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expires 发音

英:[ek- ?k?spa??z]  美:[?k?spa??z]

英:  美:

expires 中文意思翻译




expires 同义词

pop off | end | buy the farm | cash in one's chips | sigh | pass | succumb | elapse | cease | vapor | vanish | conclude | pass away | terminate | go | croak | decease | choke | breathe out | finish | conk | disappear | run out | drop dead | breathe | kick the bucket | exit | pass on | invalidate | perish | away |die | snuff it | exhale

expires 词性/词形变化,expires变形

动词过去式: expired |动词现在分词: expiring |动词过去分词: expired |动词第三人称单数: expires |

expires 反义词


expires 短语词组

1、expires in 3 days 3 ─── 天后到期

2、authorization expires ─── 授权过期

3、expires in ─── 过期时间

4、time limit expires ─── [法] 满期, 到期

5、expires mm/yy n.(Yy) ─── 人名;(尼日利)伊n.尤尼克斯(羽毛球品牌);多玩歪歪(软件名);影牙城堡(游戏名)

6、expires definition ─── 过期定义

7、product license expires ─── 产品许可证到期

8、expires on means ─── 到期日

9、expires on ─── 有效期至……(expires是expire的第三人称单数)在……到期(expires是expire的第三人称单数)

10、session expires ─── 会话过期

11、license expires ─── 许可证到期

12、token expires ─── 令牌过期

13、love never expires ─── 爱永不过期

expires 相似词语短语

1、empires ─── n.帝国(empire的复数)

2、expired ─── adj.过期的;失效的;v.期满;失效;(人)死亡;呼(气)(expire的过去式和过去分词)

3、respires ─── vt.呼吸;vi.呼吸

4、expiates ─── vt.赎罪;补偿;vi.赎罪;补偿

5、expiries ─── n.满期,到期;终结;呼气;死亡

6、explores ─── 探索;探究;探测;勘探(explore的第三人称单数)

7、expire ─── vi.期满;终止;死亡;呼气;vt.呼出(空气)

8、expirer ─── 过期

9、Spires ─── [建]尖顶

expires 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His term of appointment expires in August. ─── 他8月份任职期满。

2、Nigerian militant groups in the conflict-riven Niger Delta have been handing over weapons as part of a government amnesty which expires on Sunday. ─── 位于阿尔及利亚因冲突而分裂的尼日尔三角洲武装组织正上缴其武器,该行动是政府特赦的一部分,于本周日到期。

3、When the time-out expires, ASP.NET shuts down the worker process. ─── 在超时过期后,ASP.NET关闭辅助进程。

4、To be eligible for service after the warranty period expires,the end user may purchase post-warranty on-site maintenance from IBM. ─── 在保证期满后,为了更好的服务用户,最终用户可以购买IBM保证期后的现场维修服务。

5、The Brazilian's agent Gilmar Rinaldi confirmed that he will not be signing a new contract when his current deal expires in June 2006. ─── 塞萨尔的巴西经济人里纳尔迪确认道塞萨尔将不会续签将在明年夏天到期的合同。

6、The blemish of agency system oneself depends on, as the representative square, oneself assure hard in the rights and interests after accredit expires. ─── 代理制自身的缺陷在于,作为代理方,自己在授权到期之后的权益难以保证。

7、When set, seahorse-agent expires GPG passwords in its cache after a period of time. ─── 12这里指定操作所使用的默认密钥,主要用于签署。

8、Before box occurs after the date in the Expires After box on the Options tab in the message. Do you still want to send the message? ─── 在“传递不早于”框中的日期发生在“截止日期”框(在邮件的“选项”选项卡上)中的日期之后。是否继续发送该邮件?

9、A: How about repairs after the warranty expires? ─── 在保修期过后的修理怎么办呢?

10、For free articles see Georges patent expires other cheap accutane online companies may half will actually use a they dont see it as. ─── 不过好歹我们后来将范围缩小到清华园,学生相对好一些,取得用户的信息和意见容易得多。

11、The security pact gives US forces a legal remain basis after UN mandate expires at the end of next month. ─── 下个月底联合国授权期满后,这项安全协议给美国在伊拉克提供了一个合法驻军基地。

12、Date and time the backup set expires. ─── 备份集的过期日期和时间。

13、Her management contract with Warner expires next year. ─── 她和华纳的经济约要明年才能到期。

14、If no test message or delivery report arrives before this time expires, the task ends and an error is reported. ─── 如果在该时间过期之前没有收到任何测试邮件或送达报告,则此任务结束并报告错误。

15、His work visa expires in August. ─── 他的工作签证8月到期。

16、India has entered negotiations to replace the Kyoto protocol, which expires in 2012, in the same spirit. ─── 京都议定书2012年到期,印度已加入取代该议定书的新协议谈判,所持精神一致。

17、Force user logoff how long after time expires? ─── : Never 强制用户在时间到期之后多久必须注销?

