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windward 发音

英:[?w?ndw?rd]  美:[?w?ndw?d]

英:  美:

windward 中文意思翻译






windward 网络释义

adv. 迎风adj. 上风的n. 上风面n. (Windward)人名;(英)温沃德

windward 常用词组

windward side ─── 迎风面;迎风边;上风舷

windward islands ─── 向风群岛,温德华群岛

windward 同义词

open | downwind |upwind | bare | windy | exposed

windward 词性/词形变化,windward变形


windward 反义词


windward 短语词组

1、windward tide ─── 迎风潮

2、windward end ─── 迎风端, ─── 迎风端

3、to windward ─── 占上风, 处于有利地面

4、windward slope ─── 向风坡

5、windward island ─── 向风群岛

6、Windward Islands ─── 向风群岛, 温德华群岛

7、windward fin ─── 迎风鳍

8、Windward Passage Patrol ─── 迎风通道巡逻

9、windward truss ─── 上风桁架,向风桁架

10、windward islands airways ─── 迎风群岛航空公司

11、Windward Isles ─── [网络] 风向小岛

12、windward leg ─── 迎风的腿

13、windward set ─── 迎风流

14、windward flood ─── 迎风潮;顺风涨潮

15、windward yacht ─── 上风船

16、windward face ─── 向风面

17、windward side ─── 迎风面

18、windward is. ─── 迎风面是。

19、Windward Passage ─── 向风海峡(位于西印度群岛中古巴岛与伊斯帕尼奥拉岛之间)

windward 相似词语短语

1、hindward ─── adv.往后地;adj.往后的

2、inward ─── adj.向内的;内部的;精神的;本质上的;熟悉的;adv.向内;内心里;n.内部;内脏;密友;n.(Inward)人名;(英)英沃德

3、windfarm ─── 风电场

4、to windward ─── 向风

5、landward ─── adj.近陆的,向陆的;adv.向陆地;n.(Landward)人名;(瑞典)兰德瓦德

6、windwards ─── adj.向风的,上风的;adv.迎风地,上风地;n.迎风面;上风方向;n.(Windward)(英、美)温沃德(人名)

7、windways ─── 风道

8、fieldward ─── adv.向原野地

9、windway ─── 风道

windward 习惯用语

1、to (the) windward ─── 向风,迎风 ─── 占上风处于有利地位

2、get to (the) windward of ─── 【航海】驶到(他船的)上风 ─── 占(某人的)上风,对(某人)占有利地位

3、keep to (the) windward of ─── 沿着(他船的)上风走 ─── 回避,躲开

windward 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Of or relating to the windward side of a ship; windward. ─── 上风的船向风一侧的或与之有关的;上风的

2、They were sailing windward. ─── 他们正迎风航行。

3、Each rise correlates with the windward-facing slope of the terrain, while declines in cloudiness are found in valleys on the leeward side. ─── 每一处云量的上升都与迎风面斜坡相关,同时,云量的下降出现在背风面的山谷。

4、Our ship thrashed to windward. ─── 我们的船顶风逆浪航行。

5、Of or relating to the windward side of a ship;windward. ─── 上风的船向风一侧的或与之有关的;上风的

6、to windward ─── 占上风, 处于有利地位

7、Walk on the windward side of the street where exposure to pollutants can be50 pcercent less than on the downside. ─── 在街道上,走在上风口比走在下风口要减少50%污染。

8、The first windward leg went pretty well, we had good speed. ─── 我们的第一个迎风还跑得不错,速度很快。

9、Get to windward of sth, ie place oneself on the windward side of sth, eg in order to avoid a bad smell ─── 到某物的上风处(如避免难闻的气味)

10、To pass to the windward of despite bad weather. ─── 上风的船向风一侧的或与之有关的;

11、They heeled the sloop well over, skimming her along to windward ─── 他们使单桅小船倾斜适当,使它顶着风向前滑去。

12、The Taihang Mountains is one of the main districts of debris flow development in China.On the windward slope of the Taihang Mountains,the type of debris flow belongs to heavy storm type. ─── 太行山区是我国北方主要泥石流发育区之一,以暴雨型泥石流为主。

13、5. Nautical To change the course of (a ship) by turning the stern windward. ─── 使顺风:通过把船尾转向风改变(船)的航向

