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axil 发音

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axil 中文意思翻译



axil 词性/词形变化,axil变形


axil 短语词组

1、axil gs extreme reviews axil gs ─── 极限评论

2、electrical axil ─── [电] 电轴

3、axil gs extreme ─── 轴gs极限

4、axil gs ─── 十

5、axil angle ─── 轴心角

6、axil official ─── 官方的

7、axil hearing protection ─── 腋下听力保护器

8、axil definition ─── 轴定义

9、axil of leaves ─── 叶腋

axil 相似词语短语

1、auxil ─── 帮助

2、axile ─── adj.轴的,轴上的

3、ail ─── v.(在身体和精神上)使苦恼,使烦恼;折磨;n.轻病;n.(Ail)(印、美)艾乐(人名)

4、axils ─── n.[植]腋

5、axal ─── 轴

6、aril ─── n.[植]假种皮;子壳

7、anil ─── n.靛蓝;木蓝属植物;[有化]缩苯胺;n.(Anil)人名;(英、印、斯里)阿尼尔

8、axel ─── n.(花样滑冰)前外一周半跳;n.(Axel)人名;(瑞典)阿克塞尔;(英、西、德、捷、芬、丹、挪)阿克塞尔;(葡)阿谢尔

9、axial ─── adj.轴的;轴向的;n.(Axial)人名;(法)阿克西亚尔

axil 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Deciduous twining shrubs. Inflorescences axillary, or both axillary and terminal; foliage buds at axil of branching inflorescences. Capsule 3-loculed. Seeds 3-6. ─── 落叶的缠绕灌木。花序腋生,或腋生和顶生;叶芽生于花序分枝腋部。蒴果3室。种子3-6。

2、Umbrella room type cyme, axil is born or the top is born, scattered, slue is spent. ─── 伞房式聚伞花序,腋生或顶生,疏散,有极多花。

3、While in Prostate Spurge, the cyathia are solitary at axil, the style is shorter than 0.3 mm, and the capsules are excerted and bent (please see the figure). ─── 院内常见的其他大戟科园艺植物有圣诞红、变叶木、铁苋、麒麟花、绿珊瑚等;

4、5.A small bulb or bulblike structure in the place of a flower or in a leaf axil, as in a tiger lily. ─── 新西兰的一种灌木或小乔木,许多小白花密生于叶腋内,有蜜的味道,树皮可作绳索。

5、Inflorescences racemelike, often branched, with 1 flower per axil; ─── 总状花序状的花序,通常分枝,具1花每腋;

6、9.Bract scale The structure found in large numbers in the female cone of gymnosperms, each bearing an ovuliferous scale in its axil. ─── 苞鳞:在裸子植物的雌球果中大量存在的结构,每个苞鳞都包含一个珠鳞。

7、Axil not? is small 3 this world can cure. ? ─── 乙肝大,小三阳能不能治好嘛.?

8、Male flowers: clustered in proximal leaf axil of one-year-old branchlets. ─── 雄花在一年老枝的下部的叶腋里的簇生。

9、Occasionally, the number of stamens and carpels is altered and an ectopic floret occurs in the axil of the rachilla. ─── 雄蕊和心皮的数目偶尔也发生改变,在小穗轴的叶腋处偶尔也异位产生小花。

10、Inflorescences racemelike, often branched, rachis zigzagged, especially near apex, with 1 flower per axil; ─── 总状花序状的花序,通常分枝,轴之字形,特别是近先端,每腋具1花;

11、1 Glomerule borne in leaf axil or on dwarf, axillary branchlet, dwarf branchlet base not fused with petiole. ─── 团伞花序生于矮小,腋生的小枝,矮小小枝基部与叶柄愈合,因此团伞花序看起来是生于叶柄。(2

12、Female flowers usually several per axil; ─── 雌花通常数个腋生;

13、leaf axil usually cottony. ─── 通常的叶腋棉状毛。

14、Leaves opposite, sessile, linear, semiterete or clavate, fleshy, rarely subulate or scale-like, base slightly expanded, apex obtuse or with a short, acicular awn;leaf axil usually cottony. ─── 叶对生,无梗,线形,半圆柱形的或棍棒状,肉质,很少钻形的或鳞片状,通常的叶腋棉状毛。

15、Of,relating to,or located in an axil. ─── 有关腋窝或在腋窝里的.

