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08-16 投稿


rutting 发音

英:[?r?t??]  美:[?r?t??]

英:  美:

rutting 中文意思翻译





rutting 词性/词形变化,rutting变形

形容词最高级: ruttiest |形容词比较级: ruttier |名词: ruttiness |

rutting 短语词组

1、rutting moon 2020 ─── 车辙月亮2020

2、rutting season ─── 配种季节

3、rutting buck urine ─── 发情公鹿尿

4、rutting definition ─── 车辙定义

5、torch rutting machine ─── 火炬式车辙机

6、rutting deer ─── 发情鹿

7、rutting season moose ─── 发情期驼鹿

8、rutting ridge outfitters wisconsin ─── 威斯康星州车辙岭装备公司

9、rutting buck ─── 车辙巴克

10、rutting period ─── 动情期

rutting 常用词组

in a rut ─── 千篇一律;一成不变

rutting 相似词语短语

1、gutting ─── n.去内脏;v.取出内脏(gut的ing形式)

2、Nutting ─── n.采拾坚果;上螺母;v.采坚果(nut的ing形式)

3、jutting ─── v.使突出;突出(jut的ing形式)

4、retting ─── n.[纺]沤麻;浸水;浸解

5、ratting ─── v.打老鼠;捕老鼠;背叛;告密(rat的ing形式)

6、cutting ─── n.剪报;插枝,插条;狭窄通道,路堑;切割,切断;割下的东西;adj.尖酸刻薄的;严寒的,刺骨的;锋利的;v.切割;凿成;剪短;把……切碎;划破(cut的现在分词);n.(Cutting)(美、澳、印)卡廷(人名)

7、putting ─── n.投掷;(高尔夫球)打球入洞;v.轻击球,使球入洞的轻击(putt的现在分词形式);v.放置;安置,使……前往;(沿某个方向)行驶;写上,印上;说,表达;流向;使处于某状态;把……施加给;把……寄托在;把……用在;指定……价值;估计……为;投入(资金);提出(问题);解释(put的现在分词形式)

8、hutting ─── 赫廷

9、butting ─── n.[建]对接;边界;用头撞人(犯规动作);v.[建]对接(butt的ing形式);冲撞;抵触;n.(Butting)人名;(德)布廷

rutting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The lengthwise cracks caused by frost heave,and settlem ent, bulge, rut caused by spring thaw are the main forms of frost damage of roa ds in seasonally frozen soil region. ─── 冻胀形成的纵向裂缝和道路翻浆导致的沉陷鼓包及车辙变形是季节冻土区高速公路路基冻害的主要形式。

2、What if the body which is to trigger cyclic time within itself and in its divine union with other form, always sits in a rut which never cycles anywhere but perhaps just into deeper distortion ? ─── 如果本来是在神圣联盟中和其他身体一起来触发循环周期的身体,却进入了从不会循环而可能只走入更深扭曲的惯性中时,会怎样呢?

3、Made from rut, assorting sisal hemp and cotton cloth.Sisal Hemp nipping, cotton cloth glued with wax, showed the strength extremely at the double function. ─── 备 注:用剑麻和棉布配合,车扎制成,剑麻锋利,棉布粘腊,双重作用下特显磨削力,适合不锈钢等一切金属的粗磨。

4、If you don't go out and meet new people, it's easy to get into a rut. ─── 如果你不出门结识新朋友,你的生活就容易变得刻板乏味。

5、During the rutting season the big boars have the most terrible mating battles. ─── 在发情期,大野猪们会为求偶而展开激烈的争斗。

6、Meanwhile it is also found that the rutting depth in the middle layer accounts for more than 60% of the total rutting in the pavement. ─── 中面层变形贡献率达到60%以上,应该重视提高中面层的抗车辙能力;

