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08-16 投稿


palladium 发音

英:[p?'le?d??m]  美:[p?'led??m]

英:  美:

palladium 中文意思翻译



palladium 短语词组

1、palladium carbon ─── 钯碳

2、palladium bichloride ─── [机] 氯化钯

3、palladium-gold paste ─── [化] 钯-金浆料

4、palladium oxide ─── [化] 氧化钯

5、palladium generator ─── 钯发生器

6、palladium (electro)plating ─── [化] 电镀钯

7、palladium hydride ─── [化] 一氢化二钯

8、palladium iodide ─── [机] 碘化钯

9、palladium diacetate ─── [化] 二乙酸钯

10、Palladium(II) bromide ─── 钯(II)溴化物

11、palladium sponge ─── 海绵钯,钯 ─── 海绵

12、palladium-silver resistance paste ─── [化] 钯-银电阻浆料

13、palladium catalyst ─── [化] 钯催化剂

14、palladium chloride ─── [化] 氯化钯 ─── [医] 二氯化钯

15、palladium nitrate ─── [化] 硝酸钯

16、palladium catalysts ─── [化] 钯催化剂

17、palladium separator ─── 钯分离器

18、Palladium(II) oxide ─── 钯(II)氧化物

19、palladium salt ─── 钯盐

palladium 词性/词形变化,palladium变形

简写符号: Pd |名词复数: palladia |

palladium 相似词语短语

1、palatium ─── n.宫殿(尤指古罗马皇帝的宫殿)

2、palladous ─── adj.含二价钯的

3、palladic ─── adj.四价钯的

4、caladium ─── n.贝母

5、allodium ─── n.保有绝对所有权的土地;完全私有地;自主地

6、Palladium ─── n.[化学]钯;守护神

7、palladiums ─── n.[化学]钯;守护神

8、pallium ─── n.[解剖]大脑皮层;大披肩;层状雨云

9、palladious ─── 苍白的

palladium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、TThis paper introduces the newest research achievements about palladium catalytic organic matter (alkyne, acyl amine, etc. ) and carbonyl link action. ─── 介绍了钯在催化有机物(炔烃、酰胺等),羰基化反应的最新研究成果。

2、Gold and silver separating works, gold alloy, silver alloy, platinum alloy, palladium, palladium... ─── 分类标题:银|贵金属和特种金属...

3、radioactive isotope of palladium ─── 103钯, 109钯

4、Nickel, cobalt and palladium electrodeposits used as barrier layer between copper basis and gold deposit can effectively reduce migration of copper atom to gold upper deposit. ─── 以镍、钴、钯镀层作为铜基体镀金的防渗铜中间层可以有效地防止铜原子扩散到金属表面。

5、Gold, silver, platinum, or palladium, in the form of bars or ingots. ─── 形状为条块状的黄金或白银。

6、Rhodium plating technology on palladium substrate was compared with the common technology on nickel substrate by man-made sweat corrosion test, coating binding force test and cost accounting. ─── 摘要通过耐蚀性人工汗试验、镀层结合力测试、镀层厚度测试以及电镀成本的核算等方法,研究和比较了以钯为基材的镀铑新工艺和以镍为基材的常规镀铑工艺。

7、Selected gemstones are inlaid with natural high-quality materials, all products have been carried out under the surface of palladium and rhodium silver layer 3 Gold. ─── 所选镶嵌的宝石均用天然优质材料,所有产品表面均进行银钯铑3层电金。

8、But with the help of the palladium techniques, scientists are now able to make it from scratch, enough to start clinical testing. ─── 在钯技术的帮助下,科学家如今可以从头合成,足以开始临床测试。

9、Furthermore, We carry on the recovery and purification of gold, silver, platinum, rhodium, palladium, iridium and other precious metals. ─── 另外,承接金、银、铂、铑、钯、铱等贵金属的回收提纯。

10、An ICP-AES method for the determination of Au and Fe in platinum,palladium and Pd-Ir alloy was proposed. ─── 介绍了用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定铂、钯及合金中微量金和铁的方法。

11、An anomalous behavior of hot palladium wire in the atmosphere of silane at low pressure was reported and preliminarily explained. ─── 报道了热钯丝在低压硅烷气氛下的奇异行为,并给出了初步的解释。

