塔人(Getae)和达契亚人(Dacian)。

4、Thracian tomb reflects the fundamental structural principles of Thracian cult buildings. ─── 这座公元前3世纪的色雷斯人古墓体现了色雷斯人宗教建筑的基本结构特点。

5、As the Greeks expanded into Thrace, they exploited Thracian gold and silver mines, and then recruited Thracians for their own infantry. ─── 最早,色雷斯人是一群说一种印欧语的部落,他们的足迹曾远到亚德里亚海,但是在公元前1300年左右,他们被伊利里亚人赶到了东边。

6、Hephaestus knew nothing of the deception until, one night, the lovers stayed too long together inbed at Ares's Thracian palace; ─── 赫菲斯托斯对妻子的不贞行为一直一无所知。有一天晚上,这对情人在阿瑞斯的色雷斯宫里睡得太久了;

7、Today is the Bulgarian several ancient civilization, including a part of the civilization Thracian civilization from the start there, the fifth century B。C。has continued to Roman rule Bulgaria’s age。 ─── 今天的保加利亚所属的区域是好几个古老文明的一个部分,其中包括色雷斯文明,该文明从公元前5世纪开始发源,一直延续到罗马人统治保加利亚的时代。

8、You are Thracian Goddess of the Moon, ─── 您是色雷斯的月之女神

9、Yet in her distressdespair,she plucked up hercourage to avenge herself upon the Thracian king,who had murdered her son in order to get her son's gold. ─── 然而,即使处于痛苦与绝望之中,她仍旧鼓足勇气向塞希国王复仇,塞希国王得到她儿子的黄金而杀死了他。

10、In 2007, Bulgaria and his QiaoJi archaeologists in Bulgaria archaeological team found a southern 4th century A。D。Thracian king the gold mask。 ─── 2007年,保加利亚考古学家乔奇和他的考古团队曾在保加利亚南部地区发现了一个公元4世纪色雷斯国王戴过的金面罩。

11、Originally a Thracian settlement, it passed over the centuries to Rome, Byzantium, two Bulgarian kingdoms, Ottoman Turkey, and Russia. ─── 最初是色雷斯人的一个定居点,在几个世纪之间,先后属于罗马、拜占庭、两个保加利亚王国、奥斯曼土耳其和俄国。

12、The earliest dwellers at Pieria were Pieres, which belonged to Thracian. ─── 最早居住在比爱利亚的是比爱斯人,属色雷斯人的一支。

13、Yet in her distress and despair, she plucked up her courage to avenge herself upon the Thracian king, who had murdered her son in order to get her son's gold. ─── 然而,即使处于痛苦与绝望之中,她仍旧鼓足勇气向塞希国王复仇,因为塞希国王为了得到她儿子的黄金而杀死了他。

14、gratitude King Pandion offered Tereus either of his daughters in marriage and the Thracian king chose Procne as wife. ─── 感激, 国王潘底翁让泰诺斯从自己的女儿中任选一位作他妻子。泰诺斯选择了普鲁丝妮。

15、It is a remarkable reminder of the culture of the Getes, a Thracian people who were in contact with the Hellenistic and Hyperborean worlds, according to ancient geographers. ─── 这个遗迹证明,根据古代地理学,当时的色雷斯人与古希腊人和居住在北方的民族有着联系。

16、An ancient Thracian axiom states “you can exist without a toaster oven, but is it ain’t really living? ─── 古希腊国公理" ,你可以存在一个烤箱烤,但它并非真正的生活" ?

17、In August, excavations at another ancient Thracian tomb in the same region revealed another four-wheel chariot. ─── 在八月份,在同一地区另一个古代Thracian部落墓的挖掘中找到了另一辆四轮马车。

18、Originally a Thracian settlement, it passed over the centuries to Rome, Byzantium, two Bulgarian kingdoms, Ottoman Turkey, and Russia. ─── 最初是色雷斯人的一个定居点,在几个世纪之间,先后属于罗马、拜占庭、两个保加利亚王国、奥斯曼土耳其和俄国。

19、a city in northwestern Turkey; a Thracian town that was rebuilt and renamed by the Roman emperor Hadrian. ─── 土耳其西北部一城市;原是一座色雷斯的小城,为罗马皇帝哈德里安重建并重新命名。

20、A golden dagger dating to 3,000 BC, plus 500 golden ornaments, have been found in a Thracian tomb in central Bulgaria, an archaeologist said. ─── 一位考古学家说,一把西元前3,000年的金匕首以及500件金质饰品,在保加利亚中部一个色雷斯古墓中被发现。

21、She had the sad fate to see washed ashore the corpse of her young estson Polydorus,who had been entrusted to the Thracian king for safekeeping. ─── 使最小的儿子波里德诺斯能得到妥善的照顾,她把他委托给了塞希国王。可是,不幸的命运又使她看到了被冲到海边的儿子的尸体。

22、The rebellious Thracian Spartacus, born and raised a slave, is sold to Gladiator trainer Batiatus. ─── 古罗马的奴录不堪暴虐而发起叛变,但结果被镇压。

23、Yet in her distress and despair, she plucked up hercourage to avenge herself upon the Thracian king, who had murdered her son in order to get her son s gold. ─── 然而,即使处于痛苦与绝望之中,她仍旧鼓足勇气向塞希国王复仇,因为塞希国王为了得到她儿子的黄金而杀死了他。