16、The effect of different pharmaceutical product and substrate on the quality of cabbage plant by axil bud cutting ─── 不同生长调节剂和基质对甘蓝腋芽扦插育苗效果的影响

17、central axil depth dose ─── 中心轴深度量

18、bracts ovate, ca. 1 mm, caducous, each commonly with a pair of flowers or dichasia in axil. ─── 苞片卵形,长约1毫米,早落,每通常具一对花或二歧聚伞花序在腋内。

19、Flowers perfect, arranged in terminal or axillary heads or spikes, flower solitary in axil of a bract, subtended by 2 bracteoles. ─── 完全花,在顶生或腋生头状花序或穗状花序里排列,花单生在一苞片的腋里的,被2小苞片包着。

20、In a maturing soybean plant, most of the assimilate from a leaf went into the pod at the axil of that leaf. ─── 在一个正在成熟的大豆植株中,一片叶子的大部分同化物都进入叶腋的荚里。

21、Flowering rate was 100.0% from1st to6th axil location and more male flowers inserted in the 1st to 3rd axil on the low part of flower branch. ─── 第1至第6叶腋位的成花率为100.0%。花枝下部的第1 至第3 叶腋位着生雄花较多。

22、Approximate Hanagata speakers, calyx tube slender, single, born in axil, with yellow, red, orange, white and mottled, the current common yellow, orange, red. ─── 花形近似喇叭,萼筒细长,单生于叶腋,有黄、红、橙、乳白和杂色,目前常见黄、橙、红色。

23、leafy plant having a few stems in a clump with 1 white and dull purple flower in each upper leaf axil; Alaska to northern California and Wyoming. ─── 多叶,每丛兰花有数个茎,每个叶腋上部有一朵花,花白色与暗紫色相间。

24、Male flowers: clustered in proximal leaf axil of young branchlets. ─── 雄花在幼嫩小枝的下部的叶腋里的簇生。

25、Objective To study and difference the axil image characters of spondylolysis from vertebral articulations was the purpose of this article. ─── 目的本文旨在对椎弓峡部裂在横断图像上的特征进行影像分析与鉴别,达到临床正确诊断及鉴别诊断的目的。

26、Cymes 2 or 3 per axil; ─── 聚伞花序2或3每腋;

27、Flowers 1-3 borne on axil of a fleshy bract, sessile, appearing sunken into fleshy rachis, without bractlets, bisexual. ─── 一肉质的苞片,无梗,凹陷成为肉质的轴,没有小苞片的花1-3生于腋,两性。

28、bracts ovate, ca. 1 mm, caducous, each commonly with a pair of flowers or dichasia in axil. ─── 苞片卵形,长约1毫米,早落,每通常具一对花或二歧聚伞花序在腋内。

29、(botany) of or relating to the axil. ─── (植物学)属于或关于叶腋的。

30、Results A 19-year old boy with acue on the face and the back of chest as well as pustulosis at both axil was examined. ─── 结果本例患者为19岁男孩,既有面部及胸背部痤疮和双侧腋窝脓疱病皮肤改变,又有双侧锁骨内段骨炎、骨肥大、胸锁关节和胸骨柄体关节炎的影像学表现。

31、Inflorescence borne in axil of proximal leaf, of 1 umbel, basally not prophyllate; ─── 花序生于下部叶腋,具1伞形花序,基部不具先出叶;

32、plant with fleshy roots and erect stems with narrow succulent leaves and 1 reddish-orange flower in each upper leaf axil; southwestern United States; Indians once cooked the fleshy roots. ─── 具有肉质化的根,直立的茎,狭窄、多汁的叶,每个叶腋上部有一朵橙红色的花;产自美国西南部;印第安人曾烹制过其肉质的根。

33、Plant with fleshy roots and erect stems with narrow succulent leaves and 1 reddish-orange flower in each upper leaf axil,southwestern United States,Indians once cooked the fleshy roots. ─── 具有肉质化的根,直立的茎,狭窄、多汁的叶,每个叶腋上部有一朵橙红色的花,产自美国西南部,印第安人曾烹制过其肉质的根。

34、Leaves usually 3-5-verticillate, sometimes basal ones opposite; leaf axil bulbils often present. ─── 叶通常3-5轮生,有时基生者对生;叶腋珠芽通常宿存。(9