12、The synthesis of dimethyl oxalate (DMO) and diethyl oxalate (DEO) by CO coupling reaction in gaseous phase over the supported palladium catalysts was investigated. ─── 在固定床反应器中对钯系催化剂上CO气相催化偶联制草酸二乙酯和草酸二甲酯的空时收率、选择性和CO的转化率进行了实验研究。

13、Microsoft presents palladium as a security measure, and claims that it will protect against viruses, but this claim is evidently false. ─── 微软提出了钯作为安全措施,并且要求它来抵抗病毒,但是这个要求是很明显的欺骗。

14、" Gold, Palladium alloys--Determination of silver content" ─── GB/T15072.5-1994贵金属及其合金化学分析方法金、钯合金中银量的测定

15、Palladium and platinum can be extracted and separated if acid concentration in water phase and MSO concentration in organic phase are cont... ─── 也考察了氯化铵的氨水溶液反萃取钯的适宜条件。

16、He played The Palace, Radio City Music Hall, London Palladium, Copa Cabana and other prominent nightclubs and Reviews. ─── 他曾为宫殿,广播城市,杂耍戏院,伦敦女神像,酷吧小屋和其他卓越的夜总会及场所表演。


18、Palladium and platinum can be extracted and separated if acid concentration in water phase and MSO concentration in organic phase are controlled well. ─── 在控制料液酸度和MSO浓度的条件下可有效地萃取分离钯与铂。

19、Palladium Books Reference - Listing of the products Palladium has published, with cover scans, ISBN numbers, cover prices, and print status. ─── 护卫书参考-产品护卫列出出版了与封面扫描,ISBN数字,封面价格,和出版地位。

20、A flow injection on line extraction chromatographic separation and preconcentration system is proposed for the determination of trace palladium by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). ─── 以三异辛胺萃淋树脂为微型柱固定相,采用流动注射在线预浓集与火焰原子吸收法联用技术,对微量钯的测定进行了研究。

21、Keywords isomerization catalyst;n-hexane;palladium; ─── 异构化催化剂;正己烷;钯;

22、Methods 71 cases with breast masses were performed by ultrasongraphy and molybdonum palladium roengenography, and as compared with pathology. ─── 方法对71例乳腺肿块患者进行超声及钼靶检查,并分别与病理对照。

23、palladium plating technology for nickel replacement ─── 可取代镀镍层的镀钯技术

24、When palladium is heated to gold soldering temperatures, no surface discoloration occurs... ─── 当钯加热到金的焊接温度时,表面不出现变色。

25、On the contrary to the vinyl and aryl chlorides, the oxidative addition reaction of zerovalent palladium to chloro-substituted phosphaalkenes proceeded smoothly under mild conditions. ─── 摘要与氯代烯烃或芳烃相反,氯代膦烯与零价钯的氧化加成反应可以在温和条件下进行。

26、The 4d metals rhodium, palladium, and zirconium do not occur as ordered magnetic materials. ─── 4d金属铑、钯、锆不能作为有序磁性材料。

27、Two kinds of palladium based membrane reactor models and their applications in hydrogenation, dehydrogenation and hydrogen transfer reactions are introduced. ─── 介绍了两种典型的钯基膜反应器结构模型和它们在加氢、脱氢及氢转移反应体系中的应用情况。

28、This composite material could storage 2.35wt% hydrogen which was bigger than the undecorated Palladium hydrogen storage material 1.22wt% at room temperature and 7MPa. ─── 同时,采用PCT储氢测试仪测得其在室温、7MPa下的储氢量为2.35wt%,大于未经钯修饰的坡缕石的储氢量(1.1wt%)。

29、Some systems, like Fortress (Mirage Dental Co.) and Cerinate (Den-Mat Corp.), utilize a direct build up of a ceramic on a refractory die or on a master die swedged with palladium or platinum foil. ─── 不同的全瓷间接修复系统其材料组分与制作过程都有很大不同。牙科材料制造商在其各自系统内使用各种瓷材料与瓷填料颗粒来达到特定的强度与美学效果。

30、The analyzed sample has been prepared by adding quantitatively inside standard element Mo and aqua regia in the sample of diatom earth coat with palladium, the content of palladium determined has been by EDXRF . ─── 在涂钯硅藻土样品中定量加入内标元素 Mo和王水 ,制成分析试样 ,用能量色散 X射线荧光( EDXRF)法测定钯含量。

31、Meisterstuck International Passport Holder. Southern German Fullgrain Calfskin. Montblanc star logo with palladium plating. Additional Pocket. ─── 德国南部黑纹小牛皮,印有万宝龙星形标志,镀钯圆环。内有夹层。