18、"I have got to talk to the club," said 29-year-old Lampard, who has been linked with a move to Inter Milan and whose current deal expires next summer. ─── 29岁的兰帕德说:是时候商讨我的合同了。在此之前,人们把兰帕德和国米紧密的联系在了一起,虽然神灯还有一年的合同在身。

19、Arizona would like to restructure Johnson's current contract, which expires after next season, extending it by a year. ─── 亚利桑纳将会与巨怪重新签下新的合约,巨怪的旧约将在下个球季结束后届满,预期新合约将会延长一年。

20、"It is logical that we are being contacted by several clubs as Matteo's contract expires next year, but we do not take them into consideration. ─── “有几家俱乐部和我们联系是很正常的,因为费拉里的合同明年就到期了,但我们没有把他们考虑在内。”

21、Removes the next reference object in this queue, blocking until either one becomes available or the given timeout period expires. ─── 从队列中删除下一个引用对象,阻塞直到有一个可用或给定超时期满。

22、The contract expires and becomes worthless. ─── 合同终止并不再有价值。

23、His term of office expires at the end of June. ─── 他的任期六月底届满。

24、Copyright expires seventy years after the death of the author. ─── 版权在作者去世七十年后期满无效。

25、But President Tandja appears determined to press ahead with a referendum August 4 to allow him a third term once his second term expires in December. ─── 但是,坦贾总统似乎决心推行8月4日的公投,以使他在12月的第二个任期届满后,可以连任第三个任期。

26、This credit expires till January 1(inclusive) for negotiation in Beijing. ─── 例14:本证在北京议付,有效期至1月1日。

27、Term expires, the people played the left, then Jin-order goods from the six, things continue to Kochi. ─── 任期满,百姓奏留,遂晋阶从六品,继续知县事。

28、How can a joint venture prolong its term after it expires? ─── 合资期满后,如何申请延长合资期限?

29、But the DPJ has adamantly opposed renewing the law after it expires Nov. 1. ─── 不过民主党坚决反对在该法律11月1日到期后继续延长期限。

30、The message will only reappear in the queue when the timeout period expires if, and only if, it has not been deleted by the reading process. ─── 只有当超时周期过期时,而且读取消息的应用程序没有删除它,消息才会重新出现在队列中。

31、And if the money paid for purchase fails to be returned after the announcement period expires, the money shall be considered illegal gains. ─── 公告期限届满仍无法退还的价款,以违法所得论处。

32、However, two types of messages remain untracked: those that are removed from the queue when their time-to-be-received timer expires, and those that are purged from the queue. ─── 但不跟踪两种类型的消息:一种是当其接收时间计时器过期时从队列中移除的消息,另一种是从队列中清除的消息。

33、Tacchinardi's loan with Villarreal expires in June and he is seriously considering a return to Juventus should they gain promotion from Serie B. ─── 塔奇纳迪和比利亚雷亚尔的租借合同六月到期,届时尤文升甲成功,他将会认真考虑回归尤文图斯.

34、Two years ago, he said he also said he'd quit after season nine, which is when his contract expires. ─── 两年之前他就有说第九季之后金盆洗手,届时也正是合约到期之时。

35、His term of office expires at the end of June. ─── 他的任期六月底届满。

36、When the period of use expires, the unit that has used the grasslands shall restore the grassland vegetation. ─── 使用期满,用地单位应当恢复草原植被。

37、But the South American, whose Nou Camp contract expires in June, insists remaining at Barca is his top priority for now. ─── 但这名和诺坎普的合同在六月到期的南美球员,强调现在他会优先考虑留在巴塞.