35、Flowers imperfect, minute, axillary, carpellate and staminate sometimes in same axil in various combinations; ─── 花为不完全花,小,腋生,雌花和雄花有时在在同一叶腋里不同组合;

36、Inflorescences racemelike, with few or no branches, 1 flower per axil; ─── 总状花序状的花序,具很少或没有分枝,1花每腋的;

37、Bulbil A small bulblie organ of asexual reproduction that may form in a leaf axil, as in some lilies, or may replace flowers in an inflorescence, as in the wild leek (Allium amploprasum). ─── 珠芽:地上茎的一种变态形式。可能是一种产生于叶轴的无性繁殖器官-小鳞茎,也称珠芽。小鳞茎长大后脱落,在适合条件下,发育成一新植株。

38、plant with fleshy roots and erect stems with narrow succulent leaves and 1 reddish-orange flower in each upper leaf axil; ─── 具有肉质化的根,直立的茎,狭窄、多汁的叶,每个叶腋上部有一朵橙红色的花;

39、electrical axil ─── [电] 电轴

40、Methods:37 cases with mamma accessoria received liposuction and gland resection with small incision in axil wrinkle.Results:66 mamma accessorias of 37 cases were resected completely. ─── 方法:先采用整形外科的肿胀吸脂技术,再结合腺体切除,选择腋窝皱纹小切口,治疗腋部副乳37例。

41、Female and bisexual flowers: usually solitary or rarely 2-4-clustered in distal leaf axil of young branchlets. ─── 雌花和两性花:通常单生或很少2-4丛生的在幼枝的上部叶腋。

42、Cymes fascicled in leaf axils, with 1 or 2 buds per axil and ca. 5 flowers per bud; ─── 在叶腋里的聚伞花序簇生,带有1或2芽每腋和大约每个芽5朵花;

43、Axil the upper angle between leaf and stem. ─── 叶在茎上的着生处称为叶腋。

44、Study on Axil Bud Cutting of Cabbage ─── 甘蓝腋芽扦插育苗研究

45、Spend constant couple, rare unisexual, sheet is born or several get together unripe, axil is born or the top is born; ─── 花常两性,稀单性,单生或数朵聚生,腋生或顶生;

46、5. leafy plant having a few stems in a clump with 1 white and dull purple flower in each upper leaf axil; Alaska to northern California and Wyoming. ─── 多叶,每丛兰花有数个茎,每个叶腋上部有一朵花,花白色与暗紫色相间。收藏指正

47、a small bulb or bulblike structure in the place of a flower or in a leaf axil,as in a tiger lily ─── 在花或叶腋部位生有的球或似球状的结构:如卷丹上的球芽

48、Axil The angle between the upper side of a leaf or branch and the shoot bearing it. Leaf axils are the site of lateral (axillary) buds. ─── 腋:植物叶、枝条或者是芽侧面夹角的位置。腋芽就是生在枝的侧面叶腋内的芽。

49、bracts lanceolate, white pubescent, with small, white tomentose bud in axil. ─── 披针形的苞片,白色短柔毛,具小,白色被绒毛芽在腋内。


51、Beautiful platoon is born into the top or axil is born or the cyme with foliaceous opposite; ─── 花排成顶生或腋生或与叶对生的聚伞花序;

52、seed cones in leaf axil or bract axil, bracts ca. 6-10 pairs, opposite, ovule solitary. ─── 雌球花生于叶腋或苞腋,有6-10对交互对生的苞片,胚珠单生。

53、Implicit the first cystic inflorescence, was born the axil, no pedicel. ─── 隐头花序囊状,对生于叶腋间,无花梗。

54、Flowers often 1 per leaf axil, bisexual; ─── 花通常1每叶腋,两性;

55、Male flowers solitary in axil of each bract, with 2-4 bracteoles or not. ─── 雄花单生于苞片的腋内,有2-4小苞片或无。

56、axil film of leaf ─── 叶腋

57、axil of bractlets with a fascicle of villous hairs. ─── 有一个具长柔毛的头发的密簇聚伞花序的小苞片腋。