32、" Gold, Palladium alloys--Determination of gold content" ─── GB/T15072.1-1994贵金属及其合金化学分析方法金、钯合金中金量的测定

33、The preparation of palladium film electrode and its application in potentiometric titration is reported in this paper. ─── 报道钯膜电极在电位滴定中的应用。

34、The battle continued for a very long time, Helen felt she still loved Menelaus, and she helped Odysseus and Diomedes when they came in disguise to steal the Palladium. ─── 战争持续了很长时间,海伦发现自己还爱着曼纽拉斯,于是当俄底修斯和戴奥米底斯化妆进城来窃取帕拉斯(守护特洛伊城的神像)神像时,她帮助了他们。

35、Study of New Fluorescence Probe of Palladium ─── 新型钯荧光探针的应用研究

36、In line with electrical and mechanical requirements, gold, silver, palladium, and their alloys are used as contact materials. ─── 为符合机、电要求,金、银、钯以及它们的合金作为连接材料被得以使用。

37、The interface property of palladium silicide-silicon (P-type) Schottky Barrier Diode (SBD)has been studied by AES spectrum and EBIC image. The thickness of Pd_x Si_y layer and the deepness of schottky "junction" are estimated. ─── 对硅化钯-P型硅肖特基势垒二极管(SBD)的界面性质作了AES谱和EBIC像分析,估算了Pd_xSi_y层厚度和肖特基结的结深。

38、The price trend of palladium market in 2006 was reviewed and the main influence facts on palladium market were analyzed in this paper. ─── 回顾了2006年钯市场的价格走势,分析了影响钯市场的主要因素。

39、I, a Druid Fighter, am the Son of Universe and Palladium of Nature! ─── 我,一名德鲁伊战士,宇宙之子,自然的守护神!!

40、This paper proposed a simple and practical method to determine gold and palladium in pregnante solution. ─── 提出了一个实用而简便的测定贵液中金和钯的方法。

41、After it was found to have anti-tumor properties, large quantities were able to be made using palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling. ─── 自从发现它有抗癌作用之后,我们就可以用钯催化的交叉偶联法大量合成这种物质。

42、DBNCPA of asymmetry acid bis-diazo reagent have the color reaction with the metal palladium,but have not obvious color reaction with other five kind of metal elements of the platiniridium. ─── 作为不对称变色酸双偶氮试剂的二溴硝基偶氮氯膦与金属钯可发生显色反应,而与同属铂系元素的其他五种金属的显色反应并不明显;

43、But when Odysseus and Diomedes came in disguise to steal the Palladium, she helped them to do so as much as she could. ─── 但当奥德修斯和狄俄墨德斯化装后来偷窃雅典娜神像时,她竭尽全力帮助了她们。

44、He also planned a celebratory performance at the famous London Palladium in England. ─── 他也曾计划到著名的英国伦敦帕拉狄昂剧院作庆祝演出。

45、Abstract: Palladium thin film has been deposited on glass substrate in mixed solution of ethylene glycol and acetylacetone. ─── 摘要: 在乙二醇和乙酰丙酮混合溶剂中将钯多晶膜沉积在玻璃片上。

46、The activities of palladium catalysed cross coupling reactions of substituted bromobenzenes were studied. ─── 分析了温度、化剂、同取代基团对取代溴苯发生钯催化偶联反应活性的影响。

47、After the flames of war had spread for ten years before the walls of Troy, a prophet foretold that Troy could never be expected to fall as long as the Palladium was treasured by its people. ─── 在特洛伊建成之前,战火已弥漫了十年。一位预言家说:只要雅典娜的神像受人民的爱戴,特洛伊城就永远不会衰灭。

48、Asymmetric allylation of 2-nitrocycloketones was catalyzed by palladium with chiral ferrocenylphosphine ligand modified by monoaza crown ethers (A-D). ─── 在用氮杂冠醚改良的手性二茂铁膦与钯的络合物催化下,2-硝基环酮可进行不对称烯丙基化反应。

49、palladium containing brazing alloy ─── 含钯硬钎焊料

50、Solid phase transmission photometric determination of palladium with PVC functional membrane was studied. ─── 提出了用PVC功能膜固相透射吸光光度法测定钯的方法。