14、In fact, baidu is held windward, what record company follows Internet company suit is transient at hardships, search engine got in the whole world " port " the shelter of the principle. ─── 事实上,百度占据上风,唱片公司跟互联网公司诉讼之路过于艰辛,搜索引擎在全球都受到了“避风港”原则的庇护。

15、If you would on'y lay your course and a p'int to windward, you would ride in carriages, you would. ─── 如果你们能认定自己的目标,懂得见风使舵的话,你们就会坐上四轮马车,一定会的。

16、Walk on the windward side of the street where exposure to pollutants can be 50 pcercent less than on the downside. ─── 在街道上,走在上风口比走在下风口要减少50%的污染。

17、Wind pressure, against the wind, leeward, windward, static pressure, dynamic pressure, overall pressure, thermal pressure. ─── 风压,迎风面,背风面,上风,静压,动压,全压,热压。

18、an island in the center of the Windward Islands; the largest of the islands comprising Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ─── 向风岛中部的一个岛屿;包括和的群岛中的最大的一个

19、the act of beating to windward; sailing as close as possible to the direction from which the wind is blowing ─── 与迎风相击;对着吹来的风紧紧地尽可能的控制方向

20、get to windward of sth,ie place oneself on the windward side of sth,eg in order to avoid a bad smell ─── 到某物的上风处,如避免难闻的气味

21、Aerator should be generally placed in the center of fishpond, or like windward on the drawing. ─── 增氧机一般应放置在鱼池中央,或图略偏上风的位置。

22、Windward Is. ─── 向风群岛

23、the act of beating to windward; sailing as close as possible to the direction from which the wind is blowing. ─── 与迎风相击;对着吹来的风紧紧地尽可能的控制方向。

24、Wind Tunnel Simulation of Flow Velocity on the Windward Slope ─── 地形起伏对气流速度影响的风洞实验研究

25、An island of the southern Pacific Ocean in the Windward group of the Society Islands in French Polynesia. It was first settled by Polynesians in the14th century. Gaugin's best-known works were painted here. ─── 南太平洋一个岛屿,位于法属波利尼西亚的社会群岛中迎风群岛上。它最早由波利尼西亚人在14世纪定居。高更最有名的作品就创作于此。

26、Hike in trees when possible: Snow is often better-anchored on heavily forested and/or windward slopes. Travel in the morning. ─── 如可能在树丛中行进。通常,雪在树林中和/或在风多的坡面比较稳。在早上出行。

27、389.A medium-thick shelterbelt can reduce wind velocity by more than 10 percent to a distance of 20 times the tree height on the leeward side and three times the height to the windward. ─── 中等厚度的防风林在背风侧可在20倍于树高的距离而在迎风侧则在3倍于树高的距离上减小风速10%以上。

28、The capital of St. Lucia, in the Windward Islands of the British West Indies. It was founded by the French in '50. Population, 50,798. ─── 卡斯特里:圣卢西亚的首府,位于英属西印度群岛的迎风群岛上。由法国人在'50年创建。人口50,798

29、when the wind speed and windward are steady , the concentration value of dimensional spot change along with time is inapparent, it may be considered steady. ─── 在稳定风流下,空间各点的气体浓度值随时间变化不明显,其浓度场是稳态的。

30、for I finish'd them very compleat, making a small Stay, and a Sail, or Foresail to it, to assist, if we should turn to Windward; ─── 我毫不怀疑,那些人不是西班牙人,就是葡萄牙人。我也毫不怀疑,一旦我能与他们会合,就能设法从这儿逃走。因为,一方面我们在大陆上;

31、windward post ─── 上风柱

32、windward yacht ─── 上风船

33、have an anchor to windward ─── 在上风下锚

34、Have a dog or many dogs in your life. These are your anchors to windward and your unfailing source of love. ─── 养一只狗或许多狗,它们是你迎风而上的支柱,以及爱的源泉。

35、a volcanic island in the Windward Isles south of Martinique. ─── 一个火山岛屿,位于马提尼克岛以南的向风岛。

36、Paddlers perfect their racing strokes in an outrigger canoe off Oahu's windward coast. ─── 在欧胡岛的向风海岸,划桨手们用熟练的划船技巧划动有弦外支架的轻舟。

37、Let's get to windward of the smoke. or Let's go upwind of the smoke. ─── 咱们到烟的上风头去吧。

38、the windward anchor to seafloor. ─── 猫到海底。

39、the act of beating to windward; sailing as close as possible to the direction from which the wind is blowing. ─── 与迎风相击;对着吹来的风紧紧地尽可能的控制方向。