58、Inflorescences terminal, umbellate, racemose, or sometimes paniculate, 2- to several flowered, often with 1--3 additional flowers in basal leaf axil of flowering stem. ─── 花序顶生,伞形,总状,或有时圆锥状的,2到数花,通常具1-3另外花生于生花的茎的基部的叶腋。

59、In the early December, the first bract primordium was formed in the axil scale at the cone base, then bract initiation had occurred in acropetal direction. ─── 12月初,最初的苞片原基在雌球果原基的鳞片的叶腋处产生,之后其由基部向顶部连续发生。

60、stipules absent.Inflorescence a solitary flower in terminal leaf axil. ─── 无托叶花序一单生花生于顶生的叶腋。

61、Infructescences axillary, 1 or 2 per leaf axil, cymose, ca. 1 cm, 2- or 3-fruited; ─── 腋生的果序,1或2每叶腋,聚伞状,约1厘米,2或3结果实;

62、Flowers from mixed buds, scattered in basal or subbasal bract axil of young branches; leaf blade abaxially with tufted hairs in axils of veins. ─── 花来自混合芽,在基生或近基生幼枝的苞片腋里星散;叶片背面具丛生的毛在脉腋。

63、Flowers mostly 1 per axil, sometimes clustered on reduced axillary shoots. ─── 多数开花1每腋,有时丛生在退化腋生枝上。

64、According to opinion polls, call into a peeling pows anti-US anti U.S. sentiment in Turkey is mount axil amongst the highest in the world. ─── 根据民意调查,土耳其是全球反美情绪最高的国家。

65、Of, relating to, or located in an axil. ─── 腋窝的有关腋窝或在腋窝里的

66、Flowers fascicled in axil of upper leaves, bisexual but number of organs variable. ─── 花簇生在上部的叶的腋部,两性,但是器官的数量易变。

67、In a maturing soybean plant, most of the assimilate from a leaf went into the pod at the axil of that leaf ─── 在一个正在成熟的大豆植株中,一片叶子的大部分同化物都进入叶腋的荚里。

68、Among morphological characters of seedling, shoot height from axil of first true leaf is significantly related with coldhardiness (R=0.929, P

69、Male flowers: clustered in proximal leaf axil of young branchlets. ─── 雄花在幼嫩小枝的下部的叶腋里的簇生。

70、A small bulb or bulblike structure in the place of a flower or in a leaf axil, as in a tiger lily. ─── 球芽在花或叶腋部位生有的球或似球状的结构:如卷丹上的球芽

71、Usually 2 ovules were initiated in the axil of each bract scale. ─── 轴上每个苞鳞片有2个胚珠。

72、Objective : To observe the influence of the three flavonoid components in Choerospondias Axil laris on the aconitine - induced arrhythmias for finding potent antiarrhythmic compound or simple complex. ─── 目的:观察广枣中三种酮类成分对乌头碱所致小鼠心律失常的影响,为找到一种抗心律失常作用较强的主要化学单体或简单复合物打下基础。

73、Scape arising from a leaf axil, erect, shorter than leaves, naked. ─── 花葶生于一叶腋,直立,短于叶,裸露。

74、5. A small bulb or bulblike structure in the place of a flower or in a leaf axil, as in a tiger lily. ─── 具有肉质化的根,直立的茎,狭窄、多汁的叶,每个叶腋上部有一朵橙红色的花;产自美国西南部;印第安人曾烹制过其肉质的根。收藏指正

75、Male flowers solitary in axil of each bract, with 2-4 bracteoles or not. ─── 雄花单生于苞片的腋内,有2-4小苞片或无。

76、Keywords Letai adhesive;axil composition parts;screw fastening piece;plane seal; ─── 关键词乐泰胶粘剂;轴配合组件;螺纹紧固件;平面密封;

77、YWF series of Axil fan motors, more than 10 models, a dozen specifications, quantities will be come into the market. ─── 二、YWF系列外转子轴流风机,有十余种规格,即日批量上市。

78、axil skeleton ─── 中轴骨

79、orchid growing along streams or ponds of western North America having leafy stems and 1 greenish-brown and pinkish flower in the axil of each upper leaf. ─── 生长于北美西部溪边或池塘边的兰花,茎多叶,花生于叶腋顶部、呈浅绿色或浅紫色。

80、Male flowers are in proximal leaf axil of young branchlets. ─── 雄花在幼嫩小枝的下部的叶腋里。

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