7、You keep going to the same bur, you get in a rut. ─── 你每次都去同一间酒吧,你都墨守成规了。

8、During the rut,the male deer can be very irritable. ─── 在发情期间,公鹿可能很易怒。

9、Postscript: memory is the time of the rut, in the muddy road of life, not destroy. ─── 后记:记忆是时间的车辙,在泥泞的人生之路,难以泯灭。

10、Are you stuck in a job rut? Answer the five questions that will point you in the right direction. ─── 到底你是否被困于一个工作定势中?请回答后面的五个问题;它们能为你指明正确方向。

11、Based on the coupling of vehicle dynamic loading and the pavement surface unevenness,a calculation method is formulated for prediction of highway asphalt pavement rutting under dynamic loading. ─── 基于运动车辆与不平整路面的相互耦合作用,建立车辆动力作用下沥青路面车辙计算与预估方法。

12、If your desire is not genuine or not so very keen, you will stay in the old rut. ─── 你不是真正想要、十分想要,你就还是按老章程办事。

13、The workweek brings another slew of economic data with the potential to push the stock market out of its recent rut. ─── 从周一起本周将有一系列经济数据陆续公布,从而有可能将股市推离近来的轨道。

14、Environment can sometimes alter the rutting age of an animal. ─── 有时环境可以改变动物发情的年龄。

15、By the time Harold was forty, he realized that he had got into a rut. ─── 哈罗德上了40岁时,意识到自己是墨守成规。

16、You mustn't let yourself get into a rut. ─── 你不能陷入老一套。

17、Three types of Pere David's stags are distinguishable during the rutting season: the "harem masters", "challengers" and "bachelors". ─── 在麋鹿的发情交配季节,雄性麋鹿可区分为3种类型:"群主"、"挑战者"和"单身汉".

18、If Lehman remains in its current rut, or things get even worse, the best solution from a regulator's standpoint would be a forced marriage. ─── 如果雷曼仍然如此,或者事情变得更糟,按照“调节论“的观点,强制合并将是最好的解决办法。

19、You'd better get out of this rut soon. ─── 你最好赶快替你的生活添加点变化。

20、Environment is very important influence factors on rutting damage of asphalt pavement. ─── 环境是路面车辙损坏的重要影响因素。

21、TIME: Why did Bollywood stay in the same rut for so long? ─── 为什么宝莱坞的电影的风格保持的如此长久?

22、It is whatbiologists call an unfakeable signal, like the deep roar of a big,rutting stag that smaller adolescents are physically incapable ofproducing. ─── 如果外表当真没有什么影响,为什么即便这份工作并不要求你的穿着非常正式,人们也总是西装革履地参加面试?

23、The detective followed the rut made by the jeep. ─── 侦探追寻着吉普留下的车辙痕迹。

24、Fall into a rut early Don't forget that part of the 3 times rule comes from properly practicing another rule of thumb - fall into a rut early. ─── 别早早忘了成为车辙秋天3时间规则的部分适当地来自实践另一个经验法则-通往车辙的秋天。

25、Through the rutting tests at different temperatures and loads, the paper analyzes the influence of severe climatic conditions and traffic conditions on permanent deformation of asphalt mixture. ─── 以选定的级配为基础对不同的温度及荷载条件进行了车辙试验研究,分析了恶劣气候及交通条件对沥青混合料抗车辙性能的影响,对沥青混合料存在高温临界温度加以探讨。

26、You will not skid if you stay in a rut . ─── 如果墨守成规的话,你就不会溜滑了。

27、Because the Large Stone asphalt Mixes (LSM), has the good properties of eliminating the reflect crack and resistance rut, it can effectively solve these problems. ─── 大粒径沥青混合料具有良好的抵抗反射裂缝和抗车辙能力,可有效解决以上问题。

28、CARTER was driving a wagon along a country lane, when the wheels sank down deep into a rut. ─── 一名车夫赶着货车沿着乡间小路行进。途中车轮陷入了很深的车辙中,再也无法前进。

29、It was used as the gold standard to combining RUT AND histology determination. ─── pylori,以快速尿素酶试验和组织学联合检测作为金标准。

