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08-16 投稿


clinking 发音

英:[?kl??k??]  美:[?kl??k??]

英:  美:

clinking 中文意思翻译




clinking 反义词


clinking 同义词

lap-streak | lap-strake | clincher-built |lap-straked | lap-streaked

clinking 短语词组

1、clinking beer mugs ─── 叮当作响的啤酒杯

2、clinking press ─── [化] 平压裁断机; 冲切机

3、clinking glasses ─── 碰杯

clinking 词性/词形变化,clinking变形

动词过去式: clinkered |动词过去分词: clinkered |动词第三人称单数: clinkers |动词现在分词: clinkering |

clinking 相似词语短语

1、clunking ─── 发噔的一声地移动(或打击),发出当啷声(clunk的现在分词)

2、chinking ─── n.裂缝;叮当声;裂口;vi.叮当响;vt.使叮当响

3、plinking ─── n.休闲射击;v.随意投掷;发出叮当声(plink的ing形式)

4、linking ─── adj.辅音连接的;n.连接,耦合;v.把……连接起来;联系,相关联;有联系(或关系);挽住,钩住;链接(link的现在分词形式)

5、clinging ─── v.坚持,紧贴(cling的现在分词);adj.紧身的;有粘性的;过分依赖别人的;执着的;n.坚持;依附

6、clanking ─── v.(大型金属撞击时)发出叮当声(clank的现在分词)

7、blinking ─── v.眨眼睛;眨眼挤出;退让;闪烁;对……视而不见(blink的现在分词);adj.讨厌的,可恶的;非常的;adv.讨厌地;非常,十足

8、clicking ─── n.微小静电干扰声;v.点击(click的ing形式);发出滴答声

9、clonking ─── 叮当声

clinking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Drive compulsively in the government below, digital TV replaces traditional TV everybody looks get, this is a tremendous and clinking market. ─── 在政府强制推动下,数字电视取代传统电视谁都看得到,这是一个巨大无比的市场。

2、Don't clink the keys in your pocket. ─── 别让你口袋中的钥匙丁当乱响。

3、The king cursed the courtiers and clapped them quickly into clink for taking prescriptions from a quack doctor. ─── 国王责骂廷臣们从一个江湖那里开药方,并且立即把他们关进了监狱。

4、“Next time, don't start something like that right outside Cowley's window,” said Doyle, as he walked past, bottles clinking in a bag. ─── “下次,别象在考雷的窗外那样开始,”道尔说,他走过去,袋里的瓶子叮叮当当响起来。

5、Before this youth I feel suddenly clinking to calm. ─── 在这个年轻人面前我忽然觉得无比平静。

6、He heard glasses clinking in the other room. ─── 他听到另一间屋里发出碰杯的声音。

7、"Shanghai the mood with clinking joyance, disease hasten is embraced Summer 1999. ─── "时维九月,序属三秋。"上海以无比喜悦的心情,疾趋拥抱1999年秋天。

8、a clinking fine day ─── 天气极好的日子

9、He's in the clink. ─── 他在坐班房。

10、He's also a loyal friend and we first see him starting a jail break to bust pals out of the clink. ─── 他还是一位顶级朋友,我们第一次看到他是从破坏监狱从中救出伙伴的开始。

11、Different colorific lamplight is aspersed when coming down, become in whole house time excessive colour, flowery and clinking. ─── 不同色彩的灯光洒下来的时候,整间屋子里都变得流光溢彩,绚丽无比。

12、In the eating-houses on the bank, cooks could be heard clinking the sides of pans with their slices; in nearby boats cabbage sizzled in the pans. ─── 听到河街馆子里大师傅用铲子敲打锅边的声音,听到邻船上白菜落锅的声音,老七还不见回来。

13、He swallowed freezing bourbon from the clinking glass ─── 他从叮作响的玻璃杯中吞下一大口冰冷的波旁威士忌。

14、There was always a great clinking of patterns downstairs too, until midnight or so, on Saturdays ─── 不但如此,每逢礼拜六,一直到半夜左右,咯登咯登的木屐声音,老是在楼底下响成一片。

15、Mayday as the opening concert singer debut, released two albums clink of the current popularity of tepid, but it is worthy of an album, I recommend you here small. ─── 作为五月天的演唱会开场歌手出道,发行了两张专辑的丁当目前的人 气不温不火,不过专辑倒是值得一听,我这里小推荐一下。

16、In the hallway outside,a scuffle of feet.A clink of metal. ─── 在走廊外面,有扭打的痕迹和金属发出的声音。