40、Windward Passage ─── 向风海峡(位于西印度群岛中古巴岛与伊斯帕尼奥拉岛之间)

41、The capital of St. Lucia, in the Windward Islands of the British West Indies. It was founded by the French in1650. Population,50, 798. ─── 卡斯特得斯圣卢西亚的首府,位于英属西印度群岛的迎风群岛上。由法国人在1650年创建。人口50,798

42、It has the advantage of light deadweight, little material, low price, small windward acreage and convenient amending. ─── 具有自重轻、材料少、造价低、迎风面积小和维护保养方便等特点。

43、The aerosol concentration and particle-size distribution during sand-dust storm processes during 2001 in Lanzhou city at leeward and Wuwei city at windward are analyzed in this paper. ─── 分析了2001年沙尘暴期间兰州与靠近沙尘源区的武威的沙尘浓度和粒径分布特征,并运用对数正态分布规律拟合了沙尘粒径的分布。

44、In addition, an axial velocity is observed at the windward stagnant point because of the guidance of the spiral fins, which is essentially distinct from bare tubes. ─── 实验数据表明,螺旋翅片的导流作用使得迎风面的滞点处产生了轴向速度,这和光管有着本质的区别。

45、Windward : The side closest to the wind . ─── 迎风侧:距离风向最近的一侧。

46、The Taiwan topography is the primary reason for the low pressure in the windward mountain and high pressure in the leeward mountain. ─── 台湾岛地形是形成迎风坡诱生低压和背风坡诱生高压的主要因子;

47、an island in the center of the Windward Islands; the largest of the islands comprising Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. ─── 向风岛中部的一个岛屿;包括和的群岛中的最大的一个。

48、got to windward ─── v. 占上风(处于有利地位)

49、Have a dog or many dogs or cats in your life. These are your anchors to windward and your unfailing source of love. ─── 养一只狗或许多狗或猫,它们是你迎风而上的支柱,以及爱的源泉。

50、a volcanic island in the Windward Islands. ─── 向风岛上的一个火山岛。

51、The gulch through the reef was three points to windward and, try as he could, Blackthorne could not gain way. ─── 布莱克松发现逼近的礁石间有狭窄陡峻的空隙,和迎风面的夹角只有三个罗盘方位,他苦苦琢磨,也想不出能把船挤过去的办法。

52、windward slope ─── 向风面

53、When putting out a fire disaster that gives out erosive steam or poisonous gas, the firefighters should wear gas masks and other related protective articles and should operate from the windward side. ─── 扑救易散发腐蚀性蒸气或有毒气体的火灾时,扑救人员应穿戴防毒面具和相应的防护用品,站在上风处施救。

54、This measurement system is mainly suitable for the measurement of thetypical fragment windward area. ─── 弹片判读系统主要适用于典型弹片迎风面积判读。

55、windward The side or direction from which the wind is blowing. Opposite of leeward. ─── 向风风吹的侧边或方向。相对于背风。

56、The mountains of Daluo and Shikengkong are two steps of windward slopes, the rainstorm's center that caused by the two windward slopes is the main source of natural runoff in Beijiang River. ─── 大罗山、石坑崆是北江的两级迎水坡,其形成的多雨中心圈是北江径流量补充的主要来源;

57、English: 389.A medium-thick shelterbelt can reduce wind velocity by more than 10 percent to a distance of 20 times the tree height on the leeward side and three times the height to the windward. ─── 中文:中等厚度的防风林在背风侧可在20倍于树高的距离而在迎风侧则在3倍于树高的距离上减小风速10%以上。

58、A lofty and forceful screen stands in the sitting room, write again windward elegant line, epigrammatic, have v/arc true man quite one peak alone beautiful artistic conception. ─── 客厅中竖一架高大挺拔的屏风,再书写上风雅诗句、警句,颇有大丈夫一峰独秀的意境。

59、They heeled the sloop well over , skimming her along to windward . ─── 他们使单桅小船倾斜适当,使它顶着风向前滑去。

60、A Preliminary Study on Variation in Wind Velocity and Sediment Transport Rate on Windward Slope of Barchan Dune ─── 乌兰布和沙漠新月形沙丘迎风坡风速变化的初步研究

61、In the later model, the advection was treated with "windward" difference format to avoid occurrence of negative concentration. ─── 在污染扩散模型中还对平流项作“迎风”差分格式处理以避免出现浓度负值。