38、The former West Ham and Celtic star's current contract expires at the end of the season. ─── 前西汉姆联队和凯尔特人队的球星现在的合同将在本赛季末到期。

39、The most special of it lies in that the appellee will still institute incidental appeal if the deadline for apellee? appeal expires, if the appelle give up appeal or retract it. ─── 其最特殊之处在于,被上诉人在上诉期间己满或舍弃上诉或撤回上诉后,仍可提起附带上诉。

40、But he wants in the Lipitor patent expires, to avoid Pfizer's sales plummeted, I am afraid, will have to do more. ─── 但他若想在立普妥专利到期后,避免辉瑞的销售额直线下滑,恐怕还得做更多的工作。

41、If the specified timeToLive value is 0, the message never expires. ─── 如果指定的生命周期值为0,则消息永不过期。

42、President Tandja's second term expires in December. ─── 坦贾的第二次任期将在12月份结束。

43、After a set of textile quotas on China expires on Jan. 1, industry lobbyists will press the new administration to renew them or make them tougher. ─── 在中国一系列纺织品配额明年1月1日到期后,业内游说组织将给新政府施压,要求续签纺织品配额或是制定更严格的条款。

44、If you would like to continue using the trade mark when the validity expires, you need to make a new application for registration. ─── 商标的有效期满后,如果你方还想使用原来的商标,则需要重新申请注册。

45、Length of time, in seconds, before a Web synchronization request expires. ─── 一个时间长度(秒),过此时间长度后Web同步请求将过期。

46、"Substitute accredit expires, blizzard from commercial interest the biggest turn a consideration, choose new agential give no cause for more criticism. ─── “当代理授权到期,暴雪从商业利益最大化考虑,选择新的代理商无可厚非。”

47、If a Subscriber does not synchronize within this period, the subscription expires. ─── 如果订阅服务器在此期间内没有同步,则该订阅将过期。

48、And they dare not run the risk of losing Diarra as a free agent when his contract expires next summer. ─── 他们不敢让迪亚拉在一年之后成为自由球员,他的合同将在明年夏天到期。

49、A year or two before the incentive expires, the success of the incentive should be evaluated. ─── 在激励手段期满前一、两年,应评估该激励手段的效果。

50、His current deal expires in June 2009 and his annual salary is a measly £510,000, so a pay rise is definitely on the horizon for the 31-year-old. ─── 他现在的合同要到2009年才到期,而他的年薪仅仅是51万英镑,这名31岁的前锋明确表示需要加薪.

51、His term of office expires next month. ─── 他的任期到下个月届满。

52、If the user returns to the same page before it expires, the cached version is displayed. ─── 如果用户在页面过期之前返回同一页,则显示缓存的版本。

53、His contract expires in the summer and Palermo have yet to negotiate a renewal, perplexing many of their fans who would like Simplicio to stay. ─── 他同巴勒莫的合约在明年夏天到期,但目前巴勒莫并没有和他续约的打算,这让很多希望他留下的巴勒莫球迷感到迷惑。

54、Let's say we begin with a 10-year term of a renewable partnership; we can extend our contract for another term before it expires, if both intend to. ─── 10我们的合作期定为十年,只要双方愿意,期满后我们还可以续签合同。

55、In Damascus, Hamas announced that the six-month-old Gaza truce with Israel would not be renewed when it expires on Friday. ─── 在大马士革,哈马斯宣布,和以色列持续了六个月的停火在星期五到期后不会再延续。

56、Note that this command creates a certificate that expires in 365 days, so you'll need to repeat this step in a year. ─── 注意,这个命令创建了一个有效期为365天的证书,因此您需要在一年时间内重复这个步骤。

57、You can extend you policy at any time before it expires. ─── 你可以在保险单到期之前随时延长保险期限

58、Note that the Email to IM feature expires after 5 days after the receival of the IM.Messages sent afterwards won't be received anymore. ─── 但请注意,当您收到离线讯息的电子邮件五天后,那封电子邮件的回覆即时讯息功能就失效了,对方将不会收到您回信中的讯息。

59、To protect your information, your login session automatically expires after half an hour. ─── 为了保护您的信息,您的登入程序在半小时后会自动终止。

60、But the infatuation expires in the cold light of the first morning that the new recruit reports for work. ─── 但这种醉心痴迷在新员工第一天报到的寒冷气氛中就烟消云散了。

61、We need only to be patient as the current profit phase expires and a new cash buildup phase gets ready to fuel the next advance. ─── 我们只需要耐心的当前利润阶段届满和新的建设阶段得到的现金准备燃料在未来推进。

62、Koizumi has said he plans to leave office when his term as president of the ruling LDP expires on Sept. ─── 小泉说,他计划于9月30日,也就是他做为自民党主席的任期到期时离任。

63、If the timer expires before the source receives an acknowledgment, the source retransmits the packet and resets the timer. ─── 假如在来源端接收到确认之前计时器就逾时的话,来源端会重传该封包且重新启动计时器。

64、The joint venture may apply for extension when the joint venture contract expires. ─── 合资企业合同期满,可提出延长合资期的申请。