17、However, Bob had another arduous clinking missions - to take care of the children. ─── 不过,鲍勃又有了一个艰巨无比的任务--照顾孩子。

18、On the history, rarely a champion can resemble team of Brazilian nation football in that way, world championship is won 5 times in time of nearly 50 years, win clinking recognition and halo. ─── 历史上,很少有一个 冠军能像巴西国家足球队那样,在近五十年的时间里获得五次世界 冠军,赢得无上的赞誉与荣光。

19、(3) kidney live body organizes an examination to have infection of road of clinking make water certainly according to histology and bacteriological examination. ─── (3)肾活体组织检查 根据组织学和细菌学检查确定有无上尿路感染。

20、clinking press ─── 平压裁断机; 冲切机

21、" do not be afraid of do not do, be afraid of only want to be less than, be like river place character, clinking patience and courage are used very happily to obtain on congested bus when you.. ─── 不怕做不到,只怕想不到,如江所言,当你十分开心地在拥挤的公共汽车上用无比的耐心和勇气获...

22、clinking coins ─── 丁当响的硬币

23、She knows you were in the clink . ─── 她知道你们进了监狱。

24、But, it is now in French bishop professional, more and more people think, dry white wine matchs cheese, especially ovine grandma cheese, delicate and clinking. ─── 可是,现在在法国葡萄酒专业人员中,越来越多的人认为,干白葡萄酒配奶酪、非凡是羊奶奶酪,美味无比。

25、She flicked her wand casually at the dishes in the sink, which began to clean themselves, clinking gently in thebackground. ─── 她用魔杖朝水池里的碗碟随意一点,那些碗碟就自己清洗起来,叮叮当当的声音像是一种背景音乐。

26、COINS are clinking in his pocket. ─── 硬币在他口袋里丁当作响。

27、Once connection is cut off, the unmanned aircraft with clinking might can turn one caboodle into scrap iron immediately, more serious is, still meet by hostile use. ─── 一旦联系被切断,威力无比的无人机就会立刻变成一堆废铁,更严重的是,还会被敌方利用。

28、You cannot do this though,"she said. She stepped through the door and strode down the hall, her ivory shoes clinking against the stone floor like nails against glass. ─── 但你做不到。"她说。她从大门出去了,大步走下大厅。她那双象牙鞋子敲击着石头地板,发出钉子敲击玻璃一样好听的声音。

29、be in the clink ─── 在坐班房

30、Nancy: Spencer! How can you do this? We'll all be thrown in the clink! ─── 南西:史宾塞!你怎麽可以这麽做?我们都会被抓去关的!

31、The candle power that is in two people world sways in, in endless sweetness, the individual character adornment of bridal chamber makes Yi person namby-pamby and clinking. ─── 在两人世界的烛光摇曳中,在无尽的甜蜜中,新房的个性装饰让伊人娇媚无比。

32、In the home, wang Bo more time are to wait for the hut in oneself in, so he must choose one magnify for oneself gas, beautiful, lie go up comfortable and clinking big bed. ─── 在家里,王博更多的时间是待在自己的小屋里,所以他一定要为自己选用一张大气、漂亮、躺上去又舒适无比的大床。

33、The King cursed the courtiers and clapped them quickly into clink for taking pres criptions from a quack doctor. ─── 国王咒骂大臣们竟然从一个江湖郎中那里开药方,并且立即把他们关进了监狱。

34、They clink their glasses together to toast the bride and groom. ─── 他们碰杯向新郎、新娘致贺。

35、From inside a wooden building come the sounds of laughter and the clink of glasses.Clapping begins as people in Bavarian costumes dance to the music of an oompah band. ─── 从一栋木造建筑物里面传来了阵阵的笑声和玻璃的玎珰声,当身著巴伐利亚传统服饰的人们,随著一个德国传统民俗乐团的音乐起舞时,四周响起了掌声。

36、If the guest trusted his host, however, he would merely clink his goblet against his host's when his host offered his cup for the sample. ─── 如果客人信任主人,便会在主人举杯时只碰一下杯肚。

37、The crews were belittle craft up and down, the steel tips of the puntingpoles clinking melodiously on the rocks. ─── 例六:小船上的水手,把船上下各处撑去,钢钻头敲打着沿岸的大石头,发出好听的声音。

38、His leave, bring people clinking bitterness and endless longing. ─── 他的离去,带给人们无比的悲痛和无尽的思念。

39、In the city of this " flourishing " , I feel clinking exhaustion! ─── 在这"繁华"的都市中,我感到无比的疲惫!