30、To minize or eliminate rutting of heavy duty asphalt pavement, large stone asphalt mixture has been brought forward.Used on base, it s easy to produce fatigue crack under reiterated traffic load. ─── 大粒径沥青混合料由于其一般应用于基层,处于受拉的应力状态,在荷载的反复作用下,易产生疲劳断裂破坏。

31、As soon as you feel your exercise routine becoming a rut, find something else to do. ─── 只要你觉得你的例行演习成为车辙去找别的事可做。

32、By the time Harold was forty, he realized that he had got into a rut and that there was nothing he could do about it. ─── 哈罗德40岁的时候,他认识到自己已经是墨守成规,不思进取,并且对此毫无办法。

33、During the rut, the male deer can be very irritable. ─── 在发情期间,公鹿可能很易怒。

34、Why not do something to get out of the rut if you're so dissatisfied with your job? ─── 你即然这么不满意自己的工作,为什么不设法改变一下呢?

35、After sunset, I hear the bellowing snorts and grunts of several moose in rut. ─── 太阳下山后,我听到好几只发情期的驼鹿的低吼声和呼噜声。

36、Through a linear correction, the rutting information of the road can be accurate get. ─── 通过对横断面进行线性校正,可以得到路面的车辙信息。

37、Rut I see its values now pervading this nation and its life. ─── 但是我看到了它的价值现已充斥于这个国家及其生活之中。

38、Fall into a rut early Don't forget that part of the3 times rule comes from properly practicing another rule of thumb- fall into a rut early. ─── 别早早忘了成为车辙秋天3时间规则的部分适当地来自实践另一个经验法则-往车辙的秋天。

39、"Back in the same old rut, did you say? ─── “嗳!回上了老路么?

40、"I'll try," he said. "Rut Sonny is strong-headed . And even Sonny won't be able to call off Luca. ─── “我试试看吧,”他说,“但是,桑儿很固执,即使桑儿回心转意,他也无法让路加罢休。

41、Formerly this mind wandered about as it liked, where it wished and according to its pleasure, but now I shall thoroughly master it with wisdom as a mahout controls with his ankus an elephant in rut. ─── 在过去,此心随着自己的喜好四处飘荡。现在,我将善御己心,如象师持钩制伏发狂的象。

42、Get moving: Don't get stuck in the rut of thinking you have to play a team sport or take an aerobics class to get exercise. ─── 动起来:不要惯性思维地认为,你必须参加一个团体运动或增氧健身班来锻炼。

43、Only two types of irons were used during the feathery ball era, the sand iron with a large concave face and the rut iron which had a very small head. ─── 在羽毛高尔夫球时代,仅有两种高尔夫球杆被使用,一种是带有大凹杆面的沙铁杆,另一种是杆头很小的。

44、Find design patterns Look for the three times rule, and use the rut rule. ─── 发现设计型找3时间规则的,使用车辙规则。

45、After being a bus driver for 30 years, Jed finds himself in a rut. ─── 在当了30年汽车司机后杰特觉得自己的工作单调乏味。

46、Of course, mistakes may occur even though the effect has been taken into account beforehand, but is the intention good when one continues in the same old rut after facts have proved that the effect is bad? ─── 事前顾及事后的效果,当然可能发生错误,但是已经有了事实证明效果坏,还是照老样子做,这样的心也是好的吗?

47、Have you gotten into a rut at work?Would you like to be more engaged, satisfied, and fulfilled in your work? ─── 你在工作中是否已经开始墨守成规,你是否希望在工作中更为投入并获取更多满足和成就感?