24、The Thracian maidens tried their best to captivate him, but he repulsed their advances ─── 色雷斯的少女们竭尽全力地想勾引他,可是他拒绝了她们的要求。

25、In August, excavations at another ancient Thracian tomb in the same region revealed another four-wheel chariot. ─── 在八月份,在同一地区另一个古代Thracian部落墓的挖掘中找到了另一辆四轮马车。

26、She had the sad fate to see washed ashore the corpse of her young estson Polydorus, who had been entrusted to the Thracian king for safekeeping. ─── 她的50个孩子都死了,赫克犹巴因此成为悲哀女王,而别的女人都无法得到这顶王冠。

27、The earrings are Bulgaria archaeologists in Sofia, 280 kilometers away from the capital of a Sherpa village Thracian tomb excavate, with a circular unearthed some unusual and accessories。 ─── 这对耳环是保加利亚考古学家在距离首都索非亚280公里远的库夏尔村的一处色雷斯人坟墓中挖掘出的,一同出土的还有一个环形饰品和一些陪葬品。

28、'The riot of the tipsy Bacchanals, Tearing the Thracian singer in their rage. ─── 我已经告诉过我的爱人这一段表彰我的姻兄赫刺克勒斯武功的故事了。

29、Archaeologists have unearthed2,400- year-old treasure in a Thracian tomb in eastern Bulgaria, the director of the country's history museum said yesterday. ─── 保加利亚考古学会丹尼拉·格里教授率领的15人考古队于23日从中发掘出一顶黄金桂冠、尊酒器、枚金币,以及古希腊的陶器、器和盔甲等陪葬品。

30、A city in northwestern Turkey,a Thracian town that was rebuilt and renamed by the Roman emperor Hadrian. ─── 土耳其西北部一城市,原是一座色雷斯的小城,为罗马皇帝哈德里安重建并重新命名。

31、a city in northwestern Turkey; a Thracian town that was rebuilt and renamed by the Roman emperor Hadrian. ─── 土耳其西北部一城市;原是一座色雷斯的小城,为罗马皇帝哈德里安重建并重新命名。

32、New unearthed Archaeological research, said after the earrings was Thracian funerary。 ─── 考古人员研究后表示,这对耳环曾是色雷斯人的陪葬品。

33、who chiefly inhabited an area north of the Thracian Maedi. the route of Cretan archers that was a ... ─── 应该是在色雷斯北部的一个地区,但字典上找不到中文名,只好音译了,叫阿格里安吧,嘎嘎

34、Out of gratitude King Pandion offered Tereus either of his daughters in marriage and the Thracian king chose Procne as wife. ─── 出于感激,国王潘底翁让泰诺斯从自己的女儿中任选一位作他妻子。泰诺斯选择了普鲁丝妮。

35、Status Offline The race is on to uncover the golden splendors of its Thracian past before sites are looted and developers move in. ─── 这场较量是为了在遗址被掠夺和地产开发商进入遗址之前发现色雷斯人过去的灿烂文明。

36、An ancient Thracian axiom states you can exist without a toaster oven, but is it ain't really living? ─── 古色雷斯国公理你可以存在无多士炉烤箱、但它并非真正的生活?

37、Hephaestus knew nothing of the deception until, one night, the lovers stayed too long together in bed at Ares's Thracian palace; ─── 赫菲斯托斯对妻子的不贞行为一直一无所知。有一天晚上,这对情人在阿瑞斯的色雷斯宫里睡得太久了;

38、Out of gratitude King Pandion offered Tereus either of his daughters in marriage the Thracian king chose Procne as wife. ─── 出于感激,国王潘底翁让泰诺斯从自己的女儿中任选一位作他妻子。泰诺斯选择了普鲁丝妮。

39、Though more numerous than the Thracian Turks, the Albanians in Greece have less power, for they lack the support of a strong mother country and the economic resources available to those who have lived in the same place for a long time. ─── 他们人口比西色雷斯土耳其人多,但没什么权利地位,因为他们背后没有一个强大祖国的支持,也没有经济来源保证他们在一个地方长期生活。

40、Yet in her distress and despair, she plucked up hercourage to avenge herself upon the Thracian king, who had murdered her son in order to get her son's gold. ─── 然而, 即使处于痛苦与绝望之中, 她仍旧鼓足勇气向塞希国王复仇, 因为塞希国王为了得到她儿子的黄金而杀死了他。

41、A rare statue of the ancient Thracian hero Orpheus has been unearthed in Bulgaria, near a place archaeologists say might house the hero's tomb, the leader of excavations said. ─── 希腊神话传说中的古代色雷斯英雄俄耳甫斯的一件珍贵的雕像近日在保加利亚被挖掘出土,现场挖掘工作的负责人表示,考古学家们认为在出土地点附近可能还埋藏着他的坟墓。

42、Egyptian initiation rites, Thracian orphic mysteries and other ritual and cult practices were amongst the many that were adopted readily. ─── 埃及原始宗教仪式、色雷斯人的赫尔默斯神秘主义和其他宗教仪式以及祭拜仪式是他们欣然接受中的一部分。

43、A legendary Thracian poet and musician whose music had the power to move even inanimate objects and who almost succeeded in rescuing his wife Eurydice from Hades. ─── 奥菲士传说中色雷斯诗人和音乐家,他的音乐的力量甚至可以打动没有生命的物体,他差一点将他妻子欧瑞狄柯从地狱中成功救出。

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