40、Just, the princess' heart is lonely and clinking, always expect the heart door that can prince opens her to grow a lock gently. ─── 只是,公主的内心是孤寂无比的,总是期盼会有王子轻轻叩开她长锁的心门。

41、They clink glasses. ─── 他们碰杯。

42、The telltale clink of tracks heralds the advance of a brigade combat team. ─── 履带发出的声响暴露出了正在前进的是一支旅级战斗队规模的部队。

43、In one section of the parlour floor was the dining-room, and from the clink of dishes one could tell that supper was being prepared. ─── 大接待室的一区就是餐室,听那里盘碟琳琅,分明正在预备晚餐。

44、Even as I write I hear the clinking of the chains in my mind: how much do I dare expose? ─── 就在写下这些话时,我脑海中仿佛仍不断回荡着枷锁的铿锵之声:我到底敢说出多少真相?

45、As they moved toward it, the rumble of the waterfall sounded like clinking jade or clanking metal.The waterfall resembled a silver dragon that had come to life. ─── 再往里进,汤汤哗哗、鸣玉溅金,瀑布像一条银龙,竟自活了起来。

46、He sat, gazing downward, and gradually thought he heard the old voices and the clink of glasses. ─── 他坐在那里,低着头,渐渐地以为自己听到了往日的人声和碰杯声。

47、clink down [ off ] ─── [英方]急忙走开

48、to cause to make a soft,sharp,metallic sound; clink ─── 使发出轻的、尖锐的金属质的声音;使叮当作响

49、When a guest trusted his host, he would then just touch or clink the host's glass with his own. ─── 当宾客信认主人时,两人就只是碰一下杯子。

50、To cause to make a soft, sharp, metallic sound; clink. ─── 使发出叮铃声使发出轻的、尖锐的金属质的声音;使叮当作响

51、The clinking of glasses has been added to the practice of offering toasts for a few reasons, none having anything to do with poison. ─── 免费英语学习网编译:碰杯因一些原因也被加进祝酒的行列,和毒药没有一丝关系。

52、The pink of cultivate one's morality makes up + act the role ofing has crystal illuminative small waist jeans is melting and clinking. ─── 修身的粉色上装+饰有水晶装饰的低腰牛仔裤甜美无比。

53、In this space that finishs recently, stylist gave a relaxed and clinking household environment with linear draw the outline of. ─── 在这个新近完成的空间里,设计师用直线勾画出了一个清爽无比的家居环境。

54、From i ide a wooden building come the sounds of laughter and the clink of gla es.Cla ing begi as people in Bavarian costumes dance to the music of an oompah band. ─── 从一栋木造建筑物里面传来了阵阵的笑声和玻璃的叮当声,当身着巴伐利亚传统服饰的人们,随着一个德国传统民俗乐团的音乐起舞时,四周响起了掌声。

55、And let me the canakin clink, clink;And let me the canakin clink A soldier's a man;A life's but a span;Why, then, let a soldier drink. ─── 一瓶一瓶复一瓶,饮酒击瓶玎珰鸣.我为军人岂无情,人命倏忽如烟云,聊持杯酒遣浮生。

56、You'd better start behaving yourself or you'll end up in the clink young man! ─── 你最好老实点,不然就要进监狱,年轻人!

57、Complaints apart, I still took some photos as remembrance and if you're interested please clink on the link to visit my photo album. ─── 尽管如此,照片还是拍了不少,就当作这次猎牛记的纪念,有兴趣的人可以利用连结到相本去观赏照片。

58、She looked away and went on clinking the coins together. ─── 她没有理会他,继续敲击硬币。

59、The clinking of glassed traces its roots to medieval days. ─── 喝酒时碰杯的传统可以追溯到中世纪。

60、His concern makes you think he is bold and powerful and clinking, actually he however the name nots agree with solid. ─── 他担心使你以为他勇猛无比,实际上他却名不符实。

61、"Next time, don't start something like that right outside Cowley's window, " said Doyle, as he walked past, bottles clinking in a bag. ─── “下次,别象在考雷的窗外那样开始,”道尔说,他走过去,袋里的瓶子叮叮当当响起来。

62、5.Try to join aureate, showily and clinking. ─── 5. 试着加入一点金色,华贵无比。

63、AIR JORDAN 14 lets those be witnessed without saw with one's own eyes " flying person Majesty " the fan that leads battlefield of ox team go on an expedition also can experience clinking shock. ─── AIR JORDAN 14让那些没有亲眼目睹“飞人陛下”率领公牛队征战沙场的球迷也能感受到无比的震撼。

64、Coffee drinkers will be clinking mugs in a toast to new research suggesting that just two strong cups of the black stuff a day can reverse the effects of Alzheimer's disease. ─── 喝咖啡的人将会彼此碰杯来庆祝一项新的研究,此研究表明每天喝两杯浓咖啡能扭转老年痴呆症对身体的多种影响。

65、Day 125: You'd better start behaving yourself or you'll end up in the clink young man! ─── 你最好老实点,不然就要进监狱了,年轻人!