48、And a series of laboratory experiments were progressed, such as the test of resistance rutting, the indirect tensile test, the inundation Marshall test and freeze-thaw test and so on. ─── 对高性能沥青混合料进行一系列室内试验,包括车辙试验,劈裂强度试验,浸水马歇尔与冻融劈裂试验等。

49、She wants stirring up. She's got into a rut. ─── 她希望奋起,她已经陷入俗套了。

50、The trouble with commuting to a nine - to - five job is that it is all too easy get into a rut. ─── 乘公共车辆9点上班5点下班带来的麻烦是,人太容易按惯例行事了。

51、This rut will only deepen in the coming years. ─── 在此后的几年中,这一分歧将会继续加大。

52、What we do when world run rut of oil? ─── 当世界石油枯竭以后人们怎么生活?

53、If you hate your old job, you need to get out of the rut. ─── 假如你不喜欢你的老工作,你就要走出乏味的日子。

54、A carter was driving a wagon along a country road, when the wheel sank down deep into a rut. ─── 一个车夫赶着一辆货车走在乡间小路上,突然,车轮子一下子陷进了深深的车辙里。

55、The bellowing or baying cry of certain animals, such as a deer in rut or a beagle on the hunt. ─── 吼叫声某些动物的吼叫或吠声,如发情期的鹿或正在追猎中的小猎兔犬

56、First love, with its frantic haughty imagination, swings its object clear of the everyday, over the rut of living, making him all looks, silences, gestures, attitudes, a burning phrase with no context. ─── 初恋以其狂热而高傲的幻想,让爱的目标更加鲜明突出,超越了生活的常规,使恋人的每一个眼神、沉默、手势以及姿态都成为一句充满了爱意、没有上下文的箴言。

57、Lack of shear-resistance will lead to shoving, folding, rut and other distresses. ─── 因此黏结层应当具备较强的抗剪切性能。

58、For all his rutting, he has not proved man enough to father sons. ─── 他发情的时候不够男人,所以也生不出儿子。

59、If from a species that gose through a period of heat or rut, you do not go into heat. ─── 即使你所属的物种会发情的话你自己也还是不会。

60、At the effect of repeat traffic loading, the permanent deformation by hot weather and rutting is typical symptoms of asphalt pavement damage. ─── 在车辆荷载的反复作用下,高温时产生的永久变形和车辙是沥青路面的典型破环特征。

61、After thirty years of the same job, he feels he is in a rut. ─── 干了卅年同样的工作,他觉得枯燥乏味。

62、Resulted that use drilling core sample in the rutting test, can be used to detect the site asphalt pavement anti-rutting performance. ─── 表明通过采用现场钻取的芯样试件做车辙试验来检测沥青面层的抗车辙性能的想法是可行的。

63、This paper analyses the reason of engendering rut from external condition.Besides,some suggestions in anti-rutting were put forward for reference. ─── 从沥青路面的外部使用条件分析了沥青路面产生车辙的外部原因,为沥青路面高温稳定性的设计提供参考,并对沥青路面车辙的预防提出了一些建议。

64、Matings are skewed in proportion to the amount of time a stag invests in rut activities. ─── “群主”的交配概率最高,而“挑战者”与“单身汉”之间交配概率差异不显著。

65、Second, pre-natal testosterone amplifies the "rutting stag" behaviour Coates and Herbert had already discovered. ─── 其次,胎儿期的雄性激素放大了科茨和赫伯特业已发现的“发情雄鹿”的行为。

66、For instance we may be stuck in a rut where we keep trying the same things with little or nothing to show for our efforts. ─── 例如,我们总是陷入一种几乎一样的路子而简直没有展示出自己的努力。

67、Key words: Rutting prediction, quality control, solutions, and applications, RLWT. ─── 关键词:车辙预测,质量控制,解决方法,应用,RLWT

68、It's time to get out of the 9 to 5 rut, ie of the normal working day. ─── 应该摆脱开9点上班5点下班那种刻板的生活了.