51、Amalgam was mixed with mercury by the silver, copper and the tin powder.It s properties can be improved by adding few metals like zinc, indium and palladium . ─── 中文摘要汞齐合金主要是以银、铜与锡之合金粉末与汞混合而成的合金,有时也会添加少量金属(如锌、铟、钯等)以改善其性质。

52、When Microsoft speaks of “security” in connection with palladium, they do not mean what we normally mean by that word: protecting your machine from things you do not want. ─── 当微软说在钯的关系下的“安全”,他们的意思不是我们正规的意思:保护您的机器组织您不想发生的事情。

53、I long product containing vanadium plant, molybdenum, nickel, cobalt, platinum, Spent palladium catalyst. ─── 我厂长期求购含钒,钼,镍,钴,铂,钯废催化剂.

54、This is because the palladium nanoparticles continued to release trapped electrons. ─── 这是因为钯纳米颗粒在不断地释放捕获的电子。

55、How much so is clear for platinum and palladium. ─── 这一点在铂和钯上面体现得十分明显。

56、A method for determining palladium content in catalysts supported on molecular sieve and aluminium oxide with air-acetylene flame atomic absorption spectrometry is presented in this paper. ─── 提出了用空气-乙炔火焰原子吸收光谱测定分子筛和氧化铝基催化剂中钯含量的方法。

57、The paper analyzes the innate character of poising devitalization of the sensor and gives the common tactic of platinum palladium catalyst system of anti poison by experimental research. ─── 文章分析了载体催化元件中毒失活的本质,通过实验研究,探讨了铂钯催化剂系统抗硫化氢中毒的一般策略。

58、The palladium catalysts supported by honeycomb porcelain and its deactivation state have been studied by means of XRD, SEM and BET surface area measurement. ─── 应用XRD、SEM与BET测比表面等手段对蜂窝形多孔陶瓷钯催化剂及其失活状态进行了测试。

59、Palladium fell to 796.38 dollars an ounce. ─── 钯价下跌到每盎司796.38美元。

60、Relationship of palladium and gold in the mylonite reveals no evdence to support direct source of Au ore materials from the upper crustal amphibolitic rock inclusions. ─── 容矿角闪质糜棱岩中金与钯关系研究结果不支持金矿质直接来自于矿体附近的角闪质上壳岩包体说法。

61、The method for extracting metal palladium can be used for smelting palladium and extracting palladium from nuclear waste liquor. ─── 本发明公开一种提取金属钯的方法,本发明可用于钯的冶炼,也用于对核废液中钯的提取。

62、Her statue, the Palladium, was stolen from her temple. ─── 她的帕拉迪姆神像被人从她的庙里偷走了。

63、But when OdysseusDiomedes came in disguise to steal the Palladium,she helped them to do so asas she could. ─── 但当奥德修斯和狄俄墨德斯化装后来偷窃雅典娜神像时,她竭尽全力帮助了她们。

64、bis (triphenylphosphine) palladium (Ⅲ) chloride ─── 双三苯基膦氯化钯

65、The method of inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry for the determination of impurities of 16 traceelements in highly pure palladium was studied. ─── 建立了高纯钯中16种痕量杂质的电感耦合等离子体质谱测定方法。

66、dinuclear palladium( Ⅱ ) complex ─── 双核钯配合物

67、The catalytic action of cellulose oxyphosphine palladium complexs in the crosscoupling reaction of organotin reagents with acid chlorides for forming C-C bond is presented. ─── 报道了纤维素氧膦-钯配合物在有机锡试剂与酰氯化合物形成碳-碳键的交叉偶联反应中的催化作用,并对部分反应条件及反应机理进行了研究和探讨。

68、A new procedure of surface activation without using palladium salt was proposed for electroless nickel plating on carbon nanotubes. ─── 摘要本文提出碳纳米管表面无钯活化的化学镀镍方法。

69、Adding few palladium in amalgam can impove the amalgam s mercury vapor release rate, mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and creep resistance. ─── 在汞齐合金中添加微量的钯,可改善汞齐合金的汞释出率、机械性质、抗腐蚀性与抗潜变性。

70、Schlemmer G, Welz B. Palladium and magnesium nitrates, a more universal modifier for graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry [J ]. Spectrochimi Acta. 1986,41 : 1157 - 1165. ─── 宣维康.钯镁基体改进剂对铅,铋,锗在石墨炉中原子化影响的研究[J].分析化学,:.