66、Want you only floriferous dot idea, need not expend setbacks to also can have a cool and clinking summer greatly. ─── 只要你多花点心思,不用大费周折也能拥有一个凉爽无比的夏日。

67、Three coins vanish one at a time from the magician's hand and reappear with a loud clink inside of a coffee cup. ─── 三个银币从魔术师手中逐一消失了,然后响亮地重现于咖啡杯。

68、Spent the night in the clink ─── 在监牢里呆了一夜

69、Listening to people laugh, clink with each other, completely missing the previous elegance. ─── 众人听了哈哈大笑,还互相碰杯,先前的优雅完全不见了.

70、They clink glasses and drink. ─── 他们碰杯喝酒。

71、In the commercial market with so intense competition, "New " and " change the clinking edge tool that " makes competition undoubtedly. ─── 在竞争如此激烈的商业市场,"新"和"变"无疑成为竞争的无上利器。

72、You briefly touch the coin on the table and apparently push it through the table, landing with a loud clink in the glass! ─── 你在桌在玻璃简单地接触硬币和显然地穿它通过桌,登陆与大声的叮当声!

73、be in clink ─── 在坐牢

74、He swallowed freezing bourbon from the clinking glass. ─── 他从叮 作响的玻璃杯中吞下一大口冰冷的波旁威士忌。

75、Product window: Blue is transparent quality of a material of lacteal frostlike powder, cooperate blue chamfer qualitative grain, skin becomes clean immediately, tender and flowing clinking. ─── 产品亮点:含有大小两种去角质颗粒,净化因角质肥厚引起的肌肤变硬问题。

76、She stepped through the door and strode down the hall, her ivory shoes clinking against the stone floor like nails against glass. ─── 她那双象牙鞋子敲击着石头地板,发出钉子敲击玻璃一样好听的声音。

77、Run all the way jump Liang, already tired fatigued and clinking, do not become aware drowsy. ─── 一路奔跑跳踉,早已累得困乏无比,不觉昏昏欲睡。

78、Young and clinking, unrestrained person often can create a miracle, this perhaps is the Internet is the most interesting place in this group course of study. ─── 年轻无比、无拘无束的人常常能创造奇迹,这也许是互联网这一行业里最有意思的地方。

79、Even as I write I hear the clinking of the chains in my mind: how much do I dare expose? ─── 就当此刻写下这篇文章时,我内心有一个声音不停的出现:我到底敢说出多少真相?

80、Why people clink glasses? ─── 喝酒时为什么要碰杯?

81、They are then thrown one at a time into your left hand (you can even hear them clinking), and you grip them, making a fist with both hands. ─── 他们然后被投掷一次一个入你的左手(你能甚而听见他们使叮当响),并且你夹住他们,做一个拳头用两只手。

82、26 The king cursed the courtiers and clapped them quickly into clink for taking prescriptions from a quack doctor. ─── 国王责骂廷臣们从一个江湖那里开药方,并且立即把他们关进了监狱。

83、As the fool think, so the bell clink. ─── 傻子只消想,钟声自会响。

84、The base color shot inside, make enterprise LED towers and changan spend mascot become magnificent and clinking, don't have the wind. ─── 底座内的LED彩色射,让长安塔和长安花吉祥物变得瑰丽无比,别具有风的。

85、Rich style administrative levels dresses up a clinking glaring you. ─── 丰富的风格层次装扮出无比炫目的你。

86、in clink ─── adj. 坐牢

87、As he played he would listen not only to the sound of his own strings, but also for the clink of coins into his tin bowl. ─── 他拉琴时,不仅是在侧耳倾听自己的琴声,也在等待丢到锡碗里丁当作响的钱币。

88、Clinking of glasses traces its root to the health and safety of the drinker. ─── 碰杯的起源自饮酒家的健康和安全观念。

89、Why do people clink glasses when they drink? ─── 为什么人们喝酒时要碰杯?

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