62、windward coast ─── 向风海岸

63、Aerator should be generally placed in the center of fishpond or like windward on the drawing. ─── 增氧机一般应放置在鱼池中央,或图略偏上风的位置。

64、get to windward ─── vt. 占上风(处于有利地位)

65、(out door) crane works with its specialties. The body is heavy with large windward acreage. ─── 室外起重设备运行有其自身的特殊性:自重大、迎风面大;

66、" following a very kind oral words, box includes a brand " wheat includes a package " in the net windward unboiled water rises, make the brand net money that has him vermicelli made from bean starch. ─── ”跟随着一句很亲切的口头语,箱包品牌 “麦包包”在网上风生水起,成为有自己粉丝的品牌网货。

67、They erected a 2-metre-high mud wall on the windward side. ─── 他们在迎风的一边筑起了一堵两米高的土墙。

68、It has the advantage of light deadweight, little material, low price, small windward acreage and convenient amending. ─── 具有自重轻、材料少、造价低、迎风面积小和维护保养方便等特点。更详细。

69、Mechanical Analysis of Windward Sailing and Selection of Sailing Route ─── 帆板运动迎风航行力学分析及航线选择

70、When air travels up the windward slope of a mountain, it condenses to form clouds if it is sufficiently moist and the surrounding is sufficiently cool. ─── 当空气向山坡的迎风面上升时,若果水份充足及环境温度够低,空气中的水份便会凝结成云。

71、The hail fall of the hail cloud which domain of the initial potential temperature perturbation is located in lee slope is 6 times as large as in windward slope. ─── 当初始位温扰动在背风坡时冰雹云的降雹量约为当初始位温扰动在迎风坡时冰雹云降雹量的6倍。

72、Different topographic types were arranged in order of the ant-nest density as follows: hollow >windward slope >dune top >leeward. ─── 不同地形之间蚁穴密度分布为:丘间地>迎风坡>丘顶>背风坡;

73、As to the closed type,the windward region of the roof will suffer high suctions caused by cylindrical and conical vortices while the rest region suffer small wind load. ─── 对于敞开型,迎风时上下表面呈"上吸下顶"的风压叠加组合,背风时呈"上吸下吸"的风压抵消组合。

74、And, small orographic highs and enhanced rainfall caused by climbing airflow on the windward slope of main mountains of these islands are a result of effects of Zhoushan Islands. ─── 同时,地形引起的气流爬坡作用还会使主要岛屿山脉迎风坡的降水增多,并诱生中小尺度的地形高压。

75、windward truss ─── 上风桁架向风桁架

76、windward chord ─── 上风弦

77、The capital of St. Lucia,in the Windward Islands of the British West Indies. It was founded by the French in 1650. Population,50,798. ─── 圣卢西亚的首府,位于英属西印度群岛的迎风群岛上。由法国人在1650年创建。人口50,798。

78、Nautical To change the course of a ship by turning the stern to the wind while advancing to windward; wear ship. ─── 在向着风的方向前进时,通过使船尾转向风来改变船的航向;船张挂旗。

79、They heeled the sloop well over,skimming it along to windward. ─── 他们使单桅小船倾斜适当,让它顶着风向前滑去。

80、windward wind speed ─── 下风向风速

81、(in sailing)pass on the windward side of(sth) ─── (船航行时)逆风经过(某处)

82、an island country in the central Windward Islands. ─── 向风群岛中部的一个岛国。

83、From the beginning it appeared indistinct on maps, a tiny smudge not much bigger than a ladybug on a windshield, in the windward passage between Haiti and Jamaica. ─── 从一开始,它在地图上看来就若有似无,一个小污点,不比挡风玻璃上的瓢虫大,位于海地到牙买加迎风的航线上。

84、on the windward side ─── 在顶风的一面

85、The metrical equipment of typical fragment s average windward area was designed to measuring the fragment s area of cannonball. ─── 典型破片迎风面积测量设备主要用于弹丸破片迎风面积的测量。

86、In sailing, one basic rule is that the leeward boat has the right-of-way over windward boat. ─── 帆船比赛的一项基本规则是,顺风船应避让逆风船。

87、To change the course of(a ship)by turning the stern windward. ─── 使顺风通过把船尾转向风改变(船)的航向

88、windward bank ─── 向风岸

89、They heeled the sloop well over, skimming it along to windward. ─── 他们使单桅小船倾斜适当, 让它顶着风向前滑去。

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