69、The autumn mist and leaves were backlit, and the rutting stags just seemed to align with one another in formation. ─── 秋天的迷雾和树木的叶片作为背光,发情的牡鹿似乎在互相之间形成了联盟。

70、Influenced by ice expanding and freezing/thawing cycle, rutting depth of porous asphalt prominently increases, however the dynamic stability slightly decreases. ─── 受冰胀和冻融作用的影响,排水性沥青混合料的车辙深度明显增加,动稳定度略有下降。

71、When he realized the t rut h of the situation,he completely swung round to our position. ─── 他了解到事情真相后,就完全转到我们这方面来了。

72、Rut at the same time, most of the fictionists can" t hide their love and hope towards the family, and emotionally the family has become what they identify with and convert to. ─── 可与此同时,大多作家却又隐藏不了对于家族的热爱与希望,并且在情感上都把家族当作了认同和皈依的对象。

73、Example analysis shows that it is feasible to use the rutting prediction method for steel bridge deck with thermal-plastic asphalt mixture surfacing. ─── 实例分析表明,本文提出的钢桥面热塑性沥青混合料铺装车辙预估方法是可行的。

74、With road mileage increasing in our country, the deteriorating of asphalt pavement such as cracking, rutting and pumping is greater. ─── 在我国道路里程不断增加的同时,路面的早期破坏现象也越来越突出,这些现象主要包括横向裂缝,坑槽和唧浆等等。

75、Mt. 13:52 And He said to them, For this reasoni everyecribe discipled to the kingdom 91324 f the heavens is like a householder who bring qforth rut of his treasure things new xvq and old. ─── 太十三52他又对他们说,因此,凡经学家作诸天之国门徒的,就像一个作家主的人,从他库里拿出新旧的东西来。

76、It works great, until we get stuck in rut and the ideas dry up. ─── 一开始这个方法很好,直到最后我们陷入了常规思维,想法枯竭。

77、Under traffic loading, this deformation can take several forms, known in practice as rutting, shoving (or pushing), slippage, or corrugation. ─── 在交通荷载条件下,变形可能呈现多种形式,如实际中称作的车辙、推挤(或推)、溜滑或起皱。

78、He has not been promoted for 20 years; he must be in a rut. ─── 他廿年未获升级,一定感到单调枯燥。

79、On the other hand, when the rut clearly leads to a brick wall, be creative and find a better rut. ─── 在其他的手上,当车辙清楚地通往砖墙壁的时候,有创造力,发现更好车辙。

80、Drilled several cores at rut spot and emergency parking lane, and then extracting tests were undertaken on the asphalt mixtures of different layers. ─── 在车辙槽处和停车道上钻心取样,对不同面层的混合料进行对比抽提试验。

81、Beclouded THE sky is low, the clouds are mean, A travelling flake of snow Across a barn or through a rut Debates if it will go. ─── 天低又复云暗, 飞过雪花一片。穿越车辙马圈, 去留择决艰难。谁人这样待风, 令其整天抱怨。自然犹如我等, 时常没戴皇冠。

82、Nowadays, it is no shame to suffer failure in striving for something new, but it is shame to stay in a rut. ─── 创新失败已经不是耻辱,不创新才是耻辱。

83、After being a bus driver for 30 years,Jed finds himself in a rut. ─── 在当了30年汽车司机后,杰特觉得自己的工作单调乏味。

84、He flatly refused.“ It's worth every rut to see adversity bring out the good in people,” he said with a smile. ─── 他断然拒绝了。“每一个车辙都能看到困境可以显现人的优点,那是值得的。”他微笑着说。

85、Old horse who stumbles over every rut. ─── 你这一绊就倒的老马。

86、He plaintively told a tale of boredom bumping along in the rut of routine. ─── 他沉郁地向我细诉自己那乏味而机械化的生活。

87、In contrast, “bachelors” invested most of their time feeding and resting but virtually no time rutting. ─── “挑战者”在发情行为与维持生命行为之间的时间则居于“群主”与“单身汉”之间。

88、the potential for rutting be different? ─── 的潜力是否不同?

89、The authors analyzed the effects of thickness, gradation, maximum nominal (dimension) and percent air voids on the rut. ─── 分析了大粒径沥青混合料的级配、最大粒径、空隙率和不同厚度对车辙的影响。

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