71、In other precious metals, platinum and palladium both rose to their highest in more than a year on Tuesday before retreating. ─── 铂金和钯金周二均一度升至逾一年来最高位,但稍后回落。

72、The method of hydrodechlorination by palladium catalyst is to remove chlorine atom in chlorofluorocarbon and turn it into the possible substitute pentafluoroethane. ─── 以活性炭为载体的负载型钯催化剂对五氟氯乙烷的选择性加氢脱氯反应具有良好的催化活性,色谱分析表明,其生成产物五氟乙烷的选择性高达99%。

73、Kus S,Marczenko Z.Determination of Microgram Amounts of Platinum as Dithizonate in the Presence of palladium by Second-derivative Specrophotometry[J].Analys,1989,114 (2):207. ─── 方国桢,唐晓平.速差对数外推法同时分光光度测定铂和金及其双波长法的比较[J].分析实验室,1993,21(9):1081.

74、Palladium composite membranes have attracted wide attention in membrane technology because of their excellent permeability, perm-selectivity, as well as chemical and thermal stabilities. ─── 摘要钯复合膜具有很高的透氢速率和透氢选择性以及良好的化学和热稳定性,一直是膜技术领域的研究热点。

75、The mechanism of the palladium complex 40 catalyzed Suzuki cross-coupling reaction was discussed. The cause of decomposition of catalyst and appearance of palladium black were studied. ─── 探讨了cis-Pd(Ph_2PCH_2COO)_2(40)催化Suzuki偶联反应机理及催化剂分解析出钯黑的原因。

76、We produce a wide range of high quality jewelry, specializing in pearl mounting and engagement rings, and diamond jewelry in platinum, 18K gold, 14K gold titanium and palladium. ─── 我公司业务主要为制作各类珠托及成品款式,种类包括戒指、耳环、吊坠、手链及颈链等,专营铂金、18K、14K、钛金及钯金等。力求采用高品质的钻石和宝石,满足客户的需要。

77、It has good properties of palladium coating, such as bright surface , high glisten rate , low contact resistance , high rigidity, antifriction, anticorrosion and so... ─── 利用本工艺电镀能得到性能优良的钯镀层,如外观白亮、反光率高、接触电阻小、硬度高、耐磨、耐蚀等优点。

78、Impurities such as copper, palladium and silver will need to be monitered because they raise the melting point of the alloy. ─── 您可能需要对诸如铜、钯、和银的杂质进行监测,因为它们使合金的熔点升高。

79、Recovers approximately 20 metals including: gold, silver, platinum, rhodium and palladium. ─── 回收品种涉及20多种金属,包括:金、银、铂、铑、钯。

80、Ouchaib, T. ; Massardier, J. and Renouprez, A., "Competitive Hydrogenation of Butadiene and Butene on Palladium and Platinum Catalysts", J. Catal. 119, 517 (1989). ─── 44陈文星、赖宗成、洪正宗,"丁二烯/丁烯混合物氢化反应之研究",第十八届台湾触媒及反应工程研讨会,第266-271页(2000)。

81、Phosphine-free palladium chloride ─── 无膦配体氯化钯

82、The Bill of Rights, palladium of American civil liberties. ─── 人权法案,美国公民自由的卫士

83、The absorption function to palladium and gold by improving active carbon is strongly perfected. ─── 摘要通过对活性炭的改性,提高活性炭对钯和金的吸附作用。

84、Greek support of the people the Palladium that Roman thinks the lion is spring, door, fane and tablet stone, there is leonine figure in these places consequently. ─── 希腊人和罗马人认为狮子是泉、门、寺院以及碑石的守护神,因而在这些地方都有狮子的形象。

85、JCIG Lianhua Welfare Chemical Industry Factory - Specialized producer of triethyl phosphate, methyl phosphate, methyl dichloroacetate, stannous oxide, and palladium chloride. ─── [吉化集团吉林市联化福利化工厂生产磷酸三乙酯、氯化钯等二种化工产品。

86、" Palladium, silver alloys--Determination of palladium content" ─── GB/T15072.4-1994贵金属及其合金化学分析方法钯、银合金中钯量的测定

87、When heated to high heat soldering temperatures, some 950 palladium alloys will develop a bluish-purple surface discoloration. ─── 在焊接时如温度升得太高,一些950钯合金会产生一蓝紫色的表面变色。

88、While bullish on gold, Rogers said silver and palladium will perform even better. ─── 在看涨黄金的同时,罗杰斯认为银和钯的表现还会更好。







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