65、Re-certification The quality system should be re-audited once the term of validity expires or the international standard is modified. ─── 十二、復审换证因应证书有效期及国际标準之修订换版进行。

66、Renegotiating an employed coach can only be done when his contract got less than 4 weeks (28 days) before it expires. ─── 你已有的教练合同在4周(28天)以下过期以前才可以重新谈判。

67、The23- year-old' s current contract expires in a year's time, and Roma are desperate not to lose their prize asset for free. ─── 卡萨诺的合同还有一年到期,罗马并不希望让他免费走人。

68、The Beta expires on August 1, 2009 , and bi-hourly shutdowns will begin July 1, 2009 . ─── 在试用期满的2009年的年8月1日,和两小时的关闭将开始2009年7月1日。

69、Congress must pass a clean, temporary extension of the current SCHIP program that I can sign by September 30th, the date the program expires. ─── 在9月30日,旧的SCHIP过期之前,国会必须通过一个让我能签署的,清晰的旧SCHIP的延续方案。

70、Your subscription expires next month. ─── 你订阅的杂志下个月期满。

71、An option to buy a stock at today's price could be valuable if the price goes up before the option expires. ─── 如果该股票的价格在期权合同到期之前上涨按照现在的股票价格购买的期权合同就有利可图了。

72、The sender also starts a timer when it sends a segment and will retransmit a segment if the timer expires before an ACK arrives. ─── 发送端在送出区段时也起动了一个计时器,并且假如ACK到达前逾时,将重传区段。

73、Crocker said the impetus to complete the deal this year, before the current U.N. mandate for foreign forces in Iraq expires, comes from the Iraqi side. ─── 克罗克说,伊拉克方面努力促进在今年联合国关于驻伊拉克外国部队的授权令到期前达成有关协议。

74、For criminals who are paroled, the period stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be counted from the date the parole expires. ─── 前款规定的期限,对于被假释的犯罪分子,从假释期满之日起计算。

75、But Molson Coors, the world’s fifth-largest brewer, is faced with a cap that expires this year. ─── 但是,莫尔森库尔斯,世界第五大啤酒生产商,面临着到期的帽子,今年。

76、Harrington and Warrior's contract only then expires until 2010, next summer he will have the player option. ─── 哈林顿和勇士队的合同直到2010年才到期,明年夏天他将拥有球员选项。

77、"Number one priority, if only chronologically, but also in substance is Strategic Arms Treaty, which expires in December this year. ─── 他说:“目前的第一优先议题,不论根据时间顺序、还是依据其实质来说,就是将在今年12月到期的战略军备条约。

78、Its franchise expires on May 31, 2003. ─── 其专营权会于二零零三年五月三十一日届满。

79、If the material was created under a work for hire agreement, the copyright lasts 95 years from first publication, or 120 years from creation, whichever expires first. ─── 如果一部作品是在一份雇佣协议的基础上创作的,则著作权保护期是最初出版后的95年,或者创作后的120年,以先终止者为准。

80、If it disapproves, delinquency interests shall be paid as of the second day after tax payment period expires. ─── 不予批准的,从缴纳税款期限届满之日起加收滞纳金。

81、If you want to stay longer,you must apply to the US Immigration and Naturalization Service for an "Extension of Stay",at least one month before your visa expires. ─── 如果你想多呆一段时间,则必须在签证有效期满的至少一个月前向美国移民及归化局申请“延长停留期”。

82、A year or two before the incentive expires, the success of the incentive should be evaluated. ─── 在激励手段期满前一、两年,应评估该激励手段的效果。

83、When a domain name expires, it is immediately suspend for a duration of forty (40) days. ─── 域名一旦到期就会被立即暂停使用,但(系统)会提供40天的延长期,在此其间您仍可以为域名续约(续费)。

84、L.c. will not be extended when it expires at the end of this month. ─── 信用证日期截止本月底无法延长。

85、Bolo Zenden, whose contract expires in the summer, has also been told he can talk to other clubs. ─── 在夏季合约就要到期的岑登也被告知可以开始联系其他的俱乐部。

86、You can remove failing domain controllers from the forest before the TSL expires. ─── TSL到期之前可failing域控制器从林中删除。

87、Delivery Month The month in which a contract expires and delivery of the underlying or cash is required for fulfillment. ─── 交割月份合约到期,必须送交相关商品或现金的月份。

88、A message might fail to reach its destination if its time-out period expires or if the message cannot be authenticated. ─── 如果超时期限过期或者如果无法验证消息,消息可能无法到达其目标。

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